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此报告在中介篇综合研究了我国移民中介机构的发展现状,对移民潮下随之而来的移民风险、黑中介、监管缺失、未来发展方向等问题做了全面分析,还特别对我国789家因私出入境中介机构进行了评估和排...日前,由《中国国际移民报告(2014)》评出因私出&&入境中介机构30强&&环球位列第一 。
&海外置业&投资增速 &购房移民&引发热潮
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1、看移民中介公司成立的时间,选择成立时间较早的公司相对更有保障。2、看其是否有《因私出入境中介机构经营许可证》。3、了解移民中介公司以往是否办过类似的业务。4、看移民中介公司是否专业与务实。5、办理法国移民申请大体会经历以下过程:前期咨询-资格评估-文案制作-后期补件-客服跟踪-行前指导-落地服务。这一系列的办理流程,每个环节都需要专业团队的支持,优秀的移民中介公司在各个环节都会设置相应的部门或专员处理。通过以上对法国移民中介资质的介绍,希望大家在选择法国移民中介的时候一定会擦亮眼睛,防止上当受骗。还需要注意:投资移民能否成功,关键是选择合法、而且靠谱的中介机构。首先, 合法的移民公司应该具备公司营业执照和因私出入境中介机构经营许可证。这些证件一般可以在相关公安局出入境管理局网站上进行查询。其次, 是要选择信誉较好的公司,签订正式的翔实的服务合同,对移民项目、办理时间、费用、双方权利义务等事项逐一表述。此外, 还要防止移民中介巧立名目乱收费,有的移民中介开始收费较低,但是收了前期费用后就开始无休止地让客户缴纳各种后续费用,否则前期费用不退,导致客人骑虎难下。你的法国移民中介是否靠谱
你要明确的是你需要的服务究竟是什么,你的代理给你提供的究竟是什么服务。是提供有用的信息,是提供解决方案,还是代为提交办理?1. 如果是询问国外的大学的课程设置,录取方式,移民国外的方式等等这些一般类别的资讯,国内中介与国外中介都能回答你的问题。说白了,这些资讯是国外大学跟政府网站上就能找到的,大家只是花费些时间精力帮你查找你要的信息。至于回答的好不好,就是服务质量问题了,这既是能力,经验,也是态度问题。当然,国外的代理本身就生活在国外,对国外的资讯了解的可能更深入些,他们都有机会亲自访问教育机构移民部门。2. 如果是根据你的实际情况向你提供具体的建议跟解决方案,你需要的是具备专业的加拿大移民法律政策知识的人。你需要问一问你的代理,他是否学过加拿大的移民法,是否接受过专业的加拿大移民顾问培训。申请签证,申请永久居留身份是非常严肃的法律问题。你是在向一个外国政府请求获得一个特殊权利,因为你是外国人,不是它的公民,外国政府有充分的权力不给予你这个权利。外国政府要根据本国的经济社会发展需求定它的移民法规政策,每年都会适时调整。不时时掌握这些法规政策的非专业人员,很可能提供的解决方案是有问题的,具体办理过程就非常可能不顺畅甚至误事。第二,国内中介也可以替你找国外有资质的律师,公证师,ICCRC认证的移民顾问办理这种情况下,你的直接服务提供者是国外的中介,他是在IMM5476填上姓名联系电话的人。他为你直接办理签证移民,要承担代办的责任。国内中介在这种情形下实际上是个市场人员的角色,将生意与国外中介分成,一起赚钱。这种办理方式,你的费用会高出很多,因为涉及两家甚至以上的移民中介,这些中介都要赚各自的服务费。移民律师与移民顾问的区别:除了双方的教育背景,从业资历等方面的重大区别外,移民律师在你的申请被拒绝后有权代你向联邦法院要求司法复核。涉及司法复核的问题,ICCRC的移民顾问是没有资格做的。移民律师了解与移民相关的其它加拿大法规,对有些问题的处理更为权威:比如外国工人被加拿大雇主雇佣涉及的劳动法问题;比如团聚移民问题中的婚姻是否有效力的问题,这涉及婚姻法与国际私法;比如移民申请人以往的犯罪史是否真的对他的移民有影响,这涉及刑法问题;比如申请人或家属有重大疾病是否仍然有资格移民的问题;比如在移民部处理你的签证移民申请过程中的程序公正问题,这是行政法问题;比如非法移民在加拿大境内申请庇护的问题,涉及国际公法,宪法问题;很多问题就不一一列举了。有时候签证移民会牵扯到不同的加拿大法律问题,刑法,民法,劳动法,宪法,行政法,国际私法,国际公法,教育法,民法,等等。你办理过程中及登陆后难免不碰到一些问题,律师会预见你的问题,提前做准备,出问题时,及时解决你的麻烦。法国移民费用情况浅析
移民中介费用移民的中介费不一样,首要来自于两个方面,一方面是申请人自身财物状况的不一样,而发生的区别,比方具有5套房产,和具有2套房产的移民申请人,在财物评估费、管帐费用方面,就会有显着的不一样,对应的律师费、公证费等各项财物证明费用,也会比其他财物较少的出资人多一些。另一方面,移民中介供给的效劳不一样,也会发生收费必定的区别。以现在的商场状况来说,一般专业的移民组织,比综合性移民组织收费要偏高一些,所供给的效劳也愈加专业、周全一些,相对而言,专业组织的移民申请成功率,要显着高于综合性移民组织。其间的因素,首要在于专业的移民组织,比方专业做法国移民的中介公司,在移民资料的准备方面,就要比既做美国移民,又做加拿大移民和澳洲移民的综合性中介公司愈加细化,移民案牍的规划愈加贴近澳大利亚移民局的要求,签证取得同意的时机当然就会大许多。法国移民费用情况投资费用如果您选择购房移民,需要购买至少33万欧元房产;如果您选择投资移民,并办理三年卡,需要投资39.5万欧元,而办理十年卡,需要至少投资119万欧元;如果您选择商务移民,则需 投资至少500万欧元。由于1欧元=7.4012人民币元,因此33万欧元等于2442396元人民币;39.5万欧元等于2923474元人民币;119万欧元等于8807428元人民币;500万欧元等于元人 民币。其他费用这里的其他费用包括申请费、登陆费、体检费、公证费、保险费等,体检费是成年人约1300元人民币,未成年人约1000元人民币,一般整体大概在60000元人民币左右。法国移民需要多少钱?这与您选择的移民方式等因素有关,一般若是买房移民,加上申请费、登陆费、体检费等,大概需要250万元人民币;若是投资移民,办理三年卡的话,大概需要 298万元人民币;若是商务移民,则大概需要3.7亿元人民币。以上就是法国移民中介如何选择的相关内容。说了这么多,你是不是已经开始心动了呢?邦海外有丰富的移民经验,成功率非常高,是您移民的不二选择。&
1053篇文章Professional Immigration consultation service
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Current position: Home > CHINA & OVERSEAS
Globevisa Singapore Branch was established in 2007, and Globevisa became the first immigration institute establish reception station in Singapore of the industry. Singapore Branch has been providing complete investigation, relocation and landing services for customers so far. With the increasing of the influence of Globevisa, Singapore Branch marched into the Southeast Asian market in 2015 to provide unique, high-end and professional life services for the general public.
The professional project developing team, senior lawyer team, complete customer service system, close overseas relocation service is providing honest and quality investment and immigration consultation, copywriting preparation, immigration handling, overseas reception and many value added services to guarantee the successful relocation and real estate purchasing. Globevisa is professional in immigration and you should choose Globevisa for your immigration.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 80ADD:20 Collyer Quay #23-01 Singapore 049319
Globevisa Beijing
Globevisa Beijing was founded in 2002, with the national legal qualification, has opened more than 30 immigration programs. It has employed more than 500 people and set thirty-six departments such as the Consulting Department, Program Department, Customer Service Department, Legal Department, Marketing Department and Wealth Management Department. Globevisa Beijing has the unique professional immigration program development team, private overseas service team, exclusive immigration lawyer team, overseas asset management team and experts for customers' service, which would provide customers the accurate VIP customized services.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-610-8353
ADD: Room A306, 3F, East Wing, Hanwei Plaza, No. 7, Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Globevisa Guangzhou
Globevisa Guangzhou was established in June 2013. It obtains the Business License for Agency Service for Entry and Exit for Private Purposes issued by the Ministry of Public Security and the national legal qualification. The Company is located in the Guangzhou International Finance Center in Pearl River New City. The Company area of 1,200m2 has about 90 employees and set such departments as Consulting Department, Program Department, Customer Service Department and Marketing Department. It has the unique experts for customers' service that provide customers the one-stop global immigration service management.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-662-8353
ADD: , 25F, Guangzhou International Finance Center, No. 5, Zhujiang Road West, Pearl River New City, Guangzhou City.
Globevisa Shanghai
Globevisa Shanghai is located on 12F, UNITED PLAZA (5A commercial office building), Jing'an District, Shanghai - the Oriental Pearl and the global international metropolis, and takes more than 1,200m2 of office space. The Company, with a professional team of more than 130 employees, is committed to providing high net worth individuals with professional, accurate and meticulous one-stop immigration VIP services. Success is depending on the choice. Top lawyer, strict system and experts for customers' service are the guarantee of your success!
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-009-8353
ADD: , United Plaza, 1468 Nanjing Road West, Jing'an District, Shanghai
Globevisa Shenzhen
Globevisa Shenzhen was established in 2010, with the office location in the high-end office building of Futian CBD, taking 1,500m2 of office space. At present, the Company has more than 90 employees. The Company has a professional senior consultant team, copywriter team and experts for customers' service and focused on the concept of "providing sincere services for high-end customers" Globevisa Shenzhen Branch firmly believes that the success of customers is the success of Globevisa! Globevisa Shenzhen Branch is your best choice!
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-880-8062
ADD: , 1 Huanggang Business Center (Excellence Century Center), Jintian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City.
Globevisa Suzhou
Globevisa Suzhou Branch was established in 2006. It is the first domestic branch of Globevisa and located in the bank of Jinji Lake. The Company, with 1,100m2 of office space, has a professional immigration service team of more than 100 people. Globevisa Suzhou, with the business scope covering Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province, has helped more than 4,000 families realize their emigration and overseas properties.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-621-8353
ADD: , BOC Huilong Plaza, 8 Suzhou Avenue West, Suzhou Industrial Park
Globevisa Qingdao
Globevisa Qingdao has been focused on investment immigration business since its establishment, with the business scope covering nearly 20 countries and regions. The Company always unswervingly implements the core idea "Excellence Comes from the Professional", and devotes to provide customers "Comprehensive Customized Butler Immigration Service" which is unanimously recognized by customers. Globevisa employees can share the overseas life with you and provide you the professional and high-end services to convoy your immigration for 90% of them have overseas background.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-086-8353
ADD: Room 1109, HNA IMC Center, 2 Xianggang Road Middle, Shinan District, Qingdao City (west side of Qingdao World Trade Center
Globevisa Wuhan
Globevisa Wuhan is located in 2905 of Minsheng Bank Building, which the highest building in the prosperous Hankou financial district. Wuhan Branch, as the 12th branch of Globevisa, was established in August 2014. The Company has focused on the investment immigration business since its establishment. Adhering to the service concept - let customers get one hundred percent satisfaction of Globevisa, the Company provides customers with the most professional one-stop immigration services. Globevisa Wuhan is the biggest and most influential investment immigration company in Wuhan City.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-026-8353
ADD: No. 5, 29F, Minsheng Bank Building, 396 Xinhua Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan City.
Globevisa Hangzhou
Globevisa Hangzhou was established in 2012. It is a professional institute concentrating on overseas migration and investment, with the Business License for Agency Service for Entry and Exit for Private Purposes. The Company is located in EAC Euro America Center. After the development of two years, the Company has a service team of more than 40 employees to provide the customers with one-stop, comprehensive and efficient services. The Company, with more than 500m2 of office space, has become a leading brand in the immigration industry of Zhejiang Province and helps thousands of people realize their migration dreams.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-653-8353
ADD: Room , C Area, A Block EAC Euro America Center, 18 Jiaogong Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City.
Globevisa Ji'nan
Globevisa Ji'nan is located on 12F, Yong'an Building, 268 Quancheng Road, Lixia District, Ji'nan City, Shandong Province. Globevisa, the first brand of China immigration industry, has focused on immigration services for more than 20 years. Since 2013, Globevisa Ji'nan depending on the professional program development team, senior lawyer team, perfect service system and intimate overseas relocation services, has been recognized by Shandong customers and become the biggest and most professional company of providing investment immigration services.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-006-8353
ADD: 12F, Yong'an Building, 268 Quancheng Road, Lixia District, Ji'nan City.
Globevisa Shenyang
The consulting team of Globevisa Shenyang which is composed of senior immigration consultants who have overseas working and life experience for many years will provide you 24-hour professional the copywriter team will provide you tailored, accurate and complete investment programs by ch the customer service team which is composed of senior immigration customer managers will provide you quality services to help you realize your migration dreams without worries.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-612-8353
ADD: Room 2001, A Kerry Center Enterprise Square, 121 Qingnian Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City.
Globevisa Xi'an
Globevisa Xi'an which is a Branch of Globevisa is located in Hi-tech International Business Center, High-tech Zone, Xi'an City, which is the ancient capital of 13 dynasties with deep culture. The Company mainly focuses on investment immigration business, gathers professional senior consultants, excelsior program team and meticulous customer services and devotes to build the first well-known brand in northwest.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-060-5393
ADD: 1801 Hi-tech International Business Center, 33 Keji Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an City.
Globevisa Hong Kong
Globevisa (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. is located in the central area of Hong Kong Central, Hong Kong Island District. As an international financial center and an attractive place for foreign embassies in Asia Pacific, Hong Kong is a free and open city, which carries the responsibilities of customers pursuing perfect life and creating life peak. Globevisa Hong Kong has devoted to provide customers with comprehensive one-stop immigration services since its establishment. Our "experts for customers' service" provides tens of thousands of people at the top end with impeccable services that gains popularity. All employees of Globevisa will provide you services sincerely once you choose the Globevisa!
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-031-2183
ADD: 2F, 88 CENTRAL, 88-98 DES VOEUX Road, Hong Kong Central, Hong Kong Island District.
Globevisa Dalian
Globevisa Dalian Branch was established on December 18, 2013. It is located on 22F, Hope Plaza, Zhongshan Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian City, with the office space of about 300m2. Since its establishment, the Company has 30 employees and several of them have overseas life experience. Sticking to the core idea "Professional, so E Dedication to Customer Services by Heart Communication" of the Globevisa, the Company has developed rapidly and successfully processed the migration business for many customers under efforts of all employees.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-676-8950
ADD: 2203-04A, Hope Plaza, 136 Zhongshan Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian City.
Globevisa Nanjing
Globevisa Nanjing is located on 28F, Zifeng Tower (landmark), Gulou Square, Nanjing City, which is the graceful ancient capital of 6 dynasties. The Company has a professional team of more than 20 people and takes more than 500m2 of office space. The establishment of Nanjing Branch shows that another start of strategic journey of the Globevisa, which is an important supporting part of Globevisa market layout. In long-term development plan, the Company will be based in Nanjing and facing the surrounding provinces and cities of radiation to devote to build the immigration industry leading brand by gathering the professional consulting team, excelsior program team and meticulous customer service team.
24-HOUR HOTLINE: 400-928-8353
ADD: Room , Zifeng Tower, 2 Zhongshan Road North, Gulou Square, Nanjing City.
Globevisa Australia Branch is committed to become the second home for customers of Globevisa, provide 28 free relocation services of relocation, children education, buying or renting house, financial services and venture consulting for successful customers of Globevisa, concern demands of customers to make them feel at home in Australia and integrate into the local environment.
ADD: Level31 120Collins Street,Melbourne,VIC 3000
As a member of Globevisa, Globevisa Toronto Branch is adhering to the idea of "Superior Service with the reception experience of hundreds of new immigration families and the latest immigration an it can process various landing affairs, provide exclusive vehicle and exclusive personnel for the whole process and customize exclusive services for VIPs; In addition, the services of professional education direction, buying or renting house, tax and finance service by experts would help customers to open the brand new life in Canada.
TEL: 647-889-5384
Office: 905-604-1904
ADD: 3601 Highway 7 East, Unit 905, Markham, On, L3R 0M3, Canada
Globevisa Portugal Branch is a direct affiliate of Globevisa established in Portugal, and Globegroup is the first and only domestic immigration company establishing direct affiliate in Portugal with 20 members of local reception team. Globevisa Portugal Branch has been committed to provide more complete, professional and better one-stop immigration services since its establishment. So far, Globevisa Portugal Branch has helped hundreds of families to relocate in Europe.
ADD: Avenida Dom Joao II, Lisbon, Portugal
Globevisa (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred as Globevisa Hong Kong is located in Cheong K Building, 84-86 DES VOEUX Road, Hong Kong Central, Hong Kong Island District. Globevisa Hong Kong has been committed to provide considerate and one-stop immigration service and has been popular among customers for its quality and close immigration services since establishment. With the continuous increase of customers, the service team of the Globevisa Hong Kong is becoming stronger and stronger with the service scope including identity renewal, replacement and company for investigation and investment, etc. Please choose Globevisa Hong Kong, all our members in Globevisa Hong Kong will serve you wholeheartedly.
TEL: -2788
ADD: 2F, CENTRAL 88, 88-98 Des Voeux Road, Hong Kong Central
Globevisa is the first and only immigration institute in the world establishing branch in Budapest with individual office and reception team. Globevisa Budapest Branch has a reception team consisting of senior receptionists, immigration consultants, Hungarian translators and senior lawyers to provide 24 free services of investigation, relocation, family-visit consultation, etc. Globevisa Budapest Branch is adhering to the principle of "Client First" to always make customers' life abroad convenient any.
ADD: Budapest 1089, Kobanyai
New Zealand
Globevisa New Zealand Branch is the largest local overseas direct affiliate in the industry, it has helped more than 500 families to land and relocate in New Zealand, held hundreds of club activities, in addition, it provides a platform for business, communication and information and successfully helps customers live and work in peace and contentment. Globevisa Auckland Branch is adhering the mission of "All from Clients", to make their life abroad more convenient.
TEL: +64 9
ADD: Level 5, 220 Queen Street, Auckland CBD PO BOX 6065, Wellesley Street, Auckland, 1141
United Kingdom
As a professional immigration consulting company, Globevisa specially established United Kingdom Branch and entrust colleagues with more than ten years' experience to provide relocate services after immigrated in United Kingdom, and these services include full planned services of landing and airport pickup, registration in police station, doctor registration, children education, buying or renting house, etc. Globevisa United Kingdom provides considerate and relieved one-stop service to help families immigrate and integrate the society, new environment and new life in United Kingdom. All members of Globevisa United Kingdom are making efforts to build a "Second Hometown" for customers to make the life of customers in United Kingdom more comfortable.
ADD:Rockstar hubs, 3 minster court, London Ec3r 7dd
Globevisa Cyprus Branch has helped more than 500 families applying permanent resident identities successfully and helped about more than 150 families relocated in Cyprus smoothly since its establishment in November 2011 under the joint efforts of senior receptionist and professional copywriter team and the cooperation of the local five best developers so that customers can enjoy the delightful Mediterranean life.
ADD: 33, Nicodemou Mylona PafiliaHouse, Shop no.12,8047 Pafos, Cyprus
Globevisa Greece Branch is the first local direct affiliate with permanent employee in Greece. With the popularity of real estate purchasing project of Greece, the reception team of Globevisa Greece Branch is stronger and stronger with professional copywriter team and professional lawyers attending the amendment of Migration Act to guarantee the successful of the immigration of customers. Globevisa provides complete and one-stop services including investigation, real estate purchasing, immigration processing and the later landing and relocation.
ADD: 37, Achaias Str. 115 23,Ampelokipoi Athens, Greece
Globevisa Jeju Branch has provided complete and one-stop services from investigation to relocation for more than one hundred customers since the establishment.20 VIP services can help to build a second home for you. We may customize an exclusive investigation schedule for maximum return and concession and provide professional relocation related services in Korea.
Let us help you to achieve the dream of relocating and investing abroad!
ADD: 2512-3 Nohyeong-dong, Jeju City, Jeju Island
Globevisa Spain Branch has received more than 80 families to investigate real estate in Spain and accumulated a great deal of experience in reception. Meanwhile, we are continuously striving to improve our services to provide perfect services for more customers. What services would you like to receive? Please feedback the information to us, we will continue to improve and perfect our services!
Carrer Pedro i Pons 9-11 CP 08034 Barcelona
New Zealand
ADD:Floor 3, East Wing, Hanwei Plaza, No. 7, Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:, United Plaza, 1468 Nanjing Road West, Jing'an District, Shanghai
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:, Floor 25, Guangzhou International Finance Center, No. 5, Zhujiang West Road, ZhujiangXincheng, Guangzhou City
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:, 1 Huanggang Business Center (Excellence Century Center), Jintian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD: No. 5, 29F, Minsheng Bank Building, 396 Xinhua Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan City.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Room , C Area, A Block EAC Euro America Center, 18 Jiaogong Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Room 1109, HNA IMC Center, 2 Xianggang Road Middle, Shinan District, Qingdao City (west side of Qingdao World Trade Center)
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved&&Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Room 2001, A Kerry Center Enterprise Square, 121 Qingnian Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:ADD: 2203-04A, Hope Plaza, 136 Zhongshan Road, Zhongshan District, Dalian City.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:1801 Hi-tech International Business Center, 33 Keji Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an City.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:12F, Yong'an Building, 268 Quancheng Road, Lixia District, Ji'nan City.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Room , Zifeng Tower, 2 Zhongshan Road North, Gulou Square, Nanjing City.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:, BOC Huilong Plaza, 8 Suzhou Avenue West, Suzhou Industrial Park
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:2F, 88 CENTRAL, 88-98 DES VOEUX Road, Hong Kong Central, Hong Kong Island District.
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:1 Commonwealth Lane #08-09 One Commonwealth Singapore 149544
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD: Avenida Dom Joao II, Lisbon, Portugal
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Carrer Pedro i Pons 9-11 CP 08034 Barcelona
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Level31 120Collins Street,Melbourne,VIC 3000
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:3601 Highway 7 East, Unit 905, Markham, On, L3R 0M3, Canada
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Rockstar hubs, 3 minster court, London Ec3r 7dd
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD: 1051 Budapest Sas u.10-12. sas center 1emelet 111szoba
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:Level 5, 220 Queen Street, Auckland CBD PO BOX 6065, Wellesley Street, Auckland, 1141
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:33, Nicodemou Mylona PafiliaHouse, Shop no.12,8047 Pafos, Cyprus
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:2512-3 Nohyeong-dong, Jeju City, Jeju Island
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD:37, Achaias Str. 115 23,Ampelokipoi Athens, Greece
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.
ADD: The BaseC, Westelijke Randweg 3 – 29, 1118 CR Schiphol, Amsterdam, Nederland
&2016 Universal Zhonglian Investment.
All rights reserved
Consultation Co., LTD.}


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