
If a 30 year old came up to your door on Halloween, would you give him candy?如果一位三十多岁的人在万圣节敲了你家门,你会给他糖果吗?
获得28好评的回答@Heather Jedrus
My oldest -or- was in her 60s. She was in a
and said, &trick or treat,& so I happily gave her some candy.我招待过的最年长的熊孩子是六十几岁的。她身穿着万圣节服装对我说 &不给糖就捣蛋&,于是我很乐意地给了她一些糖果。
I don't care about age at all. I used to say that I do care that they are wearing a costume and say &trick or treat,& but not anymore.我一点都不在乎他们的年龄。我以前会说我在乎他们有没有穿戏服、有没有说&不给糖就捣蛋&,不过现在也不在乎了。
获得70好评的回答@Melissa Stroud
I just gave candy to a woman way over 30 if I had to guess. She was&&her teens around. I said I had an&&of candy and told her to help herself. And no, she was not in costume.我刚给了一名女士糖果,我猜她早就过了30了。她是陪着她的青年孩子们来这一带的。我告诉她我有多余的糖果并请她不必客气。而且,她没有穿万圣节服装。
获得268好评的回答@Maura Rudd
Absolutely. I don't care how old you are, if you show up at my door at a reasonable hour on Halloween, you are getting some candy. 完全不介意,我一点都不在乎你的年龄,如果你在晚上接当天一个合适的时间出现在我家门口,我保证你会得到糖果。
In fact, if you just happen to stop by for a visit the day after Halloween, I will probably try and force&&candy on you as well.实际上,如果你是碰巧在万圣节后来我家,我大概也会把剩下的糖果塞给你。
获得30个好评的回答@Ken Erickson
Yes. That 30-year old would be there for a reason that I would likely be unaware of, perhaps an unknown friend, perhaps a developmentally delayed adult, perhaps there for an unfathomable reason. I'd try not to be judgemental.当然,已经三十以上却来玩不招待就捣乱可能有某种原因可能意识不到。可能是一个陌生朋友,也可能是智力发育迟缓的成年人,也可能是因为一个难以了解的原因。而我不会试图去猜测。


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