新加坡对于服务收入有withholding tax 中文吗

And in Seoul, the South Korean finance minister said the government was considering reinstating a withholding tax on foreign investors' holdings in some Korean securities.
Thailand introduced a withholding tax on foreign purchases of government bonds last week, and Brazil on Monday increased an existing tax on foreign bond buyers to 6 percent from 4 percent.
This week Thailand announced a new 15% withholding tax for foreign investors in its bonds.
Singapore does not levy any withholding tax on dividends, so the proceeds of the sale of the shares could be paid out directly to the Chinese shareholder.
In a petition letter, 36 overseas lenders said the withholding tax on interest payments on all loans to mainland banks from overseas creates an excessive burden.
This week Thailand announced a new 15% withholding tax for foreign investors in its bonds.
Thus it has to be checked whether, among other things, a withholding tax should be considered.
Another would repeal the ability of U.S. companies that derive at least 80% of their income from foreign business to treat interest and dividends as exempt from U.S. withholding tax.
Another would repeal the ability of U.S. companies that derive at least 80% of their income from foreign business to treat interest and dividends as exempt from U.S. withholding tax.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Withholding Tax
Withholding Tax
Withholding Tax is the amount to be withheld from a payment made to a non-resident professional or company liable to pay income tax on Singapore sourced income.
Withholding Tax of a non-resident company is an unincorporated partnership to carry on business for profit of two or more persons whose principal place of business is outside Singapore. This is excluding:
foreign clubs and associations
foreign universities
foreign government and its representatives
Withholding tax rate depends on the nature of income and is between 10% and 15%.
Withholding Tax for a non-resident individual is
in Singapore for less than 183 days in a calendar year under a contract for service and includes
a foreign expert who is either invited by government bodies, statutory boards, or private organisations to impart your technical know-how or expertise in Singapore
a foreign speaker/academic conducting seminars or workshops
Queen’s Counsels
Consultants, trainers, coaches
an individual who operates through a foreign firm
a non-resident director of a company incorporated in Singapore
Withholding tax rate is 15% on the Gross income/fee.
Withholding Tax for a non-resident director
Withholding tax rate is 20% of director’s cash and non-cash remuneration such as salary, bonus, director’s fees, accommodation provided and gains from stock options or other share ownership plans. Excluded are airfares paid to attend meetings in Singapore.
Gains from Employee Share Option (ESOP) and Other Forms of Employee Share Ownership (ESOW) must be reported to IRAS and the non-resident director will be informed by the tax authorities of the amount payable.
Other withholding tax rates:
Interest: 15%
Royalties from Patents: 10%
Branch remittance: Exempt
Dividends: Exempt(史提夫孫)


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