
How to speed up initial blockchain sync
Monero is a secure, untraceable and resilient digital currency. We believe it is the successor to Bitcoin. .
How to speed up initial blockchain sync
If you have an SSD drive, there is a way to speed up the initial synchronization of your daemon with the network. This is
achieved by downloading a copy of the raw blockchain and importing it. The example below shows the procedure when creating
a new wallet, but you can also use the first part of this procedure when preparing to .
IMPORTANT: It is critical that you only download a trusted version of the raw blockchain from Do not trust downloads
from other sources.
Warning: If you are booting to a Pendrive or LiveCD, you will not have any hard drive storage available to you, so this tutorial will not work unless you have at least 16GB of RAM available for storage of the blockchain. To clarify, this RAM requirement ONLY
applies to Pendrive or LiveCD installations and not to the majority of people with regularly installed operating systems. If you don't have this much
RAM in your laptop,
will show you how to create a Monero wallet on a Live CD booted
machine which can talk to a trusted remote daemon.
To begin, open a terminal window (Mac/Linux) or command prompt (Windows) and type the following text that appears in white. Orange text is instructions, and yellow text is sample output from the commands you will be running.
tar jxvf linux64
tar jxvf mac64
./monero-blockchain-import --verify 0 --input-file ./blockchain.raw
rm -rf ./blockchain.raw
monero-blockchain-import.exe --verify 0 --input-file ./blockchain.raw
del blockchain.raw
Specify wallet file name (e.g., MyWallet). If the wallet doesn't exist, it will be created.
Wallet file name (or Ctrl-C to quit): testwallet
No wallet found with that name. Confirm creation of new wallet named: testwallet
(Y/Yes/N/No): Y
Generating new wallet...
Enter a password for your new wallet:
Confirm Password: ********
List of available languages for your wallet's seed:
0 : English
1 : Spanish
2 : German
3 : Italian
4 : Portuguese
5 : Russian
6 : Japanese
Enter the number corresponding to the language of your choice: 0
Generated new wallet: 47CL7FiNtW417VjzWt9Zse8Z8URhaHaA2L9jJq6rrLtDhiYK9PfbCavhhMKws9xEdKHBeGcQtJmPt4uEMivooNztC5UkHLD
View key: 005c98c3dbbd0dfad97f910e6eeb5e8e12d02fdd4ab2373fbe9110a
Your wallet has been generated!
To start synchronizing with the daemon, use "refresh" command.
Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
Always use "exit" command when closing monero-wallet-cli to save your
current session's state. Otherwise, you might need to synchronize
your wallet again (your wallet keys are NOT at risk in any case).
PLEASE NOTE: the following 25 words can be used to recover access to your wallet. Please write them down and store them somewhere safe and secure. Please do not store them in your email or on file storage services outside of your immediate control.
locker welders womanly lodge gumball selfish altitude dewdrop
terminal nagged exit acquire hookup ashtray wobbly nineteen
duration duties javelin patio baffles ambush bamboo bite nineteen
Starting refresh...
Refresh done, blocks received: 0
Balance: 0., unlocked balance: 0.
Background refresh thread started
[wallet 47CL7F]: address
Congratulations, you have now created a Monero wallet, and can now .
Send feedback, corrections or suggestions to
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Thanks to Monero developers and community members that answered questions that contributed to the content in this site: jollymort, hyc, moneromoo, smooth, jwinterm, debruyne, fluffypony, pero, needmoney90, ferretinjapan, idunk, saddam, wolf0, daveyjones, snipa, gingeropolous, markos, othe, m5m400, luigi1111, kenshi84
Disclaimer: This site contains opinion for informational purposes only and does not consitute investment advice. Information may contain errors and omissions.
Use solely at your own risk. Services listed here are run by third parties and are not vetted by this site.
The authors of this site and/or the authors of articles linked to from this site may have financial investments that may bias their opinions, including ownership of Monero currency.
Always do your own research, form your own opinions, and never take risks with money or trust third parties without verifying their credibility.
Remember to take your computer security seriously and never use a computer or phone that is at risk of infection by untrusted software that may contain malware or viruses. & Copyright 2017.ChainUP的交易所客户不存在通用型漏洞ChainUP服务的交易所系统不存在以太坊代币充值问题
来源 : 比特大师 & · & 时间 :


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