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(PDF) Chapter 24: Red Blood Cells Constructs to...
31.97Università degli Studi di Urbino &Carlo Bo&50.15Università degli Studi di Urbino &Carlo Bo&Discover the world's research15+ million members118+ million publications700k+ research projects
This research doesn't cite any other publications.ProjectProject[...]Nanomaterials’ toxicity Conference PaperMarch 2014PreprintMarch 2018Ferucarbotran-loaded red blood cells as long circulating MRI contrast agents: first in vivo
results in mice PatentJuly 2007ArticleSeptember 2014 · New biomedical strategies are being developed to improve disease detection, therapeutic monitoring, and treatment
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The use of contrast agents to improve the sensitivity and resolution of diagnostic imaging modalities, detect lesions
or organs, and evaluate organ function was... [Show full abstract]Last Updated: 09 Mar 18摘要:蓝牙耳机的出现,让我们运动、工作时享受音乐变得更便捷。越来越多人追求蓝牙耳机,所以蓝牙耳机的品牌和型号也多了起来。打算买蓝牙耳机的朋友,却不知道哪款蓝牙耳机最好?今天就给大家从音质上做一个蓝牙耳机排行。
第三款:包装简约-- AKG蓝牙耳机
漫步者蓝牙耳机采用的是项圈设计,耳机的均设计在项圈内部,物理感明显,十分适合盲操。这样边运动,边切歌也很简单。这款耳机支持连接两部设备连接,当使用一台设备听音乐,另一台设备来电时,可以随时切换连接的设备,进行接听。Evaluation of land cover and ecological change of Yongding Hakka Tulou World Heritage Protection Area using remote sensing image--《Remote Sensing for Land & Resources》2018年01期
Evaluation of land cover and ecological change of Yongding Hakka Tulou World Heritage Protection Area using remote sensing image
XU ZZHENG HDAI CGAO PDU PKey Laboratory for Satellite Mapping Technology and Applications of State Administration of Surveying,Mapping,and Geoinformation of China,Nanjing UInstitute of Resource Engineering,Longyan UJiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science and Technology,Nanjing U
In this paper,Yongding District,where there are World Heritage Hakka Tulou and its Conservation Plan Area( Hugao region),were taken as the study area. With the purpose of analyzing the land cover and ecological environment changes in the study area from 1988 to 2014,the authors selected five Landsat images acquired in02, respectively to generate the land cover classification maps by using multiple classifier system and the remote sensing based ecological index( RSEI) maps by using RSEI. The change of land cover and ecological environment in the study area was obtained by the method of post classification change detection. Some conclusions have been reached:(1) The land cover of the study area significantly changed during the 26 years from 1988 to 2014,and the forest,shrub and grassland and built-up land increased rapidly,while farmland,degraded land and cultivation land de(2) RSEI is suitable for the evaluation of the ecological environment of the World Heritage Hakka T(3) The overall ecological quality of the two study areas improved year by year except for the period of 1988 ― 1996;(4) The relationship between the land cover and the ecological environment revealed that the ecological quality improved in the degraded land at high-altitude,the slope farmland which was converted into the forest land,shrub and grassland,and became worse in the area of forest,shrub and grassland land which degraded into the area of farmland,the degraded land and the reclaimed land as well as the expansion area surrounding the urban district.
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