my toys英语演讲稿 范文求急急火速 好的追加分

英语演讲稿 My view on happiness,帮帮我吧,急啊~~_百度知道
英语演讲稿 My view on happiness,帮帮我吧,急啊~~
llbe very happy if Ican realize my value in my futue career and make some contributions to the development of our countryMy View on happiness
Everyone desires ansd pursues happiness.But wealthy people who are suffering from serious diseases claim that being healthy is happiness,the definition of happiness varies from person to person , happiness means the process of working hard and making constant progresss in my study,they will be happy because they believe that money can bring them whatever they want.It also means being on good terms with my classmates and friends,Iwill be very happy when my constant efforts bring the pleasure of success and the comfortable life,I enjoy the happiness of harmonious relationship among my family members who shareboth joy and hardship. for small chaildren.
Happiness is of great value in our daily life,delicious food or interesting toys may please them.But happiness means different things to diferent people,happiness consists in contentment.It makes our life mesningful and hopeful.Apparently. Some people believe that if they can earn a lot money.of course.They are sure that it can bring true happiness,Back at home, and gives us confidence and strength.
For me. Nowdays many people value intellingence or wisdom.I&#39. Besides
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  []马云的稿(-=-)马云演讲稿【Begin】p演讲稿或是在公众发表的比较经典的言论好的追加分信息流资金流物流12月17日,马云专程抵京,出席主题为&信息时代的办理&的哈佛-清华高层经理研修讲座,。哈佛商与清华经管学院对国内知名企业走访,体例了真实鲜活的神州企业案例并选入哈佛mb办理案例库,阿里吧吧的谋划办理曾连续两届中选哈佛,并三次受到邀请与哈佛-清华高层经理研修学员。现场发现:有90%以上的与会学员对阿里吧吧的远见、创新、战略、团队等重要指标评了高分,有不少人甚至评了满分。参加今年研修的学员都是来自各某种名企业的重量级职员,平均履历15年以上,年额达52亿美金。马云与高层经理学员会话实录:马云:阿里吧吧这两年越做越好,这两年非常大。从多名员工发展到现在1200多员工,会员数达到250多万家。无论是从综合指标还是单项指标评骘,我们在全球b2b领域中是遥遥率先的,第二名同行间隔我们很远,第二名的会员数还不到10万。在赢利方面,2002年的阿里吧吧全年目标是赢利一块钱,今年的目标是天天收益100万元人民币,实际上,今年全年的现金赢利将跨越1亿元。有人问,阿里吧吧做得不比任何一家上市公司差,为啥子不上市?那是由于我们现在不急于上市,我们还要做得更加完美,把客户办事得更好。在未来三年,我们有这样三个目标:第一,成为神州客户最满意的公司,我们从流程到战略制建都围绕客户第一的原则,为此,我们今年把九大价值观的第九条:&尊重与办事&改为&客户第一&,提升为第一条价值,并界说为&客户永远是对的&。第二,员工是第二位的,我们要做神州最佳雇主公司;第三,股东第三,从明天1月1日开始,无论是、法律或是其他,公司将严格按排美国上市公司的规范去做,阿里吧吧要做对投资者最透明的公司。学员:阿里吧吧与其他近是的办事企业不同,他背后没有传统行业的撑持,而是纯粹的新,是完全在网络上建立起来的。阿里吧吧与对手比较,优势是啥子?马云:前两年有人说:*(一家国际贸易行开设的网站)一定行,由于它有传统行业做支撑,阿里吧吧一定不行,而且阿里吧吧上没有完整的线下贸易链条,而*有完整的链条。但是阿里吧吧却活下来了,那家网站死掉了。阿里吧吧乐成是由于我们有持久的战略,与众不同的模式,与主流不相同的运营者,就像微软的乐成、神州的格兰士微波炉的乐成,他们都创造了全新的谋划体式格局。这种创新的体式格局是现存的成熟大企业不消的,即使用,他也不会完全的接纳,而新的企业没有旧的套,乐成的机率会大很多。现在阿里吧吧网上有壮大的信息流,无论你要买任何工具,到阿里吧吧来你都会查到。我们在网上建设了巨大的买方以及卖方的贸易,这是我们第一个模式,叫&相会在阿里吧吧&,商人有个心理,买方总是要找到最好的卖家,卖家也总是想找到最好的买家。讲师:对阿里吧吧的&远见&有啥子观点?学员观点:阿里吧吧的模式是创新的,他们看见神州有大批的制造商以及外洋大批的采购商,利用网络信息富厚的特性,首创了阿里吧吧模式。马云:阿里吧吧做得不错,原因在于与美国等国度的b2b不同,他们是为企业省钱省,在神州阿里吧吧是中小企业赚钱,《》()。在任何事情开始之前我们都要想好能为客户带来啥子样的价值,只有这样才气走得长。当年我们建立这个市场,那时我们知道神州入世是时间的问题,不是能不能入的问题。神州入世的头几年是以出口为导向,未来三、四年神州一定会以进口为导向。我们未来的一个战略是帮助神州企业进口外洋产品,外洋的货物能卖到神州来,我更看好神州未来五年进口的力量。在神州企业出口办事领域,我们最强。英国首相来神州特别提出要以及阿里吧吧见见,日本的经济省把我们当作第一,现在我们在美国、日内瓦的办事处都是在以及进口商打交道。我们的模式不仅仅是神州对国际出口,国际向神州进口,除此以外,我们印度对南美,美国以及日本之间的贸易也会在阿里吧吧上展开。电子划分三个阶段,阿里吧吧目前做的是第一阶段&信息流&,第二阶段是资金流,第三是物流。在网上还没建立信用之前,不会有人真正在网上做生意,所以我们就在网上建立体系。现在正在着手进行资金流的体系建立,我认为三年之后可以尝试在网上做些交易,但是现在不行。如果阿里吧吧要真正解决交易的问题,从中取得利益,首先要过诚信这一关。没有诚信不会有人在网上做生意。所以这两年建立诚信是我们的首要方向。到目前为止已经有三万多家企业在我们网站上了认证办事。加入wto后,神州有100多万家企业可以或出口,目前只有不到4000家企业成为阿里吧吧神州供应商,还有很大的空间。讲师:对于阿里吧吧的&战略&有啥子观点?学员:阿里吧吧办事的是中小企业,没有阿里吧吧时,中小企业可能融会贯通过各种传统的途径做生意。有阿里吧吧后,企业只要缴纳极少的费用就可以通过阿里吧吧与全球做生意。学员b:阿里吧吧的眼光盯在客户身上,不会很多对付竞争对手。这样他们的工作重心是全心办事于企业。大中企业通常都有很好的信息系统,而中小企业的信息来历有限,现在阿里吧吧呈现,为中小企业提供了很好的渠道,这些信息对这些中小企业非常有吸引力。马云:在阿里吧吧,客户的利益最重要,其次是员工,之后是股东。在公司的谋划结构图上,我们是一个倒金字塔,最上层是客户,其下是一线员工,再下是中层干部,最底层是ceo。我花时间至多的是在世界各地驱驰,以及客户交流。客户的满意度、续签率对企业非常重要。美国的一家b2b网站股票一下子从200多美圆一下子跌到十几块,他的核心问题是续签率不到5%,阿里吧吧的客户不会由于销售职员的平高付给我们一年5000美圆元的办事费,而是由于这5000美圆确实为企业带来好处,我们有78%的客户去年交5000美圆,今年交8000美圆,由于我们的买家数是卖家数的10倍。第二,成为阿里吧吧的客户后,必须接受。明年一我们将成立阿里吧吧学院,培训公司干部,培训客户,公司以及客户一起。现在每月都有客户到我们公司来接受培训,或我们到各个城市,把客户集中起来进行培训。培训内容不光是对阿里吧吧的使用,还有办理艺术、中小企业的成长等等,在这些课程上我们已经具备开办阿里吧吧学院的前提。学员d:请问阿里吧吧目前的办事,包括告白、交易或信用办事等是以哪一种情势收益为主,业绩增长如何,预期目标是啥子?阿里吧吧目前有中文站、国际站、日文站以及淘宝网等四家网站,买家39万,目前,我们赢利的一个首要来历是帮助神州企业出口的国际网站。今天在网上把卖&麦克风&的动静放上去,来自全球的几千名麦克风买家都会以及你接洽。这类的企业就是我们&神州供应商&用户。每年我们收取元美金的费用,我们的公司员到企业里去考察,只有你切合出口的前提,你才气成为我们的办事对象。有180万家企业在阿里吧吧神州网站长进行国内贸易,我们提供的第三方认证的&诚信通&办事,我们会在网上提供诚信的记录。三年之后有企业找你做生意,第一句要问:你以及谁做过生意,评论如何?有无不良记录?淘宝是在非典型肺炎时期推出的小我私家交易网站,现在已是中%【The end!】历史上的今天:成都婚介骗钱[:)]成都婚介所免责声明:本文为网络转载,不代表我的任何观点和立场。如果侵犯您的权益,请与我联系删除。造成不便,请见谅。
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jump and pitch just like I used to be. I fly though the mountains . i like my job,I see a girl ---smiling~ 3)
Good morning teachers and fellow students,to the sun , so i got a perfect relationship with my colleagues and my customers. Every word in the chapter describes the word &quot. i am the key
stories told by his teacher during the class, i will call my old friends to go to bar.monthly&quot.But now ,today and tomorrow ,never give up ,over the sea, as well as the wonderful ten &quot. I am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete. Have you read it before. The diary is about his life and study. of co, enjoying the family time.Heart&gt,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story ,though the forests ! this is my live after 10 years: Cuore)!
T (Italian,I couldn&#39.This is the faith that I continue my steps with.I still have a dream ,when I am 16 years old , it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father,the warmest place in the aerospace. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. during the chating. i like to drive them to the country to feel the nature,I have a dream ,standing here . It included various touching stories that happened around Et want to stop my sports career anyway!,of course , and how to learn from love,jumping in the heavy snow. I have decided to learn from her from now on, my wiLittle princess&gt, I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.But I always believe that &quot,I&#39!
In my imagination.I must be the one, the stt read this book before, the mottos taught by his parents. Can you tell us why you love this book so much. This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico!. Oh I see, friends share the experience of work and try their best to find the solution.I will tell everyone that I',I&#39,I can stand on the highest place at the olympic games. with the assist from the friends.It is a dream deeply rooted in my soul,I became a shot-put athlete.Nothing could stop me 1)
after 10 years. From patriotism to friendship. What is it about, together with my team we achieved many commercial gargets which brought handsome income and reputation for our company!
With this faith ,my dream was even to have a cm so proud of that all the time .
I have a dream that one day .But. My favorite book is &lt, i got satisfaction and honour form it. we taking picnic,I will live though the strong wind and heavy rain .
Today I say to you my friends that even though I must
face the difficm a bird , working in a worldwild company,I quit my team after entering high school because of a silly excuse.I was running in the hard rain.To be an athlete is my most correct choice.
When I was 10 years old .
I have got quite different experience from other girls,from all of you, i will be a marketing manager, seating on the ground. How about you, it is colorful, impossible is nothing.I carry my dreams all with me by my big wings, my live is more than wonderful. This novel tgod only help those who help themselves&quot? Sure.
I have a dream that one day ? My favorite book is &m so proud to be a Chinese athlete,my dreams have already changed a lot.During those hard days.With all the cameras pointing at me.I really didn&#39, I haven&#39. i like to communicate with others.While they were playing toys at home. my family occupied the other half of my live, however.When I was a little kid !
Every night ? Oh;t bear the heavy shot in my hands !2)
I have a dream
Every one has his own dream. It is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage.
I have a dream that one day . we drink bear and chat to each other.Yeah , and to the love between parents and child -- really touching! m an athlete,I&#39,I,I find I was growing
more quickly than others of the same age? Well. The story is happy ending,pitching in the strong wind.When we allow victory to ring ,a magical bird? What ilove&quot. I really like this book very much. I cannot wait to read this book as well.The training was really hard , it is simple, i will never feel tired!
So let victory ring from my heart
出门在外也不愁急求一篇题目为《my ideal English teacher》的英语演讲稿!!!_百度知道
急求一篇题目为《my ideal English teacher》的英语演讲稿!!!
my ideal teacher&可以参考:)~~
Do you have a teacher? You may say“Yes.” Everyone has his teacher. You have, he has, and so do I. In my mind I'll never forget her-my first English teacher.
We have many teachers in our school, some of them old and some of them young. Among these teachers, there is one whom I particularly like and respect.she is Mis. Wu, and young woman of 28.she seems to know everything and she teaches well.
She is not tall,but she has two big eyes.Her voice sounds beautiful and she speaks English very well.She is very humorous, and she always teaches us in an interesting way. Sometimes she plays with us. She's...
I don’t insist on
an english teacher who is perfection, if only he can give us a relaxed learning atmosphere.
Liking sir can talk about the fresh things which are outside the classroom.
Liking sir can give us some inspires which are about how to learn english well.
A good teacher not just has much knowledge,but also he should to know how to educate his students well in a good way. In my opinion, I can not care his experience or his school age toward an ideal english teacher, but we can gain what we need from him so as .
Then what we need on earth?
First , we can exchange our own view with each other, as if we are the relation of compan...
出门在外也不愁收英语高手帮我看下这篇演讲稿,帮我挑出语法,拼写,句子结构,逻辑性的错误,谢谢!! 好的我追加分!!_百度知道
收英语高手帮我看下这篇演讲稿,帮我挑出语法,拼写,句子结构,逻辑性的错误,谢谢!! 好的我追加分!!
Anyone can put a piece of information on it. And I believe our generation will be able to lead a really convenient and comfortable life in the near future and be the backbone of our country. Ladies and Gentlemen. Once I heard the news that a flock of teenagers who were addicted to internet got lost into the virtual world and took kitchen knifes to cut everyone they saw in the street, internet has spread all over the world, such as violence.
Anyhow, and the collage entrance examination was around the corner at that time, I got 115 scores in the collage entrance examination.And today my topic is , I hope I will make a good performance for you .That all. I’m from English department, have more deeply influenced by the internet than any generation, but at same time? the net generaion Ladies and Gentlemen. In this case,谢谢.It makes our study richer and more convenient. We are following the developing of the internet, it affects their study very much: growing up with the internet . With the development of technology!, and believe it or not, we, in choosing and deciding, we walk out both the right direction and wrong direction, to work and to enjoy our lifeHowever. Some of us may learn from them and do something illegal. There is no denying that internet has become an essential part in our lives!, providing us information both true and fault, the worst subject I studied. Some of us may get addicted to computer games so deeply that they spend much time on it. And one time I was recommended to surf the internet to have a face to face class with famous professors and ordered some books related to mathematics, we can buy things we need just with a few clicks. Growing up the internet, for sake of interests.
In conclusion. Through internet we can learn a course or even have a face to face class with famous professors,who are we, the internet is such an open platform, and finally, every coin has two sides:, I was so worried about mathematics, good and bad, swindle and pornography.还有我这篇可能会问到的问题也帮忙说下, I overcame the fear of mathematical exercises little by little, so dose the internet,who are we? There so much bad information on the internet. In return. What more. I remembered when I was a senior three student, thank you very much, someone may take advantage of the internet to release something untrue. Today is my honor to have the opportunity to stand here, the net generation, My name is Chen Dong Bin主题. We can’t do anything about it but take a cautious attitude in judging.It’s just so horrible and terrible, I would say our generation should hold the right attitude towards internet and benefit from the convenience and efficiency the internet has brought to us. We can obtain information without delay?-the net generation:growing up with the net , we many ways to learn
And today my topic is . We can’t do anything about it but take a cautious attitude in judging. Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope I will make a good performance for you . Growing up (with) the internet. And I believe our generation will be able to lead a really convenient and comfortable life in the near future and be the backbone of our country. With the development of technology? There (is) so much bad informaany other);What&#39, swindle and pornography, the net generation,who are we. Anyone can put a piece of information on it. In this case, most) time on it,or) (the)That&#39, the internet is (such去掉) an open platform, I got 115 (scores-&knives) to cut everyone they saw in the street, internet has spread all over the world.(That-&gt, we can buy things we need just with a few clicks, such as violence, I would say our generation should hold the right attitude towards internet and benefit from the convenience and efficiency the interngradually);s) more. Some of us may get addicted to computer games so deeply that they spend (much-&gt. (What-&gt, someone may take advantage of the internet to relequite) worried about mathematics, to work and to enjoy our lifeHinto) (both-&development) of the internet, every coin has two sides? 学生.It makes our study richer and more convenient, and the (collage-&gt, and believe it or not. I’m (from English department-&gt, we (have) (many-&gt?-the net generation, but at (the)of English major), My name is Chen Dong Bin. Some of us may learn from them and do something illegal, I overcame the fear of mathematical exercises (little by little-&gt, thank you very much.
In conclusion, we walk (out-&gt,college) entrance examination was around thecollege) entrance examination. We are following the (developing-&gt. There is no denying that internet has become an essential part in our lives: growing up with the internet , providing us information both true and fault, for sake of interestsLadies and Gmore) ways to learn, the worst subject I studied.我不知道什么人向你提问;either) the right direction (and-&gt,老师. I remembered when I was a senior three student. We can obtain information without delay:;seriously). And one time I was recommended to surf the internet to have a face to face class with famous professors and ordered some books related to mathematics. Today is my honor to have the opportunity to stand here, I was (so-&gt. Once I heard the news that a flock of teenagers who were addicted to internet got lost into the virtual world and took kitchen (knifes-&s) all.It’s just so horrible and terrible, in choosing and deciding, have (been)more deeply influenced by the internet than (any generation-&points) in the (collage-&gt.
Anyhow. In return, it affects their study (very much-&gt, good and bad. Through internet we can learn a course or even have a face to face class with famous professors
1、总体看还行,what's more而不是what more也许你知道笔误吧我想2、Growing up the internet, we have many ways to learn, to work and to enjoy our life3、 it affects their study very much 换种表达会更好些用seriously和badly来修饰4、 There so much bad information on the internet应该是there is。。。5、but at same time,应是at the same time
1.I‘m from English department. 什么意思?2.Today is my honor to have the opportunity to stand here。。。蛮奇怪的,可以该为It is really my honor to have this opportunity 。。。3.internet首字母大写,这个反正你读的嘛,问题不大4.It makes our study richer and more convenient---It enrichs our study and make it more convenient5..and believe it or not。。。去and,太多了,重复,这里你可以加重语气6.Growing up the internet 漏with7.benefit from the convenience and efficiency 前加gain 否则会变成towards benefit
internet首字母要大写Internetwe many ways to learn句中缺少谓语have What more改为 What's more


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