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ChinaTravelDepot Low Price Guarantee
Booking with ChinaTravelDepot, you can get exactly what you want-at the possible low rate. That is why we created the ChinaTravelDepot Low Price Guarantee.
First of all,
is the leading tour operator in China, and our business area focus in the China inbound travel industry. Comparing with the price in your departing country, we offer the local price which is cheaper.
Secondly, the price in our website is updated constantly to ensure you get the lowest price available online or at your destination. More than that, ChinaTravelDepot is showing you the 'honest price' on our website and the price you see is the price you pay. The Low Price Guarantee covers virtually every part of your trip: China vacation packages, cruises, rental cars and activities.
Requesting a Refund from ChinaTravelDepot is Easy!
Make a copy, print out or screen shot of the lower rate, and submit a refund request, send an email to
with your name, ChinaTravelDepot Booking Number, plus proof (price list, web address or web screen shot, etc.) of the lower price.
Terms and conditions:
1. Low Price Guarantee. If you find a lower price for the same tour or activity
or another website (priced in the same currency) within 72 hours of booking, send us the details and we'll refund the price difference. No gimmicks, no exceptions. In addition, we will give you a fifty dollar ($50.00) coupon good on a future booking .2. Must be "Apples to Apples" Comparison. The Low Price Guarantee is available only for exact itinerary matches, for example, offered on the same date and priced in the same currency as your original purchase , relevant to the refund policy. The Low Price Guarantee is not available for bookings on websites where the tours, activities, rental car company, itinerary or similar booking details are unknown until after purchase. You must meet all requirements imposed on the lower price (if any), including, without limitation, residency, regional and age-related requirements.3. Comparison Rates Must Be Available to the General Public Online.The 'Low Price Guarantee' only applies to prices both advertised and available to the general public on an English-language website. For example, this does not include rates offered on membership program websites, corporat group, charter, rewards program, incentive, meeting, convention, consolidator prices obtained via auctio or prices available only by using a coupon or other promotion not offered to the general public. The lower rate may not come from a website where you call to get the rate, or from an e-mail that you received. The rate must be quoted, booked, and paid for in US dollars.
ChinaTravelDepot Value Guarantee
, we are so confident about our online tour packages and products we can guarantee they are the best price. We can now provide you with our 'Best Value Guarantee'.
The reason we call it our Best 'Value' guarantee and not a Best 'Price' guarantee is because it has always been our ethos to provide you with a quality China tour experience at a price which is at great value.
A China tour should be more than just booking a combination of flights, hotels and transfers. It is about a carefully planned journey of discovery, an opportunity for encounters with friendly local people from distinct cultures, a wonderful time to relax, sit back and enjoy the whole experience. ChinaTravelDepot offer all these attributes online and make it simple for you to decide and book, or use our "Build My Trip" functions to build your own flexible itinerary. We ensure that from the time you arrive in China through to your departure, our team will be on hand to make sure that your needs and requirements are met.
If you find a better offer for the same itinerary (including the same accommodation, dates, flights, excursions and extras) that we have provided you with, we will not only match the price but also give you an additional US$50 to spend while you are in China.
Terms & Conditions:
1.The "Value Guarantee" applies to paid bookings on , . Your ChinaTravelDepot booking number must be provided when making a claim. The itinerary must use identical flights (if included in your tour) and be staying at the same accommodation on the same board basis. It does not include additional ancillary benefits, such as insurance, car hire, or parking etc.2.The guarantee is subject to availability of the accommodation offered by the other tour operator/ travel agent.3.Customers will need to provide the following information when ava. Name of the alternate tour operator/ travel agent.b. Details of the competitor including contact numbers.c. Specific Holiday details e.g Holiday reference number.d. Any conditions the other tour operators quote is subject to.4. Comparison rates must be available to the general public online. The Price Guarantee applies only to prices both advertised and available to the general public on an English language website. For example, this does not include rates offered as part of membership programs, corporat group, charter, rewards program, incentive, meeting, convention, consolidator prices obtained via auctio or prices available only by using a coupon or other promotion not offered to the general public. The lower rate may not come from a website requiring a call to get the rate, or from an e-mail received. Finally, the rate must be quoted, booked, and paid for in US dollars.5. Our "Value Guarantee" cannot be combined with other offers or promotions.
Submitting a claim:
Email us at:
Provide the quotation, tour itinerary and terms & conditions from our competitor.Any questions regarding claims should be directed to our Customer Service team.
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多来店(Dollar General)为美国知名之连锁零售店,以低廉、货品优良见称,以供应日常的民生用品为主: 包括健康美容品、包装食物、清洁剂、家庭用品、文具、玩具、季节性货品、衣服及家用纺织品如毛巾及床单等。私募股本巨头KKR拥有公司85%的股份。在美国的29个州拥有6,700多家商店。这些商店的货物由7个分销中心供给:佛罗里达州的Alachua,肯塔基州的Scottsville,密西西比州的Indianola,密苏里州的Fulton,俄亥俄州的Zanesville,俄克拉荷马州的Ardmore以及弗吉尼亚州的South Boston。二、使命A、服务于他人。B、对于客户:更优质的生活。C、对于投资者:更高的回报。D、对于雇员:尊重和机遇。三、商品范围Dollar General 的商店销售日用消费品,包括纸制品、清洁用品、保健美容用品、食品/零食、家庭用具、玩具和简单服装以及多种时令商品。四、行业: 零售业。五、2003年营业额: 69亿美元。六、员工人数:57,000 以上。七、商店数量: 6,700多家商店分布在29个州。八、公司总部: 田纳西州,Goodlettsville。DOLLAR GENERAL验厂要求· 产品为儿童睡衣,须购买产品责任保险。· 所有货品需于付运前通过化验测试,有关费用由供货商支付。· 所有拉链须为YKK出品。· 报价表需包括准确的工厂及生产货品的资料。· 所有悬挂衣物须预先配上衣架。· DOLLAR GENERAL 采购之产品,其厂商之验厂费用均由 DOLLAR GENERAL 支付。厂商违反下列九项要点,会即时被停用。1.工厂必须符合DOLLAR GENERAL 的童工政策。( 雇员的最低年龄为十六岁。)2.工厂不可以监禁、囚禁、契约束缚或其他形式雇用非自愿的劳工。3.关于正常工作及加班付薪, 工厂必须符合适用的国家法律。4.雇员每周必须至少有一天假期。5.工厂必须遵守法定的年度加班时间规定。6.办公时间内,工厂必须设有足够的紧急安全出口。所有出口必须保持开放及/或门必须上锁。甲: 每层最少设有两个安全出口。7.现场必须设有足够的灭火器。8.工厂不可以进行转运。9.工厂必须实施断针控制制度。· 每件货品的每一款型号须在出货前需进行一次出货前验货。DOLLAR GENERAL 会支付其费用。· 出货前验货 –产品生产及包装完成达百分之五十。· 完成海关贸易伙伴反恐方案(C-TPAT) 问卷。· 保安评估取得合格的成绩。· 签妥DOLLAR GENERAL 供货商协议书。
Dollar General文件审查清单/Dollar General Corporation
Dollar General社会责任验厂清单/Dollar General Corporation
1.所有员工的工时记录、加班记录、工资表、计件记录、银行转帐记录2.全体员工的劳动合同3.全体员工的人事档案、入厂登记表、身份证复印件、请假记录、离职员工申请表及工资支付记录4.生产设备清单及特种设备的验收、检修记录,各种特种设备年检记录或使用许何(如电梯、锅炉安全年检)、各种特种设备员工上岗证(如车驾驶、电工证)5.厂规、厂记和员工奖惩记录6.社会保险缴费记录及相关批文(如适用)7.消防演习、消防培训记录和消防设施检查记录8.生产订单或加工合同9.中间商资料,出口文件,船运文件,以及境外加工协议证明文件10.外发加工厂资料(例如, 外发加工厂联系信息,外发加工记录)11.营业护照、国税和地税登记证、厨房卫生许可证,厨工健康证、未成年员工体检记录及上岗登记证、竣工验收证明12.排污许可证,有害(危险)废物排放许可证,化学品列表,化学品之物质安全资料表,废物处理程序13.其他政府部门批准或许可证书(如综合计时制或其他种类之加班批文)14.其他认证证书(如ISO9000, ISO1400,SA8000等)15.新进员工以及转换岗位员工之安全卫生培训及岗位培训记录、化学品人员培训16.工伤事故记录、急救人员培训证书17.各个岗位风险及所应提供之个人保护用品之评估18.车间湿度、温度记录,车间噪音测试记录,饮用水年度测试19.工会相关文件记录(如适用)20.工厂平面图21.员工需正常出勤以进行完整的评估
最近更新时间: 05:05:46


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