PCM2704 usb audio dac 驱动dac打磨问题

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具有 USB 接口、耳机输出和 S/PDIF 输出的立体声音频 DAC
In English
不建议在新的设计中使用 (NRND)
Microsoft(R) WIndows(R) Logo Kit (WLK) v1.5 certified - fully compatible with Windows 7.
TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. This product continues to be in production to support existing customers.
The PCM/7 is TI's single-chip USB stereo audio DAC with USB-compliant full-speed protocol controller and S/PDIF. The USB-protocolcontroller works with no software code, but USB descriptors can be modified in some parts (for example, vendor ID/product ID) through the use of an external ROM (PCM2704/6), SPI (PCM2705/7), or on request. The modification of the USB descriptor through external ROM or SPI must comply with USB-IF guidelines, and the vendor ID must be your own ID as assigned by the USB-IF. The descriptor also can be modifie contact your representative for details.
The PCM/7 employs
SpAct architecture, TI's unique system that recovers the audio clock from USB packet data. On-chip analog PLLs with SpAct enable playback with low clock jitter.
On-Chip USB Interface:No Need of Dedicated Device Driver With Full-Speed Transceivers Fully Compliant With USB 1.1 Specification Certified by USB-IF Partially Programmable Descriptors Adaptive Isochronous Transfer for Playback Bus-Powered or Self-Powered OperationSampling Rate: 32, 44.1, 48 kHzOn-Chip Clock Generator With Single 12-MHz Clock SourceSingle Power Supply:
Bus-Powered: 5 V, Typical (VBUS) Self-Powered: 3.3 V, Typical16-Bit Delta-Sigma Stereo DAC
Analog Performance at 5 V (Bus-Powered),3.3 V (Self-Powered): THD+N: 0.006% RL > 10 kΩ, Self-Powered THD+N: 0.025% RL = 32 Ω SNR = 98 dB Dynamic Range: 98 dB PO = 12 mW, RL = 32 Ω Oversampling Digital Filter Pass-Band Ripple = &0.04 dBStop-Band Attenuation = -50 dB Single-Ended Voltage Output Analog LPF IncludedMultiple Functions: Up to Eight Human Interface Device (HID) Interfaces (Depending on Model and Settings) Suspend Flag S/PDIF Out With SCMS External ROM Interface (PCM2704/6) Serial Programming Interface (PCM2705/7) I2S Interface (Selectable on PCM2706/7)Package:
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