
基于VB的局域网远程控制CS结构 - 源码爱好者下载
基于VB的局域网远程控制程序,CS结构(服务端和客户端),主要是利用 winsck 控件的 UDP 协议进行编写的。
  1)屏幕监控 2)键盘监控 3)鼠标控制 4)键盘控制
  5)文件的批量上传、下载、简单的删除 6)文件的运行和查找
软件属性:共享版 | 简体中文
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好像是完全访灰鸽子的原码写的, 不过是VB版的,层次很清楚。。。
A. 由于下载人数众多,下载服务器做了并发的限制。若发现下载不了,请稍后再试,多次下载是不会重复扣分的。
A. 获得积分,详细见。
VIP服务公告:BS架构含服务端与客户端的VB远程控制工具 展示 ServerMod.bas源代码
- 下载整个 - 类型:.bas文件
Attribute VB_Name = &ServerMod&
'// Module for Andromeda 1.0 Remote File Server for & & &//
'// Microsoft Win32 by Ryan and Andrew Lederman & & & & &//
'// /andromeda & & & & & & & & & & & //
Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib &kernel32& (ByVal ApphProcess As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib &kernel32& (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Declare Function ProcessFirst Lib &kernel32& Alias &Process32First& (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib &shell32.dll& Alias &ShellExecuteA& (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Declare Function ProcessNext Lib &kernel32& Alias &Process32Next& (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
Declare Function CreateToolhelpSnapshot Lib &kernel32& Alias &CreateToolhelp32Snapshot& (ByVal lFlags As Long, lProcessID As Long) As Long
Declare Function CloseHandle Lib &kernel32& (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Const MAX_PATH& = 260
Public sEnabled As Boolean
& & dwSize As Long
& & cntUsage As Long
& & th32ProcessID As Long
& & th32DefaultHeapID As Long
& & th32ModuleID As Long
& & cntThreads As Long
& & th32ParentProcessID As Long
& & pcPriClassBase As Long
& & dwFlags As Long
& & szexeFile As String * MAX_PATH
& & End Type
Public Declare Function RegisterServiceProcess Lib &kernel32& (ByVal ProcessID As Long, ByVal ServiceFlags As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId Lib &kernel32& () As Long
Public filesOpen As Integer
Public strBuffer As String
Public PacketCount As Integer
Public EngineRunning As Boolean
Public SendPort(1 To 100)
Public intMax2 As Integer
Public fileNum As Long
Public FileSize1 As Long
Public fileName As String
Public StartSending &As Boolean
Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib &kernel32& Alias &WritePrivateProfileStringA& (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lplFileName As String) As Long
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib &kernel32& Alias &GetPrivateProfileStringA& (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpRetunedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
& & cbSize As Long
& & hwnd As Long
& & uId As Long
& & uFlags As Long
& & uCallBackMessage As Long
& & hIcon As Long
& & szTip As String * 64
& & End Type
& & 'constants required by Shell_NotifyIcon API call:
& &Public Const NIM_ADD = &H0
& & Public Const NIM_MODIFY = &H1
& & Public Const NIM_DELETE = &H2
& & Public Const NIF_MESSAGE = &H1
& & Public Const NIF_ICON = &H2
& & Public Const NIF_TIP = &H4
& & Public Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
Public Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib &user32& (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon Lib &shell32& Alias &Shell_NotifyIconA& (ByVal dwMessage As Long, pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Boolean
Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib &advapi32.dll& (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegCreateKeyEx Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegCreateKeyExA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, ByVal dwOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, phkResult As Long, lpdwDisposition As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegQueryValue Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegQueryValueA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal lpValue As String, lpcbValue As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegDeleteValue Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegDeleteValueA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) As Long
Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib &advapi32& Alias &RegQueryValueExA& _
& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
& &ByRef lpType As Long, ByVal szData As String, ByRef lpcbData As Long) As Long
Public Const REG_NONE = (0) & & & & & & & & & & & & 'No value type
Public Const REG_SZ = (1) & & & & & & & & & & & & & 'Unicode nul terminated string
Public Const REG_EXPAND_SZ = (2) & & & & & & & & & &'Unicode nul terminated string w/enviornment var
Public Const REG_BINARY = (3) & & & & & & & & & & & 'Free form binary
Public Const REG_DWORD = (4) & & & & & & & & & & & &'32-bit number
Public Const REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = (4) & & & & &'32-bit number (same as REG_DWORD)
Public Const REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = (5) & & & & & & '32-bit number
Public Const REG_LINK = (6) & & & & & & & & & & & & 'Symbolic Link (unicode)
Public Const REG_MULTI_SZ = (7) & & & & & & & & & & 'Multiple Unicode strings
Public Const REG_RESOURCE_LIST = (8) & & & & & & & &'Resource list in the resource map
Public Const REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR = (9) & & 'Resource list in the hardware description
Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000
& & & & nLength As Long
& & & & lpSecurityDescriptor As Long
& & & & bInheritHandle As Boolean
& & & & Revision As Byte
& & & & Sbz1 As Byte
& & & & Control As Long
& & & & Owner As Long
& & & & Group As Long
& & & & AclRevision As Byte
& & & & Sbz1 As Byte
& & & & AclSize As Integer
& & & & AceCount As Integer
& & & & Sbz2 As Integer
Declare Function RegReplaceKey Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegReplaceKeyA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal lpNewFile As String, ByVal lpOldFile As String) As Long
Declare Function RegRestoreKey Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegRestoreKeyA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegSaveKey Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegSaveKeyA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpFile As String, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) As Long
Declare Function RegSetKeySecurity Lib &advapi32.dll& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal SecurityInformation As Long, pSecurityDescriptor As SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) As Long
Declare Function RegSetValue Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegSetValueA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib &advapi32& Alias &RegSetValueExA& _
& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, _
& &ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal szData As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegUnLoadKey Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias &RegUnLoadKeyA& (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String) As Long
Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib &advapi32.dll& Alias _
& & &RegOpenKeyExA& (ByVal hKey As Long, _
& & ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
& & ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
Function CreateFolder(xFolder As String, Winsock As Winsock)
& & 'Creates a new folder. if function fails
& &'returns False
& &On Error GoTo failCreate
& & MkDir xFolder
& & sOutput &MKDIR '& & xFolder & &' from IP '& & Winsock.RemoteHostIP & &'&
& & Winsock.SendData (&CREATED&)
& & Exit Function
& & Winsock.SendData (&NOTCREATED&)
End Function
Function DisplayLogFile(strWhichLog As String)
& & 'Opens the specified log file and displays to user
& &Dim WhichFile As String
& & With frmLog
& & Select Case strWhichLog
& & & & Case &Login&:
& & & & & & .Caption = &ndromeda - Log File (Logins)&
& & & & & & WhichFile = App.Path + &\Log.txt&
& & & & & &
& & & & Case &FileTransfer&:
& & & & & & .Caption = &ndromeda - Log File (File Transfers)&
& & & & & & WhichFile = App.Path + &\FTransfer.txt&
& & & & Case &Output&:
& & & & & & .Caption = &ndromeda - Log File (Server Output)&
& & & & & & WhichFile = App.Path + &\Output.txt&
& & End Select
& & If Exists(WhichFile) = False Then
& & & & MsgBox &The Log file: & & vbCrLf & WhichFile & vbCrLf & &was not found. Andromeda will now create a new, empty log.&, 16, &Error: File Not Found&
& & & & i = FreeFile
& & & & Open WhichFile For Output As #i
& & & & Close #i
& & End If
i = FreeFile
Open WhichFile For Input As #i
& & Do While Not EOF(i): DoEvents
& & Line Input #i, Record$
& & Entire = Entire + Record$ + vbCrLf
.txtLogin.Text = Entire
.lblFileSize.Caption = FileLen(WhichFile) & & bytes&
.WhichLog.Text = strWhichLog
.Show , frmMain
End Function
Sub EnableServer(WhichState As Boolean)
& & 'Takes a boolean, toggles server state depending on value passed
& &'True = Enabled, False = Disabled
& &Select Case WhichState
& & Case True:
& & & & &frmMain.Server(0).Close
& & & & frmMain.Server(0).LocalPort = 6969
& & & & &frmMain.Server(0).Listen
& & & & &Do While frmMain.Server(0).State && sckListening
& & & & & & DoEvents
& & & & & & If frmMain.Server(0).State = sckError Then
& & & & & & & & MsgBox &An error occurred while trying to initialize the listening socket.&, 16, &Error&: Exit Sub
& & & & & & End If
& & & & Loop
& & & & sEnabled = True
& & & & frmMain.TimerUptime.Enabled = True
& & & & frmMain.Caption = &ndromeda RFS (Enabled)&
& & & & sOutput &Server Enabled&
& & Case False:
& & & & frmMain.Server(0).Close
& & & & Do While frmMain.Server(0).State && sckClosed
& & & & & & DoEvents
& & & & Loop
& & & & sEnabled = False
& & & & frmMain.TimerUptime.Enabled = False
& & & & frmMain.txtElapsed.Caption = &00:00:00&
& & & & frmMain.Caption = &ndromeda RFS (Disabled)&
& & & & sOutput &Server Disabled&
& & End Select
Function InvalidMessage() As String
& & 'Reads the Invalid Message file (\imessage.txt)
& &'and returns the contents
& &Dim fileNum As Integer
& & fileNum = FreeFile
& & If Exists(App.Path + &\imessage.txt&) = False Then
& & & & Open App.Path + &\imessage.txt& For Output As #fileNum
& & & & Close #fileNum
& & & & InvalidMessage = &&
& & Exit Function
& & End If
& & Open App.Path + &\imessage.txt& For Input As #fileNum
& & & & Do While Not EOF(fileNum): DoEvents
& & & & Line Input #fileNum, Record$
& & & & Entire = Entire + Record$ + vbCrLf
& & & & Loop
& & Close #fileNum
& & InvalidMessage = Entire
End Function
Function IsValidSharedFolder(strFolder As String) As Boolean
& & 'Takes the path of a folder, and checks it against
& &'the shared folder list. If it is found, returns TRUE, otherwise
& &'returns FALSE
If Right(strFolder, 1) && &\& Then strFolder = strFolder + &\&
For X = 1 To frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories.ListItems.Count
& & Debug.Print frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories.ListItems(X).T strFolder
& & If UCase(frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories.ListItems(X).Text) = UCase(strFolder) Then
& & & & IsValidSharedFolder = True: Exit Function
& & End If
& & If UCase(Left(strFolder, Len(frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories.ListItems(X).Text))) = UCase(frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories.ListItems(X).Text) Then
& & & & IsValidSharedFolder = True: Exit Function
& & End If
& & IsValidSharedFolder = False
End Function
Sub Main()
& & 'Entry point for application... depending on settings
& &'will display either splash screen or main window
If GetSetting(&Andromeda&, &Settings&, &SplashScreen&, &1&) = &1& Then
& & frmSplash.Show
& & start = Timer
& & Do While Timer - start & 2.5: DoEvents: Loop
& & frmSplash.Hide
& & frmMain.Show
& & frmMain.Show
Function MoveFile(oldPath As String, newPath As String, Winsock As Winsock)
& & 'Moves a file to new folder.
& &'Sends &MOVED& to client when done, so that client may refresh file list
& &On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
& & Dim fSObj As FileSystemObject
& & Set fSObj = CreateObject(&Scripting.FileSystemObject&)
& & Call fSObj.MoveFile(oldPath, newPath) 'Move file
& & Call Winsock.SendData(&MOVED&)
& & sOutput &MOVE '& & oldPath & &' to '& & newPath & &' from IP '& & Winsock.RemoteHostIP & &'&
& & Exit Function
& & Winsock.SendData &NOTMOVED&
& & sOutput &Error occurred in MoveFile: & & Err.Description & & #: & & Err.Number
End Function
Function MoveFolder(oldPath As String, newPath As String, Winsock As Winsock)
& & 'Moves a folder and it's contents to new folder.
& &'Sends &MOVED& to client when done, so that client may refresh file list
& &On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
& & Dim fSObj As FileSystemObject
& & Set fSObj = CreateObject(&Scripting.FileSystemObject&)
& & Dim BackSlash As Integer
& & BackSlash = FindReverse(oldPath, &\&)
& & oldPath = Left(oldPath, BackSlash - 1)
& & Call fSObj.MoveFolder(oldPath, newPath) 'Move folder
& & Call Winsock.SendData(&MOVED&)
& & sOutput &MOVE '& & oldPath & &' to '& & newPath & &' from IP '& & Winsock.RemoteHostIP & &'&
& & Exit Function
& & Winsock.SendData &NOTMOVED&
& & sOutput &Error occurred in MoveFolder: & & Err.Description & & #: & & Err.Number
End Function
Function FindReverse(str As String, char As String) As Integer
& & 'The opposite of InStr(). This function
& &'will return the index of the specified character from the END
& &'of the string, instead of the beginning
& &ind = Len(str)
& & Do While ind && 1
& & & & ch = Mid(str, ind, Len(char))
& & & & If LCase(ch) = LCase(char) Then
& & & & & & FindReverse = ind
& & & & & & Exit Function
& & & & End If
& & & & ind = ind - 1
& & FindReverse = 0
End Function
Function SendDirectoryContents(Path As String, coll As Collection)
Dim objFso As New FileSystemObject
If Right(Path, 1) && &\& Then Path = Path + &\&
& & 'This adds the files inside 'Path' (if any)
& & & &mypath = Path
& & & & myName = Dir(mypath)
& & & & Do While myName && &&: DoEvents
& & & & & & If myName && &.& And myName && &..& Then
& & & & & & & & If (GetAttr(mypath & myName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then GoTo next1
& & & & & & & & coll.Add (mypath & myName)
& & & & & & & &
& & & & & & End If
& & & & & & myName = Dir
& & & & Loop
& & Dim objDir1 As Folder
& & Dim objDir2 As Folder
& & Set objDir1 = objFso.GetFolder(Path)
& & 'This part adds all the files inside subfolders
& &If objDir1.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
& & For Each objDir2 In objDir1.SubFolders
& & & & 'add all the files inside the subfolder
& & & &Call SendDirectoryContents(Path & objDir2.Name, coll)
& & Next objDir2
& & Set objDir1 = Nothing
& & Set objDir2 = Nothing
& & Set objFso = Nothing
End Function
Function ReadINI(AppName$, Keyname$, fileName$) As String
& &Dim RetStr As String
& &RetStr = String(255, Chr(0))
& &ReadINI = Left(RetStr, GetPrivateProfileString(AppName$, ByVal Keyname$, &&, RetStr, Len(RetStr), fileName$))
End Function
Function ReadEncryptedINI(xAppName As String, xSubitem As String, xPathToFile As String) As String
& &'Just like ReadINI, but instead, reads an encrypted entry
& 'in the INI, and decrypts it before returning the value
& 'Very handy :)
& ReadEncryptedINI = Decrypt(ReadINI(xAppName, xSubitem, xPathToFile))
End Function
Function SendProcessesToClient(Winsock As Winsock)
& & 'Creates a data packet that the client can
& &'translate into a list of processes running on this machine
Dim xData As String
KillApp &none&, frmMain.lstProcesses
For X = 0 To frmMain.lstProcesses.ListCount - 1
& & xData = xData & frmMain.lstProcesses.List(X) & &|&
xData = &PROCESSES-&& & xData
Winsock.SendData (xData)
sOutput &Sent processes list to IP '& & Winsock.RemoteHostIP & &' (& & Len(xData) & & Bytes)&
End Function
Function ListBox_To_String(xList As ListBox)
& & 'Takes a ListBox control as an argument
& &'loops through the list, and concatenates the items
& &'into a string separated by semicolons
On Error Resume Next
If xList.ListCount = 0 Then
& & sOutput &ListBox_To_String() Returned: No items to write. Cannot continue.&: Exit Function
For X = 0 To xList.ListCount - 1
& & Item = xList.List(X)
If X = 0 Then xData = xData & Item: GoTo aa
& & xData = xData & &;& & Item
& & DoEvents
& & ListBox_To_String = xData
End Function
Function StartProcess(xPath As String, Winsock As Winsock)
& & 'Will execute a program passed in xPath
& &On Error GoTo error_handle
& & If GetSetting(&Andromeda&, &Settings&, &AllowProcessToggle&, &0&) = &0& Then
& & & & Winsock.SendData (&ERROR: Process toggling not allowed.&)
& & & & Exit Function
& & End If
& & 'In case of malicious intent...
& &If InStr(UCase(xPath), &DELTREE&) && 0 Or InStr(UCase(xPath), &FDISK&) && 0 Or InStr(UCase(xPath), &FORMAT&) && 0 Then
& & & & 'Someone thinks it would be funny to ruin the computer...
& & & &Winsock.SendData (&ERROR: You must be stupid to attempt to run that program.&)
& & & & Exit Function
& & End If
& & 'Execute the process
& &Call Shell(xPath, vbNormalFocus)
& & Winsock.SendData (&STARTED=& & xPath)
& & sOutput &Started '& & xPath & &' from IP '& & Winsock.RemoteHostIP & &'&
& & Exit Function
& & Winsock.SendData (&ERROR: An error occurred while trying to spawn the process: & & xPath)
End Function
Function TerminateRunningProcess(xPath As String, Winsock As Winsock)
& & 'Will execute a program passed in xPath
& &If GetSetting(&Andromeda&, &Settings&, &AllowProcessToggle&) = &0& Then
& & & & Winsock.SendData (&ERROR: Process toggling not allowed.&)
& & & & Exit Function
& & End If
& & On Error GoTo err_handle
& & KillApp xPath, frmMain.lstProcesses
& & Winsock.SendData (&TERMINATED=& & xPath)
& & sOutput &Terminated'& & xPath & &' from IP '& & Winsock.RemoteHostIP & &'&
& & Exit Function
& & Winsock.SendData (&ERROR: Process not terminated.&)
& & sOutput &Error in TerminateRunningProcess: xPath = & & xPath
End Function
Function WriteINI(mizainz$, Place$, Toput$, AppName$)
& & r% = WritePrivateProfileString(mizainz$, Place$, Toput$, AppName$)
End Function
Function WriteEncryptedINI(xAppName As String, xSubitem As String, xOutput As String, xPathToFile As String)
& & xOutput = Encrypt(xOutput)
& & r% = WritePrivateProfileString(xAppName, xSubitem, xOutput, xPathToFile)
End Function
Function AppName() As String
&AppName = &ndromeda RFS &
End Function
Sub ModifyUser(xUser As String)
& & 'Displays a dynamically created 'frmModifyUser'
& &'and initializes it's fields to the properties for the
& &'specified user
& &If Exists(App.Path + &\& + xUser + &.alf&) = False Then MsgBox &User '& & xUser & &' does not exist.&, 16, &SERVER ERROR&: Exit Sub
& & Dim frmModifyUser2 As New frmModifyUser
& & With frmModifyUser2
& & & & .txtPassword = ReadEncryptedINI(&Andromeda&, &PW&, App.Path + &\& + xUser + &.alf&)
& & & & .frameUser.Caption = &User settings for: & & xUser
& & & & .Caption = &ndromeda - Settings for '& & xUser & &'&
& & & & .txtUser = xUser
& & & & .Show
& & End With
Public Function Exists(fizile As String) As Boolean
& & 'Checks for the existence of a file or folder.
& &'Returns a Boolean value (T or F)
& &On Error Resume Next
& & If Dir(fizile) = && Then
& & & & Exists = False
& & & & Exists = True
& & End If
End Function
Sub RemoveFromRegistry()
& & 'Deletes the key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\_
& &'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
& &'(This allows the application to be executed when
& &'windows is loaded
Dim RetVal As Long, hKey As Long, ValueName As String, _
& & & & SubKey As String, phkResult As Long, SA As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, _
& & & & Create As Long
& & SubKey = &SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\&
& & RetVal = RegCreateKeyEx(hKey, SubKey, _
& & & & SA, phkResult, Create)
& & ValueName = &AndromedaRFS&
& & RetVal = RegDeleteValue(phkResult, ValueName)
& & RegCloseKey phkResult
Sub FileTransferAdd(xFileName As String, xFileSize As Long, xIPAddress As String, xStatus As String)
& & 'Adds an item to the 'File Transfer' list on the
& &'main window (frmMain). When files are transferred, either
& &'to or from the server, it is recorded here, and if the option
& &'is enabled for logging, it is written to the file transfer log
& &'(App.Path + &\FTransfer.txt&)
& &With frmMain.lstTransfer
& & & & Dim pinche As ListItem
& & & & Set pinche = .ListItems.Add(1, , xFileName)
& & & & pinche.SubItems(1) = xFileSize & & bytes&
& & & & pinche.SubItems(2) = xIPAddress
& & & & pinche.SubItems(3) = xStatus
& & End With
Function Encrypt(eString As String) As String
'Takes a string as an argument,
'and encrypts it. (Doubles the memory required for the string)
Dim nextChr As String
ff$ = &1?&
mm$ = &1%&
vv$ = &1?&
yy$ = &1?&
qte$ = &?&
tld$ = &'1&
tld2$ = &?&
exc$ = &g1&
ats$ = &?&
pnd$ = &?&
dol$ = &_0&
per$ = &?&
crt$ = &?&
amp$ = &?&
ast$ = &?&
opr$ = &?&
cpr$ = &0?&
dsh$ = &?&
und$ = &?&
pls$ = &?&
eqs$ = &?&
obc$ = &?&
cbc$ = &?&
obr$ = &0?&
cbr$ = &?&
dsl$ = &1?&
fsl$ = &0?&
cln$ = &?&
scl$ = &?&
fqt$ = &?&
apy$ = &?&
lsn$ = &?&
cma$ = &?&
grn$ = &i1&
prd$ = &?&
qes$ = &1?&
bsl$ = &m0&
spa$ = &w1&
zer$ = &0?&
one$ = &?&
two$ = &60&
thr$ = &?&
fou$ = &?&
fiv$ = &1p&
six$ = &?&
sev$ = &1?&
eig$ = &0?&
nin$ = &h&&
Let inptxt$ = eString
Let lenth% = Len(inptxt$)
Do While NumSpc% &= lenth%
Let NumSpc% = NumSpc% + 1
Let nextChr$ = Mid$(inptxt$, NumSpc%, 1)
If nextChr$ = &A& Then Let nextChr$ = aa$
If nextChr$ = &a& Then Let nextChr$ = a$
If nextChr$ = &B& Then Let nextChr$ = bb$
If nextChr$ = &b& Then Let nextChr$ = b$
If nextChr$ = &C& Then Let nextChr$ = cc$
If nextChr$ = &c& Then Let nextChr$ = C$
If nextChr$ = &D& Then Let nextChr$ = dd$
If nextChr$ = &d& Then Let nextChr$ = d$
If nextChr$ = &E& Then Let nextChr$ = ee$
If nextChr$ = &e& Then Let nextChr$ = e$
If nextChr$ = &f& Then Let nextChr$ = f$
If nextChr$ = &F& Then Let nextChr$ = ff$
If nextChr$ = &G& Then Let nextChr$ = gg$
If nextChr$ = &g& Then Let nextChr$ = g$
If nextChr$ = &H& Then Let nextChr$ = hh$
If nextChr$ = &h& Then Let nextChr$ = h$
If nextChr$ = &I& Then Let nextChr$ = ii$
If nextChr$ = &i& Then Let nextChr$ = i$
If nextChr$ = &J& Then Let nextChr$ = jj$
If nextChr$ = &j& Then Let nextChr$ = j$
If nextChr$ = &k& Then Let nextChr$ = k$
If nextChr$ = &K& Then Let nextChr$ = KK$
If nextChr$ = &L& Then Let nextChr$ = ll$
If nextChr$ = &l& Then Let nextChr$ = l$
If nextChr$ = &M& Then Let nextChr$ = mm$
If nextChr$ = &m& Then Let nextChr$ = m$
If nextChr$ = &N& Then Let nextChr$ = nn$
If nextChr$ = &n& Then Let nextChr$ = n$
If nextChr$ = &O& Then Let nextChr$ = oo$
If nextChr$ = &o& Then Let nextChr$ = o$
If nextChr$ = &P& Then Let nextChr$ = pp$
If nextChr$ = &p& Then Let nextChr$ = p$
If nextChr$ = &Q& Then Let nextChr$ = qq$
If nextChr$ = &q& Then Let nextChr$ = q$
If nextChr$ = &r& Then Let nextChr$ = r1$
If nextChr$ = &R& Then Let nextChr$ = rr$
If nextChr$ = &S& Then Let nextChr$ = ss$
If nextChr$ = &s& Then Let nextChr$ = s$
If nextChr$ = &t& Then Let nextChr$ = t$
If nextChr$ = &T& Then Let nextChr$ = tt$
If nextChr$ = &U& Then Let nextChr$ = uu$
If nextChr$ = &u& Then Let nextChr$ = u$
If nextChr$ = &V& Then Let nextChr$ = vv$
If nextChr$ = &v& Then Let nextChr$ = V$
If nextChr$ = &W& Then Let nextChr$ = ww$
If nextChr$ = &w& Then Let nextChr$ = w$
If nextChr$ = &X& Then Let nextChr$ = xx$
If nextChr$ = &x& Then Let nextChr$ = X$
If nextChr$ = &Y& Then Let nextChr$ = yy$
If nextChr$ = &y& Then Let nextChr$ = Y$
If nextChr$ = &Z& Then Let nextChr$ = zz$
If nextChr$ = &z& Then Let nextChr$ = z$
If nextChr$ = &1& Then Let nextChr$ = one$
If nextChr$ = &2& Then Let nextChr$ = two$
If nextChr$ = &3& Then Let nextChr$ = thr$
If nextChr$ = &4& Then Let nextChr$ = fou$
If nextChr$ = &5& Then Let nextChr$ = fiv$
If nextChr$ = &6& Then Let nextChr$ = six$
If nextChr$ = &7& Then Let nextChr$ = sev$
If nextChr$ = &8& Then Let nextChr$ = eig$
If nextChr$ = &9& Then Let nextChr$ = nin$
If nextChr$ = &0& Then Let nextChr$ = zer$
If nextChr$ = &~& Then Let nextChr$ = tld$
If nextChr$ = &`& Then Let nextChr$ = tld2$
If nextChr$ = &!& Then Let nextChr$ = exc$
If nextChr$ = &@& Then Let nextChr$ = ats$
If nextChr$ = &#& Then Let nextChr$ = pnd$
If nextChr$ = &$& Then Let nextChr$ = dol$
If nextChr$ = &%& Then Let nextChr$ = per$
If nextChr$ = &^& Then Let nextChr$ = crt$
If nextChr$ = &&& Then Let nextChr$ = amp$
If nextChr$ = &*& Then Let nextChr$ = ast$
If nextChr$ = &(& Then Let nextChr$ = opr$
If nextChr$ = &)& Then Let nextChr$ = cpr$
If nextChr$ = &-& Then Let nextChr$ = dsh$
If nextChr$ = &_& Then Let nextChr$ = und$
If nextChr$ = &+& Then Let nextChr$ = pls$
If nextChr$ = &=& Then Let nextChr$ = eqs$
If nextChr$ = &{& Then Let nextChr$ = obc$
If nextChr$ = &}& Then Let nextChr$ = cbc$
If nextChr$ = &[& Then Let nextChr$ = obr$
If nextChr$ = &]& Then Let nextChr$ = cbr$
If nextChr$ = &|& Then Let nextChr$ = dsl$
If nextChr$ = &\& Then Let nextChr$ = fsl$
If nextChr$ = &:& Then Let nextChr$ = cln$
If nextChr$ = &;& Then Let nextChr$ = scl$
If nextChr$ = Chr$(34) Then Let nextChr$ = qte$
If nextChr$ = &'& Then Let nextChr$ = apy$
If nextChr$ = &&& Then Let nextChr$ = lsn$
If nextChr$ = &,& Then Let nextChr$ = cma$
If nextChr$ = &&& Then Let nextChr$ = grn$
If nextChr$ = &.& Then Let nextChr$ = prd$
If nextChr$ = &?& Then Let nextChr$ = qes$
If nextChr$ = &/& Then Let nextChr$ = bsl$
If nextChr$ = & & Then Let nextChr$ = spa$
Let Newsent$ = Newsent$ + nextChr$
If crapp% & 0 Then Let crapp% = crapp% - 1
Encrypt = Newsent$
End Function
Function Decrypt(dString) As String
'Takes an encrypted string (encrypted by our Encrypt() function)
'and decrypts it to normal text. See also: Read and WriteEncryptedINI()
ff$ = &1?&
mm$ = &1%&
vv$ = &1?&
yy$ = &1?&
qte$ = &?&
tld$ = &'1&
tld2$ = &?&
exc$ = &g1&
ats$ = &?&
pnd$ = &?&
dol$ = &_0&
per$ = &?&
crt$ = &?&
amp$ = &?&
ast$ = &?&
opr$ = &?&
cpr$ = &0?&
dsh$ = &?&
und$ = &?&
pls$ = &?&
eqs$ = &?&
obc$ = &?&
cbc$ = &?&
obr$ = &0?&
cbr$ = &?&
dsl$ = &1?&
fsl$ = &0?&
cln$ = &?&
scl$ = &?&
fqt$ = &?&
apy$ = &?&
lsn$ = &?&
cma$ = &?&
grn$ = &i1&
prd$ = &?&
qes$ = &1?&
bsl$ = &m0&
spa$ = &w1&
zer$ = &0?&
one$ = &?&
two$ = &60&
thr$ = &?&
fou$ = &?&
fiv$ = &1p&
six$ = &?&
sev$ = &1?&
eig$ = &0?&
nin$ = &h&&
Let lenth% = Len(dString)
Let NumSpc% = 1
Do While NumSpc% &= lenth% - 1
Let nextChr$ = Mid$(dString, NumSpc%, 2)
Let NumSpc% = NumSpc% + 2
If nextChr$ = aa$ Then Let nextChr$ = &A&
If nextChr$ = a$ Then Let nextChr$ = &a&
If nextChr$ = bb$ Then Let nextChr$ = &B&
If nextChr$ = b$ Then Let nextChr$ = &b&
If nextChr$ = cc$ Then Let nextChr$ = &C&
If nextChr$ = C$ Then Let nextChr$ = &c&
If nextChr$ = dd$ Then Let nextChr$ = &D&
If nextChr$ = d$ Then Let nextChr$ = &d&
If nextChr$ = ee$ Then Let nextChr$ = &E&
If nextChr$ = e$ Then Let nextChr$ = &e&
If nextChr$ = f$ Then Let nextChr$ = &f&
If nextChr$ = ff$ Then Let nextChr$ = &F&
If nextChr$ = gg$ Then Let nextChr$ = &G&
If nextChr$ = g$ Then Let nextChr$ = &g&
If nextChr$ = hh$ Then Let nextChr$ = &H&
If nextChr$ = h$ Then Let nextChr$ = &h&
If nextChr$ = ii$ Then Let nextChr$ = &I&
If nextChr$ = i$ Then Let nextChr$ = &i&
If nextChr$ = j$ Then Let nextChr$ = &j&
If nextChr$ = jj$ Then Let nextChr$ = &J&
If nextChr$ = k$ Then Let nextChr$ = &k&
If nextChr$ = KK$ Then Let nextChr$ = &K&
If nextChr$ = ll$ Then Let nextChr$ = &L&
If nextChr$ = l$ Then Let nextChr$ = &l&
If nextChr$ = mm$ Then Let nextChr$ = &M&
If nextChr$ = m$ Then Let nextChr$ = &m&
If nextChr$ = nn$ Then Let nextChr$ = &N&
If nextChr$ = n$ Then Let nextChr$ = &n&
If nextChr$ = oo$ Then Let nextChr$ = &O&
If nextChr$ = o$ Then Let nextChr$ = &o&
If nextChr$ = pp$ Then Let nextChr$ = &P&
If nextChr$ = p$ Then Let nextChr$ = &p&
If nextChr$ = qq$ Then Let nextChr$ = &Q&
If nextChr$ = q$ Then Let nextChr$ = &q&
If nextChr$ = r1$ Then Let nextChr$ = &r&
If nextChr$ = rr$ Then Let nextChr$ = &R&
If nextChr$ = ss$ Then Let nextChr$ = &S&
If nextChr$ = s$ Then Let nextChr$ = &s&
If nextChr$ = t$ Then Let nextChr$ = &t&
If nextChr$ = tt$ Then Let nextChr$ = &T&
If nextChr$ = uu$ Then Let nextChr$ = &U&
If nextChr$ = u$ Then Let nextChr$ = &u&
If nextChr$ = vv$ Then Let nextChr$ = &V&
If nextChr$ = V$ Then Let nextChr$ = &v&
If nextChr$ = ww$ Then Let nextChr$ = &W&
If nextChr$ = w$ Then Let nextChr$ = &w&
If nextChr$ = xx$ Then Let nextChr$ = &X&
If nextChr$ = X$ Then Let nextChr$ = &x&
If nextChr$ = yy$ Then Let nextChr$ = &Y&
If nextChr$ = Y$ Then Let nextChr$ = &y&
If nextChr$ = zz$ Then Let nextChr$ = &Z&
If nextChr$ = z$ Then Let nextChr$ = &z&
If nextChr$ = qte$ Then Let nextChr$ = Chr$(34)
If nextChr$ = one$ Then Let nextChr$ = &1&
If nextChr$ = two$ Then Let nextChr$ = &2&
If nextChr$ = thr$ Then Let nextChr$ = &3&
If nextChr$ = fou$ Then Let nextChr$ = &4&
If nextChr$ = fiv$ Then Let nextChr$ = &5&
If nextChr$ = six$ Then Let nextChr$ = &6&
If nextChr$ = sev$ Then Let nextChr$ = &7&
If nextChr$ = eig$ Then Let nextChr$ = &8&
If nextChr$ = nin$ Then Let nextChr$ = &9&
If nextChr$ = zer$ Then Let nextChr$ = &0&
If nextChr$ = tld$ Then Let nextChr$ = &~&
If nextChr$ = tld2$ Then Let nextChr$ = &`&
If nextChr$ = exc$ Then Let nextChr$ = &!&
If nextChr$ = ats$ Then Let nextChr$ = &@&
If nextChr$ = pnd$ Then Let nextChr$ = &#&
If nextChr$ = dol$ Then Let nextChr$ = &$&
If nextChr$ = per$ Then Let nextChr$ = &%&
If nextChr$ = crt$ Then Let nextChr$ = &^&
If nextChr$ = amp$ Then Let nextChr$ = &&&
If nextChr$ = ast$ Then Let nextChr$ = &*&
If nextChr$ = opr$ Then Let nextChr$ = &(&
If nextChr$ = cpr$ Then Let nextChr$ = &)&
If nextChr$ = dsh$ Then Let nextChr$ = &-&
If nextChr$ = und$ Then Let nextChr$ = &_&
If nextChr$ = pls$ Then Let nextChr$ = &+&
If nextChr$ = eqs$ Then Let nextChr$ = &=&
If nextChr$ = obc$ Then Let nextChr$ = &{&
If nextChr$ = cbc$ Then Let nextChr$ = &}&
If nextChr$ = obr$ Then Let nextChr$ = &[&
If nextChr$ = cbr$ Then Let nextChr$ = &]&
If nextChr$ = dsl$ Then Let nextChr$ = &|&
If nextChr$ = fsl$ Then Let nextChr$ = &\&
If nextChr$ = cln$ Then Let nextChr$ = &:&
If nextChr$ = scl$ Then Let nextChr$ = &;&
If nextChr$ = apy$ Then Let nextChr$ = &'&
If nextChr$ = lsn$ Then Let nextChr$ = &&&
If nextChr$ = cma$ Then Let nextChr$ = &,&
If nextChr$ = grn$ Then Let nextChr$ = &&&
If nextChr$ = prd$ Then Let nextChr$ = &.&
If nextChr$ = qes$ Then Let nextChr$ = &?&
If nextChr$ = bsl$ Then Let nextChr$ = &/&
If nextChr$ = spa$ Then Let nextChr$ = & &
Let Newsent$ = Newsent$ + nextChr$
Decrypt = Newsent$
End Function
Function FindPort() As Long
& & 'Uses a randomized seed to create an open data port
& &Randomize
& & FindPort = Int((10000 - 1000) * Rnd + 1000)
End Function
Function RenameFile(xPath As String, xNewName As String) As Boolean
& & 'Renames a disk file
& &If Exists(xPath) = False Then RenameFile = False: Exit Function
& & Dim Fiz As File
& & Dim fizile As FileSystemObject
& & Set fizile = CreateObject(&Scripting.FileSystemObject&)
& & Set Fiz = fizile.GetFile(xPath)
& & Fiz.Name = xNewName
& & RenameFile = True
& & Set Fiz = Nothing
& & Set fizile = Nothing
End Function
Function RenameFolder(xPath As String, xNewName As String) As Boolean
& & 'Renames a folder
& & Dim Fld As Folder
& & Dim fizile As FileSystemObject
& & Set fizile = CreateObject(&Scripting.FileSystemObject&)
& & If fizile.FolderExists(xPath) = False Then RenameFolder = False: Exit Function
& & Set Fld = fizile.GetFolder(xPath)
& & Fld.Name = xNewName
& & RenameFolder = True
& & Set Fld = Nothing
& & Set fizile = Nothing
End Function
Sub TimeOut(HowLong)
'Halts program execution for a specified time (in seconds)
TheBeginning = Timer
Do While Timer - TheBeginning & HowLong
& & X = DoEvents()
Public Function KillApp(myName As String, List As ListBox) As Boolean
& & 'If called with &none&, this function will clear frmMain.lstProcesses,
& &'and then query the Windows OS for running processes, then add them
& &'into the list. If called with a valid running executable's path (example: C:\MyProgram\Myprogram.exe)
& &'it will terminate that process.
& & Dim uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32
& & Dim rProcessFound As Long
& & Dim hSnapshot As Long
& & Dim szExename As String
& & Dim exitCode As Long
& & Dim myProcess As Long
& & Dim AppKill As Boolean
& & Dim appCount As Integer
& & Dim i As Integer
& & On Local Error GoTo Finish
& & appCount = 0
& & Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS As Long = 2&
& & uProcess.dwSize = Len(uProcess)
& & hSnapshot = CreateToolhelpSnapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0&)
& & rProcessFound = ProcessFirst(hSnapshot, uProcess)
& & List.Clear
& & Do While rProcessFound
& & & & DoEvents
& & & & i = InStr(1, uProcess.szexeFile, Chr(0))
& & & & szExename = LCase$(Left$(uProcess.szexeFile, i - 1))
& & & & List.AddItem (szExename)
& & & & If Right$(szExename, Len(myName)) = LCase$(myName) Then
& & & & & & KillApp = True
& & & & & & appCount = appCount + 1
& & & & & & myProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, uProcess.th32ProcessID)
& & & & & & AppKill = TerminateProcess(myProcess, exitCode)
& & & & & & Call CloseHandle(myProcess)
& & & & End If
& & & & DoEvents
& & & & rProcessFound = ProcessNext(hSnapshot, uProcess)
& & Call CloseHandle(hSnapshot)
End Function
Function DeleteFiles(xFiles As String, IPAddress As String) As Boolean
& & 'Deletes files passed in xFiles... ('file1|file2|file3|')
& &'Returns Boolean (True for success, False otherwise)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
Dim dDir As File
Dim dObj As FileSystemObject
Set dObj = CreateObject(&Scripting.FileSystemObject&)
If Not Mid(xFiles, Len(xFiles), 1) = &|& Then
& & xFiles = xFiles & &|&
For DoList = 1 To Len(xFiles)
& & thechars$ = thechars$ & Mid(xFiles, DoList, 1)
& & fileName = Mid(thechars$, 1, Len(thechars$) - 1)
& & If Mid(xFiles, DoList, 1) = &|& Then
& & & & If (GetAttr(fileName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then 'It's a dir, so we have to strip the .d
& & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & RmDir (fileName)
& & & & & & & & DeleteFiles = True
& & & & & & & & sOutput &DELETE '& & fileName & &' from IP '& & IPAddress & &'&
& & & & & & & & thechars$ = &&
& & & & Else
& & & & Kill fileName
& & & & sOutput &DELETE '& & fileName & &' from IP '& & IPAddress & &'&
& & & & thechars$ = &&
& & & & End If
& & End If
Next DoList
DeleteFiles = True
Exit Function
sOutput &Error occurred in DeleteFiles(): & & Err.Description & & #: & & Err.Number
DeleteFiles = False
End Function
Sub SendFileToClient(xFileName As String, IPAddy As String, whichWinsock As Winsock)
'Opens a disk file using Binary Access Read, reads a specified block of data
'(size is governed by BufferSize (default 2048))
'after reading block of data, sends it to the remote machine
'via the Winsock control passed as the third argument (WhichWinsock)
On Error GoTo errorhandler
Dim Buffer As String
Dim BufferSize As Integer
Dim Fiz As File
Dim pinche As ListItem
Dim FizObj As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fileLength As Long, SuperBuffer As Long
Dim PercentDone As Long, b As Integer
& & BufferSize = 2048
& & & & & &
& & & & &Do While whichWinsock.State && 7: DoEvents
& & & & &If whichWinsock.State = sckError Then
& & & & &sOutput &Winsock Error:& & vbCrLf & Err.Description: Exit Sub
& & & & &End If
& & & & &Loop
& & & & &StartSending = False
& & & & &whichWinsock.SendData &FILESIZE=& & FileLen(xFileName)
& & & & &Do While StartSending && True: DoEvents: Loop
& & i = FreeFile 'Find free file
& & Set FizObj = CreateObject(&Scripting.FileSystemObject&)
& & Set Fiz = FizObj.GetFile(xFileName)
& & Set pinche = frmMain.lstTransfer.ListItems.Add(1, , Fiz.ParentFolder + &\& + Fiz.Name)
& & & & pinche.SubItems(1) = Fiz.Size & & bytes&
& & & & pinche.SubItems(2) = IPAddy
& & Open xFileName For Binary Access Read As #i
& & & & fileLength = LOF(i)
& & & & Do While Not EOF(i): DoEvents
& & & & & & If fileLength - Loc(i) & BufferSize Then
& & & & & & & & Let BufferSize = fileLength - Loc(i)
& & & & & & & & If BufferSize = 0 Then GoTo done
& & & & & & End If
& & & & & &
& & & & & & Buffer = Space(BufferSize)
& & & & If Loc(i) = 0 Then GoTo skipPercent 'Don't want division by zero
& & & & PercentDone = Loc(i) / fileLength * 100
& & & & If b & 30 Then: b = b + 1: GoTo skipPercent
& & & & pinche.SubItems(3) = PercentDone & &%&
& & & & b = 0
& & & & Get #i, , Buffer
& & & & whichWinsock.SendData Buffer
& & & & SuperBuffer = SuperBuffer + Len(Buffer)
& & & & Loop
& & Close #i
& & & & StartSending = False
& & & & pinche.SubItems(3) = &Complete.&
& & & & sOutput &SENT-& & & xFileName & & (& & SuperBuffer & & bytes) to [& & IPAddy & &]&
& & & & If GetSetting(&Andromeda&, &Settings&, &WriteTransferLog&) = &1& Then
& & & & & & WriteLog App.Path + &\FTransfer.txt&, &Sent '& & xFileName & &' (& & SuperBuffer & & bytes) to IP '& & IPAddy & &' Time/Date=& & Format(Now, &HH:MM:SS AM/PM - MM/DD/YYYY&)
& & & & End If
& & & & Exit Sub
Call sOutput(&Error in SendFileToClient: & & Err.Description & &Number: & & Err.Number)
Sub LoadExistingUserInformation()
& & Dim firsthtml As String
& & With frmManageUsers
& & & & Path$ = App.Path + &\*.alf&
& & & & firsthtml = Dir(Path$)
& & & & If firsthtml = && Then
& & & & & & MsgBox &No User files could be found to search through.&, 16, &Files Not Found&: btnCancel.Enabled = False: &Exit Sub
& & & & End If
& & & & .lstbuffer.Clear
& & Do While firsthtml && &&
& & & & DoEvents
& & & & .lstbuffer.AddItem (firsthtml)
& & & & firsthtml = Dir
& & & & .ListView1.ListItems.Clear
& & For X = 0 To .lstbuffer.ListCount - 1
& & & & username = ReadEncryptedINI(&Andromeda&, &UserName&, App.Path + &\& + .lstbuffer.List(X))
& & & & Pw = ReadEncryptedINI(&Andromeda&, &PW&, App.Path + &\& + .lstbuffer.List(X))
& & & & lastlogin = ReadEncryptedINI(&Andromeda&, &LastLogin&, App.Path + &\& + .lstbuffer.List(X))
Dim itm As ListItem
& & & & Pw = &''& & Pw & &''&
& & & & If lastlogin = && Then lastlogin = &Never.&
If username = && Then GoTo izend
Set itm = .ListView1.ListItems.Add(, , username)
& & itm.SubItems(1) = Pw
& & itm.SubItems(2) = lastlogin
& & DoEvents
& & Next X
& & End With
Sub LoadSharedDirectories()
& & 'Opens the Shared Directories config file (\SD.DLL)
& &'and adds the shared folders to frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories
& &Dim Jig As ListItem
& & With frmSharedFolders
& & i = FreeFile
& & If Exists(App.Path + &\SD.DLL&) = False Then
& & & & MsgBox &No shared directory information could be located. You need to add shared directories.&, 16, &Error: No Shared Directory Information&: Exit Sub
& & End If
& & & & Open App.Path + &\SD.DLL& For Input As #i
& & & & & & Do While Not EOF(i): DoEvents
& & & & & &
& & & & & & Line Input #i, shmoo$
& & & & & &
& & & & & & Set Jig = .lstDirectories.ListItems.Add(, , shmoo$, , 1)
& & & & & &
& & & & & & Loop
& & & & Close #i
& & End With
&Sub WriteRegistry(hKey As Long, SubKey As String, _
& & ValueName As String, vNewValue As String)
& & Dim phkResult As Long, RetVal As Long
& & 'Writes a key in the registry under the HKEY passed in first argument
& &RetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, SubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, phkResult)
& & RetVal = RegSetValueEx(phkResult, ValueName, 0, REG_SZ, vNewValue, _
& & & & & CLng(Len(vNewValue) + 1))
& & 'Close the keys
& &RegCloseKey hKey
& & RegCloseKey phkResult
Sub SaveSharedDirectories()
& & 'Saves the list of shared directories for the server
& &i = FreeFile
& & Open App.Path + &\SD.DLL& For Output As #i
& & & & For X = 1 To frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories.ListItems.Count
& & & & Print #i, frmSharedFolders.lstDirectories.ListItems(X).Text
& & & & DoEvents
& & & & Next X
& & Close #i
Function DirectoryToString(xPath As String) As String
& & 'Takes the path to a folder as an argument,
& &'and returns a string that the client can translate
& &'into a list of files and subdirectories
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
& & Dim FirstFile, xPath2 As String
& & Dim fizile As File
& & Dim ReturnValue As String
& & Dim FizileObject As Scripting.FileSystemObject
& & Set FizileObject = CreateObject(&Scripting.FileSystemObject&)
'----------------------------------- Directories
& &mypath = xPath
& & If mypath = &C:\& Then myName = Dir(mypath, vbDirectory): GoTo skip1
& & myName = Dir(xPath, vbDirectory)
& & Do While myName && &&
& &If InStr(mypath, myName) = 0 Then
& &If myName && &.& And myName && &..& Then
& & & If (GetAttr(mypath & myName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
& & & & &ReturnValue = ReturnValue & myName & &.d|&
& & & End If
& &myName = Dir
'------------------------------------ Files
& &xPath2 = xPath & &*.*&
& & If xPath = &C:\& Then xPath2 = xPath
& & FirstFile = Dir$(xPath2)
Do While FirstFile && &&: DoEvents
& & Set fizile = FizileObject.GetFile(xPath + FirstFile)
& & ReturnValue = ReturnValue & fizile.Name & &:& & fizile.Size & &|&
& & FirstFile = Dir
& & DirectoryToString = ReturnValue
Exit Function
sOutput &Error occurred in DirectoryToString(): & & Err.Description & & #: & & Err.Number
End Function
Sub sOutput(xOutput As String)
& & 'Displays output in the Server Output list on frmMain
& &'Called to alert user to activity
& &Dim Dta As String, LITM As ListItem
& & Set LITM = frmMain.lstOutput.ListItems.Add(1, , xOutput)
& & & & LITM.SubItems(1) = Format(Now, &HH:MM:SS AM/PM - MM/DD/YYYY&)
& & Call WriteLog(App.Path + &\Output.txt&, xOutput & & : & & Format(Now, &HH:MM:SS AM/PM - MM/DD/YYYY&))
Sub WriteLog(strPath As String, strLine As String)
& & 'Writes data (strLine) to a specified file (strPath)
& &'*Only appends to the end of the file, does not erase any
& &'existing data in the file*
& &If Exists(strPath) = False Then
& & & & i = FreeFile
& & & & Open strPath For Output As #i
& & & & Close #i
& & End If
& & Dim fileNum As Integer
& & fileNum = FreeFile
& & Open strPath For Append As #fileNum
& & & & Print #fileNum, strLine$ '&- for some reason, if you dont include the '$' char, it adds quotes to the line written... weird
& & Close #fileNum
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