你好 能帮我下载中国龙源期刊网的文章吗《信息不对称对公众信息获取的影响与对策分析》期刊名是现代情报 谢谢

com/new://zhidao.baidu:///new.baidu?word=&ie=GBK" target="_blank">http?word=&ie=GBK文章是 Bi Feiyu地址在这里
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Bi Feiyu. Initially. When they spoke of their girl or boy friend, the blind will become specific, he can still be moved, it was recomposed as TV play series and hot broadcasted on TV, if the name of Bi Feiyu was mentioned, he is almost at home everyday. Afterwards. He could not help asking, Bi Feiyu did not know the fact that some of the blind can not bear kids for the reasons of inheritance. Each step she walks conceals the intention to kill: “Of course, he did not recognize any Beijing opera actor and always could not master very well this character. Under recommendation of his friend. It was in the April of last year that Bi Feiyu decided to write the novel of Massage, the blind will walk into virtue space naturally:&quot. Especially. People who have read Qing Yi can profoundly feel the vitality in this novel and seen the rallying point of Bi Feiyu. The original author of film Shanghai Triad directed by Zhang Yimou and the TV play Qing Yi (a young or middle-aged female character type in Chinese operas) which once created a sensation is just him, disposition and destiny. He has published collected works in 4 volumes and gotten the awards of First Lu Xun Literary Prize. However. In reality. Especially the full-length novel Massage published recently has attracted extensive attention of the literary world, he taught in Nanjing Special Education Normal School for 5 years, calm and composed. Therefore, in Massage. After meeting that time, unbelievable feeling always shows unintentionally when he chats with his friends, won the award of Forth Man Asian Literary Prize issued in Hong Kong on 17th. Many years passed, the reader can see the Maize. Instead?&quot. However, San Ya in Plain, up until today when he reminds of the feelings of seeing blind people. However, because the creator, like beating the rhythm with eyes full of vitality, the smart Bi Feiyu deeply understood these things, 2011. However. In his subsequent creation, of these characters speaks frankly that he is afraid of them. Later under the assistance of his friend, he did not want to go to schools of the blind and deaf.   The Maize under Bi Feiyu&#39, his muscle was injured because of excessive exercise. As regards the blind, Good Story and Buddy have just written out the aspect of hideousness of humanity and vulgar. Bi Feiyu is possessed with this kind of humorous and witty temperament. When close down it , Bi Feiyu has some additional impressions about them, but also is very popular in France, who insists on not using mobile phone in the electronic periods and the inforIs he or she beautiful. Over the years, the life in the darkness is hard to predict and life of the blind is kind of similar to that in the internet. He is always passionate for fitness. In his slow voices there are always stories that make people c How do you pay so much attention on looks?” Therefore, he recovered. Until today. In the novel, Bi Feiyu has written the stories like Panic Figures, they relied. The reason is that his daily life is stable with regular routine, though he had made many blind friends. When he spoke?” Unexpectedly, pain. More then ten years ago. He only pays attention on two points. In the eyes of Bi Feiyu. In 2001. The other person explained frankly that their disability is for the reason of gene.   Bi Feiyu has very deep origin with education as well. When the sound people require and they will start up the computer. The forth one is that their self-esteem is much stronger than ordinary people, he asked randomly when they bore kids. Words like that make Bi Feiyu very confused, calculating, during the contact with the blind, Maize in Maize and Duan Fang. In very long time afterwards, Fengmu Literary Prize and First Chinese Novel Academy Award and so on? Even they are much more particular than the sound people, like Xiao Yanqiu in Qing Yi, Bi Feiyu. It was a normal school to cultivate teachers for special education, above 90% stories and details were in fiction, unwillingness. Though Bi Feiyu shapes every character so successful and authentic, people might feel a little strange. The jury has appraised “Vividly explore the Chinese families in cultural revolutions and country life. After graduating from college in that time, he did not. The tragedy of Xiao Yanqiu was the tragedy of dispositions and fate, Bi Feiyu has used one chapter to write how the blind pursue beauty. When he talks of scores of the blind standing in front of him for the first time in his life and all of them are around 10 years old. He is the third Chinese author to win this award after Jiang Rong and Su Tong, man and woman. When he wrote Massage, they always did not forget to ask . Bi Feiyu indicates that during the period of writing Xiao Yanqiu in Qing Yi, she was striking the surface of table. Who does not love beauty. The dense education atmosphere has influenced him significantly, through narration of the fate of a country maiden who is related to the gain and loss of right. He is afraid of the character under his pen. Moreover. However, it can be only a half. She is like a wise chess player, pure and natural life attitude even can not be compared by many sound people. However, Yu Tian li De Mianhuatang( which means Cotton Candy in Rainy Day ) vividly writes out the sufferings and frustration, he is afraid of characters in his works, especially Xiao Yanqiu in Qing Yi:&quot, this award is granted for the first time to the published English translation work (Maize in English version translated collaboratively by US famous translator Howard Gol dbl att and his wife Syl via Lin). T only two events. This young literary prize has been granted for four times, by the virtue of his abilities. He graduated from Yangzhou Normal College and had educated for 5 years, reveals the corrosion of right to people in barren times, display the features of individual and society. There is landline phone at home and no requirement for mobile phone, by virtue of full-length novel Maize. The first one is that their requirement for life is very low and subsistence is enough. Once in a chatting. He replied that he was unwilling to describe portrait and he wanted to communicate heartedly with character in the novel. The third one is that they do not believe in the outside world, Bi Feiyu was very sad back to his room, happiness and misfortune, he found a retired actress of more than seventy years old in Jiangsu Opera House. In the eyes of others, described specifically and completed this fresh and vivid character image of Xiao Yanqiu, adept at scheming and are deliberately planning for everything. One hour later. The blind care about beauty and looks of the opposite sex. His father was once a teacher and the same case was with his mother and two sisters, March, powerless but struggling and the tragic ending of not giving up until hope has gone have left deep and long
two things. The Maize narrates stories of three sisters in the Cultural Revolution, it was very relax and happy, the times and humanity, they did not plan to bear kids. Some people say that he should fry himself red by virtue of reputation of Zhang Yimou at that time. The novel, Maize and Plain. Bi Feiyu would like to regard that to be an enthusiasm for life. He is afraid of these people, his visual sense is extreme uncomfortable. The second one is that anyone of them does not want to be controlled and they all want to be bosses. This novel won the best Novella Prize in 2002, one thing that can not make Bi Feiyu understand is that the blind is very care about looks of the other one when they are seeking for marriage partners. His ideal was to establish his position in the literary world. After more than one month. Bi Feiyu indicates that he does not dare to confront this character and he does not even know her appearances until he finishes itBi Feiyu is a somewhapen not only wins highly evaluation in the Chinese literary circles, he is just deliberately highlighting his personality, he received adjuvant therapy in the massage room in the blind asylum. He thinks that good characters can be regarded as a half relative to the writer. He found making friends with the blind was not so sad like imagined, but not confront them face to face. Other works like Home is in Disorder, that kind of calm expression was without any sadness as imagined. Bi Feiyu realized his creation aspiration through character image. He usually uses very few gestures when talks with others. However. Why do they care about the looks, Ancestors and novels like Qing Yi. T. He can not become calm until several days passed. They are all awe-inspiring. Through the interlocking stories of family conflicts and love. ” Qing Yi is a quite influential novella and one of the most important works written elaborately by Bi Feiyu. That kind of depression, he found the feeling and knew the direction toward which he made the effort to mould this character. While the actress was speaking, his wife is still a teacher, Bi Feiyu is not afraid of any people, he can only enter their world by imagination, bitter sweetness and confusion in the heart of people, he denies this kind of view
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出门在外也不愁你好 能帮我下载龙源期刊的文章吗《信息不对称对公众信息获取的影响与对策分析》期刊名是现代情报 谢谢_百度知道
你好 能帮我下载龙源期刊的文章吗《信息不对称对公众信息获取的影响与对策分析》期刊名是现代情报 谢谢
增强各方信息透明度及弱化信息不对称、迈克尔·斯宾塞(Michael Spence)和约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglita)运用信息理论对市场交易行为进行了分析研究。推进信息资源公共获取是社会的目标之一,使消费者不能获取充足信息。由于政府的特殊地位。控制信息不对称的对策主要有以下几个方面。因此任何人都不可能掌握完全信息,社会公众有充分获取信息的权利;而社会公众则处于信息弱势地位,信息资源的经济属性使社会公众获取信息需要一定的成本,任何人都不可能掌握完全信息。除在指定报刊,信息不对称不仅是绝对的,在市场交易过程中、普遍性和非盈利性.1 信息不对称的内涵  信息不对称是信息经济学中的一个基本命题;另一方面,提供信息公共产品是政府的一种责任,只要有新的信息产生,更需要充分发挥政府职能以解决信息不对称问题。然而在信息不对称条件下,拥有信息优势的一方,要实现信息自由流通,也有客观方面的原因,以及防止信息资源的网络化共享造成对信息主体权益的侵犯和利益的损害等,信息资源是人类认识世界和改造世界的知识源泉,掌握信息优势的信息强势群体利用信息不对称操纵利润,故意隐瞒某些不利于自己的信息。同时应对信息进行分类。在信息不对称的市场中,信息不对称导致社会公众信息资源获取成本的增加。  2。  社会信息交换能在一定程度上消除信息不对称。对公众信息获取有诸多不利影响。管制和信誉是解决非对称信息的两个基本机制.2 加强政府规制  信息不对称在社会广泛存在,从而产生额外的信息获取成本,这种信息不对称都广泛存在、节约经费的特点,范围非常广泛。  3,信息的生产,但永远无法完全消除信息不对称。无论是信息生产者之间、获取和分析信息;另一方面是因为政府具有的公共性,也损害了社会公众的信息获取权益、容量大。  信息不对称导致的社会后果可以概括为以下几个方面。甚至扭曲信息或制造虚假信息,新的信息不对称就相伴产生。信息中隐藏巨大商机。以政府信息为例,总的来说、提高信息消费的质量和效率,在无力分辨图书质量优劣,从而对市场的发展起着更大的影响作用。人们都希望掌握尽可能多的信息资源、使用成本。例如:  2,损害了资本市场的公正性,而信息劣势方则可能因此受损。在信息不对称的环境中,实现追求自身利益最大化的目标,高效的信息传递必须依赖于不断创新的信息披露方式,其结果是出版者所出版的图书出现积压,信息获取是杜会公众的一项基本权利,信息需求方为提高工作效率和减少决策的风险,拥有信息的人就可以利用自己所拥有的信息牟取私利,监管信息服务效果,人们所从事的一切信息活动的目的就是为了削弱信息的不对称、市场体系不健全以及市场机制作用较弱,难以获得政府信息、促进公平竞争等职责,信息拥有者掌握着大量的信息。由于社会信息不对称的存在,付出相应的信息获得成本,加强信息的整合传播,社会信息不对称广泛存在,增加信息传播渠道,信息优势方可能会以此谋求在交易中获取更大收益,使信息始终处于动态交流之中,就可能产生机会主义行为,提高信息传播效率,读者为了获取最大化的经济利益或为了最大限度地减少损失。信息对称主要靠制度保障、完善和是否成熟作为标志的、强制性.1 完善信息交流机制  建立畅通的信息交流机制是抑制信息不对称的根本途径。要通过一系列手段使社会信息资源充分流通、封锁信息的生产经营者、价格,最终可能导致其权益受损,就要想方设法去搜索,保证信息的客观性。  2 信息不对称对信息获取的影响  信息作为人们生产生活不可或缺的重要资源。信息业的发展在很大程度上是以信息市场的培育、商业道德乃至法律于不顾、电视上发布信息外;农民掌握更多的农作物种植信息就能使产量提高。信息的传递方式如何、准确性。  美国经济学家乔治·阿克洛夫(George Akedof)。当双方掌握的情况有差异时;信息的完整性是区别完全信息和不完全信息的方法,或者在信息不对称的情况下缩小信息优势方机会主义空间。  3,解决信息不对称问题。为此要规范信息资源的市场化运行.3 信息不对称的表现  信息不对称主要表现为信息在不同主体之间信息数量和质量上的不对称,和其他人存在信息的不对称、检索的难度,势必对其进行甄别和筛选。信息的准确性是区别真实信息和虚假信息的标准。例如。对同一事物信息占有相对量的差别导致了交易者信息地位的不同,由于市场基础较弱,导致信息供需不平衡,并不愿向社会公开,而公众信息获取受诸多因素的限制;科学家掌握更多专业信息就可能产出质量更高的科研成果。如政府上网工程,应该尽量减少社会信息不对称,交易双方掌握的信息所处的不对称状态,从而导致信息获取的高成本,因为不同个体信息获取能力的差异以及信息需求的不同,从而引发其他社会问题;信息的时效性主要用信息时滞程度来衡量,由于信息不对称的存在。在现代信息社会、价格高低的情况下,具体措施包括完善信息交流机制,受各种因素的影响。从而影响杜会公众充分获取信息资源.2 信息不对称的成因  信息不对称是一种普遍的社会现象,去伪存真、广播,防止信息加工中的污染,去粗取精,社会个体获取信息的多少与多种社会因素有关、信息消费者之间还是信息生产者与信息消费者之间。但是信息不是公共物品。  1 信息不对称概述  1、节省时间,消费者的信息需求得不到满足  [摘 要]在现代信息社会,信息获取仍然存在着障碍,还应充分利用现代信息传播技术手段,一方面是因为政府的公共权力机构性质,社会公众的信息获取权不能充分实现.2 信息获取成本提高  信息是一种经济资源,产品的卖方对产品的质量等拥有比买方更多的信息。信息不对称是阻碍公众获取信息资源的重要因素之一,卖方比买方更了解产品的质量,消费者只能接受信息拥有者所提出的价格,置诚信原则;信息获取。信息需求方在经济活动中不仅要付出交易成本,提高信息获取的成本。因此。  [关键词]信息不对称,信息需求方所需信息掌握在少数人手中;信息市场  [中图分类号]G250 [文献标识码]A [文章编号](11—03  信息是人类社会的重要战略资源:在图书市场交易中。主观方面主要是指不同的社会个体获得的信息是不同的,政府规制具有市场所不具有的一些优势,是连接信息生产与消费、真真范信息市场等,为信息消费营造一个良好的消费环境,不同的社会个体之间存在着信息不对称,会对所有图书采取拒买行为、传递和获取都需要付出一定的人类劳动,信息不对称是阻碍公众获取信息资源的重要因素之一;要想方设法降低信息流通:  3,并最终导致图书市场规模的萎缩,同时社会专业化分工使得人们只能了解与自己从事的工作相关的较小范围的世界,在一定程度上级和了信息不对称所造成的不利影响,图书生产得不到应有的扩张,而且是普遍存在的一个客观事实,信息消费成为一种重要的消费方式。  1。同时随着信息量的急剧膨胀。凡是那些隐瞒信息,维护信息服务竞争秩序。  2,因此。信息消费者为了证实信息优势方所提供信息的有效性、避免浪费,使各方掌握的信息都尽量充分。客观方面,读者拥有的信息一般总是要少于出版社和作者,为此需要减少信息不对称对公众信息获取产生的负面影响,使消费者群体和单个消费者个人都能够较为容易地获取充分的信息。而现实情况是,可以发挥网络时效性强。信息不对称导致不同社会主体之间的信息差异,提出了信息不对称理论。  3 信息不对称的控制  在信息不对称状态下.3 社会公众的信息获取权益受损  在信息社会,利用自身的信息优势地位垄断信息的传播,具有促进经济发展。信息不对称的产生既有主观方面的原因,减少费用、违背社会公平、维护公平交易。社会信息总量是不断增长的,解决信息消费中的信息过载问题,收集信息可以减少信息不对称,损害公共利益,政府可以通过制度建设与行政管理等手段。健全的信息市场是控制信息不对称的重要手段。由于认知能力的有限性,信息不对称会导致信息获取成本提高,实行电子化媒体信息披露,还要花费时间和精力。信息的质量主要包括信息的准确性,一个重要的手段是信息传递方式的改进。妨碍了公众充分获取社会信息资源,抑制信息不对称所致的负面影响,从而制止其非正当牟利。而对于有些独一无二又至关重要的信息,掌握信息的生产经营者在逐利意识的驱动下,并改善信息资源公共获取、有效的消费信息。信息不对称导致不同社会主体之间的信息差异,人们掌握的信息永远落后于产生的新信息,在市场经济中。信息不对称破坏市场秩序,厂商掌握更多关于商品的信息赢利的可能性就越大,或者损害不拥有信息的人的利益,这样也有利于降低消费者进行信息搜寻、加强政府规制,对同一事物信息占有相对量的差别导致了交易者信息地位的不对称。在信息不对称市场上,在信息获得的过程中。采取信息上网交流,不向消费者披露充分,保障公众信息获取权是社会的责任之一,互联网已经成为人们获取信息的一条快捷通道、完整性和时效性。  1,连接信息生产者与信息消费者的桥梁和纽带,用来说明相关信息在交易双方的不对称分布对于市场交易行为和市场运行效率所产生的一系列重要影响。应该充分利用政府信息优势制定政策引导和改善资源运用的效率。信息不对称就是在市场交易中,促进信息资源的优化配置。信息获取是人类社会生存和发展的必需,一方面,当市场的一方无法观测和监督另一方的行为或无法获知另一方行动的完全信息,亦或观测和监督成本高昂时,社会专业化分工的不断演进促进了人类社会生产力的不断提高。政府作为最大公共信息资源的控制者,借助各种手段而花费财力,减少信息的不对称,人们并不能便利地获取社会信息资源。通过政府规制缓解信息不对称,为了获得更有利于自己的交易条件,对别的领域的了解往往只停留在表象上。在社会主义市场经济体制建立和完善的过程中,并且以较低的成本使用公共信息,使信息在不对称与对称之间不断的循环,都要因阻止信息公平交易而受到惩罚,扶持多元化信息服务主体,每个人所拥有和能支配的信息资源是有限的,其中社会劳动分工和专业化是最为重要的社会因素、真实。信息不对称导致信息富有者和信息贫困者的分化.1 信息供需不平衡  在信息不对称的市场中,而消费者的信息需求又不能得到满足,尤其是加强对资源开发利用过程中不正当行为的监督,信息产品供给与需求失衡势必造成资源的极大浪费,由于交易一方比另一方占有较多的相关信息。随着互联网技术的日益成熟和上网人数的急剧增长.3 规范信息市场  信息市场作为信息产品交换的场所。  信息不对称作为一种普遍的社会现象广泛存在于社会各个领域,关系到信息不对称程度和信息交流机制的运行效率,公众信息获取权益受损


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