ATT官方解锁回复邮件,看不懂,求助 Dear Sir /sir madamm, Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT&T to re

1楼 (楼主)
级别:白苹果 23:03:58
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT& T regarding unlocking your iPhone. My name is Dawn Frank, and it will be my pleasure to assist you today.
Thank you for contacting AT&T Customer Care about unlocking your iPhone. We have reviewed your request and confirmed that you are eligible to have the requested iPhone unlocked.
To complete the unlock, simply:
1. Open iTunes on your Mac or PC and verify that you have internet connectivity.
2. Connect your iPhone using the dock connector to USB cable that came with your iPhone.
3. Backup and restore your iPhone using iTunes.
For information on backup and restore, please visit
4. After restoring, your iPhone will be unlocked.
Additional information on unlocking can be found at
For questions regarding AT&T’s wireless service and iPhone, please visit the Phone/Device Learning Center. We thank you for your continued business and look forward to providing you with the best customer service.
Thank you for contacting AT&T Mobility. We appreciate your business.
Dawn Frank
Online Customer Care Professional
Help AT&T improve our service to you! Please complete our short survey about your e-mail Customer Service experience. Click on:
The information provided in this e-mail is intended for the view and use of the authorized AT&T subscriber only. Content may not be shared or relied upon by third parties. AT&T, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to amend, modify or replace the written content of this message to correct or update answers provided to Subscriber. No term of Subscriber's Customer Service Agreement is altered, waived, or modified by this message unless expressly agreed by an authorized AT&T representative.
(c) 2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
2楼 (沙发)
级别:白苹果 23:04:56
3楼 (板凳)
级别:白苹果 23:10:26
4楼 (地板)
级别:青苹果 23:13:54
级别:青苹果 23:15:13
级别:白苹果 23:17:41
收到这邮件不给解 反馈好几天今天回信又给一个CM 我日他妹
级别:金苹果 23:17:54
级别:金苹果 23:21:29
级别:白苹果 23:23:36
引用: 引用第4楼coolmcgrady于 23:15发表的 :
级别:白苹果 23:33:10
(C) Joyslink Inc.在线修改推荐信,求英语达人看过来!Dear Sir or Madam,I am very pleased to recommend a promising student,Ruihan Ma,for admission into your graduate studies program in Electrical Engineering.I have known her since she enrolled in my course _百度作业帮
在线修改推荐信,求英语达人看过来!Dear Sir or Madam,I am very pleased to recommend a promising student,Ruihan Ma,for admission into your graduate studies program in Electrical Engineering.I have known her since she enrolled in my course
在线修改推荐信,求英语达人看过来!Dear Sir or Madam,I am very pleased to recommend a promising student,Ruihan Ma,for admission into your graduate studies program in Electrical Engineering.I have known her since she enrolled in my course in “Digital Electronic Technique” in 2009.Because she was very conscientious do a good job in every
because she had extremely active per because she was keen interested in discussing with me about Digital Electronic knowledge I introduced after class.All those above impressed me deeply.Furthermore,she has a perceptive mind and good comprehension ability to understand the application of electronic technologies in industry.Once I taught about multivibrator circuit structure in my class,many students can not understand how to use the different form of circuit in different situation.Yet comprehended the key points of this problem rapidly and help other students solve this problem.More importantly,as Ruihan is also a student cadre in her class,she showed her initiative to help those who weren’t able to attend the class or can’t grasp the key of this class.I had witnessed her well-organized content about the class we had,from which,she not only recorded many details I mentioned in the class,but also summarized them under a set of knowledge frames.I believe her efforts to do such summaries both helped to consolidate her knowledge acquisition and contributed to the whole class in their preparation of the course paper.I could perceive from her coursework conclusion paper that Ruihan was able to draw reference from the previous knowledge and synthesize them into independent thinking of her own to explore some new topics about the technology application in some industries.To conclude,Ruihan gave me a deep impression as an active and industrial student who has special learning aptitude in academic study.She is also a passionate leader and organizer of student activities who possesses continuous zest to contribute to her community.Based on her notable performance,I believe Ruihan will achieve higher academic goal she set for herself through advanced professional training in your program,and thus I strongly recommend her for admission.Your favorable consideration will be appreciated.Should further information be required,I am most willing to provide assistance.Truly,首先想在开头说一下推荐人不仅给我教这门课,还是我的班主任.其次,能否在内容上适当再充实一下.求达人帮忙修改语法和用词!
Dear Sir or Madam,It is my pleasure to recommend a promising student,Ma Ruihan,for admission into your graduate study program in Electrical Engineering.I got acquainted with her when she enrolled in my course in “Digital Electronic Technique” in 2009.Not only because she is adequate careful to do a good job in every
but also she has extremely In addition,she is keen in discussing with me about Digital Electronic knowledge I introduced after class.All of these impressed me deeply.Furthermore,she has a perceptive mind and good comprehensive ability to understand the application of electronic technologies in industry.Once I taught about multivibrator circuit structure in my class,many students failed to understand how to use the different forms of circuit in different situations.Yet Ms.Ma comprehended the key points of this problem immediately and helped other students solve this problem patietly.What’s more,as a student leader in her class,she showed her initiation to help those who cannot attend the class or have difficulties in understanding courses.I once witnessed her well-organized contents about our class,.Acctually,not only did she record essential details I mentioned in class,but also summarized them into a set of knowledge frames.I believe her efforts to do such summaries helped to consolidate her knowledge acquisition and assisted the whole class with their preparation for the course paper.I could perceive from her coursework conclusion paper that Ruihan was able to draw reference from the previous knowledge and synthesize them into her own thoughts to explore some new topics about the technology application in some industries.To conclude,Ruihan gives me a deep impression as an active and wisom student who has special learning attitude to academic study.She is also a passionsive leader of student activities who possesses continuous zest to contribute to her community.Based on her notable performance,I believe Ruihan will achieve higher academic goals she set for herself with the help of advanced professional training provided by your program.All in all,I strongly recommend her for admission.Your favorable consideration will be appreciated.If there is any further enquiry,please feel free to connect me,I am most willing to provide assistance.Truly,
帮你简单改了下,有些语法和时态上的小错误。student cadre是中国特色,老美是根本是看不懂的,student leader好得多。industial是工业的,industrious才是勤奋的。别太看重推荐信,老外都懂,中国的推荐信都是假的,除非你找到特别牛的人给你写(比如国际知名的教授)。Dear Sir or Madam,I am very pleased to re...新版的游戏频道看起来怎样?有没有比旧版好看一点?据说现在有专属活动正在激情展开,...
英特尔日前给我们带来了第一款面向移动平台的产品 E3-1500M v5,标志着 Xeon 处理器正...
2014 年 10 月,一款以中文古风歌曲为主题打造的音乐游戏《大琴师》让我们认识了来自...
“如果没有了我,那么高端手表的将近半壁江山也没了”,也许在2020年,Apple Watch可...
0-day 是危害性最高的漏洞之一,你的电脑随时可能被黑客控制,个人信息会全部曝光。
三星作为世界最大智能手机制造商,在周四发布的旗舰Note 5和S6 Edge Plus依然定价在70...
对于不少玩家来说,一提到日本著名的游戏开发商SQUARE ENIX,脑海中都会浮现出许多经...
《The Path To Luma(光明之路)》是一款画面精美的 3D 益智游戏。游戏的风格治愈,玩...
近日,游戏开发商Liger Games在苹果商店当中上架了一款名为《迷宫世界(Mazecraft)》...
昨天,一则消息使稍稍沉寂了的 iCar 传闻重燃。英国《卫报》获取了一份文件,上述苹果...
与其他苹果产品一样,Apple Watch 也拥有丰富的第三方配件,可以实现不同的使用需求。
要是你不想随身带着沉甸甸的充电宝,又不想因为使用背夹电池而让 iPhone 变成一块“砖...
逼格满满的机械风格加上硬朗的线条设计,Core Armor 确实很能吸引路人的眼球,要是价...
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白苹果, 积分 561, 距离下一级还需 939 积分
引用楼主就爱苹果控于 23:03发表的: 我本来有台港版无锁机,十二号听说美版ATT可以解锁就1500收了一个转头,后来一查才知道是2011年6月份的T2的合约机器,再看论坛上面说T2机器最难解锁,心里顿时凉了一截。&br&但是抱着试试的态度18号发了2封邮件,一个GMAIL的邮箱,一个163的邮箱。20号GMAIL的邮箱收到带有CM的邮件,于是每天看邮箱等啊等。&br&今天9点到家,休息了会习惯性的打开邮箱,这里很搞笑,是163的邮箱收到了解锁邮件,我可是GMAIL的邮箱收到的CM啊,呵呵,喜出望外,写出这些是想跟各位封釉分享下心得,经此而已,也祝福大家好运!!&br&&br&Dear Sir/Madam, &br&&br&Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT& T regarding unlocking your iPhone. My name is Dawn Frank, and it will be my pleasure to assist you today. &br&&br&Thank you for contacting AT&T Customer Care about unlocking your iPhone. We have reviewed your request and confirmed that you are eligible to have the requested iPhone unlocked. &br&&br&To complete the unlock, simply: &br&1. Open iTunes on your Mac or PC and verify that you have internet connectivity. &br&2. Connect your iPhone using the dock connector to USB cable that came with your iPhone. &br&3. Backup and restore your iPhone using iTunes. &br&For information on backup and restore, please visit &a href=&/kb/HT1414& x-apple-data-detectors=&true& x-apple-data-detectors-result=&1&&/kb/HT1414&/a&. &br&4. After restoring, your iPhone will be unlocked. &br&Additional information on unlocking can be found at &a href=&/kb/TS3198& x-apple-data-detectors=&true& x-apple-data-detectors-result=&2&&/kb/TS3198&/a&. &br&For questions regarding AT&T’s wireless service and iPhone, please visit the Phone/Device Learning Center. We thank you for your continued business and look forward to providing you with the best customer service. &br&&br&Thank you for contacting AT&T Mobility. We appreciate your business. &br&&br&&br&&br&Sincerely, &br&&br&Dawn Frank &br&AT&T &br&Online Customer Care Professional &br&&br&&br&Help AT&T improve our service to you! Please complete our short survey about your e-mail Customer Service experience. Click on: &br&&a href=&http://www./supportsurvey/epoll/******& x-apple-data-detectors=&true& x-apple-data-detectors-result=&3&&http://www./supportsurvey/epoll/******&/a& &br&&br&&br&The information provided in this e-mail is intended for the view and use of the authorized AT&T subscriber only. Content may not be shared or relied upon by third parties. AT&T, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to amend, modify or replace the written content of this message to correct or update answers provided to Subscriber. No term of Subscriber's Customer Service Agreement is altered, waived, or modified by this message unless expressly agreed by an authorized AT&T representative. &br&&br&(c) 2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. &br&&br&&br&&br&[ 此帖被就爱苹果控在 23:32重新编辑 ]楼主的是T2合约机?试下刷机升级基带看是否也解锁自动有信号啊?
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引用第10楼sundy-04-23 23:35发表的 :
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我也是T2 官解!
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回 15楼(weekbon) 的帖子
引用第15楼weekbon于 00:28发表的
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Make Life Getting Better
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沪ICP备号-1 丨 深公安网监备案号 5
Powered by Discuz!新版的游戏频道看起来怎样?有没有比旧版好看一点?据说现在有专属活动正在激情展开,...
英特尔日前给我们带来了第一款面向移动平台的产品 E3-1500M v5,标志着 Xeon 处理器正...
2014 年 10 月,一款以中文古风歌曲为主题打造的音乐游戏《大琴师》让我们认识了来自...
“如果没有了我,那么高端手表的将近半壁江山也没了”,也许在2020年,Apple Watch可...
0-day 是危害性最高的漏洞之一,你的电脑随时可能被黑客控制,个人信息会全部曝光。
三星作为世界最大智能手机制造商,在周四发布的旗舰Note 5和S6 Edge Plus依然定价在70...
对于不少玩家来说,一提到日本著名的游戏开发商SQUARE ENIX,脑海中都会浮现出许多经...
《The Path To Luma(光明之路)》是一款画面精美的 3D 益智游戏。游戏的风格治愈,玩...
近日,游戏开发商Liger Games在苹果商店当中上架了一款名为《迷宫世界(Mazecraft)》...
昨天,一则消息使稍稍沉寂了的 iCar 传闻重燃。英国《卫报》获取了一份文件,上述苹果...
与其他苹果产品一样,Apple Watch 也拥有丰富的第三方配件,可以实现不同的使用需求。
要是你不想随身带着沉甸甸的充电宝,又不想因为使用背夹电池而让 iPhone 变成一块“砖...
逼格满满的机械风格加上硬朗的线条设计,Core Armor 确实很能吸引路人的眼球,要是价...
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小苹果, 积分 45, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
回 6楼(drkmax) 的帖子
引用第6楼drkmax于 09:14发表的
:我至今没有弄明白一个ATT帐号可以解锁5台IPHONE是什么意思。1、可否这样理解,一个记录在案的有良好信誉的ATT用户,有号码、ID和客服密码,那么他可以用自己的号为其余4台IPHONE不同的IME......简单解释下~在美国买iphone4有两种正规途径,一种是在att store(类似于中国的移动服务厅)购买签约机,签约机价格便宜iphone4 199美元一个(一般是2年,就是说这两年你必须使用att的手机服务,每个月会有固定消费)。。一种是在apple store购买全价机(当时是599美元16G),这种全价机不要求你签合约,但是呢,也是被ATT锁住的,也是必须使用ATT的服务的,但是你的att账单上就没有每个月的固定消费了,相比于签约机,月消费很低很多。但是当时iphone4热销,导致一些apple店卖光了非合约版的iphone4(没有每个月的套餐费,相对划算一点),但是att的店里有多余的签约机库存,然后apple就授权一些att的店可以售卖非合约版的机子,这就导致了att也得为这部分非合约的机子承担售后以及退换维修服务。所以捏,针对于iphone4的官解,att不知道你到底是不是跟他们签约了,但是毕竟他们曾经卖出过非合约机,所以他们必须也要承担这部分客户的解锁请求(毕竟是从你家店里卖出去的,盒子上都贴着你家logo呢)。这就是为什么现在一个att账号可以最多可以受理5个请求,因为att考虑到可能有人从他家一次性购买了多个非合约机。。。
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现在邮件过去 就是死要AT&T账号。。
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Thank you for contacting AT&T Customer Care about unlocking your iPhone
xxxxxxxxxxx0017. My name is Kimberly Charles and I will be happy to
assist you.
We are unable to complete your request at this time due to the following
reason: The unlock code for this device is unavailable due to security
restrictions based on the device's history. You may want to return the
device and/or provide feedback to the seller.
AT&T will unlock an iPhone under the following circumstances:
*the person requesting the unlock is a current AT&T customer or a former
AT&T customer who can provide the phone number or account number for the
*the iPhone was designed for use on AT&T? all contract
obligations, including any term commitment, associated with the device
to be unlocked have
* the iPhone has not been reported lost or stolen. Also, current
customer accounts must be in good standing with no past-due amount or
unpaid balance and has been active for at least sixty (60) days.
*Former customer account may be eligible for unlocking so long as they
owe AT&T no Early Termination Fee or other unpaid balance.
*AT&T will unlock an iPhone for an active and deployed member of the
military who is a current AT&T customer in good standing and is able to
provide AT&T with dep
*and a person who purchased the iPhone from an authorized location at
the 'no commitment' price and can provide proof of purchase.
Please note, if you are traveling internationally, iPhone is a quad-band
phone and will work in many countries across the globe. Please visit
for information on traveling
abroad with iPhone. For questions regarding AT&T?s wireless service and
iPhone, please contact AT&T Customer Care at (800) 331-0500. If you are
currently not in the United States, you can contact our international
wireless care department at +1 916-843-.
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引用第9楼dongleiwu于 09:19发表的
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回 15楼(Mayday主唱阿信) 的帖子
那像我这种情况怎么处理?继续纠缠下去还有意思吗?引用第15楼Mayday主唱阿信于 09:26发表的
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回 5楼(风云闲客) 的帖子
引用第5楼风云闲客于 09:13发表的
:我收到的是那封橙色邮件,要求提供号码的那个,这个是昨天回复我的Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for taking the time to e-mail AT&T to......这个邮件是最最诡异的!这绝对是测试RP的好机会
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引用第16楼dongleiwu于 09:29发表的
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回 14楼(Tewrence) 的帖子
引用第14楼Tewrence于 09:26发表的
:Thank you for contacting AT&T Customer Care about unlocking your iPhonexxxxxxxxxxx0017. My name ......历史安全原因~解锁请求被拒绝
沪ICP备号-1 丨 深公安网监备案号 5
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