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科技 · 健康和讯网独家越南图集:实拍越南河内证券交易所
日18:15  来源:
【作者:李明瑜 秦雯 来源:】
06/18 14:5006/18 13:0606/18 11:4006/18 10:3906/18 09:3906/18 07:1506/18 02:3506/18 02:06
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越南市场概况1 目录一、越南证券交易市场概况 ................................................................................................................................................... 3 二、胡志明证券交易所 ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Current listing scale ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 胡志明证券交易所主要上市公司一览 ........................................................................................................................... 4 胡志明证券交易所所有上市公司列表() (市值以新台币计) ............................................................... 6 三、河内交易所 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Current Market Scale ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 Listed requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 河内交易所主要上市公司一览 ..................................................................................................................................... 15 河内交易所所有上市公司列表(2009 年 12 月 20 日) (市值以越南盾计) .......................................................... 162 一、越南证券交易市场概况越南有 8700 万人口,在世界名列第 13 位,也算得上是一个人口大国,特别是相对于其 33 万平方公里的国土 面积来说,自 1986 年实行改革开发以来,越南经济快速增长,增长率在东南亚国家中位居榜首,在东亚国家中仅 次于中国。市场潜力和较为稳定的政治环境使越南吸引了大量 FDI,2007 年吸引外资超过 178 亿美元,越南的人均 GDP 在 2007 年达到 U$835。 越南证券市场也在极其快速的增长, 在胡志明和河内交易所挂牌的上市公司数量达到 286 家(河内 133 家,胡志明 153 家),市值超过 600 亿人民币。有 84 家证券公司和 18 家基金管理公司,但 99%的交易 账户是个人账户,个人投资者贡献了 70%的交易量,以外资和合资为主的机构贡献了 30%的交易量。越南股市的保 证金由 4 家外资银行和 2 家本地银行托管。 越南法律对外资比例有限制,外资在金融企业最大持股比例为 30%,其他行业为 49%,目前外资在已上市公司 中持有比例平均为 25%-30%,上市公司中有 15 家已经达到最大限度。 越南股市目前采用 T+3 制度,日涨跌幅限制为河内交易中心 10%、胡志明交易中心 5%,但因为今年以来股市的 大幅下跌(超过 40%) ,已经将涨跌幅限制改为 2%和 1%。 越南股市交易市场分为河内(HASTC)和胡志明交易所(HOSTC),以及 OTC 市场。越南股市交易时间为每周一至周 五,每天四场交易。其中第一盘和第三盘为定期撮合,第二盘为连续撮合,第四盘则为大额议价(交易量 20000 股 以上),但大宗交易涨跌幅依然受当天上下 5%。下单的种类分为限价单(Limitorder,LO)和市价单(Marketprice, MP) 两 种 , 惟 一 不 同 的 是 第 一 盘 与 最 后 一 盘 成 交 价 分 别 为 开 盘 价 (attheopeningorder 单 , ATO) 和 收 盘 价 (attheclosingorder,ATC),两种下单方式都优于限价单,且仅分别于第一、三盘有效。投资人下单仅于第二盘可 以取消,其他未成交之委托单必须等至该盘收盘自动取消之。仅卖单可以延续继续生效至下一盘。 截止 2009 年 11 月 30 日,越南股市市值为 669 万亿越盾(约 390 亿美元) ,相当于 2008 年 GDP 的 55%。比 2008 年底市值 225 万亿越盾(约 131 亿美元) ,增长了 2 倍。目前越南共有 105 家证券公司,46 家基金公司,382 家外 国投资基金参与股市经营活动。股票交易户共 73 万,比 2008 年底增加 18 万户。3 二、胡志明证券交易所胡志明市证券交易中心是胡志明市驻证券交易所。1997 年成立。本所为越南第一证券交易所。2006 末年,总 市场资本化 140 亿,占越南 GDP 百分之 22%。 胡志明市证券交易中心位于胡志明市中心郡,正式地于 2000 年 6 月 20 日开幕,2000 年 6 月 28 日开始进行买 卖。 根据越南证券律(从 2007 年 1 月 1 日起效力), 在越南经营的证券公司必须有条例资本 2000 亿越南盾(USD 12.5 million)。Current listing scaleALL Total Listed Shares(1 share) Percent (%) Listed Volume(1000 shares) Percent(%) Listed Value(mil. VND) percent (%) 263.00 100.00 9,452,904.63 100.00 107,076,422.81 100.00 STOCKS 194.00 73.76 9,061,433.80 95.86 90,614,338.01 84.63 IFCs 4.00 1.52 252,055.53 2.67 2,520,555.30 2.35 BONDS 65.00 24.71 139,415.30 1.47 13,941,529.50 13.02 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00胡志明证券交易所主要上市公司一览1 人民币 (RMB) 约合
越南盾 (VND) 代码 公司名称 行业 市 值 VND) 1,615,700 1,010,000 12,616,000 1,952,000 6,464,680 3,185,000 7,128,000 3,426,946 (M 流通股数 价格 (in thousands of VND) 21.4 101 33.2 48.8 70 70 54 29.8 PE EPSBMI DHG DPM DPR FPT GMD HPG ITA保明保险(BMI) 后江药品 越南石油肥料化学 (PVFCCO) 东福橡胶股份公司 (DORUCO) FPT 科技 运 输 联 合 代 理 (GEMADEPT) 和发集团(Hoa Pha) 新造工业区股份公司 (ITACO)保险 医药 塑化 橡胶种植 科技 航运 综合 房地产000 998 14.5 16 14 30 25 34 30 3025 82 4 KDC PPC PVD PVT REE SJS SSI VIC VNM VPL VSH京都食品(KINH DO) 食品 法来热电 越南石油钻探公司 油气运输股份公司 冷机电股份公司 驼河都市与工业区发展 投资公司 西贡商业银行 Vincom 股份联营公司 越南牛奶 Vinpearl 旅游贸易 永山水力发电 电力 油电 航运 机电 房地产 金融 房地产 食品 旅游 电力2,678,898 5,643,865 6,498,260 943,200 2,294,848 3,060,000 10,045,000 11,100,000 12,269,296 4,420,000 2,430,00033 49425757 17.3 59 13.1 39.9 76.5 73.5 92.5 70 44.2 16.29 20 38 135 45 12 19.8 193 34 75 4059 97 878 9 数据截止 2009 年 12 月 21 日5 胡志明证券交易所所有上市公司列表() (市值以新台币计)6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 三、河内交易所Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) was established by the Decision no. 01/2009/Q?-Ttg dated January 02, 2009 by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on the grounds of transforming and restructuring Hanoi Securities Trading Centre. Hanoi Securities Trading Centre (HASTC), which was founded in compliance with Decision No.127/1998/Q?-TTg dated July 11, 1998, has gone live since 2005 with organizing share auctions, bond biddings as well as providing a secondary market for both stocks and bonds as major activities. For 4 years of operation, HASTC has seen robust development in market scale, trading volume, number of members, and become a stock exchange attracting the interest of enterprises and investors. In 2008, HASTC was awarded Third-Rank Labor Medal by the State for outstanding achievements in the development of the stock market, making considerable contributions to the Socialism construction and national defense. 河内证券交易所总部位于越南河内市,在 2005 年 3 月成立,目前主要投资股票及债券市场,是自从胡志明市 证券交易所成立后以来,成立第二家证券交易所。在河内证券交易中心挂牌上市的公司,相比胡志明市证券交易所 上市的公司,规模较小、门槛也较低,有点类似于中国的深圳中小板,但和深交所不同的是,河内证券交易中心股 票交易的比例只有 36%,64%是债券交易(政府债券占 86%,市政债券 6%,企业债券只占 8%) ,而且官方批准的 OTC 市场也设在河内证券交易中心。在越南个人可以设立证券公司,但证券承销业务要求较高的门槛,一般只有国 有证券公司能开展。Current Market ScaleListed requirementsFor stocks: - Being a joint stock company having the minimum charter capital at VND 10 billion calculated at book value at the time of app14 - Business operations in the year immediately preceding the year of registration for listing must have been profitable, there must not be no debts which have been overdue for more than one year, and all financial obligations to the State must
- At least 100 shareholders must own voting s - Shareholders being members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, the Manager or General Manager, the Deputy Manager or Deputy General Manager and the Chief Accountant of the company must commit to hold 100% of the shares they own for a period of 6 months from the listing date and 50% of this number of shares for the following 6 months. For corporate bonds: - Being a joint stock company, limited liability company or State owned enterprise having the minimum charter capital at VND 10 billion calculated at book value at the time of app - All bonds of one issue must have the same maturity date. For Government bonds, bonds underwritten by the Government and municipal bonds: listed at HASTC pursuant to the request of bond issuer.河内交易所主要上市公司一览Code ACB Company NameAsia Commercial BankIndustryFinance上市交易日2006.11Total assets Market Value (亿越南盾) (亿越南盾)446450 约 171.7 亿元 100731 约 38.7 亿元Price(千 越南盾) 38.4PE 8.6PB 1.30EPS 432115 BVSBaoViet Securities CompanyFinance2006.121296313725 约 5.2 亿元30.440.41.28858约 4.9 亿元SHBSai Gon - Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock BankBanking2009.0411550 约 4.4 亿元23.123.1-973PVI CTS SHS BCC BTS PVXPetrovietnam Insurance Vietinbank Securities Saigon HanoiInsurance Security SecurityConstruction9.07 6.1157 约 9 亿元26405 约 10.1 亿元 14297 约 5.4 亿元 11579 约 4.4 亿元 11250 约 4.3 亿元25.5 18.1 28.2 12.5 12.2 23.521.9 5.1 8.6 19.41.09 1.07 -85 1272Securitities JSC BimSon JSC ButSon JSC Petro Vietnam Construction Cement Construction Cement11087 约 4.5 亿元35250 约 13.5 亿元2009.08Construction Joint Stock CorporationVCGVietnam Construction and Import-Export Joint Corporation StockConstruction2008.0958194 约 22.3 亿元38.831.4-1330河内交易所所有上市公司列表(2009 年 12 月 20 日) (市值以越南盾计)Average value on: 21/12/2009 Stock Code ACB AGC First Trading DateNo 1 2Companies Asia Commercial Bank An Giang Coffee JSCCharter CapitalTotal Market Value 10,073,129,685,100 94,620,000,000Industry Finance Agriculture2,630,059,960,000 21/11/,000,000 05/01/200916 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13ALT B82 BBS BCC BED BHC BHV BKC BLF BPC BSTALTA COMPANY 482 Joint Stock Company ButSon Cement Packing JSC BimSon Cement JSC Danang Books and School Equipment JSC Bien Hoa Concrete JSC Viglacera BaHien JSC Bac Kan Mineral Joint Stock Corporation Bac Lieu Fisheries JSC Bimson Packing Company Binh Thuan Book and Equipment JSC Ha Noi Transformer Manufacturing49,339,050,000 27/07/,000,000 17/03/,000,000 28/12/,000,000 24/11/,000,000 21/10/,000,000 15/05/,130,000 21/11/,000,000 18/08/,000,000 02/06/,000,000 08/06/,000,000 18/12/2008134,202,216,000Services Construction Construction1,125,000,000,000Construction Education Construction Construction80,213,620,000Minerals Aquatic products77,520,000,000Packaging School equipment14BTHand Electric Material Joint Stock Company30,000,000,000 04/01/200836,600,000,000 Electronic equipment15 16 17BTS BVS BXHButSon Cement JSC Bao Viet Securities Company Haiphong Cement Packing Joint-Stock Company Construction and Investment JSC No. 492 Halong Canned Food JSC Yen Bai Agro-forestry products and Foodstuff Corporation Can Tho Cement JSC Chuong Duong Corporation COTEC Investment and Construction JSC Construction and Infrastructure Development JSC Central Area Electrical Mechanical JSC CMC Investment JSC Thanh Nam construction and investment Join Stock Company Hai Duong Pump Manufacturing908,801,600,000 05/12/,000,000 18/12/,000,000 25/11/20091,108,737,952,000 1,372,560,000,000Construction Finance Cement Packing Production Construction Seafood Foodstuff18 19 20 21 22 23C92 CAN CAP CCM CDC CIC12,000,000,000 19/11/,000,000 12/06/,000,000 09/01/,000,000 18/09/,150,000 01/11/,960,000 29/12/,000,000 257,335,457,000Cement Construction Construction24CID10,820,000,000 14/07/2005Construction25 26 27 28CJC CMC CSC CTB20,000,000,000 14/12/,000,000 11/12/,000,000 04/11/,300,000 10/10/,000,000Electricity Industry Construction and real estate Industry17 JSC 29 30 CTC CTM Gia Lai Culture - Tourism JSC VINAVICO investment, construction and mining JSC Underground Works Construction JSC Vietinbank Securities CMC Joint Stock Company Viglacera Dong Anh JSC Da Nang Education Development and Investment JSC Educational Book JSC In Da Nang City DABACO Vietnam Corporation Ben Tre Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company DIC No.4 Joint Stock Company Dai Chau Joint Stock Company Dien Hong Printing JSC Ha Tay Pharmaceutical JSC DIC- DONG TIEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY DongNai Plastic Construction JSC Da Nang Plastic JSC Nam Dinh Educational Book and Equipment JSC Viglacera Dong Trieu JSC 23,762,000,000 18/07/,000,000 07/08/,080,000 Tourism Construction31 32 33 34 35CTN CTS CVT DAC DAD48,850,000,000 20/12/,000,000 31/07/,000,000 05/11/,740,000 20/09/,000,000 19/08/,981,860,000 58,800,000,000Construction Securities Construction Construction Education36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47DAE DBC DBT DC4 DCS DHI DHT DID DNP DPC DST DTC14,986,800,000 28/12/,600,000 18/03/,000,000 30/10/,960,000 03/11/,780,000 17/12/,800,000 04/12/,020,000 03/12/,000,000 10/12/,370,000 30/06/,800,000 10/06/,000,000 16/10/,000,000 25/12/,960,000 62,040,229,700 82,800,000,000 50,931,904,800 55,579,351,200Publishing Agricultural products Pharmaceuticals Construction Trade and Service Publishing Pharmaceuticals Construction Plastics Plastics Education Construction Transport,services48DXPDoan Xa Port Joint Stock Company52,500,000,000 08/06/2009and supplying warehouses49 50 51 52 53DZM EBS ECI EFI EIDDzi An Manufacturing Public Limited Company Educational Book JSC in Hanoi City Education cartography and illustration JSC Education financial investment JSC Hanoi Education Development and Investment JSC25,000,000,000 11/06/,710,000 21/12/,000,000 16/06/,000,000 30/09/,000,000 11/08/,297,200 17,856,000,000 62,118,000,000Mechanical engineering Publishing Publishing Education Education18 54 55 56 57 58GGG GHA GLT HAD HAIGiaiPhong Motor JSC Hai Au Paper JSC Global Electrical Technology Corporation Hanoi C Hai Duong Beer JSC H.A.I JSC Binh Duong PP Pack Making Joint Stock Company Ha Tinh Book and Educational Equipment JSC Hoa Cam Concrete Joint Stock Company Hai Phong Cement Transport & Trading JSC HIGHER EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL BOOK Ha Giang Mineral and Mechanics joint stock company Haiha Confectionery JSC Nam Mu Hydropower JSC HaLam - TKV Coal JSC Viglacera Ha Long I JSC Hanoimilk JSC Hoang Mai Cement JSC Haiphong Securities JSC Hoa Phat Construction Stone JSC Hacinco JSC Hoaphat Textbook Printing JSC Tasco JSC Viet Tri Chemicals JSC Song Hong construction JSC International Labor and Services JSC Produce and Trading Metal JSC Kim Long Securities Corporation Mirae Fiber JSC64,500,000,000 12/10/,800,000 14/07/,790,000 26/11/,000,000 27/10/,980,000 27/12/200680,625,000,000 38,555,452,000Mechanics Consumer goods Electricity Beverage Agricultural production Packing59HBD15,350,000,000 15/06/200960HBE11,973,180,000 22/02/2008Education61HCC16,228,020,000 24/12/2007Concrete production62HCT2,016,385,000 27/11/2007Transport63HEV10,000,000,000 11/12/2007Publishing64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81HGM HHC HJS HLC HLY HNM HOM HPC HPS HSC HTP HUT HVT ICG ILC KKC KLS KMF60,000,000,000 21/12/,000,000 20/11/,000,000 20/12/,000,000 05/03/,000,000 25/12/,000,000 27/12/,000,000 09/07/,800,000 15/12/,500,000 25/12/,000,000 14/07/,000,000 14/12/,000,000 11/04/,130,000 08/05/,000,000 21/04/,520,000 26/12/,000,000 21/08/,000,000 28/01/,540,000 14/12/,000,000 63,473,595,900 330,000,000,000 957,600,000,000 212,097,464,000 171,120,000,000 35,000,000,000 117,165,000,000Mineral Confectionery Electricity Mineral Construction Food production Cement Finance Construction Services Publishing Construction Chemicals Construction Services 123,240,000,000 Industrial production 698,820,000,000 Securities Fiber production19 82 83 84 85 86L18 L43 L44 L61 L62Investment and Construction JSC No.18 LILAMA 45.3 Joint Stock company LILAMA 45.4 Joint Stock Company Lilama 69-1 JSC LILAMA 69-2 JSC Long An Book and Educational Equipment JSC LILAMA3 Joint Stock Company Lilama 5 Joint stock Company Low Current - Telecom JSC Luong Tai Construction Joint Stock Company MCO Vietnam JSC Vinacomin - Mong Duong Coal JSC Song Da Someco JSC Minh Huu Lien Joint Stock Company Quang Nam Mineral Industry Corporation Cai Lay Veterinary Pharmaceutical JSC Manganese Mineral JSC Nagakawa Viet Nam JSC Vinacomin - Nui Beo Coal JSC Ninh Binh Thermal Power Joint-Stock Company Ngo Quyen Export Seafood Processing JSC Nhi Hiep Brick-Tile Co-Operation Naloi Hydropower JSC Phu Thinh - Nha Be Garment JSC Ngan Son Joint Stock Company35,000,000,000 23/04/,000,000 11/06/,000,000 21/12/,000,000 19/11/,000,000 21/04/,000,000Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction and assembling Publishing Construction 87,500,000,000 Construction Telecommunication production Construction Construction Coal 81,600,000,000 Construction Trading, selling and87 88 89 90LBE LM3 LO5 LTC10,959,000,000 22/02/,000,000 01/12/,000,000 21/12/,000,000 14/12/200691 92 93 94LUT MCO MDC MEC55,100,000,000 04/01/,290,000 21/12/,000,000 23/07/,000,000 14/12/200695MHL20,000,000 26/11/200941,000,000,000producing furniture and steel products96MIC14,892,400,000 21/12/2007104,842,496,000Mineral Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Mineral97 98 99 100 101MKV MMC NAG NBC NBP15,000,000,000 21/11/,250,000 28/07/,000,000 22/09/,000,000 27/12/,000,000 06/08/,000,000 210,000,000,000 310,058,550,000Electronic and electrical equipment Mineral production Electricity102NGC12,000,000,000 06/03/200830,600,000,000Aquaculture Brick and tle production Electricity Garment Agriculture103 104 105 106NHC NLC NPS NST15,207,710,000 17/06/,000,000 14/12/,000,000 27/12/,330,000 29/12/200620 production 107 108 109 110 111 112 NTP NVC ONE PAN PDC PGS Tien Phong Plastic JSC Nam Vang JSC One Corporation Pan Pacific Corporation Phuong Dong Petroleum Tourism JSC Petrovietnam Southern Gas JSC Constrexim - Phuc Hung 113 PHC investment construction and import - export JSC 114 PJC Petrolimex Hanoi Transportation and Trading JSC Petrolimex Petrochemical JSC Pharmedic Pharmaceutical Medicinal JSC Petroleum Mechanical Stock company Post and Telecommunication Equipment JSC Phu Phong Corporation Petrolimex Saigon Transportation and Service JSC The Precision Tools and CNC Machine JSC HaiPhong Petrolimex Transportation and Services JSC PetroVietnam Nghe An Construction JSC Drilling Mud Corporation Petrovietnam Investment 125 PVE Consultancy and Engineering Joint Stock Company 126 PVG Petrovietnam Nothern Gas JSC 266,170,000,000 07/01/2009 Gas 34,512,000,000 02/01/,000,000 Oil and Gas 15,631,500,000 25/12/,000,000 05/11/,980,000 11/12/,000,000 24/01/,280,000 24/06/,000,000 22/12/,000,000 29/09/,000,000 15/11/,000,000 336,000,000,000 Consumption production Commerce Communication Informatics Services Tourism Oil & Gas Construction and Real estateTransportation Import Export Distribution Pharmaceutical Petroleum Mechanics Telecommunication Construction materials Transportation115PLC161,272,000,000 27/12/2006116PMC64,816,340,000 09/10/2009117PMS52,000,000,000 08/06/2009118POT192,763,460,000 20/12/2006119PPG38,158,800,000 20/12/2006120PSC20,000,000,000 29/12/2006121PTM13,023,000,000 16/01/2009Machinery122PTS34,800,000,000 01/12/2006Transportation123PVA45,000,000,000 12/12/2008103,050,000,000Construction Chemical and drilling mud124PVC159,717,350,000 15/11/2007362,558,384,50021 127 128PVI PVSPetrovietnam Insurance Petroleum Technical Services Corporation Petro Vietnam Construction Joint Stock Corporation Quang Ninh Construction and Cement JSC Quang Ninh Book and Educational Equipment JSC Quang Nam Transportation Construction JSC CHOLON REAL ESTATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY Ry Ninh II Hydroelectric JSC Song Da 12 JSC Song Da 5.05 JSC Song Da 6.04 JSC Song Da 7.04 JSC Song Da 9.01 JSC Song Da No 9.06 Joint Stock Company Song Da No 9.09 JSC SAFOCO foodstuff JSC Textbook Printing JSC In Hochiminh City Songda Cement JSC SAI SON CEMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY Song Da No 2 JSC Song Da No 3 JSC Song Da 4 JSC Song Da No 5 JSC Song Da No 6 JSC Song Da No 7 JSC Song Da 8 JSC1,035,500,000,000 10/08/,034,310,000 20/09/20072,609,460,000,000 5,718,132,879,900Insurance Petroleum Technical services Construction129PVX1,500,000,000,000 19/08/20093,510,000,000,000130QNC132,934,890,000 17/01/2008454,562,626,000Building materials Book and131QST13,500,000,000 16/02/2009educational equipment132QTC12,000,000,000 16/01/2009Construction133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152RCL RHC S12 S55 S64 S74 S91 S96 S99 SAF SAP SCC SCJ SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 SD6 SD7 SD825,000,000,000 14/06/,000,000 30/06/,000,000 16/01/,000,000 22/12/,000,000 25/12/,000,000 02/07/,000,000 20/12/,000,000 09/01/,100,000 22/12/,000,000 08/06/,840,000 14/12/,000,000 20/12/,000,000 19/09/,000,000 30/11/,780,000 25/12/,000,000 25/06/,000,000 27/12/,000,000 25/12/,000,000 27/12/,000,000 28/11/,000,000 325,800,000,000 163,077,600,000 239,990,340,000 167,250,000,000 87,945,000,000 118,000,000,000 38,700,000,000 122,500,000,000 85,862,400,000Real Estate Hydroelectrics Construction and assembly Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Foodstuff Publishing Construction Construction and industry Construction Construction Construction and Assembly Construction Construction Construction Construction22 153 154 155 156SD9 SDA SDC SDDSong Da No 9 JSC Song Da SIMCO JSC Song Da Consulting JSC Song Da Assembly Construction & Investment Joint Stock Company Song Da Infrastructure Construction Joint Stock Company Song Da 25 Joint Stock Company Dong Nai Paint Corporation Song Da Trading and Transport JSC Song Da Construction and Investment JSC Song Da No 10 JSC Song Da Urban Investment Construction and Development JSC Song Da Yaly Cement JSC Mien Trung Power Investment and Development JSC Phuong Nam Education Investment and Development JSC Saigon Fishing Net Joint Stock Company Sa Giang Import Export Corporation Educational Book JSC in Ho Chi Minh City SAIGON HOTEL CORPORATION Sai Gon - Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank Sai Gon Maritime Joint Stock Co. Ltd Hanoi Investment General Corporation Saigon - Hanoi Securitities JSC Song Da Investment - Development JSC Seafood Joint Stock Company No 1149,998,780,000 20/12/,890,000 21/12/,000,000 25/12/,490,000 23/01/2008589,500,000,000 293,019,645,800Construction Construction Construction77,328,882,000Construction157SDH51,750,000,000 19/10/2009245,812,500,000Construction Construction and assembly Paint production158 159 160SDJ SDN SDP36,768,000,000 20/12/,410,000 22/06/,000,000 15/04/,000,000Construction161 162 163 164 165SDS SDT SDU SDY SEB14,000,000,000 23/07/,000,000 14/12/,000,000 28/09/,000,000 25/12/,000,000 14/01/,000,000 527,670,000,000Construction Construction Construction Construction Electricity166SED80,000,000,000 19/08/2009Education167 168 169 170 171SFN SGC SGD SGH SHB30,000,000,000 12/06/,020,000 18/06/,000,000 28/12/,000,000 30/07/,000,000,000 20/04/,000,000,000Fishing net Food processing Publishing Hotel Banking172SHC37,095,500,000 15/06/200946,369,375,000Water transport173 174 175 176SHN SHS SIC SJ187,020,000,000 16/12/,960,000 25/06/,000,000 27/12/,000,000 08/06/,976,487,200 63,360,000,000 65,450,000,000 Securities Construction Aquatic products23 177 178 179 180 181 182SJC SJE SJM SKS SNG SPPSong Da 1.01 Joint Stock Company Song Da No 11 JSC Song Da No. 19 JSC Song Da Transportation Construction JSC Song Da No 10.1 JSC Saigon Plastic Packaging JSC Sai Gon C Quy Nhon Mining Corporation Sara Vietnam JSC21,100,000,000 21/11/,000,000 14/12/,000,000 10/01/,000,000 17/04/,000,000 25/12/,000,000 25/09/,000,000 30,450,000,000 37,810,000,000Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Packaging production183SQC1,000,000,000,000 17/12/2009 Information technology 43,505,000,000 Information Technology Steel Structure Manufacture Construction and assembly Publishing Construction Construction Packing production Cement production Mineral exploitation Mineral exploitation 188,623,000,000 Services Mineral exploitation 410,844,264,600 Commerce Beverage 222,040,000,000 Mineral extraction Transportation Construction and Real estate Consumer goods184SRA10,000,000,000 18/01/2008185SRBSara JSC56,500,000,000 17/03/2008186SSMSteel Structure Manufacture JSC27,516,640,000 17/11/200861,086,940,800187SSSSong Da 6.06 Joint Stock Company Book and Educational Equipment JSC in Ho Chi Minh city Song Da - Thang Long JSC Song Da Industry Trade Joint Stock Company Bien Hoa Packaging Comapny Thai Binh Cement JSC Vinacomin Coc Sau Coal JSC Vinacomin - CaoSon Coal JSC Tay Ninh Cable Car Tour JSC VInacomin - DeoNai Coal JSC The Vietnam National General Export - Import JSC No.1 Thanh Hoa Beer JSC Vinacomin - Ha Tu Coal JSC Transportation and Trading Services Joint Stock Company Tan Ky construction and real estate trading corporation Tung Kuang Industrial JSC25,000,000,000 28/08/200741,250,000,000188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200STC STL STP SVI TBX TC6 TCS TCT TDN TH1 THB THT TJC28,800,000,000 27/12/,000,000 23/09/,000,000 09/10/,000,000 22/12/,000,000 18/11/,000,000 26/06/,000,000 21/11/,000,000 05/10/,000,000 21/11/,330,000 11/11/,700,000 19/11/,000,000 24/10/,000,000 17/12/200732,832,000,000 487,000,000,000 96,250,000,000201 202TKC TKU60,500,000,000 01/12/,450,000 26/06/2006124,025,000,00024 203TLCThang Long Telecommunications JSC Viglacera Thanglong Ceramic Tiles JSC Thu Duc Trading and Import C Export Joint Stock Company Cement Trading JSC TNG Investment and Trading JSC Hanoi Textbooks Printing JSC Tan Phu Plastic JSC Telecommunication Technical Service Joint Stock Company Power Engineering Consulting JSC No.2 Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company Power Engineering Consulting JSC No.4 Gypsum and Cement JSC99,800,000,000 28/12/200691,816,000,000 Telecommunications204TLT22,500,000,000 08/12/200627,000,000,000Construction Trading and Import C Export Cement205 206 207 208 209 210TMC TMX TNG TPH TPP TST40,000,000,000 08/06/,000,000 02/11/,000,000 22/11/,000,000 15/12/,000,000 26/09/,000,000 13/12/,000,000Garment export Publishing Plastic products100,320,000,000 Telecommunications211TV244,390,000,000 13/10/2009Electricity212TV329,400,000,000 01/12/2009Electricity213 214TV4 TXM27,500,000,000 22/07/,000,000 11/12/2006Electricity Construction Telecommunication215UNIVien Lien Joint Stock Company47,439,330,000 08/06/2009equipments business216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226V11 V15 VBH VC1 VC2 VC3 VC5 VC6 VC7 VC9 VCCConstruction JSC No 11 Vinaconex 15 Joint Stock Company Viettronics Binh Hoa JSC Construction JSC No 1 Vietnam Construction JSC No. 2 Construction JSC No. 3 Construction JSC No.5 Vinaconex 6 JSC No7 Vietnam Construction JSC Construction JSC No.9 Vinaconex 25 JSC Vietnam Construction and50,000,000,000 15/12/,000,000 17/12/,000,000 29/12/,000,000 14/05/,000,000 11/12/,000,000 13/12/,000,000 16/01/,000,000 28/01/,000,000 28/12/,000,000 05/11/,000,000 05/02/200990,000,000,000 109,800,000,000 41,470,000,000 135,800,000,000 134,289,500,000Construction Construction Consumer goods Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction112,500,000,000Construction Construction Construction227VCGImport-Export Joint Stock Corporation1,499,851,500,000 05/09/20085,789,426,790,000Construction228VCSVinaconex Advanced Compound Stone Joint Stock Company100,000,000,000 17/12/2007Construction25 229 230VDL VE1Lamdong Foodstuffs Joint Stock Co VNECO 1 Electricity Construction JSC VNECO 9 Electricity Construction JSC Transport and Chartering Corporation The Vegetexco Port Joint Stock Company Vietnam Germany Steel Pipe JSC Viglacera Ha Long JSC Viet Nam Industrial & Commercial Securities Corporation Viglacera Tien Son JSC Vimeco JSC Vung Tau Petroleum Trading and Service Joint Stock Company The Vietnam Superintendence and Inspection JSC Vietnam National Reinsurance Corporation The Foreign Trade Forwarding and Transportation JSC VINASHIN Petroleum Investment and Transport JSC VITALY JSC VTC Telecommunications JSC Thang Long Wine JSC Viglacera Tuson JSC Cement Materials and Transportation JSC Wall Street Securities company Vinaconex Xuan Mai Concrete & Construction Joint Stock Company Yen Bai Cement and Mineral JSC12,000,000,000 27/11/,000,000 04/09/,000,000Foodstuffs Erection Construction of electricity Transportation Warehouse and231VE931,000,000,000 23/01/200844,640,000,000232VFR150,000,000,000 28/12/2006202,500,000,000233VGP62,016,080,000 12/06/2009transportation support234 235VGS VHL70,000,000,000 04/12/,000,000 12/02/2009145,600,000,000 Steel manufacturing Manufacturing building materials 279,000,000,000 Securities Building materials Construction 103,680,000,000 Petroleum236 237 238 239VIG VIT VMC VMG150,000,000,000 01/12/,000,000 03/11/,000,000 11/12/,000,000 30/09/2009240VNC52,500,000,000 21/12/2006Services241VNR343,000,000,000 13/03/2006Finance242VNT54,720,000,000 14/08/2009Transportation243 244 245 246 247VSP VTA VTC VTL VTS40,000,000,000 25/12/,000,000 06/08/,850,000 08/06/,000,000 14/07/,000,000 20/09/200699,600,000,000 59,400,000,000Transportation Commerce Telecommunications services Food production66,156,000,000Construction materials Transportation248 249 250 251VTV WSS XMC YBC25,000,000,000 18/12/,000,000 15/12/,000,000 20/12/,800,000 20/05/,000,000Securities Construction and materials Construction26 materials 252 YSC Yenson Joint Stock Company 7,300,000,000 29/12/2006 Consumer goods27
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