Tharanco Group 公司怎样注册

The Tharanco Group is a private holding company that includes real estate investments, private equity investments and an established apparel arm. The apparel arm of the company has a foundation based in Private Brand manufacturing and brand management. The company has adopted a culture of sustainability and being eco-friendly as part of our forward growth in the apparel industry.We have nine operating divisions and support twenty-plus brands ranging from couture to moderate. We hold a unique position in the industry in that we service a wide array of customers ranging from such high end retailers as Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdale&s and Harvey Nichols to the wide array of stores in the apparel industry.We source products globally, matching logistics with customer needs. We build national brands and private brands by understanding the consumers needs.
2017 The Tharanco Group &}


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