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UID151374&帖子34&精华0&积分0&资产0 信元&发贴收入170 信元&推广收入0 信元&附件收入0 信元&下载支出220 信元&阅读权限10&在线时间6 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
UID194408&帖子15&精华0&积分0&资产0 信元&发贴收入80 信元&推广收入0 信元&附件收入0 信元&下载支出155 信元&阅读权限10&在线时间4 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
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好东西啊 找好久了 谢谢啊
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UID271597&帖子1088&精华0&积分8562&资产8562 信元&发贴收入5885 信元&推广收入0 信元&附件收入9298 信元&下载支出6747 信元&阅读权限50&在线时间351 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
[通过 QQ、MSN 分享给朋友]零度软件园&您的位置:{$site_nav}&软件分类软件名称软件等级软件大小用户评分&[]& 295.2M&&[]& 451KB&&[]& 8.6M&&[]& 800KB&&[]& 114KB&&[]& 59.6M&&[]& 40.5M&&[]& 47.6M&&[]& 64.4M&&[]& 621.9M&&[]& 409.7M&&[]& 48.1M&&[]& 16.40G&&[]& 23.7M&&[]& 45.6M&&[]& 26.5M&&[]& 738KB&&[]& 28M&&[]& 65M&&[]& 6.3M&&[]& 28.2M&&[]& 67.2M&&[]& 18M&&[]& 330.8M&&[]& 13.2M&&[]& 1.30G&&[]& 578M&&[]& 426.6M&&[]& 155.8M&&[]& 439.6M&&[]& 136.3M&&[]& 4.7M&&[]& 413KB&&[]& 4.1M&&[]& 4.1M&&[]& 4.7M&&[]& 112KB&&[]& 289KB&&[]& 34.4M&&[]& 150KB&&[]& 448KB&&[]& 3.3M&&[]& 295KB&&[]& 623KB&&[]& 312KB&&[]& 401.1M&&[]& 4M&&[]& 81.1M&&[]& 4KB&&[]& 823KB&&[]& 0&KB&&[]& 357.6M&&[]& 177.7M&&[]& 266.5M&&[]& 1.10G&&[]& 74.6M&&[]& 1.40G&&[]& 101.4M&&[]& 48.1M&&[]& 85M&&[]& 78.4M&&[]& 347.8M&&[]& 302.4M&&[]& 195.8M&&[]& 165.6M&&[]& 46.6M&&[]& 114.6M&&[]& 15.5M&&[]& 221.8M&&[]& 24.4M&&[]& 51.8M&&[]& 222.6M&&[]& 94KB&&[]& 9.7M&&[]& 267KB&&[]& 726KB&&[]& 174KB&&[]& 428KB&&[]& 422KB&&[]& 352KB&&[]& 19M&&[]& 1.7M&&[]& 2.3M&&[]& 2.7M&&[]& 41KB&&[]& 31KB&&[]& 150KB&&[]& 973KB&&[]& 81M&&[]& 252KB&&[]& 91KB&&[]& 101M&&[]& 2.9M&&[]& 72.8M&&[]& 44.2M&&[]& 49.6M&&[]& 48.6M&&[]& 93.5M&&[]& 4.2M&&[]& 3.9M&&[]& 14KB&&[]& 262.3M&&[]& 14.6M&&[]& 40.7M&&[]& 613KB&&[]& 412KB&&[]& 2.0M&&[]& 5.2M&&[]& 1.1M&&[]& 306.4M&&[]& 134.9M&&[]& 207.8M&&[]& 21.4M&&[]& 1.9M&&[]& 852KB&&[]& 118.4M&&[]& 57.3M&&[]& 351M&&[]& 13G&&[]& 1.40G&&[]& 1.90G&&[]& 88.5M&&[]& 88.6M&&[]& 242.9M&&[]& 65.5M&&[]& 233.9M&&[]& 197.6M&&[]& 382KB&&[]& 2.4M&&[]& 389M&&[]& 114M&&[]& 114M&&[]& 148M&&[]& 473KB&&[]& 6.1M&&[]& 138.5M&&[]& 5KB&&[]& 206KB&&[]& 156KB&&[]& 2.0M&&[]& 82KB&&[]& 3.5M&&[]& 2.9M&&[]& 2.9M&&[]& 2.3M&&[]& 2.3M&&[]& 336KB&&[]& 221KB&&[]& 747KB&&[]& 6.7M&&[]& 15KB&&[]& 2.0M&&[]& 5KB&&[]& 4.6M&&[]& 4.5M&&[]& 1.4M&&[]& 2.7M&&[]& 21KB&&[]& 20.0M&&[]& 1.6M&&[]& 2.6M&&[]& 68.8M&&[]& 16.8M&&[]& 1.9M&&[]& 13KB&&[]& 8.4M&&[]& 92.5M&&[]& 18.9M&&[]& 6.0M&&[]& 11.6M&&[]& 50.1M&&[]& 6.5M&&[]& 7.8M&&[]& 1.7M&&[]& 257KB&&[]& 209.4M&&[]& 247M&&[]& 718.9M&&[]& 278KB&&[]& 537KB&&[]& 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9.1M&&[]& 15.6M&&[]& 26M&&[]& 40.4M&&[]& 159.7M&&[]& 508M&&[]& 67.2M&&[]& 55.4M&&[]& 109.1M&&[]& 75.4M&&[]& 72.8M&&[]& 10G&&[]& 194.3M&&[]& 15M&&[]& 570M&&[]& 502.3M&&[]& 762KB&&[]& 4.0M&&[]& 99.6M&&[]& 1.4M&&[]& 1.2M&&[]& 5.6M&&[]& 5.7M&&[]& 3.2M&&[]& 55KB&&[]& 98KB&&[]& 29KB&&[]& 75.6M&&[]& 73.3M&&[]& 94.7M&&[]& 1.50G&&[]& 2.5M&&[]& 43.8M&&[]& 31.1M&&[]& 402.8M&&[]& 270.3M&&[]& 218.2M&&[]& 73.5M&&[]& 227.7M&&[]& 63.5M&&[]& 602KB&&[]& 562KB&&[]& 2.3M&&[]& 15.5M&&[]& 6.9M&&[]& 1.1M&&[]& 604KB&&[]& 1014M&&[]& 420.5M&&[]& 164.9M&&[]& 578M&&[]& 309.1M&&[]& 750KB&&[]& 959KB&&[]& 253KB&&[]& 249KB&&[]& 166KB&&[]& 2.4M&&[]& 133KB&&[]& 109KB&&[]& 4.5M&&[]& 1014KB&&[]& 937KB&&[]& 41KB&&[]& 6.8M&&[]& 566KB&&[]& 7.0M&&[]& 9.9M&&[]& 2.1M&&[]& 7KB&&[]& 31KB&&[]& 7.1M&&[]& 211KB&&[]& 270KB&&[]& 670KB&&[]& 179KB&&[]& 192KB&&[]& 1.2M&&[]& 113KB&&[]& 35.1M&&[]& 35.1M&&[]& 648M&&[]& 333KB&&[]& 45.2M&&[]& 22.0M&&[]& 436KB&&[]& 608KB&&[]& 21.8M&&[]& 61.1M&&[]& 269KB&&[]& 52.5M&&[]& 28.5M&&[]& 169KB&&[]& 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8.2M&&[]& 110.3M&&[]& 14.1M&&[]& 294.9M&&[]& 4.20G&&[]& 506.7M&&[]& 504.2M&&[]& 87M&&[]& 87M&&[]& 805.6M&&[]& 286.6M&&[]& 299.9M&&[]& 1.50G&&[]& 405M&&[]& 82M&&[]& 313.7M&&[]& 290.2M&&[]& 723.8M&&[]& 72.1M&&[]& 71.8M&&[]& 49.5M&&[]& 1.5M&&[]& 6.6M&&[]& 359.8M&&[]& 5G&&[]& 84.3M&&[]& 10.3M&&[]& 6.0M&&[]& 8.9M&&[]& 59.2M&&[]& 109KB&&[]& 3.9M&&按字母检索&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&
2月22日 03:47上传时间:
将专家系统与C A E技术有效结合在一起,专为压铸企业量身打造的模具方案设计软件
30 分钟, 确定一个流道
1 小时, 验证一个方案
1 工作日, 4到5个方案比较
Cast-Designer是基于前端设计与分析(Upfront Design & Analysis Technology)技术的铸造系统设计与分析软件.“前端”设计与分析的核心就是工程设计人员能在开展产品和模具设计工作的第一天就将专家系统与CAE技术融入进来,并通过先进的计算机技术对铸造过程中的金属流动、热传导和凝固过程进行详细地分析,以便迅速进行工程决策.前端设计与分析业已成为主流设计过程中非常重要的一部分.
Cast-Designer在设计的初期就能够把很多成功或失败的经验考虑进去,优化设 计,避免了在后期花费更多成本和代价.这与当下企业对成本控制的需求不谋而合,也是我们对于”时间就是市场,效率就是生命”的最好诠释.
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7 items from 2014
Even though we lost the legendary
over six years ago now, his legacy and passion for the visual arts still lives on through the
School of Character Arts, which provides educational resources and tools for aspiring make-up effects artists everywhere.Stan&#x2019;s son, , practically grew up in
Studios and continues to preserve&#xA0;the vision his father had for the industry and for the incredible work that special effects artists do each and every day. As we wrap up Daily Dead&#x2019;s first-ever
Week celebration, I thought there couldn&#x2019;t be a better person to discuss how Stan&#x2019;s vision continues to live on through educating aspiring f/x technicians and artists than Matt, who graciously provided us with a wonderful letter for Daily Dead readers and those interested in the
School of Character Arts:&#x201C;Whenever anyone asked dad to name his favorite creation,
- Heather Wixson
Stars: , , , , Alecia &#x2018;&#x2019; Moore, &#xA0;| Written by ,
| Directed by&#xA0;, writer of ,
and The , took to the director&#x2019;s chair for the first time here, with , a story of sex addiction starring the likes of , , , , Alecia &#x2018;&#x2019; Moore and . It&#x2019;s a decent cast and Blumberg is a very good writer, so I was interested to see how he faired as a director, and how this mish-mashed, though very good, cast would do under his guidance.Ruffalo plays Adam, a guy who we meet as he is celebrating his fifth year in sex addiction sobriety. His sponsor, and friend, Mike (Robbins) is also an addict who is juggling his job,
- Chris Cummings
With its icy mountain backdrop and emphasis on using practical effects,
no doubt conjures memories of &#x2019;s&#xA0;. The film&#x2019;s new trailer features a creature that would send familiar chills down the spines of R. J. MacReady and company: an organism that infects humans before undergoing nightmare-inducing mutations.The feature directorial and writing debut of veteran
FX Designer
stars genre legend&#xA0; (, , ) and
(, ), and it&#x2019;s slated for release sometime soon. In addition to the trailer, we have the synopsis and two posters for you to check out:&#x201C;A group of grad students have booked passage on the fishing trawler Harbinger to study the effects of global warming on a pod of Orcas in the Bering Sea. When the ship
- Derek Anderson
Back in May of 2013 we told you about , a tense, claustrophobic creature film that will feature only practical animatronic and makeup effects. We&#x27;ve followed the movie through every phase including a successful crowd funding campaign. Today the hard work and faith pays off! wrote and directed the flick with
co-founder , Jr. producing. , , , and
star.SynopsisA group of grad students have booked passage on the fishing trawler Harbinger to study the effects of global warming on a pod of Orcas in the Bering Sea. When the ship&#x2019;s crew dredges up a recently thawed piece of old Soviet space wreckage, things get downright deadly. It seems that the Russians experimented with tardigrades, tiny resilient animals able to withstand the extremes of space radiation. The creatures survived, but not without mutation. Now the crew is exposed to aggressively mutating organisms.
- Steve Barton
Fire City: Interpreter of Signs is an upcoming demon fantasy thriller set against the noir backdrop of a shadowy atmospheric world, where demons live among humans who are blind to what they really are.The story follows Atum Vine, a 700-year-old demon with an attitude. To the humans who live unwittingly alongside him in a derelict tenement building, Vine is just the drug dealer at the end of the hall. But to the demons also living on the floor, Vine is a procurer of human misery, which they need to survive.
After Vine&#x2019;s flow of addicts shuts off unexpectedly and apparently for no reason, Vine consults Cornelia, an interpreter of signs. She is a fortune teller in the demon world and an enigma even Vine can&#x2019;t quite figure out.We got a chance to catch up with , the young actress who plays Cornelia, during our recent set visit for the film.
- Staci Layne Wilson
The trailer for the directorial debut of Academy Award-winning special effects designer , Jr., a supernatural thriller called , is finally here and the practical effects are nothing short of badass! Dig it!The film centers around a fragile balance that exists between humankind and the demons who secretly live among them and the crisis for all when this balance is broken. , , , , , , , and
star.Shum plays an abusive alcoholic boyfriend who suddenly transforms into a caring and loving person, along with the rest of the humans in his seedy tenement building. Dependent on human misery for survival, the demons in the building begin to starve.Writer-producers
successfully funded a Kickstarter campaign for the film in August 2013 and will go into production this month.
- Steve Barton
Back in May of 2013 we told you about , a tense, claustrophobic creature film that will feature only practical animatronic and makeup effects. Today we have the second set of official images from the movie. Check &#x27;em out!&#x27;
writes and directs.
and its co-production with Dark Dunes Productions will be in full force for Monsterpalooza - March 29th and 30th!&#x22;Join
Inc. as he reveals a sneak peek of his first feature length film, . A fan-favorite amongst Kickstarter, the film, written and directed by , relies on practical creature and make-up effects, created by studioADI... Executive Producer of HD and its co-production of Dark Dunes Productions&#x27;, , and Star , , , Jr., , ,
Martin, D.P
and Suit performer,
- Uncle Creepy
7 items from 2014
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Cast-Designer for solidworks
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