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Common words appear frequently in written and spoken language across many genres from radio to academic journals.
Informal words should be reserved for casual, colloquial communication.
set on fire
More words related to ignite
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright (C) 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Word Origin & History
ignite 1646 (implied in ignitable), from L. ignitus, pp. of ignire "set fire." Attested earlier as an adj. (1560). Ignition is from 1612, "act of heating to the" meaning "means of sparking an internal combustion engine" is from 1881.
Example Sentences for ignite
A spark could ignite it and set the globe on fire like it was a brandied Christmas pudding.
The flames did not touch her, but they did ignite the curtain at the window.
Fuze—a device to ignite the charge of a shell or other projectile.
It is impossible to ignite there a fragment of amorphous phosphorus.
The fuse was imperfect and did not ignite the charge as soon as was expected.
He must get the passengers off the floorless bridge that might ignite at any moment.
They were afraid of lighting one lest it should ignite the grass.
The incandescent particles, falling on to the chips, ignite them.
When all is ready, ignite the matches, and cover close for several hours.
Suddenly it flamed up, and he saw it ignite the fabric of the balloon.}


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