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The Money Maker Site
The Money Maker Site
The advantages of making money at home seem pretty evident,
so I won't try to sell you on those. Instead we'll get straight
to business. There are two types covered on this site: Internet
businesses, and all other home-based businesses.
- Niche sites, eBay secrets,
selling information online and more.
- Non-internet things you can do from home to
make money.
- This used t now it's
available here.
Latest Video: Why it makes sense to work from home...
Favorite Pages - Tips - Quotes
Work From Home Businesses - April 1, 2012 -
One day many years ago, a friend suggested I rent rooms in my
home. I was young and single, and had a mobile home on small
piece of property. I discovered it was easy to rent out the other
two bedrooms. Suddenly, I had six thousand dollars...
Keep Improving Your Business - Even if you are
doing well in your business, it is time to look for the next
improvement. Look for a way to make a little more of offer a
bit more to customers. Look for better suppliers or ways to cut
costs (without lowering quality). Constant improvement makes
it more likely that you will not only continue to do well, but
perhaps also grow larger.
Fetal Greetings - One of the stranger ways to
make money online was the selling of &fetal greeting&
cards. They had a picture of a fetus announcing his or her coming
entry intro the world. It was a unique way for a woman to tell
family and friends that she was pregnant.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone
else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with
the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of
other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important,
have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow
already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is
secondary. - Steve Jobs
Other Good Content
(Some of the latest pages )
How to Write for Websites - This page is a great
example of writing for websites, because I paid to have it written:
Paid Studies - Be a human guinea pig for pay?
Here's how:
Life Coach - You can get certifed online in
days or weeks, and then do this work from home using the internet
and your phone:
Writing a Book - This page has some tips for
getting that non-fiction book published, based on my own experience
doing just that:
- Three questions to ask.
- Make money from home.
- And a link to more information.
- Start with less than $200.
- Some ideas and some questions to ask.
Other Good Money Sites
Luck Secrets - Certainly these can be applied
to making money:
Fix and Flip Course - It's now offered for free
on the site:
The Meaning of Money - A bit more philosophical
appraoch to money:
Every Way to Make Money - Or at least hundreds
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< A division of DreamScape Networks FZ-LLCWWII Veteran Robert Belasco enjoys a freshly rolled Cohiba Cigar with Cuban Military Police. Circa 1972
Some of my favorite stories from my childhood were my Uncle Bob&#8217;s tales of his travels to Miami and the Island of Cuba.
Uncle Bob was a WWII veteran who stormed the beaches of Normandy. When he returned from Europe, he remained a bachelor and enjoyed traveling about the globe.
He often went to Miami in the winter time, and then take a short trip over to the pristine island of Cuba for a few weeks where he seemed to have too much fun for any one man to have.
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Can Thorium LIFT Reactors Save the Planet?
Imagine solving&all of our energy problems. All of them.
Then imagine if we solved the Planets energy issues in such a way that there was no more need, at all, for any of the current energy sources we are using.
No more need for fossil fuels like oil, coal, natural gas. No more need for renewable energies like Solar, Wind, or Hydro&#8230;
No more need&to mine, drill, fracture, clear-cut, refine, burn,&none of it.
What if there was a safe way to cut&all of these, using a safe, carbon emissions-free technology, which we already invented back in the 1940s.
A technology&we also buried because it could not be used to make bombs which was our priority then. Remember the Manhattan Project?
Well, there is no need to imagine this scenario because it is a reality,&and some of the worlds smartest people in the world are fighting very hard to get you on board.
What is this miracle technology?
The answer is Thorium and LIFT or LFTRs. Thorium,
is safe, efficient, and there is an endless supply of it, literally.
There are many source you can find about this technology, but to save you some time, a YouTuber &#8211;
has taken the best of the best, news, footage, and content about Thorium LIFT Technology and put it into a 1 hour and 45 min video.
Please &consider&watching it for yourself and make up your own mind. I have chosen to promote this film and be an advocate for the use of Thorium LIFT Technology.
Our&civilization can use LIFT to save the planet, so we can get back to all the cool, fun shit, we used to spend our time doing before we realized we were ruining the planet.
Kirk Sorensen, the worlds biggest advocate for Thorium-based Energy, often speaks about his friend, Jim, who owns a rare earth mine in Missouri, USA &#8211; right here in America.
Sorensen describes his friends mine as &#8220;a nice mine, maybe slightly better than the average rare earth mine, but nothing special really&#8221;.
When Sorensen asked his friend Jim, how much Thorium he might come across during a normal mining year, Jim replied, &#8220;about 5000 Tons.
5000 Tons is a normal amount of Thorium to come from the average rare earth mine in Missouri. The current process for Thorium yielded from mining other more valuable rare earth minerals is to dispose of it, it is harmless in this state.
Well, 5000 Tons of Thorium is enough to safely supply the entire planet with energy for an entire year and with no adverse effects to our environment.
If this doesn&#8217;t get the hair on your neck to stand up, you may just be dead. Also, consider Obahma
Other resources for Thorium and LIFT:
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The DJI Inspire 1 is a Consumer-grade RC Drone made for Arial Photography and contains a Low Power Ultra High Definition Video Micro-Processor made by Ambarella Inc.
Why you should buy Ambarella (AMBA &#8211; NASDAQ) Stock, Maker of Low Power 4K Ultra High Definition Video from Amberella Micro-processors.
Everyone wants to know which new company, start up or hot Penny stock will be the next big thing, the next Google, Intel, Apple, or even Microsoft.
Ten-large invested in any of these companies when they started out is now a small fortune, and enough to retire very comfortably.
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Diagnosis: Autism
If you or someone you know has recently received an Autism Diagnosis, for a child, a friend, or loved one, use this information as a step-by-step guide to help process the news, and gain the necessary perspective to allow your journey to be one of enlightenment, and empowerment.
If you are scared, worried, or angry, this is normal and will pass very quickly. If it is your child who has been diagnosed, your instincts will very quickly replace tour fear and anger with curiosity, motivation, and a passion to do what is best for your child. Determination is a powerful emotion that overshadows almost all others.
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Swing Trading Small Caps
Here is a play by play of how I, and a bunch of other JBP members, earned a crap-ton of money this Valentines Day.
We all were privy to, and acted upon, insider info. on a Swing Trade of a Small Cap Stock (MCP) we bought for under .80 cents per share on Tuesday, and sold just two days later for over $1.12 per share.
Anyone can do this so pay close attention and watch the free video lesson as well.
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Becoming an Advantage Player
Welcome to part 3 of the Online Gambling Series: How to Become an Advantage Player. This week we are focused on Data Tracking.
What do we track, why, and how. As always we will provide free as well as premium (paid) solutions.
None of the 3rd party products or services mentioned here are affiliated with, or pay any fees to, moneymakerspy,s staff.
Any and all of our recommendations on this site are based on cold, hard factual data, and real results from testing we have done first hand.
Our policy here is a simple one, good products and services get praise and promotion, while bad products and services get exposed for what they are.
We hope the owners of products and services that receive poor reviews will get the message in good faith, and use the information to improve their products. If not, we hope our information will help you and other end consumers to avoid these brands, saving time, money, and helping you to reach success as rapidly as possible.
The goal of this article is to aid you in taking next step of becoming an Advantage Player. This could mean having the advantage at a Black Jack Table, knowing how to bet on the Winning Super Bowl Team, or simply how to organize your playing space at a Bingo Game.
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