
今天是美国“9·11”事件6周年的日子.6年前的9月11日,“基地”组织恐怖分子以一种极端疯狂的方式向美国发动袭击.一场以美国为首的史无前例的全球反恐战争也随之拉开帷幕.  6年后的今天,人们对“9·11”事件的记忆,早已超出了祭奠亡灵、谴责恐怖的范畴.一方面,有关各方每每会在“9·11”前后盘点全球反恐战争的得失成败;另一方面,“基地”等恐怖组织也在这期间加紧策划新的袭击.美国、英国等西方国家纷纷强化安全措施;“基地”余孽则蠢蠢欲动,不停地借机发表声明,想方设法证明自己的存在.  目前,在盘点全球反恐战争得失方面,主要观点无非两种:一类以白宫为代表,认为英国、德国等地接连挫败恐怖袭击阴谋,表明“基地”组织已经无力发动大规模恐怖袭击;另一种则以美国中央情报局日前披露的一份调查报告为代表,该报告的内容与布什大唱反调,认为“基地”组织比以前更强大,对美国、欧洲等西方利益的威胁比以前更严重.  然而,抛开“基地”组织目前是否死而不僵不谈,作为反恐战争的一个主要部分,美国等西方国家对所谓“恐怖政权”的打击却不能说取得了预期的效果.过去的几个月中,伊拉克无辜平民在日复一日的恐怖爆炸声中煎熬;驻伊美军阵亡人数不断攀升;阿富汗塔利班势力开始反扑;美英两个铁杆盟友在全球反恐战略上分歧越来越大……凡此种种,表明全球反恐战争走到今天,先发制人、以暴制暴的反恐方式正使得反恐战争日益举步维艰.  单边主义受阻,凸显了反恐领域对话与合作的必要性和重要性.在反恐的整个过程中,伊斯兰和阿拉伯世界尤其不能受到忽视.那种把恐怖主义与伊斯兰原教旨主义划等号的观点,是极其有害的.实际上,以“基地”组织为代表的极端势力多年来对伊斯兰世界同样造成了巨大的伤害,而伊斯兰和阿拉伯世界积累的丰富反恐经验,也常常比武力威胁、冻结账户、电话监听等手段更为有效.  恐怖主义是全人类的公敌.对此,国际社会在“9·11”事件以后的认识是一致的.中国一贯强调,反对一切形式的恐怖主义,主张加强国际反恐合作,消除导致恐怖主义产生的根源.因此,在铲除恐怖主义这一国际性“毒瘤”的过程中,必须走不同文明间平等对话、携手合作的道路.尤其是西方国家,应该少点霸气和傲气,主动与有关各方取长补短,共同、有效遏制极端思想的蔓延和泛滥.也只有这样,才能使“9·11”的悲剧不再重演.求一片美国文章的读后感!要用英文写!1000字左右_百度作业帮
The Last of the Mohicans is set in upstate New York, in the area bordering Canada, during the French and Indian War in the mid- eighteenth century. The setting changes rapidly from one scene to another throughout the novel, moving from Fort Edward to the wilderness around Lake George to Fort William Henry to Indian settlements. Protagonists In The Last of the Mohicans, no single person can be identified as the protagonist, not even the actual last of the Mohicans, Uncas. It is rather the entire party of good characters. Duncan, Hawkeye, Cora, Alice, Uncas, Chingachgook and even David have all the characteristics of heroes. They are brave, practical, and very loyal. They face many hardships, yet remain determined and firm. They fight their enemies with courage and shrewdness and that is why the entire group of these brave men and women can be termed as the protagonists. Antagonist The antagonist is none other than Magua. He is determined to take revenge on Munro by marrying his daughter Cora and making her his wife. He is extremely courageous and, despite many setbacks, continues to attack the protagonists. He is a man who is not loyal to anybody. When he does pledge his loyalty to any side, it is purely for his own selfish reasons. He uses his remarkable oratory skills to whip up the passions of his people, but he does so in order to serve his own purposes. Climax The climax of The Last of the Mohicans occurs in Chapter 32. After a fierce battle in which the protagonists and the Delawares defeat Magua and the Hurons, Magua and two of his men escape with Cora and are tracked to the edge of a cliff. Cora refuses to continue on, and Magua demands that she choose between his wigwam and his knife. As he hesitantly raises the blade, Uncas leaps at him. Meanwhile, a Huron stabs Cora in the bosom, Uncas kills Cora's assailant before being killed by Magua. Magua leaps away, jumping from one cliff to another and mocking his enemies. He loses his step and nearly falls off one cliff, but manages to hang onto a shrub on its edge. Just as he is recovering, however, Hawkeye raises the muzzle of his gun and shoots Magua, who slips to his death. Outcome The outcome is tragic, for although the treacherous Magua is vanquished by Hawkeye, both Cora and Uncas die. Cora is killed by her assailant and Uncas, the last of the Mohicans, is killed by the evil Magua. PLOT (Synopsis) The Last of the Mohicans is an action packed, romantic and adventurous drama, set during the peak of the French and Indian War in America. The English had managed to vanquish most of the native Indians, but there were still some tribes who attempted to maintain their independence. After setting the scene, Cooper begins the story proper. Cora and Alice, Commander Munro's daughters, are escorted by Major Duncan Heyward out of Fort Edward to visit their father at Fort William Henry. An Indian runner, Magua, acts as their guide, but treacherously leads them onto the wrong path. He wishes to capture the women and make one of them, Cora, his wife, in order to get revenge on Munro, who had previously mistreated him. In the course of their journey, they meet David Gamut, Hawkeye, Chingachgook and Uncas, the latter two being the only two survivors of the Mohican tribe. When Hawkeye identifies Magua as a possible traitor, Magua escapes into the forest. The party realizes that Magua will seek out his companions and search for them, and from then, the chase is on. The entire plot then revolves around the clash between these two parties. The chase continues through picturesquely described forests, swirling waters, caves, and Indian villages. Magua chases the group and captures Duncan, Cora, Alice, and David. Uncas, Chingachgook, and Hawkeye rescue them and later unite the girls with their father. They then face the danger of the French, who have captured Fort William Henry. When the English women and children are being taken to safety, Magua strikes again. He kills all the women and children except Cora and Alice, whom he captures, along with David, who had been acting as their escort. The men track Magua to a Huron settlement, where they find David. He is a prisoner of the Indians, but is allowed to wander freely as he is considered insane and harmless due to his continual singing of hymns. David leads Duncan to the village where Alice is imprisoned. She is supposed to marry an Indian brave, but is saved by Major Heyward, who dons Indian paint to disguise himself. Both are rescued by Hawkeye, who disguises himself as a bear. Duncan and Hawkeye tie up Magua and escape with Alice. After helping Duncan and Alice flee, Hawkeye returns to the village and with the help of David, rescues Uncas. In the meantime, another Indian group, a village of Delawares, is holding Cora captive. Uncas and Hawkeye go to rescue her, but are captured. Magua goes to the tribe to retrieve the prisoners. His plans to capture Hawkeye and Uncas are foiled when it is revealed that Uncas is the last of the Mohicans and a lost chief of the tribe, but since by the laws of the tribe Cora is truly Magua's captive, he is allowed to take her away. The Delawares and the protagonists, now joined by Munro and Chingachgook, follow, and a fierce battle ensues between them and the Hurons, whom they defeat. Magua escapes, but is trailed by Uncas, Hawkeye, David, and Duncan. Near a large cliff, Magua asks Cora to choose between being his wife and being killed by his knife. At this moment, Uncas manages to catch up with them. As Magua is momentarily distracted by Uncas, his companion stabs Cora. Uncas kills her assailant but is in turn stabbed and killed by Magua. Hawkeye chases Magua, who leaps from one cliff to another. He soon misses his step and slips, but manages to clutch on to a shrub. Hawkeye shoots Magua, who falls to his death. The next day the dead are mourned and praised, and Cora and Uncas are buried in an elaborate ceremony. Hawkeye tells Chingachgook that he is not alone, for he is still there with him. Tamenund laments the decline of the Indians and the death of the last of the Mohicans. PLOT (Structure) The Last of the Mohicans, written by James Fenimore Cooper, does not have a traditional plot structure, as the plot revolves around action. None of the characters are developed, for the tale is action-oriented. In this novel, Cooper brings in his two favorite characters from the Leatherstocking tales, Natty Bumppo (Hawkeye) and Chingachgook, to play major roles in the book. However, both these characters are merely a part of the adventure saga and do not have the plot revolving around them. Uncas, the man after whom the book is named, also fits into the story as part of the action, though, again, he is not the center of the tale. Although the characters are brave and virtuous, they are not epic heroes, but ordinary mortals involved in an adventure saga. Action is the essence of the novel and the characters are merely incidental. The plot is woven into a unique structure, in which there is spiraling action leading to a dramatic resolution, followed by a brief period of calm, after which the same chain of events takes place all over again. The action spreads over a number of chapters, culminating in a breathtaking climax in the penultimate chapter. The suspense is almost unbearable as it spirals to its zenith point, and then there is a brief respite comprising essentially of a single chapter describing the calm. There are three progressive series of action or "chases" in the novel. The first starts almost from the Chapter 1 and builds through Chapter 11. The protagonists discover Magua's treachery and make a desperate attempt to escape from him and his associates. Cora, Alice and Duncan are captured, however. The climax of this chase takes place in Chapter 11, when Hawkeye and Uncas begin their rescue. This is followed by a period of strange calm. The second progressive action encompasses Magua's capture of Cora and Alice in Chapter 17 and continues through Chapter 25, when Alice is rescued. Peace takes place in Chapter 26. Chapter 27 deals again with the kidnapping of Cora, which leads to the climax in Chapter 32, in which both Cora and Uncas die. This definitively concludes the action. THEMES Major Theme Heroism is the main theme of this book. In the native, wild, virginal country of America, where life is uncertain at all times, the characters stand out for their inherent bravery. Nearly all of the members of the group display astonishing levels of bravery in spite of all the hardships that they face. Duncan Heyward acts as the protector of the women in their journey to meet their father. When he is urged by Cora to leave after the gunpowder has run out, he refuses and stays back with her and Alice. When the Hurons later trap him, he fights like a caged animal. Throughout the saga, he displays amazing levels of bravery, whether in the battles with the Hurons or protecting the women. When Uncas is trapped, he rushes to help him without giving any thought to his own life. Hawkeye is more practical but nonetheless brave. He offers to lead the girls to their father and stays on till the very end to protect their lives. He stays calm when their gunpowder runs out, even though he knows that the Hurons will soon attack. At Cora's request, he leaves, not to flee but to get more gunpowder and possibly help. At every turn of the book, when Magua kidnaps some member of the group, Hawkeye immediately rushes to help. He also uses disguise to achieve his objective. For instance, he dresses as a bear when he goes to rescue Uncas from the Hurons. Cora shines through as brave and courageous. She continually defies Magua and acts cool-headedly throughout the novel. She is admired for her actions by both Hawkeye and Uncas. While Alice often seems to have little to do but faint and be rescued, she does deal with her circumstances as best as she can within the confines of her role. David Gamut displays bravery too, although for much of the book he is an object of ridicule. He takes the place of Uncas when the latter is being held prisoner and later takes part in the battle against the Hurons. Chingachgook, though old, supports Hawkeye throughout the book. He too displays courage through the various clashes with the Hurons. But his heroism stands out especially in the last chapter of the book. Although he loses his son Uncas, he bears the loss with dignity and courage. Uncas displays extreme courage throughout the novel, whether in battle or in rescuing the women. He looses his life trying to save Cora, but does so with such courage that the reader cannot help but marvel at his heroism. In the hard frontier life that Cooper depicts, bravery appears as a matter of course. Men such as Hawkeye stand out as superheroes, and women such as Cora can boast of being made of the same mettle and strength. Minor Theme James Fenimore Cooper has woven the theme of romanticism into The Last of the Mohicans at several levels. In his description of the land, Cooper displays the spirit of a lover. Reams and reams of space have been filled in his book by his special love for the extraordinarily hard but beautiful life of the frontier. Indeed, Cooper so romanticizes this hard frontier life that it seems that the brutal destruction and killing of men does not hamper, but, in fact, enhances the joy of living this kind of life. Romance among the characters also infuses a kind of subtle spirit to the general feeling of the book. Rather than emphasizing this aspect, however, Cooper willingly underplays it, teasing the reader with "wistful looks" and "longing sighs." While the feelings that Duncan and Alice have for each other are eventually made explicit, the relationships between the other characters are especially subtle. The reader can actually sense Uncas being drawn to Cora, or even Magua's strange and harsh desire for Cora. Indeed, Magua and Cora's relationship can almost termed as some kind of magnetic attraction, in which the players are equally attracted and repulsed. Romanticism is a special theme added to enhance the ambience (atmosphere) of the book. It gives a very soft yet subtle touch to the happenings. Yet the undercurrents felt throughout the book are almost crackling with pent-up desires and longings. Between Cora and Uncas, this tension is most apparent. There is a vast difference in their backgrounds, yet there is a unique bond that brings them closer together. In life they cannot fulfill the spirit of romanticism -- nor the fictional conventions of the day -- but in death they bridge the gap. STYLE James Fenimore Cooper's style of writing is very picturesque. His language is vivid and straightforward without any overuse of similes or metaphors. His colorful descriptions add to the varied hues in The Last of the Mohicans. Cooper also has a very keen eye for detail. In the beginning of the book, Cooper starts out describing the characters in the third person and at a distance. He even delays in giving their names. As the book a progress, the author starts addressing his characters more familiarly. Cooper's style of writing is direct, almost as if he is addressing or talking to the readers personally. Though Cooper's language is very simple and direct without any obvious symbolism, his sentences are generally long. They are usually very descriptive, filled with adjectives and adverbs, creating definite visual imagery throughout the novel.参考资料:敲得很辛苦,希望有帮助
英文:"An American in Paris" in the plot is old, is a good friend of the three, a painter, a singer, a pianist, lived in Paris three days of happiness, but the artist fell in love with the singer Fi...当前位置:
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读下列材料:到1929年,美国的政治经济在其他方面也严重脱节。大..”主要考查你对&&危机席卷资本主义世界 ,“自由放任”政策的失败(胡佛),虚假繁荣的幻灭,空前严重的的资本主义世界经济危机&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
危机席卷资本主义世界 “自由放任”政策的失败(胡佛)虚假繁荣的幻灭空前严重的的资本主义世界经济危机
1、来势特别猛。2、范围特别广。3、持续时间特别长。4、破坏性特别大。⑸影响特别深远。危机席卷资本主义世界:(一)资本主义世界的经济大危机在1929年通过股票市场猛然爆发,主要原因:1、根本原因:是资本主义制度的基本矛盾依然存在,即生产的社会化和生产资料的私人占有之间的矛盾。2、国民贫富差距拉大,限制了社会实际消费能力的增长。 3、分期付款的消费模式展现的是美国市场的虚假繁荣使原本存在的生产和需求之间的矛盾尖锐化。4、无限制的股票投机活动,增加了金融市场的不稳定性。5、导火线:纽约股市崩溃。(二)危机很快席卷了资本主义世界原因:1、资本主义世界市场已经形成,各国经济联系紧密。(联系两次工业革命的内容) 2、美国在资本主义世界的经济地位。美国是资本主义世界头号经济大国,又是最大的债权国,它的经济状况对资本主义世界也有着极其重要的影响。(三)经济危机的影响:1、加深了各主要资本主义国家的社会危机。①广大人民由于失业和生活水平的下降,对本国政府强烈不满,示威、游行和罢工斗争不断,阶级矛盾空前尖锐;②法西斯活动猖獗,德国法西斯分子和日本军国主义抬头。 2、加剧了世界局势的紧张。①各国加紧了在国际市场上的争夺——摩擦;②加紧对殖民地半殖民地进行掠夺——反抗。经济危机的影响:
(1)加深了资本主义各国严重的社会危机。各国政坛丑闻层出不穷,政府信誉扫地;广大人民强烈要求改善生活状况,示威游行和罢工斗争不断;法西斯分子利用人们对现状的不满,兴风作浪,促使社会更加动荡不安。(2)经济危机使帝国主义与殖民地、半殖民地之间的矛盾也尖锐起来。危机年代,资本主义国家竭力压低殖民地、半殖民地原料和农产品价格,并向这些地区倾销工业品,殖民当局还增加捐税,使殖民地、半殖民地经济遭到严重破坏,人民生活日益恶化,这就激起了民族解放运动的进一步高涨。印度国大党于1929年12月首次提出争取印度完全独立的口号,开展了第二次不合作运动。(3)帝国主义国家之间的矛盾进一步激化。惊恐万状的各国垄断资产阶级为了转嫁和摆脱危机,加紧争夺市场和原料产地,从而在国际关系中展开了一场空前激烈的经济战,形成激烈的关税战、市场战、货币战。主要资本主义国家纷纷放弃金本位,形成英镑区、美元区、黄金本位区。(4)危机打破了战后建立起来的赔款制度和债务关系。德国为防止金融体系崩溃,要求取消赔款。美国担心自己在德国的投资和贷款安全,支持德国的要求。1933年协约国赔款会议宣布废除赔款,这就打乱了各国债务关系。法国宣布停止向美国偿还战债,英国等美国的其他债务国也效法法国,从而更加加剧了帝国主义国家之间的矛盾及国际金融的不稳定性。(5)危机导致国际格局发生急剧变化。德、日、意这三个地盘较小、资源相对不足的帝国主义国家,建立起法西斯专政,企图从战争中寻求出路。德日意法西斯侵略国与一切遭受侵略、威胁的国家和人民的矛盾逐渐上升为世界主要矛盾。 &“自由放任”政策的失败:1、胡佛政府上台背景:繁荣与隐患并存。1929年,胡佛入主白宫时,正值经济繁荣的顶峰。第31届总统胡佛(年) 2、胡佛经济政策的特点:采取自由放任政策,反对国家干预经济。看不见的手自由放任主义认为,市场经济中有一只能自动平衡商品的总供给和总需求的手,被称为“看不见的手”。因此,自由放任主义认为,政府唯一的作用就是防止暴力、偷窃、欺骗,确保个人自由和公民机会相等。这种经济理论的信条是:“管得最少的政府就是管得最好的政府。”3、结果:胡佛反危机政策失败,他错误地认为资本主义经济制度是完美无缺的制度,自身可以进行调节,因而反对国家干预经济生活,鼓吹自由放任和自由竞争。 加剧了经济危机的危害,使美国经济跌入“谷底”。
胡佛“自由放任”政策失败的原因:1、胡佛的反危机措施:①经济大危机爆发后,胡佛政府继续奉行自由放任主义,让经济进行“自我治疗”,他反对政府干预经济,拒绝稳定股市的建议,否决国会的救济方案,他只要求工商界和劳工自愿组织起来,共同维持生产和投资,稳定工资和物价,并削减个人和公司所得税,以鼓励企业投资。1930年,胡佛政府大幅度提高关税,导致其他国家也纷纷高筑关税壁垒,加剧了世界性经济危机。②1932年是总统大选年,为赢得选举,胡佛被迫采取两大措施:一是成立复兴金融公司,向大银行、大企业、大农场提供货款,并允许复兴金融公司向各州发放货款,进行救济。二是签署紧急救济与工程建设法,扩大公共工程项目。但是,胡佛依然实行通货紧缩政策,削减政府开支,反对联邦政府进行救济。胡佛政府所采取的反危机措施犹如杯水车薪,最终没有实现制止危机的效果。 2、胡佛反危机政策失败的根本原因是:①固守传统的“自由放任”政策,错误地认为资本主义经济制度是完美无缺的制度,自身可以进行调节,因而反对国家干预经济生活,鼓吹自由放任和自由竞争。但是自由放任造成的生产、流通、分配等领域内的无政府状态,使经济长期处于混乱、失衡的状况中,从而无法摆脱危机。②胡佛在三十年代大危机期间屡次否认危机的原因在于美国自身,而把危机说成是由于外部原因所致。如果认为危机的根源不在美国国内,胡佛也就绝不可能采取任何大的行动来改善和修补美国本身的经济制度,也绝不可能采取任何含有大变革意义的反危机措施;即使迫于恶劣的经济形势而采取了某些措施,也不可能真正治愈或战胜这场危机。这也是胡佛的反危机措施之所以不疼不痒、缩手缩脚,以至最终彻底失败的根本原因之一。 虚假“繁荣”的幻灭:背景:20年代美国经济的虚假“繁荣”;表现:全方位的经济危机。20年代的美国经济会出现前所未有的繁荣原因:1、美国在第一次世界大战中利用“中立”的有利地位,在战争中大发横财,一战后,美国从战前欠外债30亿美元到战后外国欠美国130亿美元,并掌握世界黄金储备的40%,华尔街已成为继伦敦之后的另一个世界金融中心。2、美国政府对经济活动实行“自由放任”政策,在一定程度上促进了经济的发展。3、国内的技术革新和生产合理化运动都促进了经济的迅速发展,如技术革新和机器设备更新刺激生产发展;由于很早确立了专利保护制度,美国的发明和创造空前活跃,与此同时,诸如泰勒制和福特生产线等“工业生产合理化”运动大大提高了劳动生产率,使经济发展迅速。此外,分期付款的销售模式刺激了消费市场的活跃。
年资本主义世界经济危机爆发的原因:1、根本原因:由资本主义社会的基本矛盾──生产的社会化和生产资料私人占有之间的矛盾造成的。在经历了两次工业革命之后,资本主义社会生产力飞速发展,社会分工也越来越细。这就要求各个生产部门必须密切协同、步调一致,进而形成社会化大生产。但由于生产资料归私人所有,少数垄断资本家占有大部分生产资料,他们为追求利润,不断地扩大再生产,这就势必打破平衡,引发恶性竞争,激化社会生产各个部门之间的矛盾,进而导致经济危机。 2、直接原因:生产和销售的矛盾激化。 ①广大劳动人民的日益相对贫困,是导致供需矛盾激化的主要原因。美国20年代的繁荣是建立在不稳定的基础上,少数垄断组织控制着国家的经济命脉,这就造成国民收入分配不均,贫富差距越来越大。广大劳动人民的收入增长水平远远赶不上经济发展水平,这就限制了社会实际消费能力的增长,造成市场的相对狭小。因此,产品并非出现了绝对过剩,而是由于劳动人民的日益相对贫困而无力购买,出现了相对过剩。这是导致供需矛盾扩大的主要原因。 ②分期付款的消费方式造成市场的虚假繁荣,加剧了生产与销售的矛盾。20世纪20年代后半期,美国市场日益盛行分期付款,以此来刺激消费,造成市场的虚假繁荣。这种繁荣不是社会实际消费能力的增长,而是一种提前消费的形式。用句时髦话来说,就是所谓“花明天的钱,办今天的事”。但随之而来的很可能是消费的疲软。而资本家为眼前利润所驱使,盲目扩大生产,使得生产和销售的矛盾日益尖锐。 ③股市投机行为使得股票无法反映经济运行的真实情况,造成经济虚假繁荣,掩盖了矛盾。当时美国的股票投机活动非常猖獗,不但有职业投机者,一些普通的美国人也醉心于股票的投机,把它作为致富的捷径。人们不但把自己的积蓄全部投入,甚至向银行贷款购买股票,结果造成这一时期股票价格被大幅度哄抬,发展到令人难以相信的高度,股票以其账面价值的3倍到20倍的价格卖出,这大大增加了金融市场的不稳定性,为货币和信贷系统的崩溃准备了条件。股票市场的这种投机活动恰好掩盖了生产和销售之间本已存在的尖锐矛盾,使矛盾最后激化,直接导致了经济危机的爆发。&年经济危机:


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