
-- 新闻纪录片《孟山都公司眼中的世界》与Jeffrey M.
Directed by Marie-Monique
Review by Jeffrey M.
影评者:Jeffrey M.
Chinese Translation by: Chen I-wan,
Advisor ()
Committee of Disaster Historical
Studies to China Disaster
Advisor Chen I-wan
On Jan. 16, 2010, China Business’s
article “China becomes the first nation to approve agricultural
production of genetic modified (GM) staple food”
-- Upon approving agricultural
production of genetic modified (GM) cotton,
tomatoes, pepper and other plants, on Nov. 27, 2010, the Ministry
of Agriculture approves the certification to two types of genetic
modified (GM) rice, one type of genetic modified (GM) corn, this
also makes China becomes the first nation to approve agricultural
production of genetic modified (GM) staple food.
China Biotechnology Information website
--& 2009年11月4日,孟山都公司在北京举行仪式,宣布公司在中国的第一家研究机构孟山都生物技术研究中心在京正式成立。
Monsanto held a ceremony in Beijing on Nov. 4, 2009, announcing
establishment of Monsanto Biotechnology Research Center in Beijing,
their first research institution in China.
Monsanto Biotechnology Research Center shall further enhance
cooperation between Monsanto and Chinese science research
institutions and universities in field of plant biotechnology and
Monsanto fulfill it’s commitment to the public, i.e. by 2030 to
double production output of its core products corn, cotton and
soybean, and, at the same time reduce consumption of energy,
chemical fertilizer and water, and help worldwide farmers increase
their living standards. To fulfill this commitment, Monsanto
invests over USD2 million each day for
--& The Monsanto Beijing
Biotechnology Research Center shall carry out preliminary research
in bioinformation and genomics, and provide a platform for the
Monsanto global R&D network to cooperate with
Chinese science research personnel. The R&D
headquarters of Monsanto is located in USA, and has research
centers in Europe, Brazil and India.
Is Monsanto a Corporation devoting
efforts to “help worldwide farmers increase their
living standards”, or is another profiteering
multi-national Corporation, or is an
unpardonably wicked
Robin女士导演的影片《孟山都公司眼中的世界》以及(美国)Jeffrey M.
However, the massive information
revealed by “The World According to Monsanto” film directed by
Madam Marie-Monique
Robin, France and the review by
Jeffrey M. Smith, USA, if basically
true, then Monsanto, USA obviously not only is a profiteering
corporation, but also is an unpardonably wicked
purposely harming global mankind’s sustainable safety and healthy
survival and development.
For this reason, Advisor Chen
recommends every Chinese person and World Chinese to visit the web
address to view the video of this film with Chinese
为方便大家了解Jeffrey M.
For convenience of non-English
readers to read the film review by Jeffrey M. Smitch, I am forwarding my
English/Chinese translation.
&Monsanto and their
supporters abroad and in China to this date have not brought any
accusation at any court against madam
documentary film “The World According
to Monsanto”, and they also have not been able to publicly present
evidence to prove that the facts revealed and presented as evidence
by “The World According to Monsanto” are false, this indicates that
Monsanto and their supporters abroad and in China have no other
choice but to acquiescence admit that the facts revealed and
presented as evidence by “The World According to Monsanto” are
To assure sustainable safety and
healthy survival and development of the Chinese people, suggest
the National People's Congress and the
Supreme People's Procuratorate of China carry out special
investigation to investigate who and how supported such a
corporation enter China and establish its R&D
At the same time should also
investigate which Chinese persons with close relationship to
Monsanto how they operated behind the screen resulted the Ministry
of Agriculture to approve the safety certificate for two species of
genetic modified rice and one species of genetic modified corn,
without providing full detail report to the National People's
Congress and to the public, making China the first nation in the
World to approve agricultural production of genetic modified staple
food grain for its people?
All the righthearted people must
unit, establish globally broadest united front, and cooperate in
dealing with Monster Monsanto in all nations of the
For this reason, please forward the website address
of the video of the film “The World According to Monsanto” and the
English/Chinese translation of review forward to committee members
of of the Chinese people's political
consultative conference and representatives of the National
People's Congress, and to media friends!
How much outrage can a single
multinational corporation inspire? How much damage can they
inflict? The breathtaking new film, The World According to
Monsanto, features a company that sets the new standard. From Iowa
to Paraguay, from England to India, Monsanto is uprooting our food
supply and replacing it with their patented genetically engineered
creations. And along the way, farmers, communities, and nature
become collateral damage.
The Gazette says the movie “will
freeze the blood in your veins.” The Hour says it’s a “horrifying
enough picture” to warrant “fury.” But most importantly, this
critical film opens our eyes just in time.
The film is the work of celebrated
award-winning French filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin, whose three
years of work on four continents exposes why Monsanto has become
the world’s poster child for malignant corporate influence in
government and technology. Combining secret documents with accounts
by victims, scientists and policy makers, she guides us through a
web of misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion, and
attempted corruption. And we learn how the company systematically
tricked governments into allowing dangerous genetically modified
(GM) foods into our diet—with Monsanto in charge of determining if
they’re safe.
Deception, Deception,
The company’s history with some of
the most toxic chemicals ever produced, illustrates why they can’t
be trusted. Ask the folks of Anniston, Alabama, where Monsanto’s
PCB factory secretly poisoned the neighborhood for decades. PCBs
are Monsanto’s toxic oils used as coolants and lubricants for over
50 years and are now virtually omnipresent in the blood and tissues
of humans and wildlife around the globe. But Anniston residents
have levels hundreds or thousands of times the average. They all
know their levels, which they carry as death sentences. David
Baker, who lost his little brother and most of his friends to
PCB-related diseases such as cancer, says Anniston kids used to run
up to him, report their PCB level and ask, “How long you think I
这个公司生产过最为毒性化学产品的历史表明孟山都公司为什么是不可信的。孟山都公司在阿巴马州阿尼斯顿(Anniston, Alabama)的PCB工厂对邻近地区秘密毒害了几十年,只要问一下当地人能够了解。孟山都公司作为冷却剂与润滑剂使用PCB超过50年,目前世界各处人与野生动物的血液与组织中事实上已经无所不在。但是阿尼斯顿当地居民血液中的PCB含量为平均水平的数百上千倍。他们都知道自己的PCB水平,决定着他们的死刑期。大卫·贝克(David Baker),因PCB含量过高导致的癌症等疾病已经失掉了其弟弟以及其许多朋友。大卫讲,当地的小孩经常会找他告诉他们的PCB水平,然后询问“你认为我还有多少时间?”
Ken Cook of the Environmental Working
Group says that based on Monsanto documents made public during a
trial, the company “knew the truth from the very beginning. They
lied about it. They hid the truth from their neighbors.” One
Monsanto memo explains their justification: “We can’t afford to
lose one dollar of business.”
《环境工作组》的肯·库克(Ken Cook)说,根据一次审判中披露的孟山都公司文件,这个公司“从最初开始一直了解事实。他们对此说谎。他们对他们的邻居们隐藏了真实情况”。孟山都公司的一项备忘录对他们这样做提供了解释:“我们无法承担失掉哪怕一美元的生意”!
Monsanto also produced the infamous
Agent Orange, the cancer and birth-defect causing defoliant sprayed
over Vietnam. It contaminated more than 3 million civilians and
servicemen. But according to William Sanjour, who led the Toxic
Waste Division of the Environmental Protection Agency, “thousands
of veterans were disallowed benefits” because “Monsanto studies
showed that dioxin [the main ingredient in Agent Orange] was not a
human carcinogen.” But his EPA colleague discovered that Monsanto
had allegedly falsified the data in their studies. Sanjour says,
“If they were done correctly, [the studies] would have reached just
the opposite result.”
孟山都公司还生产了在越南到处喷洒导致癌症与婴儿缺陷的声名狼藉的黄色脱叶剂。它污染了超过三百万平民与军人。依据(美国)环境保护署(EPA)有毒分部负责人威廉·桑焦耳(William Sanjour)披露的情况,“数千退役军人没有批准受益”因为“孟山都公司的研究表明二氧芑(dioxin)[黄色脱叶剂的主要成分]并非人类致癌物质”。但是他在环境保护署(EPA)同事发现孟山都公司的研究所申述的是伪造的数据。桑焦耳(Sanjour)说,“如果提交正确的数据,[该项研究]必然获得相反的结果。”
Secret documents stolen from the FDA
also reveal serious health effects from Monsanto’s genetically
engineered bovine growth hormone, called rBGH or rBST. In
particular, the amount of a powerful hormone called IGF-1 is
substantially increased in milk from treated cows. Samuel Epstein,
Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, says that
approximately 60 studies link IGF-1 to “breast, colon, and prostate
rBST的转基因牛生长素造成严重的健康问题。特别是,服用这种生长素的牛的牛奶中,称之为IGF-1的一种作用很强的荷尔蒙显著增加。美国癌症防治联盟主席塞缪尔·爱泼斯坦(Samuel Epstein)告诉我们,
Cancer is also implicated in
Monsanto’s showcase herbicide, Roundup. According Professor Robert
Bell&’s research showing disrupted cell division, “Roundup provokes
the first stages that lead to cancer.” Bell&, who is with the
National Center for Scientific Research and the Pierre and Marie
Curie Institute in France, says, “The tested doses were well below
those which people normally use.”
孟山都公司推崇的《围捕》(Roundup)除草剂也牵连到癌症。罗伯特·贝勒教授的研究表明陷于混乱的细胞分裂,“《围捕》(Roundup)除草剂驱动导致癌变的第一阶段”。在国家科学研究中心(National Center for Scientific
Research)与法国皮埃尔与马莉·居里研究院(Pierre and Marie Curie
Monsanto has promoted Roundup as
harmless to both humans and the environment. But their advertised
environmental claims, such as “biodegradable,” “leaves the soil
clean,” and “respects the environment,” were declared false and
illegal by judges in both the US and France. In fact, Monsanto’s
own studies showed that 28 days after application, only 2% of the
product had broken down. They were forced to remove “biodegradable”
from the label.
Above the law
When Monsanto’s transgressions are
reported to authorities, somehow the company is magically let off
When Monsanto finally did share
information on PCBs with the government, for example, Ken Cook says
“instead of siding with the people who were being poisoned, [the
government] sided with the company. . . . It was outrageous!” When
William Sanjour’s EPA colleague, Cate Jenkins, asked the agency to
review Monsanto’s flawed Agent Orange studies, Sanjour says, “there
was no investigation of Monsanto. . . . What they investigated was
Cate Jenkins, the whistleblower! They made her life a
当孟山都公司最终不得不向政府部门提供有关PCB的信息,但是肯·库克(Ken Cook)说“[政府]不是站在受到毒害的人民一边,而是站到了公司的一边……完全令人不可容忍!”当威廉·桑焦耳(William Sanjour)在环境保护署(EPA)的同事凯梯·玖恩金斯(Cate Jenkins)要求环境保护署对孟山都公司关于黄色脱叶剂研究报告的缺陷进行审查时,桑焦耳(Sanjour)说“对孟山都公司没有进行调查……他们调查的对象是凯梯·玖恩金斯(Cate Jenkins),举报者!他们使她后来的生活像在地狱中一般。”
When Richard Burroughs of the FDA
held up approval of rBGH by demanding more rigorous and relevant
testing, he was fired. He says, “They figured: ‘Well, if you’re in
the way, we’ll get you out of the way.’. . . One day, I was
escorted to the door
I was done.” Senior
government scientists at Health Canada testified that their
superiors were pressuring them to approve rBGH and that Monsanto
had offered them an alleged bribe of $1-2 million. The scientists
were later reprimanded, punished, and eventually “dismissed for
disobedience.” rBGH was never approved in Canada, Europe, and most
industrialized nations.
当食品药物管理署的理查德·巴罗欧斯(Richard Burroughs)要求更为严格与相关的试验而拦住了对rBGH的批准,他被辞掉。他说,“他们考虑:‘好吧,如果你挡道的话,我们就请你让路’……一天,我被护送到门口并告诉离开;我就完了。”加拿大健康署的高级政府科学家作证,他们的上级对施压让他们批准rBGH而孟山都公司提议提供100到200美元的贿赂。这些科学家后来提出申诉,被惩罚,然后因“不服从而被辞掉”。rBGH在加拿大、欧洲与大部分工业化国家始终未获批准。
When Professor Bell& went to his
administration “to let the public know about the dangers” of
Roundup herbicide, he was “ordered” not to communicate his findings
“due to the GMO question lurking in the background.” That question
about genetically modified organisms was in relation to Monsanto’s
“Roundup Ready” crops. Monsanto has the patent for 90% of the GMOs
grown on the planet, and most of them are genetically modified
specifically to tolerate applications of Roundup.
Corporate Coup d’&tat
Monsanto’s past manipulations were
mere warm ups compared to the virtual government takeover used to
approve GM foods. Author Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation
for Economic Trends, says, “I have never seen a situation where one
company could have so much overwhelming influence at the highest
levels of regulatory decision making.”
与作者事实上接管了某些政府用于批准转基因食品的权力相比,孟山都公司过去的操纵仅仅算的上热身。杰雷米·里夫金(Jeremy Rifkin),一位作者,同时担任《经济趋势基金会》(Foundation for Economic
The problem Monsanto faced was that
GMOs are inherently unsafe. They can create dangerous side effects.
That was the overwhelming consensus by FDA scientists, according to
44,000 agency documents made public from a lawsuit. But the most
important document, FDA’s official policy, claimed that GMOs were
not substantially different. They were granted the status
“Generally Recognized as Safe,” even though they failed to meet the
normal criteria. Thus, no safety testing is necessary. If Monsanto
declares their GM products safe, the FDA has no further
孟山都公司面临的问题是转基因生物体(GMO)实质上的不安全性。它们能够造成危险的副作用。它们能够造成危险的副作用。依据一项诉讼中公开的美国食品与药物管理署(FDA)44,000篇文件,这是美国食品与药物管理署(FDA)科学家们压倒性的一致意见。但是,反映FDA官方政策的最重要的文件,却声称转基因生物体(GMO)没有什么实质性区别。他们对转基因生物体(GMO)授予“一般来讲认为是安全”的地位,尽管它们(转基因生物体)甚至不符合正常的标准。因而,没有必要进行任何安全试验。如果孟山都公司声称他们的转基因产品(GM products)是安全的,美国食品与药物管理署(FDA)不在提出任何进一步的问题。
Former FDA biotech coordinator James
Maryanski admits on camera that the GMO policy “was a political
decision,” not scientific. In fact, FDA political appointee Michael
Taylor was in charge of the policy. Taylor was formerly Monsanto’s
attorney and later their vice president.
美国食品与药物管理署(FDA)前任生物技术协调员杰姆斯·马力昂斯基(James Maryanski)在摄像机面前承认关于转基因生物体(GMO)的政策“是一项政治决定”,不是科学性的决定。事实上,美国食品与药物管理署(FDA)的政治任命者迈克尔·泰勒(Michael Taylor)负责制定该项政策。泰勒(Taylor)曾经是孟山都公司的法律顾问,而后成为他们的副总裁。
Monsanto’s people regularly
infiltrate upper echelons of government, and the company offers
prominent positions to officials when they leave public service.
This revolving door has included key people in the White House,
regulatory agencies, even the Supreme Court. Monsanto also had
George Bush Senior on their side, as evidenced by footage of Vice
President Bush at Monsanto’s facility offering help to get their
products through government bureaucracy. He says, “Call me. We’re
in the ‘de-reg’ business. Maybe we can help.”
Monsanto’s influence continued into
the Clinton administration. Dan Glickman, then Secretary of
Agriculture, says, “there was a general feeling in agro-business
and inside our government in the US that if you weren’t marching
lock-step forward in favor of rapid approvals of biotech products,
rapid approvals of GMO crops, then somehow, you were anti-science
and anti-progress.” He admits, “when I opened my mouth in the
Clinton Administration [about the lax regulations on GMOs], I got
slapped around a little bit.”
孟山都公司的影响在格林顿克林顿政府期间继续。丹·戈理克曼(Dan Glickman),当时的农业部长,说,“在美国农业生意圈与我们的政府内部曾经有一种总的感觉,如果你不是大踏步向前支持批准生物技术产品与快速批准转基因生物体(GMO)作物的话,那么不知何故你是反科学与反进步的。”他承认,“克林顿政府工作期间当我开口说话[关于放松对于转基因生物体(GMO)的监管],我往往受到某些抨击。”
Unlike Glickman, FDA’s Maryanski
tries in vain to convince filmmaker Robin that GMOs are safe and
that US regulation is adequate. But Robin had conducted four months
of intensive internet research examining declassified documents,
leaked internal files, scientific studies, trial transcripts,
articles, and first hand accounts of whistleblowers. She was
In a priceless sequence, the film
alternates between Maryanski’s assurances and public interest
attorney Steven Druker reading formerly secret memos by agency
scientists, describing the serious health damage that GMOs may
cause. When Robin repeats these same quotes to Maryanski, he
resorts to uncomfortable stuttering, stammering, and backtracking.
When he ultimately tries to dismiss genetic engineering as
completely safe, Robin nails him. She reads to Maryanski his own
words from a 1991 memo in which he acknowledged that genetic
engineering of a food supplement called L-tryptophan in the 1980s
may have been responsible for a deadly epidemic that killed dozens
and caused thousands to fall sick or become disabled.
依照极为珍贵的顺序,影片从马力昂斯基(Maryanski)的保证切换到公共利益律师斯提芬·杜拉克(Steven Druker)阅读美国食品与药物管理署(FDA)的科学家们过去保密的备忘录中对转基因生物体(GMOs)可能造成的严重健康损害的描述。当罗宾(Robin)向马力昂斯基(Maryanski)重复引用同样的这些资料时,他不得不求助于令人不舒服的口吃与放弃。当他最终试图将转基因工程说成是完全安全时,罗宾(Robin)将他钉牢。她向马力昂斯基(Maryanski)读出他本人1991年写的一个备忘录中的话,其中他本人确认80年代称之为L色氨酸(L-tryptophan)的一种基因工程生产的食品添加剂可能应当对造成数十人死亡数千人生病或伤残的一种致命传染病负责。
Suppressing evidence of harm,
attacking GMO scientists
When Monsanto’s GM crops hit American
farm fields in 1996, virtually no safety studies had been
published. The pro-GM UK government decided to commission Dr. Arpad
Pusztai, the world’s leading scientist in his field, to design
rigorous safety testing protocols that would convince a skeptical
public to embrace GM foods. When Pusztai fed GM potatoes to rats,
however, they developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth, a
damaged immune system, and inhibited growth of major organs.
Moreover, Pusztai’s work implicated the generic process of genetic
engineering itself as the cause. That is, any GM food already on
the market might create the same problems in humans.
当孟山都公司的转基因(GM)农作物于1996年进入美国农场的农田,事实上没有发表任何安全性研究报告。支持转基因(pro-GM)的英国政府决定委任阿帕德·普斯泰博士(Dr. Arpad Pusztai),该领域世界领先的科学家,设计严格的安全性试验协议来说服质疑的公众欢迎转基因食品(GM)。普斯泰博士将转基因土豆喂食给老鼠时,它们产生了潜在癌症前期的细胞生长,免疫系统遭到破坏,主要器官生长受阻。此外,普斯泰博士的工作暗示着基因工程的遗传过程本身是导致这些问题的根源。这说明,已经进入市场的任何转基因食物(GM food)可能对人类造成同样的问题。
When Pusztai went public with his
concerns, he was praised for his “wonderful work” by his director
at the prestigious Rowett Institute. But according to a colleague,
“two phone calls from Downing Street [the home of UK Prime Minister
Tony Blair] to the director” resulted in Pusztai’s sudden dismissal
after 35 years. His protocols were shelved and he was the target of
a relentless smear campaign, designed to destroy his reputation
while promoting that of GMOs.
普斯泰博士公开了他的担心时,他所工作的声望很高的罗维特研究院(Rowett Institute)的主任赞扬他的工作是“极好的工作”。但是,根据一位同事提供的情况,“来自当宁街[英国总理托尼·布莱尔官邸]打给主任的两个电话”导致普斯泰博士工作了35年之后突然被解职。他设计的协议被放入书架中,他本人成为无情诽谤他的运动的目标,企图在促进转基因生物体的同时破坏他的信誉。
UC Berkeley Professor Ignacio Chapela
was also targeted after he published evidence that GM corn had
cross-pollinated with indigenous Mexican varieties, forever
contaminating “the world’s genetic reservoir of corn.” Just after
his research was published in Nature, Mary Murphy and Andura
Smetacek began posting false accusations on a biotech forum
website, recruiting scientists to inundate the publication with
demands to retract the study. When anti-GMO campaigner Jonathan
Matthews analyzed the technical headers on the two’s emails, he
traced Smetacek to a Monsanto computer, and Murphy to their PR
firm. The two were apparently fictitious characters created to stir
things up. Matthews says, “There’s no ethics at all in what’s going
on here. It shows an organization that is determined to push its
products into countries around the world and it’s determined to
destroy the reputation of anybody who stands in their
美国加州大学柏克莱学院(UC Berkeley)依戈纳希奥·查帕拉教授(Professor Ignacio
Chapela)发表证据证明转基因玉米对墨西哥的玉米品种造成异花授粉,对“世界玉米遗传库”造成污染。发表后,查帕拉教授也成为诽谤的对象。他的研究论文在《自然》杂志发表后,玛丽·墨菲(Mary Murphy)与安杜拉·斯梅塔茨克(Andura Smetacek)开始在网络上一个生物技术论坛上发表伪造的指控,征募科学家要求撤销他的论文。当反对转基因生物体(anti-GMO)运动的宣传者乔纳森·马修斯(Jonathan Matthews)对他们的两个邮件的技术抬头进行了分析,他跟踪斯梅塔茨克(Smetacek)追踪到孟山都公司的一台电脑,跟踪墨菲(Murphy)追踪到孟山都公司的公关关系公司的电脑。这两位人士显然是为挑起事端而编造的两个“人士”。马修斯(Matthews)说,“在哪里发生的事情毫无道德规范可言。它显示了这样一个组织,它决心将他们的产品推销到世界所有的国家,同时决心破坏任何敢于挡他们道的人信誉。”
Monster corn and contamination by
The film explores an ominous new
development in Mexico that has yet to be reported in the scientific
literature. Mutated and bizarrely shaped corn plants have been
found “along the roadside or in people’s yards” or fields.
Community organizer Aldo Gonzales says, “They are really monsters!”
And whenever analyzed, the monsters turn out to be genetically
engineered. Local scientists believe that when GM corn
cross-pollinates with traditional varieties, some genetic effect
disturbs the offspring.
该影片揭露了尚未在科学文献中报告的有恶兆的在墨西哥正在发展。人们“沿着道路或人民的院子旁”或者田野边发现了变异的奇异形状的玉米。社区组织者奥尔多·贡扎勒斯(Aldo Gonzales)说,“它们是真正的妖怪!”而且只要进行分析的话,这个妖怪显然就是转基因工程。当地科学家相信,转基因玉米(GM corn)一旦与传统品种发生异花授粉,某些遗传作用就扰乱它们的后代。
One Mexican farmer realized the
implications. “If we don’t manage to stop their spread in our
fields, soon we’ll be forced to buy our corn seed because our own
won’t work anymore?” Gonzales wonders if the contamination was
intentional. He says, “Contamination only benefits multinationals
like Monsanto.”
Intentional contamination of another
sort appears to have happened in Paraguay, as illegal Roundup Ready
seeds were smuggled in before GMOs were approved. Roberto Franco,
Paraguay’s Deputy Agriculture Ministry, tactfully admits, “It is
possible that [Monsanto], let’s say, promoted its varieties and its
seeds” before they were approved. “We had to authorize GMO seeds
because they had already entered our country in an, let’s say,
unorthodox way.”
随着非法的《防围捕》种子(Roundup Ready
seeds)在转基因生物体(GMOs)获得批准前已经被走私进来,看来在巴拉圭正在发生另外一种类型的有意的污染。罗伯特·佛朗哥(Roberto Franco),巴拉圭农业部副部长,讲策略地承认,“有可能,让我们这样说”,孟山都公司在批准他们之前“就开始推销他们的品种与种子”。“我们不得不批准转基因种子因为它们已经以一种非正统的方式进入了我们的国家。”
Once approved, large agribusinesses
bought huge tracts and cut down the rainforest to plant vast
Roundup Ready soybean fields. The GMOs allow them to spray by plane
or to farm without farmers. Peasants who had
worked the land for generations are forced out—100,000 each year
leave rural areas to live in the shanty towns of the cities. In one
small farm community that is holding out next to a soy field,
sprayed Roundup kills their livestock and crops, and sickens their
一旦获得批准,大规模的农业企业开始购买巨型的拖拉机与砍伐原始森林来大规模量种植《防围捕除草剂》大豆(Roundup Ready
Destroying farmers
US family farmers also feel the heat.
Troy Roush is one of hundreds accused by Monsanto of illegally
saving their seeds. The company requires farmers to sign a contract
that they will not save and replant GM seeds from their harvest.
That way Monsanto can sell its seeds—at a premium—each
美国的家庭农场也感到压力。特洛伊·劳氏(Troy Roush)是数百人之一遭到孟山都公司起诉,说他非法保留了他们的种子。孟山都公司要求农民们签署一项合同,承诺不得保留他们收割的产品作为重新种植的转基因种子。以这样的方式,孟山都公司可以每季高价销售它们的种子。
Although Roush maintains his
innocence, he was forced to settle with Monsanto after two and a
half years of court battles. He says his “family was just destroyed
[from] the stress involved.” Many farmers are afraid, according to
Roush, because Monsanto has “created a little industry that serves
no other purpose than to wreck farmers’ lives.”
Massive farmer suicides
In many countries where Monsanto
monopolizes the seeds of certain crops, they eliminate non-GMO
choices to force farmers to buy GM varieties. In India, for
example, where Monsanto pushes their pesticide-producing Bt cotton,
“there was no non-BT hybrid seed available in the market,” says
agronomist Kiran Sakhari.
在孟山都公司垄断了某些品种种子的许多国家,他们排除非转基因生物体之外的任何选择以便强迫农民购买转基因品种(GM varieties)。在印度,举例来说,孟山都公司推销它们的“产生杀虫剂Bt棉花“(pesticide-producing Bt
cotton),“在市场上已经没有非-BT杂种了”,农学家凯然·萨克哈瑞(Kiran Sakhari)说。
Farmers had to borrow heavily to pay
four times the price for the GM varieties, along with the chemicals
needed to grow them. In spite of glowing promises of higher yields
by Monsanto’s ads, Bt cotton often performs poorly. Tragically,
tens of thousands of indebted desperate farmers have resorted to
suicide, often drinking unused pesticides. In one region, more than
three Bt cotton farmers take their own lives each day.
农民不得不大量借款支付四倍价格的转基因品种(GM varieties)以及种植他们必须的化学品。除了孟山都公司广告中响亮保证的高产外,Bt棉花的表现往往很差。非常悲惨,数万负债累累绝望了的农民选择自杀,通常喝掉没有用完的杀虫剂。在某个地区,每天有三名以上种植Bt棉花的农民自杀。
Replacing Nature: “Nothing Shall Be
Eaten That We Don’t Own”
Monsanto is the world’s largest seed
company and many are concerned. Troy Roush says, “They are in the
process of owning food, all food.” Paraguayan farmer Jorge Galeano
says, “Its objective is to control all of the world’s food
production.” Renowned Indian physicist and community organizer
Vandana Shiva says, “If they control seed, they
know it, it’s strategic. It’s more it’s more
powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations
of the world.”
孟山多公司是世界上最大的种子公司因而许多人担心。(美国)特洛伊·劳氏(Troy Roush)说,“”他们出于拥有食物,所有的食物的过程中。“巴拉圭农民杰奥治·伽里诺(Jorge Galeano)说,“他们的目标是控制全球的食物生产。”著名印度物理学家与社区组织者凡达纳·施瓦(Vandana Shiva)说,“如果他们控制种子,他们就控制了食物;他们对此很清楚,这是战略。这比炸弹更强有力;这比枪炮更强有力。这是控制全世界人口的最好方法。”
The World According to Monsanto is
aptly named. It is about Monsanto seeking to recreate the world in
its own image, for its own benefit. They intend to replace (and
patent) the entire food supply. And since their genetic pollution
self-propagates in the environment, it will outlast the effects of
global warming and nuclear waste.
Such widespread permanent influence
may not be safe with any individual or company. With Monsanto’s
record, the results can only be catastrophic.
This powerful documentary might just
inspire a global rejection of Monsanto’s plans for our world. If
so, it will be the most important film in history.
Jeffrey M. Smith is the international
bestselling author of Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette, the
executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, and
director of The Campaign for Healthier Eating in
Jeffrey M. Smith是国际上畅销书《欺骗的种子》(Seeds of Deception)与《遗传赌局》(Genetic Roulette)的作者,负责任技术研究院的执行主任,亦是美国《更健康饮食运动》的主任。
The World According to Monsanto is
co-produced by the National Film Board of Canada, ARTE France,
Image & Compagnie, WDR, and Les Productions
《孟山都公司眼中的世界》合作拍摄者为加拿大国家电影理事会、法国ARTE、影像与运动、WDR、以及Les Productions


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