
日前,备受业内人士关注和推崇的2017年度“20佳维修工具”颁奖典礼盛大启幕,Fluke 88-v/kit汽车专用万用表再度荣膺“20佳”维修工具。有效的检修意味着能在第一时间内迅速、正确的解决问题,并且可以以理想的故障诊断着手,事半功倍。Fluke 88-v/kit汽车专用万用表进一步提高的测量功能和排障功能即准确度,可以解决传统汽车和混和动力汽车的更多故障。 Fluke...
  日,LG Display宣布,已成功研发出全球首款88英寸8K OLED面板,再次证明并巩固了其在全球显示行业的领导地位。  作为全球首款大尺寸8K OLED显示产品,该面板的分辨率达到,像素点的数量达到了3300万。它的分辨率是目前4K超高清(UHD)电视的4倍、 全高清(FHD)电视的16倍,可以为用户呈现令人惊叹的清晰画面。LG...
& &特殊功能寄存器TCON的高4位为定时器的运行控制位和溢出标志位,低4位为外部中断的触发方式控制位和锁存外部中断请求源。TCON格式如下:D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0&TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0  1.定时器T0运行控制位TR0    TR0由软件置位和清“0”。门控位GATE为0时,T0的...
:M88&&//CRYSTAL:3.6864M &//ICC&AVR6.31A&&//占用定时器T0(工作在查询方式)&&//在项目中使用,收发一切正常呵&&nbsp...
了5.5%。  由于美国核电业务减记,东芝2016财年亏损已是无法避免的事,而事实也的确如此。  在近日公布的财报中,东芝2016财年的净亏损为9657亿日元(约合88亿美元),低于分析师平均预计的9774亿日元,也低于东芝方面预计的1.01万亿日元的最高亏损。  东芝2016财年的财报,按要求应当在6月底就公布,但东芝方面并未如期公布。  对于财报推迟公布的原因,东芝方面在一份...
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&&&&新浪科技讯 北京时间5月17日下午消息,市场研究机构Canaccord Genuity预计,苹果股票的新目标价为180美元,2018年,iPhone销量将会更大。但随着三星的介入,苹果的行业利润份额正在缩水。  本周二Canaccord Genuity表示,苹果在智能手机行业的利润从2016年第四季度的88%下降至2017年...
Strategy Analytics发布的最新研究报告指出,2016年Q3全球智能手机出货量达到3.75亿部。安卓操作系统占全球智能手机市场份额的88%,完胜苹果iOS和其它操作系统。
Strategy Analytics智能手机战略研究总监隋倩表示,&全球智能手机出货量从2015年Q3的3.542亿部同比增长到2016年Q3的3.754亿部,增幅6%。这是一年...
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ATmega48 具有8K 系统内
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MOV DPTR,#TAB1C ;显示汉字和字符
MOV COUNT,#10H ;地址计数器设为16。
MOV A,#88H ;第三行起始地址
MOV DPTR,#TAB1D ;显示汉字和字符
MOV COUNT,#10H ;地址计数器设为16。
MOV A,#98H ;第四行起始地址
CryptoMemory(2.7V - 3.6V)\AT88SC0104.JPG
.........................\AT88SC0204CA Summary.pdf
AT88SA10x系列产品是ATMEL新推出 基于高安全性的安全认证IC。 采用标准 SHA-256 哈希散列算法,消 息总长度为704位(88字节),产生256位 (32字节)消息摘要。 体积微小,有很强的隐蔽性,均提供 SOT-23-3 封装可供客户选用。 单线通信,占用资源少。 AT88SA的特点
本文首先介绍了AT88SCC 协议认证卡的主要特点、基本功能、安全存储原理、协议认证过程以及开发方法;接着,对应用AT88SC0104C 实现对电子产品加密防盗版的方法和安全性进行了研究;最后,给出了详细的设计过程和应用实例。关键词:AT88SC0104C,硬件加密,防盗版
电子产品被非法复制的情况极其严重。为此,Atmel 公司于1999 年...
o 2.4.4 IR PHY29
o 2.4.5 5GHzOFDMPHY29
o 2.4.6 HR/DSSS PHY29-30
o 第3章 HARVELL 88W8686及其接口分析30-49
o 3.1 网络功能30-32
o 3.1.1 无线局域网30-32
o 3.1.2 网络构存32
o 3.2 HOST接口32-38
o 3.2.1 G-SPI...
绍兴诸暨五泄和庄花溪里前台座机电话:4OO-763-I6I8转4Z653热-线-直-销:I59-884O-3976(tvx)抢-购-热-线:I76-OI57-5II4(tvx) 产品类型:住宅产-权-年限:70年 & & 可-售-户数:200套户-型:&&住宅:一梯两户带电梯花园洋房;首付40万起88方,3房2厅1卫1厨单阳台,南北通透,主卧朝南101...
今年刚入手辆车,但非常尴尬的是经常出现找不到路的情况,前面有拥堵的情况不能避开,一个很近的距离要走很长的时间,后面我不得不用手机进行导航,能避开拥堵路段,走最快捷的路线,遗憾的是手机要低头要看,很麻烦!这样开车注意力不集中,容易出现不安全的行驶隐患!听朋友讲AI智能行车记录仪比较好用,于是就入手了一个凌度S88的AI智能行车记录仪。 其实吧,安装了这台智能云记录仪后,直接插上4G卡就能联网导航...
绍兴诸暨五泄和庄花溪里前台座机电话:4OO-763-I6I8转4Z653热-线-直-销:I59-884O-3976(tvx)抢-购-热-线:I76-OI57-5II4(tvx) 产品类型:住宅产-权-年限:70年 & & 可-售-户数:200套户-型:&&住宅:一梯两户带电梯花园洋房;首付40万起88方,3房2厅1卫1厨单阳台,南北通透,主卧朝南101...
绍兴诸暨五泄和庄花溪里前台座机电话:4OO-763-I6I8转4Z653热-线-直-销:I59-884O-3976(tvx)抢-购-热-线:I76-OI57-5II4(tvx) 产品类型:住宅产-权-年限:70年 & & 可-售-户数:200套户-型:&&住宅:一梯两户带电梯花园洋房;首付40万起88方,3房2厅1卫1厨单阳台,南北通透,主卧朝南101...
绍兴诸暨五泄和庄花溪里前台座机电话:4OO-763-I6I8转4Z653热-线-直-销:I59-884O-3976(tvx)抢-购-热-线:I76-OI57-5II4(tvx) 产品类型:住宅产-权-年限:70年 & & 可-售-户数:200套户-型:&&住宅:一梯两户带电梯花园洋房;首付40万起88方,3房2厅1卫1厨单阳台,南北通透,主卧朝南101...
绍兴诸暨五泄和庄花溪里前台座机电话:4OO-763-I6I8转4Z653热-线-直-销:I59-884O-3976(tvx)抢-购-热-线:I76-OI57-5II4(tvx) 产品类型:住宅产-权-年限:70年 & & 可-售-户数:200套户-型:&&住宅:一梯两户带电梯花园洋房;首付40万起88方,3房2厅1卫1厨单阳台,南北通透,主卧朝南101...
此设计通过按键产生一个中断(通过设置Interrupt工具箱中的Key interrupt setting来设置,具体的设置方法请参照:andery88的开发进程帖:http://forum.eepw.com.cn/thread/#33),在中断函数中不断异或开关标志位,然后在主函数...
本程序在RL78/G13系列的64pin16位单片机上,通过内部IT(Interval Timer)定时器来设定一个时间(500ms),当一论定时结束后,会产生一个中断,在中断里控制一个LEDflag为1或为0,从而可以通过此来控制这个8位P7口的依次通断,从而控制与之相连的8个LED的亮和灭,整个...
本设计采用RL78/G13的16位单片机控制其内部的RTC模块,在RTC内采用外接的RTC专用32.768kHz晶振,这里使用了RTC中的constant-period interrupt function (INTRTC)功能,这里设置为:Once per 1s 即每一秒产生一个INTRTC中断,...
本次实验实现了通过RL78/G13的P2口作为数据Data的输入输出端口--共八位,分别与LCD1602的DB0--DB7相连,即P2n---DBn ;P7.0、P7.1、P7.2分别用于LCD1602的三个控制线RS、R/W、E,即P7.0--RS,P7.1--R/W,P7.2--E相连接。最终实...
MAX11166和MAX11167小尺寸、双极性±5V、16位模数转换器(ADC) 采用微型9mm2封装,是仅有的内置带缓冲基准的12引脚、16位双极性ADC,与竞争方案相比大大降低了成本,并可节省至少88%的电路板空间。该系列高度集成ADC采用超摆幅(Beyond-the-Rails(TM))技术,在正...
//实现功能:计时60秒 //晶振频率为11.0592MHZ#include&iom16v.h&#include&macros.h&#define uint unsigned int#define uchar unsigned char #define DU_set PORTC|=BIT(6)
// 共阴数码管段选#define DU_clr PORTC&=~BIT(6)#define WE_set PORTC|=BIT(7)
// 共阴数码管位选#define WE_clr PORTC&=~BIT(7)uchar table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f};//字符 '1'~'9'uchar num=0;void init(); //初始化void display(uchar temp); //显示函数void delay(uint t);//延时函数void init(){DDRA|=0PORTA|=0xFF;DDRC|=0PORTC|=0xFF;TCCR1B|=0x04;
//定时器1初始化,普通模式,256分频TCNT1H=0x57;TCNT1L=0x3f;TIMSK|=BIT(2);SREG|=BIT(7);}void delay(uint t){while(t--)for(i=0;i&110;i++);}void display(uchar temp){WE_PORTA=0WE_DU_PORTA=table[temp/10];DU_delay(1);WE_PORTA=0WE_DU_PORTA=table[temp%10];DU_}void main(){init();while(1){display(num);}}#pragm interrupt_handler timer1:9void timer1(void){num++;if(num==60)num=0;TCNT1H=0x57;TCNT1L=0x3f;}
delay(1); 再改长一点看看,不会,这样写的程序,会有点问题,改长了,超过10MS了,应该显示能看到。
WE_ 放到DU_前面或者后面试试,应该就可以了
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Essential role for TLR4 and MyD88 in the development of chronic intestinal nematode infection
, Volume 33 (11)
Essential role for TLR4 and MyD88 in thedevelopment of chronic intestinal nematodeinfectionHelena Helmby and Richard K. GrencisSchool of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, GBExpulsion of the gastrointestinal nematode Trichuris muris is mediated by a T helper 2 typeresponse involving IL-4 and IL-13. Here we show that Th1 response-associated susceptibil-ity is dependent on activation signals mediated by MyD88 and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4).TLR4- and MyD88-deficient mice are highly resistant to chronic T. muris infection anddevelop strong antigen-specific Th2 responses in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues.Hence, TLR4 and MyD88 are involved not only in the development of pro-inflammatoryresponses against bacterial pathogens but are also crucially involved in responses againstmulticellular organisms such as helminths. These results provide the first demonstration ofthe critical role of TLR4 and MyD88 in bridging the innate and acquired immune responseduring gastrointestinal nematode infection.Key words: Th1/Th2 cells / Cytokine / Mucosa / Helminth / InflammationReceived 17/6/03Revised 7/8/03Accepted 14/8/03[DOI 10.1002/eji.]Abbreviations: TLR: Toll-like receptor MLN: Mesentericlymph node KO: Knockout p.i.: Post-infection WT: Wild-type1 IntroductionGastrointestinal nematodes cause some of the mostprevalent and chronic human diseases worldwide. Thehuman whip worm (Trichuris trichiura) currently infects 1billion people [1]. The naturally occurring mouse counter-part T. muris has provided much information on theimmunoregulatory mechanisms underlying resistanceand susceptibility to this parasite. Trichuris lives partlyembedded in the epithelium of the large intestine. Infec-tion with T. muris results in expulsion of the worms andthe development of resistance in the majority of inbredmouse strains (e.g. BALB/c and BALB/K). However, cer-tain strains of mice (e.g. AKR/J) fail to expel this parasiteand harbor chronic infections. A number of studies haveshown that development of resistance or chronicity isdependent on Th2 and Th1 cells, respectively [2–5].Antigen-presenting cells express a range of Toll-likereceptors (TLR) that recognize specific patterns ofmicrobial components and regulate the activation ofboth innate and adaptive immunity (reviewed in [6, 7]).Mouse strains with a natural mutation in the TLR4 genearehyporesponsivetoLPS[8–10],andthedegreeofLPSresponsiveness correlates with the level of TLR4 expres-sion [11]. The downstream signaling events involve theMyD88 adapter protein, which links members of the TLRfamily, including TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9, and the IL-1receptor superfamily to the downstream activation ofNF- < B and MAP kinases [7, 12]. Thus, TLR4 and MyD88signaling processes are important in the development ofpro-inflammatory responses.In this report, we provide new information on the initia-tion of chronic gastrointestinal nematode infection. Wedemonstrate that TLR4 and MyD88 knockout (KO) miceare highly resistant to chronic nematode infection anddevelop strong antigen-specific Th2 responses. Thisstudy provides, for the first time, conclusive evidencethat TLR play a key pathogenic role in chronic gastroin-testinal nematode infections.2Results2.1 Mice with a natural defect in TLR4 areresistant to chronic T. mur i s infectionTo evaluate the functional importance of TLR4 in thedevelopment of chronic gastrointestinal nematode infec-tion, we infected C3H/HeJ mice, which have a naturalmutation in the TLR4 gene, and TLR4-expressing C3H/FeJ controls with T. muris.Weutilizedthelow-doseinfection protocol, which allows establishment of chronicT. m u r i s infection regardless of the genetic backgroundof the mouse strain [5]. C3H/HeJ and C3H/FeJ mice2974 H. Helmby and R. K. Grencis Eur. J. Immunol. 2003. 33: 2974–2979(C) 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Copyright (C) 2003 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Publisher site
Expulsion of the gastrointestinal nematode Trichuris muris is mediated by a T helper 2 type response involving IL‐4 and IL‐13. Here we show that Th1 response‐associated susceptibilityis dependent on activation signals mediated by MyD88 and Toll‐like receptor 4 (TLR4). TLR4‐ and MyD88‐deficient mice are highly resistant to chronic T. muris infection and develop strong antigen‐specific Th2 responses in mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissues. Hence, TLR4 and MyD88 are involved not only in the development of pro‐inflammatory responses against bacterial pathogens but are also crucially involved in responses against multicellular organisms such as helminths. These results provide the first demonstration of the critical role of TLR4 and MyD88 in bridging the innate and acquired immune response during gastrointestinal nematode infection.
European Journal of Immunology
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