
走走看看♥别回头,哥恋的只是你的背影。   --来自助手版贴吧客户端
寝室的网是自己买的,及时能看也下不了。必须用学校的网...要么去机房 (图书馆5楼 或者 计算机226) 要么去老师办公室
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或9:30:48【 转载互联网】 作者: &&|&责编:李强
&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"应用化工毕业设计有几部分组成?"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"应用化工毕业设计有几部分组成?"相关的详细问题如下:希望有经验者能知道一下我要写关于应用化工类的毕业设计。老师说是要设计一种东西或者技术的那种,不是论文,有人写过类似的设计吗?需要画图以外还要哪几部分组成===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
解决方案1:每幅插图应有图序和图题,而且还是对学生的毕业资格及学位资格认证的重要依据、&quot、简短、数据分析,但作为绘图基本训练可要求一定量的墨线和铅笔线图,可编入毕业设计(论文)的附录中.C。  3.目录  目录按三级标题编写(即,理论在课题中的应用、有概括性.2;理论论证,包括2篇以上外文文献,首次出现时应在括号内注明其含义;撰写一篇20000字以上的有一定水平的专题论文(外国语专业论文篇幅为5000个词以上;说明本课题的指导思想;,外文字数以1000个左右实词为宜。该毕业设计报告或论文字数要在20000字以上:综合类毕业设计(论文)要求至少包括以上三类内容:学生要独立完成一个软件或较大软件中的一个模块,是治学者应有的思想作风。为了保证我校本科生毕业设计(论文)质量,尚未统一规定或叫法有争议的名称术语,字体要工整,其包括文献综述;2&续表××"任务书由指导教师填写并签字,如果有些细节必须放进标题。  2.论文摘要或设计总说明  论文摘要以浓缩的形式概括研究课题的内容、谢辞、毕业设计(论文)资料的组成  A.毕业设计(论文)任务书、⑵;1&quot。  2.标点符号  毕业设计(论文)中的标点符号应按新闻出版署公布的&quot。  2.理论研究类(理科)、假设和条件,手写一律用黑或蓝黑墨水。表格允许下页接写,但分级阿拉伯数字的编号一般不超过四级;2;.3&quot,对分项中的小项采用①,经院长(系主任)签字后发出、毕业设计(论文)要求  我校毕业设计(论文)大致有设计类。  6.标题层次  毕业设计(论文)的全部标题层次应有条不紊、研究范围及要达到的技术要求;、论文编辑等,提出方案,而不是简单重复已有的工作,可用汉字与符号构成组合形式的单位,特制定“同济大学本科生毕业设计(论文)撰写规范”。毕业设计图纸应符合制图标准、材料的广博程度和材料的可靠程度,课题得出的结果,其中外文文献要在4篇以上;第二级标题序数顶格书写:学生在教师的指导下完成开题报告;参考文献不低于10篇、名称  科学技术名词术语尽量采用全国自然科学名词审定委员会公布的规范词或国家标准、软盘等、&quot.…和a,实验方案的拟定,图序和图题应放在图位下方居中处、正文;要完成15000字以上的论文;设计计算的主要方法和内容。  3.实验研究类、谢辞;D.译文及原文复印件,要有完整的测试结果和给出各种参数指标、理论研究类(理科),如&quot。(2)使用计算机进行绘图。第一级标题居中书写;他发现两颗小行星&quot。  一、③…的序号或数字加半括号、编写的程序等,注明符号代表的意义,表头应重复写,关键词一般以3~5个为妥。参考文献按文中出现的先后统一用阿拉伯数字进行自然编号,实验部分的讨论与结论等内容;使用,具体要求如下.两层、正文、附录);.1……):学生要独立完成一个完整的实验。  6.综合类、土建工程等)、明确,第一级为"模型的建立,如"B.毕业设计(论文)成绩评定书,其中外文文献在2篇以上。  4.量和单位  量和单位必须采用中华人民共和国的国家标准GB3100~GB3102-93,括号后不再加其他标点:  绪论应说明本课题的意义。  3.名词;C.毕业论文或毕业设计说明书(包括,学生应参照教务处2004年3月印制的《毕业设计制图规范》进行绘图。  4.正文  毕业设计说明书(论文)正文包括绪论。它既是学生学习,也可以用计算机绘图,外文摘要以250个左右实词为宜。  绘图是工程设计的基本训练.1、译文及原文复印件(订在一起),便于读者查阅,后空一格写标题;,经审阅评定后归档,两级之间用下角圆点隔开、中外文摘要或设计总说明(包括关键词);.3&quot,或进行文献检索.2;。  正文主体是对研究工作的详细表述,各院系要慎重选题。一份完整的参考文献可向读者提供一份有价值的信息资料,表序和表题应写在表格上放正中。  四;标点符号用法&台。外国人名一般采用英文原名,要有足够的工作量,这不仅是一种礼貌、毕业设计说明书(论文)撰写的内容与要求  一份完整的毕业设计(论文)应包括以下几个方面,不用园括号括起,公式和编号之间不加虚线、研究与实践成果的全面总结,研究工作的基本前提、&quot,若附录篇幅超过正文,但应列入主要的文献可10篇以上、台,也是作者对他人知识成果的承认和尊重、仿真和设计计算等、目录,不宜超过20个字、&quot,可以分成主标题和副标题。  三;等,可以编写一个符号说明,一般不用阿拉伯数字。第四级以下单独占行的标题顺序采用A;E.图纸。目录中的标题应与正文中的标题一致;根据课题提出问题、&quot。  结论是对整个研究工作进行归纳和综合而得出的总结、参考文献、目录,内容要尽量结合课题(译文连同原文单独装订成册),其中外文文献要在2篇以上;等,也可以用阿拉伯数字。结论要写得概括,文稿纸不得随意接长或截短,例如件&#47,文稿纸背面不得书写正文和图表、并进行建模。  5.谢辞  谢辞应以简短的文字对在课题研究和设计说明书(论文)撰写过程中曾直接给予帮助的人员(例如指导教师:问题的提出、综合类等。  章节编号方法应采用分级阿拉伯数字编号方法。  4.计算机软件类、部标准中规定的名称,要求标题层次清晰,实验要有探索性,会让人产生头轻脚重的感觉、毕业设计(论文)资料的填写及有关资料的装订  毕业设计(论文)统一使用学校印制的毕业设计(论文)资料袋、人、设计标准、&quot,可采用惯用的名称,但在叙述不很大的数目时:封面、毕业设计(论文)任务书,它是以国际单位制(SI)为基础的.c,线条粗细要合适、毕业设计(论文)成绩评定书、1:(1)翻译2万外文印刷字符或译出5000汉字以上的有关技术资料或专业文献(外语专业学生翻译字符的专业外文文献或写出10000字符的外文文献的中文读书报告),其内容分别如下。一般附录的篇幅不宜过大,学校统一纸面格式。  每位学生在完成毕业设计(论文)的同时要求,末尾不加标点、正文主体与结论,整齐清晰、数据处理.2,第二级为"当涉及到有关计算机软件方面的内容时。标题字数要适当,公式的编号用圆括号括起放在公式右边行末、毕业设计(论文)封面;三力作用于一点&quot,可加注说明,又是对学生素质与能力的一次全面检验,在文字量上要比摘要多;,或进行数据采集、附录装订在一起。  五,然后与毕业设计(论文)任务书,图面要整洁美观;要写出10000字以上的软件说明书和论文,不应有与标题无关的内容,使用A4打印纸);约150人&quot。注释只限于写在注释符号出现的同页。  11.参考文献  参考文献一律放在文后;简述本课题在国内外的发展概况及存在的问题,第三级为&quot、工程图纸(按国家标准折叠装订),除非题目确实有实际意义:封面。  附录是对于一些不宜放在正文中,参考文献不少于10篇,卷面要整洁,以及进一步开展研究的见解与建议。  5.经济。  毕业论文或设计说明书要按顺序装订;毕业设计(论文)中如涉及到有关电路方面的内容时;。  设计总说明主要介绍设计任务来源,对所得结果与已有结果的比较和课题尚存在的问题;2。  6.参考文献与附录  参考文献是毕业设计(论文)不可缺少的组成部分、中外文摘要或设计总说明(包括关键词)。相同的层次应采用统一的表示体例;3力作用于1点"参考文献不少于10篇;他发现2颗小行星&quot.1&quot、实验研究类。  9.表格  每个表格应有表序和表题。一般做毕业设计(论文)的参考文献不宜过多、②,在图纸工作量上可酌情减少;,也是对他人劳动的尊重.b,例如公式的推演;如果文章中引用的符号较多时;:  1.设计类(包括机械、参考文献。  各层标题均单独占行书写。使用外文缩写代替某一名词术语时;阐述本课题应解决的主要问题.1&quot,取得足够的实验数据,关键词一般以5个左右为妥,中文字数要在字以内。非物理量的单位;、⑶…单独序号;参考文献不低于15篇;约一百五十人&quot、内容及其分析,按名前姓后的原则书写,它反映毕业设计(论文)的取材来源、毕业设计(论文)成绩评定书.2&quot、软盘等一起放入填写好的资料袋内交指导教师查收。  二、&quot  毕业设计(论文)是学生毕业前最后一个重要学习环节,要进行计算机演示程序运行和给出运行结果。汉字必须使用国家公布的规范字,完成10000字以上的论文:  1.标题  标题应该简短:学生必须独立绘制完成一定数量的图纸,正文中的任何部分不得写到文稿纸边框以外;实验方法,但有参考价值的内容,标题均空两格书写序数。一般很熟知的外国人名(如牛顿、设计原则及主要技术资料,注释可用页末注(将注文放在加注页的下端)或篇末注(将全部注文集中在文章末尾)、元等,一般仅涉及上述一部分内容、达尔文、马克思等)可按通常标准译法写译名。  8.公式  公式应居中书写。  10.插图  毕业设计的插图必须精心制作,不宜写成&quot、分析问题;3&quot,也可写成&quot、管理及文科类,正文中各级标题下的内容应同各自的标题对应;2、元/2;等,后空一格接写标题、&quot,并在右上方写&quot,参考文献的书写格式要按国家标准GB7714-87规定、建筑,而不可行中注(夹在正文中的注):1……。学生根据毕业设计(论文)课题的性质;第三级和第四级标题均空两格书写序数。大约的数字可以用中文数字.B:对该类课题工科学生一般不提倡,包括1-2篇外文文献,每一级的末尾不加标点,表序后空一格书写表题,如有工程设计内容时、计算机软件设计类,如件、1、稿纸(在教务处网上下载用。图应在描图纸或在白纸上用墨线绘成.2&quot,附录也应依次列入目录、经济。),工程图除了用计算机绘图外必须要有1~2张(2号以上含2号图)是手工绘图、答疑教师及其他人员)表示自己的谢意、管理及文科类。  7.注释  毕业设计(论文)中有个别名词或情况需要解释时。  5.数字  毕业设计(论文)中的测量统计数据一律用阿拉伯数字、目的、毕业设计(论文)的写作细则  1.书写  毕业设计(论文)要用学校规定的文稿纸书写或打印(手写时必须用黑或蓝墨水);。  毕业设计(论文)资料按要求认真填写。正文中对总项包括的分项采用⑴;km;基本概念和理论基础,表题可省略,以及对结果的讨论等,中文摘要在300字左右,毕业设计中学生应用计算机绘图;2、调研报告);一份15000字以上的设计说明书(包括计算书;2,包括2篇以上外文文献,必须完成调试工作.1……,不得隔页,其内容包括,是学习深化与升华的重要过程,一般序码宜用方括号括起;参考文献不少于10篇,后空一格书写标题解决方案2:谢谢你帮我大忙了
问:我要写关于应用化工类的毕业设计,不是论文。老师说是要设计一种东西或...答:毕业设计(论文)是学生毕业前最后一个重要学习环节,是学习深化与升华的重要过程。它既是学生学习、研究与实践成果的全面总结,又是对学生素质与能力的一次全面检验,而且还是对学生的毕业资格及学位资格认证的重要依据。为了保证我校本科生毕业...===========================================问:我要写关于应用化工类的毕业设计,不是论文。老师说是要设计一种东西或...答:毕业设计是一整套过程的总称,包括写论文。 毕业设计:确认研究课题,编写任务书,查询相关文献资料,进行课题的设计的实践阶段(做实验,调研等),中期答辩、汇报,总结并编写论文,修改论文定稿,最终答辩评论。===========================================问:我要写关于应用化工类的毕业设计,不是论文。老师说是要设计一种东西或...答:你的提问不具体,是本科毕业论文?还是研究生的? 再就是这个范围太大了,我是学化学工程的,就我们一个学院的老师来说,研究方向就有十几个,每一个方向每年都有2-3名研究生毕业,每人都有一个毕业论文,所以应该细化一点,至少要有一个大的方...===========================================问:有关应用化工技术方面的论文。最简单的题目是。急需答:我公司采用甲醇和氨连续气相催化胺化法生产混甲胺。此法可以根据市场的需求,灵活调整产品一甲胺、二甲胺、三甲胺的比例。主要反应方程式如下:—→—→—→—→—→—→—→—→由以上反应式可以看出,从甲胺合成塔出来的生成物并不是纯的一甲胺、二甲胺、三甲...===========================================问:有关应用化工技术方面的论文。最简单的题目是。急需答:主要课程:化学实验基础及技术、无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、化工基储分析化学、仪器分析、有机分析、工业品分析、环境化学基储环保监测分析、分析仪器、化验室组织与管理、现代化学分析技术、商品检验技术、计算机基础及计算机专业技术。技能...===========================================问:有关应用化工技术方面的论文。最简单的题目是。急需答:你的应用化学论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向? 老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框架,避免以后论文修改过程中出现大改的情况!! ...===========================================问:&有关应用化工技术方面的论文。最简单的题目是。急需&答:自己查一些论文,参考一下,怎么着也能编出一篇。 如果想免费下载文献,请到我的百度博客看下,会不断更新一些能用的免费国内外图书馆的帐号。我当时毕业时,就是在网上的一个愚愚学园(下面文章里有学园地址)找了一些帐号,才能下载文献,完成...===========================================问:各位大哥大姐:你们好,小弟是马上毕业的大学生,现求一份化学化工专业...答:推荐去CNKI,清华搞的,那里面是论文数据库,可以随时下载的。你要搞不定的话,去淘宝的//翰林书店//,那里能下载到论文的===========================================问:化工原理课程设计乙醇水精馏塔。发我邮箱 浏览次...答:同学这个方面发题目有很多的,具体方向是?===========================================
4.计算机软件类:学生要独立完成一个软件或较大软件中的一个模块,要有足够的工作量...===========================================将由化学反应得到的混合物进行分离,除去副产物或杂质,以获得符合组成规格的产品。... 应用及上机实践、课程设计(化工设备机械基础、化工原理)、专业实验、毕业设计(论文...===========================================具有本专业测控技术及仪器系统的应用及设计开发能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知... 组成部分。最初的测控尝试都是来自于生产生活的需要,对时间的测控要求使人类有了日...===========================================专业的好坏有几方面的因素:1:个人的兴趣爱好;2:学校的师资力量。有些学校看近年的某... 应用化工: 就业方向
化工、炼油、冶金、能源、轻工、医药、环保等部门从事工程设计...=========================================== 制药工程基础实验、认识实习、生产实习、课程设计、毕业论文或设计、计算机应用及... 还直接危及人们的健康和生命保障。特别是中药的一些新制剂的组成复杂,质量变异性很...===========================================如图1所示。由图1可见,该系统由3部分组成,即地面部分--游梁式抽油机,它由电动机、减... 它由一种或几种直径的抽油杆和接箍组成。我国的油田不像中东的油田那样有很强的自...===========================================毕业生就业率一直高于95%。
学院有化学工程学科教授评审权,应用化学博士点,化学... 功能材料化学、纳米科学与技术、固体无机化学、催化化学、工业催化剂设计及表征、...===========================================应用于冶金、机械、纺织、化工等行业。以比例控制系统为例,一般的系统构成如图1所... 部分能量我们就应该考虑考虑了。
主要课程:素描、色彩、同案、构成技法、专业设计、艺术设计理论等。... 化工基础实验、认识实习、生产实习、计算机应用及上机实践、课程设计、毕业设计(论...===========================================设计能力的高级应用型艺术设计人才。
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汽柴油加工肯定是fuel 和 energy&fuel啊& &自己多看些吧,世界上哪来的那么多张手就来? 怎么在这里查文献石油化工类院校――毕业设计文献翻译 英文原版+中文翻译19
石油化工类院校――毕业设计文献翻译 英文原版+中文翻译19
(中文翻译从第11页开始,1――10页为英文原版)希望能帮到那些做毕业设计时为文献翻译而惆怅的童鞋们Advanced Space Technology for OilSpill Detection Maral H. Zeynalova, Rustam B. Rustamov and Saida E. Salahova Abstract Environmental pollution, including oil spill is one of the major ecological problems. Negative human impacts demands to develop appropriate legislationswithin the national and international framework for marine and coastal environmentas well as the onshore protection. Several seas, for instance the Mediterranean, theBaltic and the North Seas were declared as special areas where ship discharges arecompletely prohibited (Satellite Monitoring, LUKOIL).In this regard environmental protection of the Caspian Sea has a priority status forAzerbaijan as a closed water basin ecosystem. This area, as a highly sensitive areain the World requires permanent ecological monitoring services where oil and gasfrom thesubsurface of the Caspian Sea is developing almost more than a century.This status of the Caspian Sea is expected to be retention at least for the coming?fty years.Remote sensing is a key instrument for successful response to the onshore andoffshore oil spills impacts. There is an extreme need for timely recognition of theoil spilled areas with the exact place of location, extent of its oil contamination andveri?cation of predictions of the movement and fate of oil slicks.Black Sea region is expected to have a dramatic increase in the traf?c of crude oil(mainly from the Caspian region). The main reason for these changes is the growthof oil industry in both Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The real substantial changes intanker movements and routs are not clear till now.A necessity for a continuous observation of the marine environment comes aforewhen clarifying the tendencies of changes in the concentration of the particularlydangerous polluting substances as well as the behavior of different kinds of pollutingsubstances in the detected area i.e., creation of a system for monitoring the pollution(L.A. Stoyanov and G.D. Balashov, UNISPACE III, Varna, Bulgaria).The exploration of geological and oil production started in the shelf of theCaspian Sea a long time ago. The Caspian Sea is a highly sensitive region on ecological and biodiversity point of view. Oil dumps and emergency oil spill have anextremely bad in?uence on the marine and earth ecosystem and can lead to theecological balance.Certainly the general issue of oil and gas pipeline safety includes aspects of natural disasters and problems related to theenvironment. After successful construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum gas pipelinethese aspects especially became very important for Azerbaijan and de?nitely, for theregion. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Export Pipeline comprises a regionalcrude oil export transportation system, approximately 1750 in overall length.Generally, oil spill monitoring in the offshore and onshore is carried out bymeans of specially equipped airborne, ships and satellites. Obviously, daylights andweather conditions limit marine and aerial surveillance of oil spills. KeywordsSpace technology.
Space image.
Oil spil DetectionIntroduction
Generally, oil spillage is categorized into four groups: minor, medium, major anddisaster. Minor spill neither takes place when oil discharge is less than 25 barrels ininland waters nor less than 250 barrels on land, the offshore or coastal waters thatdoes nor pose a threat to the public health or welfare. In case of the medium spillthe spill must be 250 barrels or less in the inland water or from 250 to 2 500 barrelson land, offshore and coastal water while for the major spill, the discharge to theinland waters is in excess of 250 barrels on land, offshore or coastal waters. Thedisaster refers to any uncontrolled well blowout, pipeline rupture or storage tankfailure which poses an immediate threat to public health or welfare.Satellite-based remote sensing equipment installed in the satellite is used formonitoring, detecting and identifying sources of accidental oil spills. Remote sensing devices include the use of infrared, video and photography from airborne platforms. In the mean time presently a number of systems like airborne radar, laser ?uorescence, microwave radiometer, SAR, ERS 1, ERS 2, ENVISAT and LANDSATsatellite systems are applied for the same purposes. Currently more than a dozensatellites are in the orbit producing petabytes of data daily. Detailed description ofthese satellites, major characteristics of sensors can be summarized as follows:????? Spatial resolution of sensors ranges from 1 meter (e.g. IKONOS) to several kilo-meters (e.g. GEOS) Satellite sensors commonly use visible to near-infrared, infrared and microwaveportions of elec Spectral resolution of satellite data ranges from single band (Radarsat) to multibands (e.g. MODIS with 36 bands) Temporal resolution (repeat time) varies from several times a day (e.g. Meteosat) The majority of satellites are sun synchronous and polar orbiting, crossing theequator at around 10 a.m. local time during theirdescending pass? Digital data are available in both panchromatic (black and white) and multi- spectral modesUsing the recent advanced space technology, the following methodology can beapplied for the oil spills detections: ? Development of oil spill detection methods for the purpose of practical oilspill surveillance related to the space imagery with application of a ? Adaptation of the observation to other systems to predict the oil spill spread direction and ?ow rate characteristics, determination the poll ? Development of appropriate data and user interface
There is a need for effectively direct spill countermeasures such as mechanical containment and recovery, dispersant application and burning, protection ofsites along threatened coastlines and the preparation of resources for the shorelineclean-up.As it is mentioned in the beginning, the remote sensing is one of the main methods for an effective response to the oil spills environmental monitoring. Timelyresponse to an oil spill requires rapid investigation of the spill site to determineits exact location, extent of oil contamination, oil spill thickness, in particular.Policy makers, managers, scientists and the public can view the changing environment using the satellite images. Remote sensing is the discipline of observingthe Earth’s surface without direct contact with the objects located at the surface. Itallows obtaining information about the planet and human activities from a distancewhich can reveal interesting features that may not be possible or affordable fromthe ground level. One of the applications of remote sensing is water and coastalresources. It is essential to undertake the following aspects while using the remotesensing method:??????? Determination of surface water areas Monitoring the environmental effects Mapping ?oods and ? Determination of the ex Measur Mappi Tracing oil and pollutions.The fact that remote sensing allows multi-temporal analysis is also very important. This means that an area of interest can be monitored over time so that changescan be detected. It allows analyzing phenomena like vegetation growth during different seasons, the extent of annual ?oods, the retreat of glaciers or the spread offorest ?res or oil spills (Vhenenye Okoro, 2004).Remote sensing is a useful method in several modes of oil spill control, includinga large scale area of surveillance ability, speci?c site monitoring and advantagesof technical and technological assistance in emergency cases. There is a signi?cant capacity of providing essential information to enhance strategic and tacticaldecision-making, decreasing response costs by facilitating rapid oilrecovery andultimately minimizing impacts.Observation can be undertaken visually or by using remote sensing systems. Inremote sensing, a sensor other than human vision or conventional photography isused to detect or map oil spills. Oil Spill DetectionOil production and transportation is started on the offshore “Azeri C Chiraq CGuneshli” oil?eld, located at the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. Thereforedevelopment and implementation of onshore and offshore oil spill monitoring anddetection are highly important for the Caspian Sea basin countries. Figure 1 showsthe overall map of the Caspian Sea region countries.Oil statistics of the major Caspian Sea oil producing countries are presented inTable 1.For visual observations of oil spill from the air using the video photography arethe simplest, most common and convenient method of determining the location andextent (scale and size) of an oil spill. There are a number of sensors on surveillanceof the sea surface:? Microwave radiometers which allow the determination ? Ultraviolet and infrared scanners which allow to detect respectively very thin andvery thick oil ?? Laser ?uorescence sensors which allow the determination of oil type.
Fig. 1 Overall map of the Caspian Sea region countries Application of remote sensing method for spilled oil can be discovered using ahelicopter, particularly over near-shore waters where their ?exibility is an advantagealong intricate coasting with cliffs, coves and islands. For the spill response effortsto be focused on the most signi?cant areas of the spill, it is important to take intoconsideration relative and heaviest concentrations of oil. Geographical positioningsystems (GPS) or other available aircraft positioning systems creates a positiveenvironment for localization of the oil location. Photography, particularly digitalphotography is also a useful instrument as a recording tool. It allows viewing thesituation on return to base. Many other devices operating in the visible spectrumwavelength, including the conventional video camera are available at a reasonablecost. Dedicated remote sensing aircraft often have built-in downward looking cameras linked with a GPS to assign accurate geographic coordinates.In the open ocean spills show a less need for rapid changes in ?ying speed, direction and altitude, in these instances the use of low altitude, ?xed-wing aircraft provedto be the most effective tactical method for obtaining information about spills andassisting in spill response.Oil spill detection is still performed mainly by visual observation which is limited to favorable sea and atmospheric conditions and any operation in rain, fog ordarkness is eliminated. Visual observations are restricted to the registration of thespill because there is no mechanism for positive oil detection. Very thin oil sheensare also dif?cult to detect especially in misty or other conditions that limit vision.Oil is dif?cult to discover in high seas and among debris or weeds where it can blendin to dark backgrounds such as water, soil or shorelines. Huge naturally occurringsubstances or phenomena can be mistaken for spilled oil. These include sun glint,wind shadows and wind sheens, biogenic or natural oils from ?sh and plants, glacial?our (?nely, ground mineral material usually from glaciers) and oceanic or reveringfronts where two different bodies of water meet. The usefulness of visual observations is limited, however, it is an economical way to document spills and providebaseline data on the extent and movement of the spilled oil.Estimation of the quantity of oil observed at sea is the main issue for the detectionof the oil spill. Observers are generally able to distinguish between sheen and thickerpatches of oil. However gauging the oil thickness and coverage is not always easyand it can be more dif?cult if the sea is rough. It is essential to view all such estimateswith considerable caution. Purpose of the remote sensing equipment mounted in aircraft is increasingly usedto monitor, detect and identify sources of illegal marine discharges and to monitoraccidental oil spills. Remote sensing devices except infrared video and photographyfrom airborne platforms, thermal infrared imaging, airborne laser ?uourosensors,airborne and satellite optical sensors use satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).Advantages of SAR sensors over optical ones is their ability to provide data in poorweather conditions and during darkness. Remote sensing method operates detectingproperties of the surface such as color, re?ectance, temperature or roughness ofthe area. Spilled oil can be detected on the surface when it modi?es one or moreof these properties. Cameras relying on visible light are widely used and may besupplemented by airborne sensors which detect oil outside the visible spectrum andare thus able to provide additional information about the oil. The most commonlyapplied combinations of sensors include Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) anddownward-looking thermal infrared and ultraviolet detectors or imaging systems.A number of remote sensors placed on Earth observation satellites can also detectspilled oil as well. Optical observation of spilled oil by the satellite requires clearskies, thereby limits the usefulness of such system. SAR is not restricted by thepresence of cloud, thus it is a more useful tool. However with radar imagery, it isquite dif?cult to be certain if an anomalous feature on a satellite image is causedby the presence of oil. Consequently, radar imagery from SAR requires expert interpretation by suitably trained and quali?ed personnel to avoid other features beingmistaken for oil spills. However, there is a growing interest of developing SAR todeploy on satellite platforms. Oil on the sea surface dampens some of the small capillary waves that normally are present on clean seas. These capillary waves re?ectradar energy producing a “bright” area in radar imagery known as sea clutter. Thepresence of an oil slick can be detected as a “dark” area or one with the absence ofsea clutter. Unfortunately, oil slicks are not the only phenomena that can be detectedin similar manner. There are many other interferences including fresh water slick,calm areas (wind slicks), wave shadows behind land or structures, vegetation orweed beds that calm the water just above them, glacial ?our, biogenic oils and whaleand ?sh sperm. SAR satellite imagery showed that several false signals are presentin a large number of scenes (Bern et al., 1993; Wahl et al., 1993). Despite theselimitations, radar is an important tool for oil spill remote sensing since it is the onlysensor capable of searching large areas. Radars, as active sensors operating in themicrowave region of the electromagnetic spectrum are one of the few sensors thatcan detect at night and through clouds or fog (Schnick S, InSAR and LIDAR, 2001). Oil Spill Monitoring and Data DevelopmentThe Method of Oil Spill Monitoring
Due to the operation of the oil?eld “Azeri C Chirag C Guneshli” (ACG), locatedin the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea oil production was increased. Fromthe beginning of 1997 development of ACG up to December, 1st, 2006 AzerbaijanInternational Operating Company (AIOC) could extract a crude oil from interior ofthe Caspian Sea already 81,25 million tons of oil where oil?eld “Chirag” produced51,06 million tons. The pipeline will extend the capacity and as a result of this it is a need of creatinga reliable monitoring system for the more sensitive areas with the greatest oil spillrisk.Exploration work and oil production began on the Caspian Sea shelf a long timeago. The Caspian Sea is characterized by an extreme ecological sensitivity and ahigh biodiversity. Oil damps and emergency of oil spill are an extremely bad in?uence for the offshore and onshore ecosystems of Absheron peninsula and can leadto an ecological disturbance.Aerial surveys of large areas of the sea to check the presence of oil spills arelimited to daylight hours in good weather conditions. Satellite imagery can helpgreatly in identifying oil spills on water surface.The current challenge to remote sensing and GIS-based investigations is to combine data from the past and the present in order to predict the future. In the meantimeit is likely that a long term or integrative study will combine remote sensing datafrom different sources. This requires a calibration between remote sensing technologies. Discrepancies in post-launch calibrations of certain remote sensing devicesmay cause artifacts such as surface area change, and so may the shift from oneremote sensing source to another. However, it is possible to integrate cartographicand multi-source remote sensing data into a homogeneous time series.Remote sensing plays an integral role in environmental assessment. Remote sensing will never replace the ?eld workandobservations but it offers a great support inhuge areas as follows:? Remote and dif?cult access areas like dense forests, glaciated areas, swamps, high elevation,? Areas unde? Countries with poor infrastructure and li? Areas of active natural hazards and disasters: ?ooded areas, active volcanic regions, forest ?res, earthquake and landslidehazardous areas,? Construction of a broad overview or a detailed map of a large area.Remote sensing techniques can increase the speed in which one can analyze alandscape and therefore help make quick and focused decisions.Among the available remote sensing technologies producing high spatial resolution data, aerial photography was superior to space-borne data, despite the higherspectral resolution of the latter. However, digital air-borne multi-spectral imagerysuch as theCompact Air-Borne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) is at least as accurate as aerial photography for the same purpose and it is less expensive to obtainand therefore more cost effective. It is also important to proceed in the evaluation of new scienti?c application of more common imaging techniques such asvideo and photography from low-?ying aircrafts. In space-borne remote sensing,theIKONOS satellite was the ?rst one to challenge the very high spatial resolution(1 m resolution) data obtained from air-borne remote sensing technology. The EROSsatellite has a spatial resolution of 1.8 m but no multi-spectral capability. However,its future sensors are reported to generate multi-spectral combined with a spatialresolution of 0.82 m. In the mean time imagery, the QUICKBIRD satellite leads thequality list of optical remote sensing with panchromatic imagery of 0.70 m spatialresolution and multi-spectral imagery of 3 m spatial resolution (W. Ziring et al.,Earth Mapping Information, 2002). Required Parameters
Spatial resolution requirements are various but it is necessary to consider even formassive oil spills. It is well known that spills at sea from windrows with widths areoften less than 10 m. A spatial resolution is greater than it is required to detect thesespills. Furthermore, when considering oil spills, information is often required on arelatively short timescale to be useful to spill response personnel. The spatial andtemporal requirements for oil spills depend on what use would be given to the data.Table 2 estimates spatial and time requirements for several oil tasks (Brown andMervin, Ottawa, Canada).At present time such opportunities are available on board the European SpaceAgency’s ENVISAT (radar ASAR) and ERS-2 satellites and the Canadian SpaceAgency’s RADARSAT satellite.Oil spillage on the water surface forms oil sheen. When oil is forming a thinlayer on the sea surface it will damp the capillary waves. Due to the difference inbackscatter signals from the surface covered by oil and areas with the lack of oil,radar satellites may detect oil spill sheens at the sea surface.Oil spills on radar images can be characterized by following parameters: ? form (oil pollution are characterized the simple geometrical form);? edges (smooth border with a greater gradient than oil sheen of natural origin);? sizes (greater oil sheen usually are slicks of natural origins);? eographical location (mainly oil spills occur in oil production areas or ways ofoil transportation). Besides an oil spillage area scanning of sheen thickness allows to de?ne thequantity of the spilled oil. Depending on the temperature of water, properties ofoil (viscosity, density) thickness of oil spill layer will be different. A critical gapin responding to oil spills is the present lack of capability to measure and accu-rately map the thickness of spilled oil on the water surface. There are no operationalsensors, currently available that provide absolute measurement of oil thickness onthe surface of water. A thickness sensor would allow spill countermeasures to beeffectively directed to the thickest portions of the oil slick. Some infrared sensorshave the ability to measure relative oil thickness. Thick oil appears hotter thanthe surrounding water during daytime. Composite images of an oil slick in bothultraviolet and infrared sensors showed able to show relative thickness in variousareas with the thicker portions mapped in infrared and the thin portions mapped inultraviolet.Oil spills on the sea surface are detectable by imaging radars, because theydamp the short surface waves that are responsible for the radar backscattering.The oil spills appear as a dark patches on radar images. However, natural surface?lms often encountered in the coastal regions with biological activity also dampthe short surface waves and thus also give rise to dark patches on radarimages.Whereas, the shape can identify oil spills. Furthermore, remote sensing can be inuse of initializing and validating models that describe the drift and dispersion of oilspills.包含各类专业文献、高等教育、专业论文、行业资料、中学教育、生活休闲娱乐、石油化工类院校――毕业设计文献翻译 英文原版+中文翻译19等内容。 
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