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XCOM: Enemy Unknown
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RANT: everything that makes this game hard is 100% RNG..
angry rant: look at bottom for mor)as title says which is just utter and complete bad design -.-everything that makes this game hard is 100% RNG'ed... &ow you missed 2 times 90% hits and therefore died? ow SEE I AM SOO HARD!!&.&ow enemy double hits you half across the map in high cover: SEE ITS SOO HARD&&ow enemy spawned on top of a building behind you then goes to overwatch, you missing the shots with the other soldiers of 70+%, then having only 20% hit chance with the guy the alien is now behind, so you try to move him and he gets killed by the overwatch: SEE ITS SOOO HARD!!&.&ow you activated a group of enemies in your LAST move, and they unluckily had their free move move them close enough to get flanking on you, and thereby killing you because now its instantly their turn and you can do nothing to stop it?: SEE ITS SO HARD&...nothing in this game is hard beside the RNG! and it is rediculess.. if you wanna make a STRATEGI/TACTICAL GAME! THEN DON'T HAVE IT BE 99% ABOUT THE STUPID RNG!!!for me this game just annoyes me to no end... you do everything perfectly and you then get screwed by stupid RNG... it's so bad design i think whoever made it should be punished for it -.-devs THINK!!! use your damn brain and stop trying to put difficulty into a game by RNG, RNG IS TERRIBLE in itself, trying to build your entire game 100% on the foundation of rng is pure retardation.....sigh...and NO!! before any one says &ow but that is how the old games where& NO!! NO IT WAS NOT!!!. the RNG was too strong in those as well, but because of the Action point system and the fact you where SUPPOSE to lose troops all the time (therefore no skilling them up or making a single individual troop extremely importent) you had planty of ways to counter the damn rng, you could even just use soldiers as suicide scouts if the case called for it, because you had soo many with you on each mission and half of them was utter bad because you didn't have resources to fully equep every one and they died so much you rarely had any specific soldier you really felt attached too and even if such a soldier died it didnt really matter because the difference on top soldiers and start soldiers was so little you could manage without as long as you salvaged the gear.so NO! this is Nothing like the rng in the originals or the entire ufo serie for that matter -.- 2 action movement is just a Terrible way to do a game which already have crazy high RNG..the movement system builds towards RNG, the aiming is pure RNG, the soldiers you get is pure RNG, enemies are RNG...how do you think you can created a strategic/tactical game if everything is depending 100% on RNG to make your &plan& work -.-__________________________FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) FIXES :) First change:% to hit is now % dmg of your base dmg instead (so your weapon does an average of 5 dmg(including crits+crit dmg for that shot, which can depend on flanking etc.), you have a 60% that means your shot will do 3 dmg EVERY time.)Classes: you CHOOSE which class you want when you hire the soldier / and on all soldiers from start(meaning you start at base not in mission, for the sake of setting down the coding needed for this) (no one goes &hi soldier i don't know what you can do but come into this SUPER specialized unit of the top guys in the world&)enemies AI and npc's:npc's civiliens will be added to almost all missions and will act like civs, they will flee from aliens, hide if they see them, if you get to them they will escape as you ask them too.enemies will beheave as they would if they where &active& (without the knowledge of your exact location) they will move around and do &alien stuff&, mainly trying to abduct civs or kill them if they resist/fight, if they abduct them they will bring them to their &bases/big ships& (which you could later raid and save whatever is left of them, the longer you wait the more people die but the less defence there will be in the base).ai will also act according to expectation: NO SUICIDING, aliens will rather move back into a more safe position then killing one of your guys and properly die by doing so.alien teams &when one finds you, they will alert their team& (which is the aliens in their active group) and they will come to help fight you.AI also need to be much better at using strategic advantage etc. so general big changes to the ai which right now is really terrible. (especially for it's age.)aliens will not clumb up as basic: since they are suppose to think there will be no or little resistance.Maps:will be MUCH bigger like twice the size, to compensate for more alien and civ movement and the gameplay around this.to get full melt and full saving of civs, you will need to split up in 2-3 squeds (you are NOT suppose to get full of everything, you should need to prioritize)Movement:since changing the two move system would be incredibly hard due to the amount of coding etc. we will just change some few things in it:when a soldier see's an alien it will STOP! at the spot it saw the alien, from there you can do the rest of its moves (if it moved 0,5 of the 2 moves it will have 0,5 move+1 meaning it still gets to move Halv the range of it's first move etc.)likewise aliens will have the same rule apply to them in their turns.more squed mates:Add 2 extra squed mates from start (max being 8 then)Reinforcements:if alien reinforcements comes it should be in the form of another UFO! easily spotted where and aliens moving out from there. no more magical jumping out ufo's and landing on the map at all angels.Extra's (not so much rng related):Shooting/moving: (minor, and mostly a wish thing, nothing to do with RNG really, it just seems so wierd as it is now.)shooting and moving should each take 1MOVE to do, shooting shouldn't snatch the rest of the soldiers turn.goes for aliens too. (feats will just add extra shots instead of not ending turn.)Weaponry/armor/etc: (Minor thing, not too importent but should be mentioned)aliens need different weaponry and armory, not just bigger numbers, so more diversity in effects they have not just increasing in stats.i think that covers it all, might have forgotten something but don't think so.
20 Nov, 2014 @ 8:12pm
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Hey look it's that time again. where some one stupid post idiotic stuff as respond to a valid concern that have been put up for any rng in a strategi game since the first strategi game?yer apparently it is
17 Nov, 2014 @ 6:39pm
If you can't tolerate chance and want to succeed in a game through rote mechanical action, maybe the game isn't for you?
This thread subject has been done to death, and both players and devs seem to be fine with it chance playing a part in success. yer players are so fine with it that they left in mass at release and the subject CONSTANTLY comes up with anger.. .and those are just the people that cares enough about xcom to speak out on the subject...players are not ok with rng controlling your succes rate a lot, in general it is a major issue in any game where its a big focus.
17 Nov, 2014 @ 7:09pm
as title says which is just utter and complete bad design -.-everything that makes this game hard is 100% RNG'ed... &ow you missed 2 times 90% hits and therefore died? ow SEE I AM SOO HARD!!&.&ow enemy double hits you half across the map in high cover: SEE ITS SOO HARD&&ow enemy spawned on top of a building behind you then goes to overwatch, you missing the shots with the other soldiers of 70+%, then having only 20% hit chance with the guy the alien is now behind, so you try to move him and he gets killed by the overwatch: SEE ITS SOOO HARD!!&.&ow you activated a group of enemies in your LAST move, and they unluckily had their free move move them close enough to get flanking on you, and thereby killing you because now its instantly their turn and you can do nothing to stop it?: SEE ITS SO HARD&...nothing in this game is hard beside the RNG! and it is rediculess.. if you wanna make a STRATEGI/TACTICAL GAME! THEN DON'T HAVE IT BE 99% ABOUT THE STUPID RNG!!!for me this game just ????es me off... you do everything perfectly and you then get screwed by stupid RNG... it's so bad design i think whoever made it should be punished for it -.-devs THINK!!! use your damn brain and stop trying to put difficulty into a game by RNG, RNG IS TERRIBLE in itself, trying to build your entire game 100% on the foundation of rng is pure retardation.....sigh...and NO!! before any one says &ow but that is how the old games where& NO!! NO IT WAS NOT!!!. the RNG was too strong in those as well, but because of the Action point system and the fact you where SUPPOSE to lose troops all the time (therefore no skilling them up or making a single individual troop extremely importent) you had planty of ways to counter the damn rng, you could even just use soldiers as suicide scouts if the case called for it, because you had soo many with you on each mission and half of them was utter bad because you didn't have resources to fully equep every one and they died so much you rarely had any specific soldier you really felt attached too and even if such a soldier died it didnt really matter because the difference on top soldiers and start soldiers was so little you could manage without as long as you salvaged the gear.so NO! this is Nothing like the rng in the originals or the entire ufo serie for that matter -.- 2 action movement is just a Terrible way to do a game which already have crazy high RNG..the movement system builds towards RNG, the aiming is pure RNG, the soldiers you get is pure RNG, enemies are RNG...how do you think you can created a strategic/tactical game if everything is depending 100% on RNG to make your &plan& work -.-seriously devs get a freaking clue... Well the point is to maximize your probability of successBut yea I don't like RNG games much either
Well the point is to maximize your probability of successBut yea I don't like RNG games much either Then why did you buy X-COM?
Originally posted by :Well the point is to maximize your probability of successBut yea I don't like RNG games much either Then why did you buy X-COM? because we assumed they would IMPROVE from the older games or at the very least listend to the playerbase at some point.not make it MUCH worse and ignore the players outcry -.-
Originally posted by :If you can't tolerate chance and want to succeed in a game through rote mechanical action, maybe the game isn't for you?
This thread subject has been done to death, and both players and devs seem to be fine with it chance playing a part in success. yer players are so fine with it that they left in mass at release and the subject CONSTANTLY comes up with anger.. .and those are just the people that cares enough about xcom to speak out on the subject...players are not ok with rng controlling your succes rate a lot, in general it is a major issue in any game where its a big focus. &Those are just the people are cares enough about XCOM to speak out on the subject'You mean like the guy who had a huge hand in creating the original X-COM?It's also probably important to mention that the people who left en masse, supposedly in disgust at this game, have such a poor understanding of the game's mechanics that they complain about how the aliens get a &free& move when you spot them.
17 Nov, 2014 @ 7:57pm
Originally posted by :yer players are so fine with it that they left in mass at release and the subject CONSTANTLY comes up with anger.. .and those are just the people that cares enough about xcom to speak out on the subject...players are not ok with rng controlling your succes rate a lot, in general it is a major issue in any game where its a big focus. &Those are just the people are cares enough about XCOM to speak out on the subject'You mean like the guy who had a huge hand in creating the original X-COM? you do realise how absurdly contradiction he is going on about right?13:15 he is making a BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! number out of how importent it is that &THE PLAYER NEED TO BE IN COMPLETE CONTROL OF WHAT HAPPENS, THATS THE ONLY WAY IT SEEMS FAIR&
aaaaand then go on to put A TON!!! of RNG into the game which completely removes the whole control aspekt of the players hand and into an RNG which is the OPPESITE of player control -.-..even they say that the player should be in control..... and yet this xcom is 100% rng.. ......christ man ... i am shocked of how stupid these people can be christ-.-they even state how importent it is and they both are so vocal about HOW importent it is that players got 100% control and don't die in ways which feels unfair.... and then they do this in
the design -.- that is just horrible.. they are either stupid as hell or just streight out lying... or they got forced into the design choice (but doubt that one)...BTW: DONT even try to defend the statement &you need to be 100% in control and you should never die and feeling it being really unfair& then do RNG to decide weather or not you get hit and dies....-.-thats a complete contradiction of what they say and what they designed...
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Date Posted: 17 Nov, 2014 @ 6:29pmPosts: 459
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