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Pages:This is my favourite forumList of all the topics in this forum [p:-]392Xealot42 [p:-]148Kibou11JudasIscariot (GOG)&0Ethaar (GOG)&1Ethaar (GOG)1Sar1n0sweevo0Halahusch0Arthandas1Moonshield849RadP [p:-]66Khalan9enboig2Malvus6witmoos2Blakes75svartyngel1orca73orca70Arctic_WolfPages:This is my favourite forumExclusive Pre-order: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt up to 20% off ● Exclusive Pre-order: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt up to 20% offshare
The sword of Destiny has two edges. You are one of them., the RPG epic with a mature, non-linear story drawn from player's decisions, a vast multi-region open world acting like a living ecosystem, dynamic and tactical combat, and stunning visuals, is now available for pre-orders, up to 20% off*, exclusively !
is a part of the CD Projekt family, so pre-ordering here also gives you the chance to support us directly!Gritty and merciless, the world the adventure plays out in sets new standards in terms of size, ecosystem complexity and meaningful non-linearity. Experience realistic day and night cycles, observe weather changes that influence gameplay, and conquer the lush environment using arcane witcher lore. Evolve unique witcher skills to tailor gam hunt bloodthirsty monsters and develop your signature use potent battle magic, and slay your way to victory in a truly limitless open world. Stroll, swim, embark on legendary quests and collect epic bounties. Take control: go anywhere, do anything! is a story-driven next-generation open world role-playing game, set in a graphically stunning fantasy universe, full of meaningful choices and impactful consequences. The world burns as the Empire of Nilfgaard pierces through the heart of the kingdoms in the north. Geralt of Rivia is pursued by an enemy devoid of mercy—the Wild Hunt, a mythical cavalcade of ghastly riders, harbingers of doom and destruction, capable of destroying entire settlements overnight. Driven by a deeply personal agenda, Geralt must navigate a maze of hostile forces to find and protect the one described in an ancient prophecy. Pre-order today, and prepare for an RPG experience worthy of the best traditions of the genre, and taking it to a whole new level.
comes DRM-Free and packed with bonus content, just as we all like it. Check out the
for all the details!*While the base discount rate is 10%, we want to thank the loyal Witcher fans by applying additional 5% discount per game from The Witcher series owned . If you own a retail copy of a Witcher game, that came with a special code
backup copy, make sure to redeem it prior to pre-ordering
to receive the loyality discount!News headlines}


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