
请以Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet 为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。_百度知道
请以Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet 为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。
almost everyone can post or edit information, read, it&#39. Also, as we become more and more relient on the internt,可以把第一段和最后一段剪掉;s advantages and disadvantages should not be forgotten, on the internet。如果觉得太长。希望对你有帮助, learn. The advantages and disadvantages becomes increasingly prominate. People can shop. On the internet.There are also disadvantages, this makes online fraud and identitity theft increasingly popular and easy.Therefore, everyone is invisisble, interact and a whole lot more from their computer desk. 这个我是以作文的形式写的. It draws the world closer and
makes lifes faster, which means information on the web are not always accurateAs human enters a age of information technology.The advantages are that internet made life much more convenient and effcient
? for an ongoing discussion of subject recruitment, but online a subject can get distracted or simply lose intereyou may discontinue participation at any time without any consequences or losing your entry in the lottery. One issue here is that sometimes DSL providers give the same IP address to multiple peopleSome subjects may try to participant in the same study more than once To overcome this problem, and then look for duplicates.&quot, and also identify those subjects who take an extrordinary long amount of time to finish the study, so you can identify the average length of time of your study. Some subjects may stop the study and then continue minutes/s typically require a statement in the consent form saying something to the effect of &lottery&quot, you can ask for the email addresses of each participant, but with any type of monetary incentive IRB&#39, you can overcollect the number of subjects you think you need to offset the number of subjects who dor address of each subject, so asking for name&#47. Some subjects may drop out of the study before finishing In traditional laboratory-based research its unusual for a subject to walk out of a study. One advantage of online studies is that you can record how long the subject is taki as incentive to have the subject part Since a certain number of online subjects wont finish the study. How do I get subjects as incentive to participate (e;hours later The problem here is that some studies involve manipulations which may lose power if there is a time lag between the manipulation and maddress is necessary to award the lottery check. Since nowadays its easy for people to create multiple email addresses. See How to recruit subjects online. You can also collect the IP address of each participant and look for duplicates.g, you can also ask for name and/lottery&quot? There is no single answer to this question and you may have to try a number of things before you find something that works for your study, you can identify those subjects who may have rushed through the study. Sometimes researchers will have a &quot, depending on the subject matter and incentives you are offering, usually around 10-20%. Some subjects may rush through the study Since you can record how long each subject is participating in the study, $100 lottery prize for each 400 participants). Sometimes researchers will have a &quot
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可能有帮助请以“On the Internet”为题写一篇字数120词左右的短文,急!急!急!_百度知道
请以“On the Internet”为题写一篇字数120词左右的短文,急!急!急!
Meanwhile. We should be more careful when shopping on the internet. And also people with ill will might cheat the innocent purchasers, shopping on the internet has become more and more popular all over the world. They argue that it is a risk to shop on the internet---you do not know for sure the things you want are of good quality, but it is still not that perfect. Some consider shopping on the internet a much better way. HoweverShopping on the InternetWith the development of modern technique, for it is so convenient, the use of internet in the sphere of commerce has raised many controversies, there are also many people concerning about the security of shopping in the virtual world. They can get all kinds of goods in a very short time without covering a long distance to the market by themselves---the only thing to do is to click the mouse.As a conclusion, shopping on the internet has made our life easier and more efficient. Many people have become accustomed to this kind of commerce
出门在外也不愁以shopping. on. the. lnternet为题用英语写一篇80词左右的英语短文_百度知道
以shopping. on. the. lnternet为题用英语写一篇80词左右的英语短文
smell. Besides, or tastewhat they want. Additionally. They don&#39. But we should be verycareful when we decide which item to buyand which company is trustworthy, more and more people do shoppingonline, shopping online is convenient indeed,they doubt whether the companies will deliver the right items at right time toa right place.
In my opinion,air tickets and so on. They can buy anything at any time they like with acomputer hooked onto the Internet. Instead of going out oftheir home, such as books.
As for this new phenomenon, they can purchase whatever they want online only by clicking themouse. While othersbelieve tht feel certain about their choice, clothes.They may say good-bye to the exhausting journey of searching, people have different attitude towards it. Somethink that doingshopping online istime and energy-saving, we should guard against thehackers who intend to steal ouraccount passwordsWith the popularity of the Internet
>>>书面表达。 根据图片内容, 请以第一人称的形式写一篇60词左右的英..
& 根据图片内容, 请以第一人称的形式写一篇60词左右的英语短文。& 要求:语句通顺;语法正确。
&&&&&&& ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
&&&& One day, on my way home, I saw a little girl crying. She said she got lost and couldn't find her way &home. I found a telephone number in her pocket. I called her mother. I played with her until her mother &came. She was very happy to see her mother. Her mother thanked me. I felt very happy because I helped& others. 答案不唯一
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“书面表达。 根据图片内容, 请以第一人称的形式写一篇60词左右的英..”主要考查你对&&图画作文&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
图画作文:就是根据给出的一幅或几幅图画所提供的信息写短文。此类题的体裁较广泛,可以是记叙文、说明文,也可以是议论文。图画作文的注意事项:1. 认真读图,把握中心。一般说来,所给的几幅图都是围绕一个中心展开的。它们讲述的通常是一个小故事或小事件,这个小故事或小事件就是这组图画所要表达的中心。2. 初步构思,考虑用词、短语、句型和时态。在把握了文章的中心后,应在内心构思一个基本的框架,并考虑使用恰当的词语、短语和句型,以充分地表达文章的内容。尽可能地充分利用所学的短语或句型来表述具体的内容。这是体现自身能力的重要一环。3. 连词成句,然后再连句成文。运用适当的单词或短语正确表达各图的意思。然后再将各图的单个句子串连起来。串连时,要注意使用适当的连接词语或过渡性语句,不至于让读者觉得文章中出现跳跃现象,更使上下文更为紧凑、自然。4. 反复审核,修改错误。一篇文章写好后,应进行检查,看短文中是否有错,如拼写、用词、时态、语态及表达方面的错误。5. 宜详则详,该略则略。对于一些细节方面的内容,如果是文章必不可少的,在写作过程中是不可将其忽略的。如果是可有可无的细节,则可视具体情况进行增删。据此,我们在读图时一定要注意阅读各图中的一些细节内容,看其是否影响文章的内容。6. 注意所给的汉语提示。一般说来,看图写话中的汉语提示往往给定了有关的时间、地点、人物等相关的信息,有的还规定了文章所采用的体裁,如使用书信、留言、日记等。因此,在审题时我们一定要注意所给的汉语提示。7. 文章中少用复句,多用单句;少用直接引语,代之间接引语。写好看图作文要注意以下几个方面: 1. 看图作文通常有一定得提示,所以在动笔前一定要通读提示,弄懂写作要求,如时间、地点、人物、事件发生地的先后顺序等。&2. 图画是作文的依据,要仔细观察分析图画的画面,弄清画面所反映的真实内涵或蕴含的某种哲理。 3. 找出图中事物之间的内在联系。如果多幅图画,就要分析画与画之间的内在联系及画中人物、事物之间的逻辑联系。要根据画面情景展开联想。 4. 反复阅读所给的关键词,并以此为线索从中悟出试题设计者要阐述的中心思想。 常用句型: ①I was walking in a park when…happened.&② I find it hard for me to…&③ In my opinion, I think…&④ The picture tells us… 看图作文就是要求根据图画(或表格)的内容展开合理的想像,写出文章的一种写作方式。看图作文应做到以下几点:(1)认真读图,弄清大意:读图时要充分理解图画所表达的内容,弄清图中的人物在干什么,弄清图画背景与人物之间的联系,弄清事情发生的经过。(2) 理出要点,拟定提纲:读图之后,要根据图画表达的主要内容,理出表达的要点。列出要点时要注意分清主次,不能看到图中有什么就认为什么要写。看图作文时描述图画内容是不可取的,应充分展开想像使图画活起来。理出要点之后,就可以根据要点拟定提纲,即把整个图画中要表达的内容先用一句话写下来。(3) 紧扣要点,扩写成文:在列出要点后,依据已经写出来的话语扩写成一篇短文。扩写时,可运用想象适度发挥,紧扣图画的内容,进行适当叙述,连贯通顺即可。(4) 通读短文,修正错误:写好文章之后应通读全文进行检查。在检查时,应着重看短文是否扣住图画的内容,要点是否有遗漏。同时,还要注意有无语法错误,如时态、人称等,是否符合文体特点、格式等等。
与“书面表达。 根据图片内容, 请以第一人称的形式写一篇60词左右的英..”考查相似的试题有:


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