Charcoal Pit pit是什么么意思

PIT指F1比赛中维修站比赛过程中必须视轮胎的磨耗及油耗的状态进入维修站(Pit Lane)换胎及加油,称为Pit Stop。一次的Pit Stop需要21个人来共同完成,通常花6到12秒来为赛车加油及换胎。以现今F1车队的水准来说,透过团队的合作可在7秒内完成换胎并加满六十公升的汽油。 Pit lane 维修站通道,位于维修站的正前方,在比赛过程中,赛车进站将在这里完成。从2004年开始,维修站的限速从80公里提高到100公里/小时,这是为了给车队提供更具弹性的进站策略。但是在有些赛道维修站通道特别狭窄,像摩纳哥,进站速度被降低了。 Pit stop/refilling 进站加油,比赛过程中有规则的进站,一次进站/加油大约需要15到20个机械师同时协作完成。在加油时,机械师必须戴上头盔,身穿由NOMEX材料制成的防火服,标准的加油管和设计精良的注入阀门将确无保任何燃油泄漏。
出门在外也不愁dig a pit for sb.是什么意思及用法
沪江词库精选dig a pit for sb.是什么意思、英语短语。
dig a pit for sb.的意思是: 给…设圈套
2014dig a pit for sb.是什么意思由沪江网提供。How to Make Charcoal | eHow
When you make your own charcoal, you know where it came from and that it's chemical-free, unlike processed briquettes. This is important because what you cook with becomes a part of what you eat. Although the process is time-consuming, you save money while you clear your yard of branches that would otherwise go to waste. It's easy to make aromatic charcoal with hardwoods like hickory, maple and fruit.
55-gallon metal drum
Drill, saber saw or chisel
Hammer or heavy mallet
Paper and kindling wood
Branches or hardwood
Metal sheet
Trash bags or large plastic tubs
Make five 2-inch holes in one end of the drum with a drill, saber saw or chisel.
Remove the other end of the drum completely, and hammer the cut edge to form a rounded lip.
Save the cut off end for an airtight lid.
Place the drum, open end up, on three bricks to allow air to flow through the holes in the base.
Place paper and kindling wood into the bottom of the drum and light with matches. Wait for paper and kindling to catch fire and burn steadily.
Sort branches and wood by size. Add to the drum. Start with the largest pieces first because the wood at the bottom of the drum will burn for the longest amount of time.
Add the rest of the wood, and load loosely to allow air spaces. Fill the drum completely.
Pack soil around the base of the drum when the fire is hot and well established. Leave a 4-inch gap in the center under the drum for airflow.
Place the lid on top and leave a small opening at one side for smoke to exit.
Watch for dense, white smoke that indicates the formation of charcoal.
Bang the drum to compact the wood when you notice that the amount of white smoke has diminished to make sure that the wood burns evenly.
Add soil to the gap in the base when the thick, white smoke changes to thin, blue smoke.
Pack the lid down firmly to make it airtight. Pack soil in any open spaces in the lid.
Wait 3 to 4 hours for the burning to stop.
Cool for at least 24 hours.
Tip the drum over and empty the charcoal onto a metal sheet.
Store your charcoal in trash bags or large plastic tubs.当前位置: &
pit against是什么意思
中文翻译使竞争:&&&&n. 1.坑,凹地,凹处;【矿物】矿井;煤坑;【植物;植 ...:&&&&短语和例子 Are you for or against ...
例句与用法1.Freedom is pitted against lightness against the dark .自由是对奴役而言,光明是对黑暗而言。2.Bigger felt that he was caught up in a vast but delicate machine whose wheels would whirl no matter what was pitted against them .那人一再提到别格的名字,别格觉得自己卷入了一个巨大而精密的机器,它的轮子不管受任何阻挠都会照常运转。3.I am not fit to be pitted against you to - night我今天晚上不适于跟你较量。 4.Government leading and rural social forces pitted against each other政府主导与乡村社会力量的对垒5.For many women , profession and family are pitted against one another on a high - stakes collision course对一些女人来说,职业和家庭在一个高风险的冲突过程上是互相抵触的。 6.Meanwhile , john toshack ' s wales have been pitted against world cup 2006 semi - finalists germany in group four与此同时,约翰?托沙克的威尔士不幸的与2006年世界杯半决赛球队一起分在了第四组。 7.Here world champion martial artists from diverse disciplines were pitted against a customized crash - test dummy outfitted with impact sensors在这儿,接受过不同训练的世界顶尖的格斗大师将与一个特别定做的装备有各种冲击力传感器的假人对决。 8." now , people oftentimes live through personal disasters - natural disasters - in which they are pitted against nature as they know it , hurricanes , floods , earthquakes“注意,人们经常从他们所知的与自然的搏斗的他们个人的灾害自然灾害中生还,比如象暴雨、洪水和地震。 9.If you wish , you can have your monster pit against the monster of your choice by forming a party with the monster ' s owner and reserving an entry slot for your opponent when submitting your application如果你原意,你可以通过和其它人组队的方式来在提交申请时选择你的(怪物的)对手)怪物) 10.Pitted against our hero is a cast of villains led by deacon frost stephen dorff , a crafty and charismatic vampire who believes that his people should be ruling the world , and that the human race is merely the food source they prey on而能够逆转这灾劫的竟是一半人半僵尸的奇侠幽灵刺容。韩霜对他恨入骨,誓要抽其血以唤醒沉睡多年的魔神。 &&更多例句:&&1&&


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