c4d points to circlean apple哪里错了

Does New York love the Apple iPhone?
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Does New York love the Apple iPhone?
Over a year ago
by Dominic Basulto
Wired magazine's
blog points to an interesting fake ad campaign for the Apple iPhone: &Kudos to Alec Sutherland, who has put together the best fake ad for a real product I have ever seen in the form of &,&
a brilliant, professional spot that shows people of every language and
culture raving about the iPhone. I almost teared up, and I'm all West
Coast and stuff. Bonus points for use of &Young Folks& by Peter Bjorn
and John, too.&
As can be seen above, the &ad campaign& visually references the ever-popular &I Love New York& campaign. Mayor Bloomberg would be proud.
[image: iphonenewyork via ]
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Big Think 101生活大爆炸_苹果iOS 6地图现低级错误:印度洋标成北冰洋_沪江英语
苹果iOS 6地图现低级错误:印度洋标成北冰洋
编辑点评:苹果周一发布了新一代移动平台iOS 6测试版,新系统整合了全新的自有3D地图应用,用自家地图服务取代了谷歌地图。有趣的是,这款新地图服务存在许多低级错误,有些错误可是“杀手”级别!
Apple announced iOS 6 this week at WWDC 2012 and one of its main features is a new Maps application. It is currently in beta form within iOS 6 beta and it has quickly become apparent that Apple has some work to do before it releases the application to the general public.
Gizmodo has found a couple of mistakes within iOS 6 Maps that would surely confuse users if they ever appeared in the final version of the service.
Besides getting some street names wrong, the new Maps application has somehow confused the main bodies of water on planet Earth confusing the country of Greenland for the Indian Ocean and then mistaking the Indian Ocean for the Arctic Ocean. It also thinks the North Pacific Ocean is dead in the middle of the African
and thinks the North Atlantic Ocean is just off the tip of Africa.
It Also Tells Users to Drive Off a Bridge
As John Hermann of BuzzFeed points out, Apple&s new mapping service has an
that leads users directly off of an . Yes, it&s within the icon itself and not the maps, but it&s still a bit odd especially since it&s right next to Apple
in Cupertino, California.
We&re sure that these aren&t the only mistakes that can be found within Apple&s new Maps app, after all, the service is still in beta form.
And that&s what a beta is for anyway, isn&t it? Apple won&t be releasing iOS 6 to the public until the fall so it has plenty of time to re-direct users away from freeway overpasses and make sure users don&t mistake a huge land mass for a body of water.
Of course, Maps is just one piece of iOS 6. The software will also be bringing new Siri features, Facebook , a Do Not Disturb feature and a whole lot more when it arrives later this year.
【新闻快讯】北京时间6月14日凌晨消息,苹果新一代移动平台iOS 6的最大变化之一是利用自家地图服务取代了谷歌地图,有趣的是,苹果自家的地图服务存在诸多低级错误。
苹果周一发布了新一代移动平台iOS 6测试版,新系统整合了全新的自有3D地图应用。事实上,大部分数据来自TomTom。有趣的是,这款新地图服务存在许多低级错误。例如,将&格陵兰岛&标成了&印度洋&,将&印度洋&标成了&北冰洋&,将&中非&标成了&北太平洋&,将&南大洋&标成了&北大西洋&。正如一些业内人士所说,不可否认,这只是一个测试版,苹果还会继续完善。但即便如此,犯下如此低级的错误也是不应该的。


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