戴尔mini10 MINI 5 Streak5好用吗

在Android机海中,由电脑厂商Dell出产的Dell Streak Mini5一直是颇受关注的机型,介于手机与平板之间的使用体验也让众多机友心动不已。近期这款机型终于正式在国内发售,戴尔中国也是委托FashionDes为这款手机做一个简单的试用评测。先来看大家其实都很熟悉的规格表: 网络模式:GSM、WCDMA 外观设计:直板 主屏尺寸:5.0英寸 480×800像素 触摸屏:电容屏,多点触控 摄像头像素:500万像素CMOS(主摄像头)、VGA(正面) 处理器:1GHz QualComm Snapdragon 操作系统:目前官方版本升级至Android OS v2.2 机身内存:512MB ROM+512MB RAM 电池容量:1530mAh 蓝牙传输:支持 GPS导航:支持 存储卡:MicroSD卡(双) 键盘类型:虚拟QWERTY键盘
首先来上真机正反侧面实拍图,这次我们拿到的是Cherry Red樱桃红的版本,身为知名电脑厂商,Dell Streak Mini5的做工还是相当精细的,红色看起来很正也很有中国特色。 因为FashionDes不是专业的科技站点,所以就不浪费笔墨在Android系统及产品设计的部分,而是着重从个人的角度和大家比较关心的几个部分来进行陈述。 1、尺寸 5寸屏幕究竟有多大,为了方便大家对比,FashionDes用大家最熟悉的iPhone 4作为参照物拍摄了对比照片。
侧面对比图,虽然Dell Streak Mini5的屏幕惊人,但侧面却是维持了纤薄的维度,视觉感官上基本与iPhone 4持平。
有不少朋友都戏言Dell Streak Mini5最大的好处是可以衬得使用者的脸小,从FashionDes请来的Show Girl实际拍摄来看,好像真的是这样。(拜托,人家是本来就脸小好吧orz...) 2、屏幕显示 Dell Streak Mini5使用了一块分辨率为480×800像素的5.0英寸高清电容屏,在显示方面的确有过人之处,尤其是在网页浏览等阅读体验方面,的确让人感觉到大屏幕的优势。
在网页浏览方面,Dell Streak Mini5完全可以作为平板电脑的替代品,以为例,基本上可以实现全局浏览,获得的体验与电脑前相差无几,而显示屏的亮度直观上略微不及Apple或Sony家的产品,但仍然十分细腻,反而更适合长时间阅读。
值得一提的是Dell Streak Mini5在烈日下仍然能维持很好的亮度,相机翻拍的效果反光比较严重,但实际使用中却几乎不受影响,不过FashionDes其实不支持走在大街上埋头玩手机啦。 3、拍照功能 Dell Streak Mini5配备了一颗500万像素的主摄像头,因此拍照方面也是主推的一个点,经过FashionDes的测试,对于细节的捕捉还是到位的,不过在还原色彩方面略有不足,拍摄出来的图像会比实际偏暗。
Dell Streak Mini5自然光源下的室外实拍。
Show Girl的实拍,时间约为下午4点,光线比较充足。
与iPhone 4拍摄图像的对比图,左为iPhone 4拍摄的图像,右为Mini5拍摄的图像。 4、信号问题 Chris一向最重视信号问题,认为这也是判断一支手机好坏的重要标准,最近被iPhone 4 + 联通3G的烂网络搞得痛不欲生,连写这篇测评都忍不住想要大发牢骚。相反是Dell Streak Mini5 + 移动动感地带的组合使用一个月至今几乎没有遭遇到任何信号方面的问题。作为一家非专业手机制造商,Dell这次的确值得夸奖。 5、音频输出 这也是现代人使用手机的一个重要功能,而Dell的市场经理也有专门强调Dell Streak Mini5在这方面的用心,不过FashionDes的实际使用中觉得这支手机在音频的表现上只能说是不功不过,虽然音量和保真度都达标,但是在细节还原上,还是比不上iPhone 4或是之前Nokia的旗舰手机N97(真是难得给这款折磨了我一整年的手机说句好话,囧)。 6、流畅度 据称Android系统最大的弊端之一就是使用过久会导致系统变慢,应该是程序越开越多的缘故,不过Mini5配备的1GHz QualComm Snapdragon还是十分给力的,自然使用中尚未出现内存不足、响应时间过长的问题。 7、电量 只能说大屏幕的确是比较耗电,如果日常只使用Dell Streak Mini5这一支手机兼做影音娱乐的话,每天充电大概是少不了的,不过这支手机的充电速率也很惊人,一个小时之内就能够充到80%左右。当然续航力较弱是现在智能手机的通病,不过从后台显示的耗电详情来开,似乎使用Dell Streak Mini5时的耗电量还好,反倒是待机耗掉了不少电量。 最后的两个大实话——
其实一路使用下来我对这支手机都是怀着非常满意的态度,除了这个——屏幕解锁问题,网上似乎有不少帖子反应Dell Streak Mini5解锁失灵,而原因似乎是屏幕产生的静电。在刚刚拿到这支手机的前几天,这个问题有点让人痛不欲生,不过越使用到后来这个问题的发生几率就越来越低,不知道之前是不是新机的缘故。虽然现在基本上已经不会出现解锁失灵的问题,但还是希望Dell能本着对消费者负责的态度再做一下改良和调整。
Dell Streak Mini5是我用过有史以来,回头率最高,最吸引眼球的一支手机,远远超过了之前的N97和iPhone 4,可能一方面是因为鲜艳的配色和靓丽的大屏幕本身就很吸引人,另外一方面则应该是Dell Streak Mini5曝光较少,使用人群也不多,所以让大家觉得有新鲜感。无论原因如何,的确是一支抢眼并且让人兴趣十足的手机。 以上大概就是FashionDes本月试用Dell Streak Mini5的全部心得了,希望能对有兴趣的朋友们提供帮助,再次强调虽然手机由戴尔中国官方提供,但FashionDes的原则是站在消费者的立场发声,这样的立场也始终不会改变。
总热度109369Dell Mini 5 / Streak prototype impressions
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Dell's puzzled the world
with its outlandish
/ Streak -- at first glance it's just another , but a quick fiddle with it reveals the full-fledged 3G phone inside. So will it fit in a pocket? Can we carry it around like a normal phone? Is this the future form factor that will bring the ultimate balance between portability and practicality? With such heavy dose of curiosity, we eventually traveled all the way to Shenzhen literally just to
this prototype. Now, before you read on, do bear in mind that some of its features --
-- may not make it to the final design when it comes out later this year, nor do we know what stage this prototype was at. We good? OK.
Let's start with the basics: the main specs on our unit include
1.6 (which will
for the final product), five-inch 800 x 480 capacitive touchscreen,
QSD8250 chipset (with CPU clocked at 1GHz), Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS and . Sadly, we have no info on whether the Mini 5 will have other cellular radio options, but it wouldn't hurt to send Dell a petition regarding this matter. For those who want the dimensions and weight in numbers, it's about 152mm x 78mm x 10mm at 8 ounces (including the battery, which lasts for almost a day for normal usage on 3G). Memory-wise there's 405MB RAM and 1.63GB of internal storage -- a slight let-down for the latter, so let's hope the retail unit will be given a more generous dose of silicon. You can add a microSD card next to the battery on the back, but it appears that the mysterious second card slot we saw in the earlier
only gave us false hope -- we couldn't find a way to get to it without prying open the housing. Connection to your computer relies on a proprietary port -- similar but slightly larger than the iPod's -- to USB cable, which may suggest that we will see some more peripherals made for the Mini 5 and its future siblings.
Dell Mini 5 / Streak prototype impressions
Streak (prototype)
Great screen with wide viewing angleGood overall build qualityIntuitive Android skin
Weak camera performanceUnstable early firmwareOffset keyboard due to numeric keypad
Software, buttons and keyboard
We won't bore you with a full list of preinstalled Android apps on our Mini 5, but there are indeed a few that are worth mentioning: the usual bundle including Google Mail, YouTube, Amazon MP3, WebKit browser (with pinch-to-zoom but no Flash support), Google Maps (no pinch-to-zoom, boo!), K-9 Mail (which supports Exchange server) and Quickoffice (a file browser that can also view Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents). For multimedia there's the standard Android music app, a Gallery app by ArcSoft (pinch-to-zoom supported), and a three-year trial of the forthcoming CyberLink Live for Android that gives you "instant access to your photos, music, and video stored on your home computers." There's no social networking integration (like
and ) as such, but you can use the preloaded Meebo IM for chatting on AIM, Facebook, Google Talk, ICQ, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo, etc. If you want to be discrete about your gigantic phone, you may find the Voice Control app by
handy for voice-dialing -- it can be triggered by holding down the button on the bundled handsfree earphones.
Many of the apps support both portrait and landscape modes, although landscape mode only works one way (with the dock connector pointing downwards). This is actually pretty neat for those who like to read in portrait mode while lying in bed, but you'll have to get used to leaning on your right side of your body for this. The dialer app -- as pictured above -- is only available in portrait mode and does look like work in progress, plus we haven't found a way to initiate or receive video calls, leaving the front-facing 640 x 480 camera pretty useless except for some casual self-portraits. Hopefully the final software build will have these fixed. As for normal phone calls we've found voice quality on both ends to be satisfactory.
Going back to the homescreen, we see that Dell's done some skinning -- the top bar houses a button for triggering the apps menu (unlike the traditional pull-up menu on most other Android devices), along with a homescreen switcher button and notifications button. The shortcut icons are contained in shaded grey squares. Only a couple of widgets got our attention: Power Control allows us to quickly change the screen brightness and turn on / off various wireless connections, while the cute TasKiller widgets let us kill apps one by one or all in one go. The widgets for Twitter, Facebook and RSS are useful, but like those on other Android phones, they still lack options for refresh rates. Any chance that we can have enhanced versions, Dell?
The only physical buttons on the Mini 5 all reside on the top edge (when held as pictured above). Starting from the left we have a 3.5mm headphone jack, followed by buttons for volume, power and camera (which has two stages: focus and then capture). On the right of screen there are three touch-sensitive buttons with haptic feedback: back, menu and home. Like other Android phones, the on-screen keyboard can be triggered by holding down the menu button, and as you can see above, the landscape version has a numpad that you may or may not like -- frankly, the keyboard offset is pretty annoying since we need to stretch our right thumb across the numpad for handheld typing, plus the keys could've been bigger if the numpad wasn't there. We think those two factors are to be blamed for our constant typos, so a numpad-less option would totally make our day. That said, when the phone's placed on the desk, we typed better on the landscape keyboard using our index fingers. Similarly, the portrait keyboard performed better with our thumbs while we held the device.
Multimedia experience
Given the MID form factor and that gorgeous five-inch screen, we immediately loaded a few MP4 videos of various resolutions (1080p, 720p and 480p) to see what the Mini 5 could take. Annoyingly, our Mini 5's default video player could only handle MP4V video codec, so we had to convert our test videos, including the MP4 files that were compiled by iMovie (which encodes in H.264). On the contrary, 's heard from Dell at
that the final product will support "H.264 and other codecs." Even then, the device failed to open our 1080p files, but that's not the end of the world considering 720p is already plentiful for the 800 x 480 screen -- we had a 7Mbps 720p video playing smoothly with just the odd stutter. On a similar matter, the preloaded YouTube app performed nicely for us, except for the lack of higher quality playback options to make full use of the large screen.
Moving on to audio: the Mini 5 has a mono speaker on the back that sounds loud and surprisingly clear, but naturally, the bundled earphones sound even better -- we'd scale it to somewhere between the levels of the iPod buds and Apple's in-ear headphones. Fans of stereo Bluetooth headphones will be pleased to know that our Mini 5 supports A2DP and AVRCP, which are particularly useful for devices of such size.
The main camera offers five-megapixel pictures of reasonable quality, along with decent 640 x 480 video capture but with slight rolling shutter effect (aka "jelly motion"). The accompanying camera app has a wealth of settings for both modes: scene, white balance, brightness, contrast, and resolution. Extra settings for photo mode include flash, self-timer, multi-shot, shutter sound, GPS location and flicker adjustment, whereas video mode has options for video format (MPEG-4 and H.263). Both support digital zoom of up to 4x. Once a picture is taken, you get a three-second preview along with options to edit, send, set as wallpaper / contact icon and delete. You get the same options by accessing the photos on the left-hand bar. In edit mode you can rotate, crop, adjust colors, draw, resize and add various goodies (effects, frames, text and clipart). Thankfully, there are undo and redo buttons, too.
Here are a couple of videos and some photos captured by the five-megapixel camera:
Dell Mini 5 prototype camera photo samples
Understandably, most people are concerned about whether this 5-inch tablet would fit inside their pocket. We're happy to tell you that it snuggled nicely in our jeans' pockets, which is most likely to do with the device's sensible thickness and our lack of tight pants. Apart from the slight exposure (as pictured below) and the occasional struggle when walking up stairs, we've had no other issues with pocketing our Mini 5. A more popular concern would be whether you'd look like a dork when holding the monstrous phone right next to your face. To be honest, it's not too bad, except the user would most likely be more concious about the size, simply because you'd have to stretch your fingers a bit to accommodate the unusually large footprint and weight -- you can see the size better demoed in the earlier walkthrough video. Just keep that to yourself and you'll be fine -- so far most blokes who've seen and touched our Mini 5 have said they want one, so this phone is already quite the masculine symbol. And yes, the phone makes a great tool for chatting up the ladies, too (although they've all said it's too big and heavy a perhaps the
will strike their fancy?).
Dell may not be the first to forage into the scene of oversized smartphones (see
and ), but it looks like the combination of Android, Snapdragon, 3G affordability and resurrection of the tablet trend may give the Mini 5 a great potential. We found the five-inch form factor to be neither too big nor too small, perfect for browsing the web, watching videos (watch out, !), car navigation and reading ebooks on the go. Even the battery life matches most current 3G phones, despite the larger screen and faster CPU. We haven't seen one yet, but a dock for this phone would be a great addition as it's just big enough to serve as a digital picture frame, if not a side monitor for your social networking apps or emails. Update: the dock !
So, would we get one? Absolutely. Would we buy one? Depends -- Dell's been pretty tight-lipped about pricing, and some of you have even expressed concerns about the possibility of this WCDMA phone . As mentioned before, the firmware on the actual phone will
when it comes out at some point this year, so hopefully between now and then Dell can work in some social networking integration, a podcast subscriber, a prettier dialer app, a better keyboard and Google Maps with pinch to zoom. As for hardware, all we ask for is a better camera and larger internal storage. Cheers for now, !
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Sponsored Content戴尔Mini 5(Streak)( DELL Mini 5(Streak) )
戴尔Mini 5(Streak)
戴尔Streak采用5寸WVGA显示屏: 800x480点阵,TFT材质;支持UMTS网络+WiFi局域网: 无所不在的连接;采用谷歌Android 2.0操作系统。戴尔Streak还支持电子邮件,实时通信,Facebook,Twitter;内置5百万像素摄像头。
戴尔Mini 5(Streak)评测
戴尔Mini 5(Streak)热门行情行情|05-20行情|04-11行情|03-12行情|02-23行情|12-25行情|12-05
戴尔Streak采用5寸WVGA显示屏: 800x480点阵,TFT材质;支持UMTS网络+WiFi局域网: 无所不在的连接;采用谷歌Android 2.0操作系统。戴尔Streak还支持电子邮件,实时通信,Facebook,Twitter;内置5百万像素摄像头。
戴尔公司(Dell Computer)(NASDAQ: DELL)(港交所:4332), 是一家总部位于美国德克萨斯州朗德罗克的世界五百强企业。创立之初... []
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Dell/戴尔 MINI 5 Streak5 M01M和戴尔 DELL mini5 streak有什么区别?
出门在外也不愁戴尔Mini 5 智能手机的功能怎么样及最新价格
  戴尔Mini 5智能手机的功能怎么样及最新价格 在Android机领域里,我们看到很多电脑厂商都进入了,继之前联想乐Phone推出之后,戴尔也推出了自己的Android智能手机Mini3.而今天笔者发现戴尔的另一款强悍Android机 Mini5 Streak 已经到货市场了,这款机器采用一块5.0英寸,分辨率为800x480了,在显示效果上非常出色,同时其还拥有1GHz处理器、500万像素摄像头等主流配置,目前市面到货的为港版机器,据商家义时伟通()报价为4650元,价格相当给力,不愧为目前市面上最牛的Android机,比三星i9000、谷歌G7、索尼X10等一众机器还要帅.
  戴尔(DELL) Mini5 Streak
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