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TuneBand(R) for iPhone 4/4S
A comfortable, lightweight armband for the iPhone 4/4S.
There is a model number located on the back, in very small print. It starts with "A", like A1234. If you have selected the correct item, then click the "Add to Cart" button. If there exists an option for Strap Size, then please click the Strap Size tab to determine the correct size you need.
Model Number
This is one of the current models, released in September 2014. It features a fingerprint sensor on the Home button, and has a 5.5" screen.
A1522, A1524, A1593
This is one of the current models, released in September 2014. It features a fingerprint sensor on the Home button, and has a 4.7" screen.
A1549, A1586, A1589
This is one of the previous models, released in September 2013. It features a fingerprint sensor on the Home button, and one of the colors is gold.
A1453, A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530, A1533
This is one of the previous models, released in September 2013. It comes in (5) exciting colors.
A1456, A1507, A1516, A1526, A1529, A1532
This is the previous model, released in September 2012. It features a tall (4") screen, and a different connector on the bottom.
A1428, A1429, A1442
Products that are compatible with the iPhone 4S are also compatible with the iPhone 4.
Visit our <a class="tuneband-link" href="/products/tuneband-iphone-4"TuneBand for iPhone 4/4S
Products that are compatible with the iPhone 4 are also compatible with the iPhone 4S.
Visit our <a class="tuneband-link" href="/products/tuneband-iphone-4"TuneBand for iPhone 4/4S
A1332, A1349
Products that are compatible with the iPhone 3GS are also compatible with the iPhone 3G.
Visit our <a class="tuneband-link" href="/products/tuneband-iphone-5"TuneBand for iPhone 5
A1303, A1325
Products that are compatible with the iPhone 3G are also compatible with the iPhone 3GS.
Visit our <a class="tuneband-link" href="/products/tuneband-iphone-5"TuneBand for iPhone 5
A1241, A1324
Visit our <a class="tuneband-link" href="/products/tuneband-iphone-5"TuneBand for iPhone 5
If you are unsure what size you need, try measuring your flexed bicep. We currently offer the following (5) sizes: 9", 12", 15", 19", and 22". Round up to determine the correct size, unless your arm size is very close to one we offer.
Glow in the Dark
The TuneBand provides a lightweight and comfortable way to wear your device while running, working out, working in the yard, or walking around the block. It features:
A durable silicone skin that allows access to all ports, buttons, and cameras (if cameras are present)
Two (2) soft, elastic straps that fit arm sizes from 7" to 18"
A screen protector that covers the front *and* back of the device
by Mashable, the TuneBand for iPhone 4/4S is also available in two special editions:
Clinica Verde (Green). Clinica Verde is a global prototype of an environmentally sustainable health clinic for women and children living in poverty in Nicaragua.
It takes a holistic approach to healthcare for the impoverished, beginning with sustainable design and clinical excellence, and extending to the health and nutrition education of its cherished patients.
For every sale of a green TuneBand for iPhone, Grantwood Technology will make a donation to Clinica Verde.
For more information regarding Clinica Verde, please visit .
Boston Marathon (Yellow). We wanted to commemorate the heroic actions during the tragic events of the 2013 Boston Marathon. The colors of the Boston Marathon are blue and yellow, and this special TuneBand includes components with matching colors.
For every sale of a yellow TuneBand for iPhone, Grantwood Technology will make a donation to The One Fund Boston, an organization formed to assist victims and families affected by this tragedy.
For more information regarding The One Fund Boston, please visit , and for more information regarding the Boston Marathon, please visit . This is the website of the Boston Athletic Association (BAA), the organization behind the Boston Marathon.
iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S not included.iTunes 的 App Store 中的“GarageBand”
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GarageBand 能够将您的 iPad、iPhone 和 iPod touch 变成一套触键乐器和功能完备的录音工作室,这样无论身处何地,您都能够创作音乐。使用 Multi-Touch 手势来演奏钢琴、风琴、吉他和鼓。它们听起来和演奏起来就如同真实乐器,但实现的功能却远超真实乐器。Smart Instrument 能让您比肩专业音乐人,即便您之前从未演奏过一音半符。给 iPad、iPhone 或 iPod touch 连接一把电吉他,您便可以使用经典的放大器和踏脚转盘效果进行演奏。使用触键乐器、内建麦克风或吉他并立即录制支持多达 32 条轨道的演奏*。使用 iOS 8 中的 Inter-App Audio,直接将来自第三方音乐和效果应用程序的演奏录音到 GarageBand 中。使用电子邮件、Facebook、YouTube、SoundCloud 或 iOS 版的 AirDrop 来分享您的乐曲。像演奏真实乐器那样玩转您的 iPad、iPhone 和 iPod toucho 在创新的 Multi-Touch 键盘上演奏高品质乐器o 使用原声架子鼓和电子架子鼓,迸击动感的节奏o 使用内建麦克风录制您的嗓音,然后加上有趣的声音效果o 使用 9 种放大器和 10 种踏脚转盘效果,重现传奇式的吉他装置o 使用 Sampler 根据您录制的声音创建新乐器,然后在键盘上演奏o 使用 Inter-App Audio 直接将兼容的第三方音乐应用程序录音到 GarageBand 中通过 Smart Instrument 像音乐家一样进行演奏o 只需一个手指即可使用 Smart Strings 操控整个弦乐交响曲o 使用 Smart Keyboard 轻按和弦可立即创作出键盘音乐套路o 在原声和电子 Smart Guitar 上扫弹和弦,激发出流行和弦的拨片指法灵感,或切换到“音符”视图在真实乐器上一展身手o 使用各式各样的立式 Smart Bass、电子 Smart bass 以及合成器声音匹配音乐套路o 使用 Smart Drums,在网格中拖放鼓乐器以创作自己想要的节奏与好友一起即兴演奏o 使用 iPad、iPhone 或 iPod touch 通过 Wi-Fi 或蓝牙与多达三位好友一起演奏或录制现场音乐o 速度、调、拍号、和弦会自动同步给乐队领队o 使用任何触键乐器、电吉他一类的真实乐器甚至人声进行即兴演奏o 乐队领队可自动收集每个人的录音,以便混音为一首乐曲来分享随处创作乐曲o 使用触键乐器、录音和循环,编配并混音多达 32 条轨道*的乐曲o 使用音符编辑器调整或精调任何触键乐器录音o 精确修剪音乐片段并移到想要播放的位置 o 使用混音器精调每个轨道的音量:使任何轨道单独演奏或静音,或者调整声相、混响和回声o 使用超过 250 种预先录制的专业循环,作为您的乐曲的伴奏乐队分享乐曲o 通过 iCloud Drive,让您的 GarageBand 乐曲在所有 iOS 设备上都保持最新o 为您的 iPad、iPhone 或 iPod touch 创建自定铃声和提醒o 直接将乐曲分享到 Facebook、YouTube 和 SoundCloudo 直接从 GarageBand 中用电子邮件发送乐曲o 导出乐曲并将它添加到 Mac 或 PC 上的 iTunes 资料库o 使用 iOS 版的 AirDrop 直接在 iOS 设备间共享 GarageBand 项目* 配备 A7 芯片的 iOS 设备支持 32 条轨道。iPhone 5c、iPhone 5、iPhone 4s、iPad(第 4 代)、iPad(第 3 代)、iPad 2、iPad mini 和 iPod touch(第 5 代)支持 16 条轨道。
版本 2.0.7 中的新功能
o 直接从 GarageBand 共享到 Apple Music Connect*o 提高了稳定性并修正了错误* 要求 Apple Music Connect 帐户。
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计?30.00类别: 版本: 2.0.7大小: 628 MB语言: 中文, 丹麦文, 乌克兰文, 俄文, 克罗地亚文, 加泰罗尼亚文, 匈牙利文, 印度尼西亚文, 土耳其文, 希伯来文, 希腊文, 德语, 意大利语, 挪威尼诺斯克文, 捷克文, 斯洛伐克文, 日语, 法语, 波兰文, 泰文, 瑞典文, 罗马尼亚文, 芬兰文, 英语, 荷兰文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙语, 越南文, 阿拉伯文, 韩语, 马来文开发商: iTunes S.a.r.l.兼容性: 需要 iOS 8.4 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5、iPhone 6 和 iPhone 6 Plus 优化。
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热门 App 内购买项目
Complete collection of GarageBand instruments and sounds免费


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