
索尼发布巨无霸笔记本:Type A VAIO A系列18寸笔记本
4499浏览 / 9回复
VGC-AW70B/Q和VGC-AW50DB/H将在9月20日上市,配置18.4英寸显示屏,分辨率为,都使用Core 2 Duo T9400 (2.53 GHz/6MB L2/1066MHz FSB)处理器 ,2GB和500GB(250GBX2),英特尔PM45芯片组和GeForce 9600GT( 512MB显存) ,蓝动器以及Windows Vista Home Premium操作系统 ,同时附赠Office 2007个人版。机器重约3.9(照片处理机型)-3.95公斤(视频处理机型),使用标配电池续航时间为2小时左右。VGC-AW70B/Q笔记本售价为32万日元(合计20160元人民币),VGC-AW50DB/H售价为30万日元(合计18900元人民币)。
对&楼主&月◎影&说:=========================妈呀~18.4 那么大,s买回去当台式机吧???
品质6道人工质检+低价全网最低价=步街网每天10点独家开抢每天最多可赚:20&积分&后才能签到&&|&& 系统繁忙系统繁忙。即将为您跳转到淘宝详情页...Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 步街网◆今日订单0◆◆◆列表◆◆◆意见反馈◆返回顶部◆想买台外星人笔记本,什么大小什么配置的好呢?
买aw一定是用来玩游戏的,所以游戏本推荐17-18寸,优点是玩着爽,缺点是 重、大、厚。dell的东西,售后好,但是价格贵。同价其他品牌的机器配置能高不少,游戏本有很多选择。dell 换代工厂以后,做工有所下降。游戏本品牌:msi微星,TF未来人类,华硕ROG,戴尔alienware。msi推荐机型:GT60
GT72 GT80 GS60( 薄)GS70(薄)TF未来人类:157sma ,177sma,p750zm,p770zm,p751zm也就是x611,x711,x811,x911。p57。p375sma华硕不太了解,只知道rog750不错。aw推荐 aw17,aw18。配置需要按照玩家需求才能选择。LOL低配就行,大型单机推荐中配-顶配。
早期工作要做好, 查好你想要的机型想要的配置,多对比一下,考虑质量与服务,定好几个机型(要具体型号)要还有价钱.去买的时候最好带个懂行的人一起去不然很容易被坑,带好检测软件检测各种硬件.开箱以后注意看电脑的成色,键盘有没有反光啊,螺丝有没有划痕等等,配件是不是齐全,不是原装.然后就是开机检测硬件与你要的是不是相符.带好检测软件,网上有好多你自己下,然后测屏幕有没有坏点,(跟商家讲好几个包换)硬盘有没有坏块.如果你要的机型缺货不要轻易改变原来的选择,除非你对另一款也十分熟悉,所以要多查看几款.不要轻易选择卖方推荐机型.还有记得要发票,正规发票.
目前玩大型游戏的最低配置是 I5+GT650M或HD7750M,不过最近N卡7系新显卡已经出来了,最低配置可以I5+GT750M。
确定要取消此次报名,退出该活动?(推荐新手看这个帖)我的AW笔记本(内有老外280的分析,资料基本上看这个就够了) - 寄托家园留学论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
标题: (推荐新手看这个帖)我的AW笔记本(内有老外280的分析,资料基本上看这个就够了)
作者: zhangheng1020& & 时间:
23:02:39 & & 标题: (推荐新手看这个帖)我的AW笔记本(内有老外280的分析,资料基本上看这个就够了)
[fly]:lolNow, :$
:$ time for my enjoyment:lol[/fly]
[ 本帖最后由 nostrum 于
22:04 编辑 ]
作者: 果小冻& & 时间:
作者: 果小冻& & 时间:
作者: Phenolphthalein& & 时间:
作者: zhangheng1020& & 时间:
13:50:58 & & 标题: 蹂躏生活,或者被它蹂躏。
&Rule your desires or they will rule you&
“Don’t look forward to the day when you stop suffering – because then you will be dead”
&Hard work spotlights the some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all!&
“Better to feel pity than be pitied”
嗯,终于考完了。上财都是高频,都是高频,issue 一个是TV 和reading book, 还有absolute obstruction 的。argument就是那个TI OI两个岛的fishing population 题。 瓦卡卡~~~~
1 起码写上20issue和15个argument。就会慢慢有感觉。
2不论如何,要写完整,把话写完。这是最重要的。 因为考试时间还是很紧张的。
1 issue就是讲明白自己的观点,提出自己的看法。
2 argument 就是证明他是不对的。
我自己是一个非常随性的人,改作文看见firstly, secondly, thirdly就要皱眉头的。平时英语演讲,讨论,喜欢用很多的双关,隐喻。当然这也是自己书面语功底不够的原因。所以这次备考很是吃亏,毕竟我不敢奢望自己在45min里面可以暗藏什么乔伊斯的,也不可能期盼ETS的山姆大叔们在几分钟之内有心情欣赏我的尤利西斯。就算我在饭桌上逗得那些黄毛鬼子油光满面地burst laugh我也没有这种能力在电脑上拿自己的未来赌一把给远方的老师讲一个“Chinese lord of rings”的故事。说不定判卷者还是一个纯粹的天主教徒,出于他崇高的宗教使命就将我的文字给当作异端十字东征了。所以每天就泡在白话开水文里面,写呀写的,争取让自己的文字,有一种方便面的味道来。45分钟+30分钟,我们却是做不出来什么满汉全席,即使做出来,改卷子的也吃不出来味道——你可以想象一个准备3~5分钟大发午餐的食客看见满汉的“三吱儿”1还会有食欲残留。
我先看是官方的6分范文,嗯也看了5分的,然后就开始写。然后体无完肤的,然后再写。首先的问题就是限时,字数一是个大问题,我写论文那会儿,提笔1000 字per time。然后退倒重写修正1500左右。一天基本字的成稿。喜欢坐上5个小时然后找灵感动笔,这个45min还不够我发呆的,500字的写作,可能还不够我以前的热身习惯的。
下来,为了让字数和思路不要太发散,我开始限制自己的思路和灵感。开始用新东方的模版套自己的文章。每次我恶狠狠的typing “firstly”的时候,我都会想起来我当年嘲笑英语演讲比赛的对手“You can’t speak a sentence without a firstly opening”。真是出来混,还得快。
那么,咋办涅?要是我的英文也像中文一样游刃有余,我肯定也烧一株高香,然后放手一写,来个“过巴瘾就死”。可惜,我可怜的英文水平就是小学6年级的水平,别笑,国外的小学生一天看得完哈利伯特,我的第一部原版魔法石花了比1天还多一点点地时间才看完,还不就是人家小学水平?所以,我虽然号称张三疯bark in front of dog的事情还是做不出来的。所以我就老老实实的从开始学起呗。
恰逢过年,繁杂打扰较多,我就把老外280过了一遍,嗯,发现了模板的好处来,想想看同样的文章,看到第十篇倘若尚不反胃,看到第50篇的时候,简直要跳河了。这个时候,一个firstly就是溺水人救命的稻草,看见它,后面就会topic sentence了,看见however比看见娘都亲, 要转折了!Admittedly是个承接,下来是furthermore 或者however。模板好,就是好呀就是好,革命有理,模板万岁-----Why?它省了ETS的脑子,特别是山姆大叔普遍智商偏低的情况。它在最短的时间内让阅卷者了解你的行文思路,这样在有限的时间内你表现出到一个最稳定的思路来。
千万次的重复阅读范文,给我最多的感受就是,好的文章,有一种节奏感。下来要做的就是忘掉模板,其实看到最后,文章的高下,一眼就可以感觉出来。有的文章(像Xatrixer老师写的,和很多的原版教材)看上去就可以感到字里行间的呼吸,思维随着作者思维呼吸的节奏一起一浮的运动,非常享受。 有的文章,比如自己写的烂作 = =,就像是一坨Shit, 死气沉沉,没有生气,写完了自己碰都不想碰一下。这个时候,最关键的奥秘在于:“find the original passion in writing”写作为了什么?不揍是说光堂? Show your opinion and let others agree with you.想像自己是个学生,45分钟的时间内没有哪个老师会期待得到一个“查拉图斯如是说”的答案。这个时候,就要表现出正确的思想。既,那些美国人期待的思想出来。自由,民主自然不必说,但是质疑权威,不盲目反对历史,批判的看待事物的两面性,会是永远正确的。在argument 里面,错误固然很多,但是总有一个是最为致命和关键的,抓住,然后展开,就像逛街是买东西的时候砍价,这样就可以写出来好的argument了.Now, forget about any pattern or any AW model! What you are doing is just show yourself! Time is limited though, we can still inject our passion in writing, give your aw the breath and, what is more important, let the reader breath with you. 咂做涅?Release your desire and encourage yourself! 一定要不可救药的相信自己是牛人,如果不是,那么这个签名档可能是和您“菜也要彪悍的活着”3 。
2 馒头系列:春运帝国
上海3月的高频机井(黄色的是重点)配合 issue题目(这个是beyond的礼物)
[ 本帖最后由 zhangheng1020 于
20:20 编辑 ]
作者: Phenolphthalein& & 时间:
作者: zhangheng1020& & 时间:
16:54:14 & & 标题: 5 min done!GRE写作快速入门
第一节 什么是GRE作文考试
第二节 评分标准
Sustains extremely insightful, in-depth analy develops and supports main points with logically compelling reasons and/or highly is well focuse displays excellent use of language, with effective sentence variety an demonstrates superior facility with sentence structure, grammar, usage, and mechanics with few, if any, errors.
包含有极有洞察了的,有深度的复杂观点的分析。用令人信服的逻辑推理,具有很强说服力了例子论证主要观点,支持主要观点;(Sustains extremely insightful, in-depth analy develops and supports main points with logically compelling reasons and/or highly)
中心明确,论证过程结构好;(is well focuse)
准确的运用语言,有效的句子变换和精确的词汇运用;非常熟练句子的结构,语法和用法,如有错误也很少。(displays excellent use of language, with effective sentence variety an demonstrates superior facility with sentence structure, grammar, usage, and mechanics with few, if any, errors.)
第三节 如何练习写作
第四节 阅读式作文备考法
[ 本帖最后由 zhangheng1020 于
14:21 编辑 ]
作者: zhangheng1020& & 时间:
16:55:52 & & 标题: 5min done! out of my consideration!!!ETS关于雷同的指出
Our preliminary concerns are based on the following factor(s). At the essay reading sessions, the readers noticed that your essay on the issue topic has unusual similarities with other essays written on the same topic. Further reviews determined that a portion of your essay contains ideas, language and/or examples found in other test taker essays or from published sources that include:
· Copernicus disproved the geo-centric theory
· Galileo carried on Copernican theory and/or his suffering from the Inquisition
· Einstein and the theory of relativity
· Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity
· Darwin’s evolutionary theory
ETS公布的GRE作文被判作弊的四条标准& &
1. Text that is substantially similar to that found in one or more other GRE essay responses.&&
2. Quoting or paraphrasing, without attribution, language or ideas that appear in published or unpublished sources.&&
3. Unacknowledged use of work that has been produced through collaboration with others without citation of the contribution of others.&&
4. Essays that are submitted as work of the examinee when the ideas or words have, in fact, been borrowed from elsewhere or prepared by another person.
发信人: elvaforever (最熟悉的陌生人), 信区: GRE
标 题: ETS今天给我的信件全部内容
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Aug 4 21:16:58 2003), 转信
Dear Mr Han:
We are writing to you because ETS is concerned, based on a preliminary review, that there appears to be substantial evidence that your scores on the March 15, 2003 GRE general Test are invalid.
As you acknowledged when you registered for the test, ETS has the right to review the validity of test scores, and to cancel questionable scores when we believe there is substantial evidence taht they are invalid. The enclosed booklet, Why and How Educational Testing Service Questions Test Scores, provides important information about this process, and we urge you to read it carefully.
Our preliminary concerns are based on the following factor(s).At the essay reading sessions, the reader noticed that your essay on the issue
topic has unusual similarities with other essays written on the same topic. further reviews determined that a portion of your essay contains ideas, language and/or examples found in other test taker essays or from, published sources that include:
people dreamed of flying,” fly like a bird”, and/or the Wright Brothers and the invention of airplane
ETS is not accusing you of cheating, but the anomalies noted above raise concerns about the validity of your scores.
At your request, we will send you(or, in the case of secure test material, give you an opptunity to examine)the materials that reflect our concerns.
Final decisions about whether there is substantial evidence supporting cancellation of test scores are made by three member panels of ETS's Board of Review. Before the Board of Review considers this matter, you have an opportunity to send us any information that addresses our concerns. Feel free to consult with other people whose judgment you trust.
We must receive any information you would like the Board of Review to consider by August 14,2003.Any information we receive by that date ,as well as other information about your scores , will be considered by the Board of Review.
If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter, and would like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be used for registering for a future test, you must tell us by August 14,2003.
If any single Board of Review member decides that there is not substantial evidence supporting cancellation of your scores, ETS will clear your scores and report them to the institutions you designate. If, on the other hand, all three members of the Board of Review panel determine that there is substantial evidence supporting cancellation of your scores, you will have an opportunity to select one of the options listed below. These options are described more fully in the enclosed booklet.
1) Tell us to cancel your scores. You will receive a refund of your test fee in the form of a voucher that you can use to register for another scheduled administration.
2)Let the school or agency to which you are sending the scores decide whether or not to use the scores. We will send them our reasons for questioning your scores with your explanation. We will do this only if the school or agency aggresses to participate.
In addition to the options listed above, we acknowledged your legal right to seek judicial review of Board of Review
ETS发信了:我的3月G成绩被取消,大家来看看!& &作者&&周天子
We are writing to you because ETS is concerned, based on a preliminary review, that there appears to be substantial evidence that your scores on the March 15,2003 Graduate Record examinations (GRE) General Test are invalid.……
Our preliminary concerns are based on the following factor(s). At the essay reading sessions, the readers noticed that your essay on the issue topic has unusual similarities with other essays written on the same topic. ——这一段确认了前段时间的猜测,没到成绩的果然是作文出了问题。
Further reviews determined that a portion of your essay contains ideas, language and/or examples found in other test taker essays or from published sources that include:
*people dreamed of flying, “fly like a bird”, and/or the Wright Brothers and the i ——我不记得考试的时候是否用了这个例子,但是这个举例明显难以让人信服,有人写过赖特兄弟造飞机,我就不能写了吗?
ETS is not accusing you of cheating, but the anomalies noted above raise concerns about the validity of your scores.(这句最狠,不说你cheating,就是没成绩,靠!)
[ 本帖最后由 zhangheng1020 于
14:28 编辑 ]
作者: zhangheng1020& & 时间:
16:58:41 & & 标题: GRE作文入门和进阶
  GRE作文全称叫Analytical Writing Assessment,我们通常称之为“逻辑写作”,那么首先我们从这里端正一下我们对其的认识,重心把在“逻辑”(Analytical)之上,即这两篇作文的性质是以“逻辑思想”为中心的,换句话说,也就是“思想第一性”!尽管GRE作文对语言方面的要求远远高于其他同类考试,如TOEFL,但是不可否认的是,语言并不能主要影响你的得分,思想才是关键。我见过很多考生,语言能力通过反复练习,借鉴和背诵,达到了相当高的水平,但是写出来的东西是“成人思想婴儿化”的东西,肤浅无深度,最后连qualify的级别都达不到,就是一开始重心把偏的缘故。好,意识到了这点,我们开始具体分析如何操练GRE作文。在以下的分析中,我将重点剖析大家普遍较难掌握的ISSUE类作文大讲特讲,而对ARGUMENT只是在几个关键的须纠正常识错误的地方带一下即可。Are you ready? Let's go!!!
  29.&Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy.&   
& && &Everyone has the right to keep his/her privacy, including the public figures. People have the nature to learn others' privacy, especially those of the celebrities for various reasons, such as reverance and curiousness, but it doesn't follow that they are entitled to pry others' private life, and it is really unfair to say that any public figure choose to expose his/her privacy by himself/herself as long as he/she seek a public role.
  In the current days, it is a widely spread atmosphere that people take a strong interest in talking about the private life of celebrities, they even rival each other in the fact that who knows more about a common interested celebrity.连接词,感觉比较生硬 To cater such a taste, more and more mass media try their best to collect each aspect of a public figure's private life with an interest even exceeding that of making known their work. When we read a entertainment paper or magazine, we are certain to find that most of the content are the private life of singers and stars, such as someone got a divorce with his/her ex-girlfried/ex-boyfriend and is now keeping contract with someone else, etc.
  All that exists is not valid, we couldn't say that it is in reason to spy into others' privacy just because most people prefer to do so, and we should not just accept a unfair fact without exert any effort to change the circumstance. To put your own feet in the shoes of the public figures, do you feel comfortable to be watched everywhere you go, and find a lot of affair news about you in the media especially when most of the news are made out by the pressmen? If your answer to this question is no, you should agree that we are obliged to do something to change the current situation about the private lift of public figures. Special laws should be enacted to discipline the prying into privacy of the mass media, sound should be heared arguing again people's interest in celebrities' private life.
  Only when the public figures are librated from the harassment of worrying about their privacy's protection, we can expect a better service from them, and in that case, more capable people will be attract to pursue a public role. Suppose that if a singer is followed everywhere he/she goes, how can he/she lead a normal life as common people, how can he/she gets a relaxation? He/she must be cautious when he/she every words, he/she can't expect a casual and relaxing atmosphere as every common people can enjoy. It is difficult for him/her to concentrate all their energy in working, as a consequence, we would lose some more brilliant performance we can expect otherwise.
  In summary, we should call on the public to cease to spy into the celebrities' privacy and pay more attention to their public life, only in that way can the public figure enjoy their life better and can we expect a better service from them. (496 words)  评析:这篇文章的主要失误来自作者未能仔细审题便下笔一蹴而就,题目所讨论的对象明明是Public Figures,从头到尾讨论的主体居然成了Public,说他们如何如何关注明星隐私,说他们如何如何设身处地地为明星们着想,最后总结说是公众应还明星们于自由之躯,把一上来合理的“否定回应”抛之脑后,从而导致文章“答非所问”。考虑到文章一上来合理回应,以及不错的语言表达,仅有几处不起眼的拼写错误,应判为“2分”(有严重错误类文章)。
  (2)回应的原则:“攻其一点,兼顾其余”。也就是说,回应要找准重点,其余部分只须略微带过,作到“回应重点突出而全面”,这点在ISSUE和“ARGUMENT”中都是普遍适用的大前提原则,也是“高分作文”的要领之一。这里我们已经知道作这篇文章要从“公众人物”自身出发,以他们的角度来看待自己隐私是否该暴光的问题,这样我们就找到中心回应点是“should expect”,对象是“public figures”,而例证可以充分利用话题的友好提示:列举的三种人,选择熟悉易于表达的来充实论证,免了自己的劳神工夫,这种资源一定要善加利用,一方面可充实论据,另一方面,作到了兼顾其他,全面回应的原则。下面的范文采取AGREE的态度,采用should类文章的清晰“套路”,作到了合理回应,请读者就这方面仔细分析。
  A million times I have heard the accident regarding a certain famous star shouted to separate fervid journalists and interviews from various media outside his or her door, which finally results a farce of quarrel and fight. Sometimes I really hate those drab reporters, who surprisingly have the endless power and fresh tricks to snatch almost each shadow of celebrities together with the innate ability to embellish them so &fascinating&. At the same time those public figures shriek for their overexposure of privacy I am always pity for their embarrassment, for their career they really have no better choice but to tolerate, for their legitimate rights they had better struggle against the privacy revelation. But most of them, in the end, choose the former despite without any mustered negotiation.
  It is obvious to take into mind that being a public cynosure the first thing one has to be even eager to sacrifice is the privacy, in that the quality of public is just the opposite of privacy, in the rim of relationship, either one can only be maintained. The fundamental aim for a celebrity is to stand strong in the sight of public and win over the precious approbation from his or her fans. So packing oneself in his single world can help nothing to add his reputation, what he strives to do is the reverse-anatomize oneself in front of the public stares and acclaim for his names being praised or criticized in the sun-then can he make himself known out of the nonplus of being forgotten and lose his prestige in public. As a result, the condition of privacy being traced and published is no more a paramount incidence but under th after all, no reports, no celebrities.
  Hence, if a public figure intends to preserve his title, no grouch he ought to hang at lips, on the contrary, he might be thankful to these indefatigable journalists and reporters for their free propaganda of his talk and behavior pattern. Take the teenage star-backstre with the sales of their albums skyrocket, their reputation is more and more stentorian, following the trend of their ordinary life becoming an incandescent focus attracting public eyes. Then as we all know, backstreet clothes have been prevalent, backstreet sneakers also is in heat sale, and personal parlance begins to appear some exotic features commonly shared by teenagers just because backstreet boys ever talked like that. A five-boy chorus can influence so many groups of people by what they said and what they did, the feeling of satisfaction and proud could be no better to describe their elation of success than for the byproducts of the privacy publicized, this time they probably even couldn't help to rush up to the media reporters and proffer their kisses.
  Oh, well, to the scandals mostly reported in any entertainment channel, these figures ultimately reaches a top limitation of inured tolerance, especially those survive by their shingles of excellent prestige, such as those politicians. In the period of election of presidents or senators, the most headache those participants suffer is the side report, which has the overwhelming clout to remove his precious stake to his adversary's side. Then the only thing they must remember is the discretion of their words and behaviors either in public case or merely in private room. There is no absolute stalwart wall that can resist the strong blast, and the unique paper that can wrap the burning flame. According to this principle, the expectation for their privacy no longer staying for himself is no doubt fathomable to them, astonishment is just an effete struggle.
  To sum up, being an illustrious man have to pay his privacy for the undertaking brilliance, and he should understand without the public desire to delve their everyday life instead of merely relying on their limited published works, they convincingly cannot earn such a lot from their maniac supporters, who also need them to care for and give enough regards as feedback. Once this complex relationship being disentangled, I think, the public figures and populace will make a balance on the scale of privacy revelation. (690 words)
  142.The article entitled 'Eating Iron' in last month's issue of Eating for Health reported that a recent study found a correlation between high levels of iron in the diet and an increased risk of heart disease. Further, it is well established that there is a link between large amounts of red meat in the diet and heart disease, and red meat is high in iron. On the basis of the study and the well-established link between red meat and heart disease, we can conclude that the correlation between high iron levels and heart disease, then, is most probably a function of the correlation between red meat and heart disease.
  析题:仔细读过,发现这道题有点绕,很多考生曾经有过这样的困惑:“我没有理解最后一句话的意思is most probably a function of the correlation between red meat and heart disease.是说high iron level于heart disease之间的关系是red meat与heart disease之间有关的结果那作者到底是认为high iron level和heart disease之间有没有关系阿?”再读之下,我们会发现作者其实做了一个顺接推论:red meat引起心脏病------------& red meat里面还有大量的铁------------------& 高铁引起心脏病,就是这么一个简单的推论过程,关键认清谁推出谁,就要在审题时注意到关键的这么看似不经意却被友好的ETS“重复两次”的短语“well established”,也就是说“大量红肉与心脏病之间一定有联系”是不容质疑的论据,即本题论据是不容批驳的,关键问题在于由论据推导出结论的时候犯了“Implicit causal claims”和“gratuitous assumptions”(详细逻辑谬误分类见后文“七宗罪”),因而我们就可以以次展开攻击。很多来自网上的文章和提纲在本题上颠倒了推导对象,把“高铁引起心脏病”作为论据来推出“red meat引起心脏病”,结果导致文章失误。下面读者可通过以下范文检验一下该论证过程和思路:
  The correlation of the high irons level and heart disease the arguer trying to prove is not as perfect as he assumes. Although at first glance, his cause-and-effect analysis seems quite cogent, yet it can't stand much reexamination.
  I agree to the well-established theory concerning the necessary relation between the large amount of red meat in people's diet and heart disease, but no other possibilities can be ruled out except for one of the ingredients-iron. It is obvious that the arguer constructs his building of conclusion on the basis of the conviction of the deleterious function stems from the iron. While not only a single iron does red meat contain, as we all know, many other components also have the influential role once being indigested into human body. For instance, some type of particular protein it might include, instead of the iron, is the substantial root of heart attack. So the arguer's peroration has no convincing power for this gratuitous assumption.
  Moreover, even though his deduction does really derive from some passage of authoritative researches he has no opportunity to list below, the assertion about the high levels of iron related to the possibility of heart disease cannot be got through by merely so qualified the evidence exhibited here. According to the arguer's elicitation, we believe the red meat does contain large amount of iron, however, we might ask ourselves such questions enlightened by our common sense, &Does the amount of iron involved in red meat reach the dangerous level enough to lead to heart disease?& The answer we can't obtain through this short argument, thus directly make us doubt the whole fruits the arguer attained.
  As it stands, the study reported on the published media Eating for Health is inevitable filled with some lethal logic fallacies, which finally weakens the cogency of the whole claims. To such a paramount and sensitive issue relative to people's health and life, scrutiny is not all and it is just for this point, I'm afraid, no people could ultimately abjure for eating red meat as a result of reading this ridiculous article. (352 words)
& &&&原则二:“大胆创新,敢于说‘不’”。
  33.&Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image.&
  As a prevalent proverb saying & the mentality for pulchritude is applicable to any one&, from the time of primitive age, people have started to pick up some natural raw materials, most of which have chromatic colors or exotic configurations, to embellish their simple furniture, hunting tools, also the clothes people dress themselves, so on and so forth. The tradition has been handed down until today, but great difference has been appeared to the major use of decoration for appealing image, instead of the mainstream for beauty, it now turns to the recommendation to any other else under the circumstance of covering the real face behind the image, which is actually important than the former creativity.
  It is not unfathomable that the ballooning civilization incites the residents of our community to behavior more and more graceful and decorous, which if reflects onto the side of ordinary life the appearance of a person together with his ornamentation is the predominant embodiment. To show respect to your friends the moment to display your polished civility, you should dress neatly, and prepare an elaborated wrapped gift to realize the goal mentioned above, thus taking the use of the creation of an appealing image. And the importance in personal relationship and communication is too ponderous to be neglected.
  However, when we put so much attention on the process of constructing an attractive image, do we ever think about what takes major effect is just the object itself rather than the elaborated appearance? Take the merchandise for instance, the more dazzling the image is, the more the price it is, the difference between a wrapped one and an original one is paid on these seemly futile except for some silly placation individually. Everything should have a deserved value, which is regarded as the fundamental principle of the market operation, tells us that the price should as near as possible to adhere to the real value of the commodity consumers really intend to have instead of the illicit extortion by adopting some alluring tricks such as these meretricious skins. Hence, from the perspective of vast consumers, who care most is the actual quality of the things they want to purchase, the creation of appealing image aggravates the benefits belong to customers, meanwhile gives a disguising shield to help some profiteers to snatch extra bonus originally not merited.
  Besides for these side effects it can produce, when applied to the mask of human nature, what is more important directly determines the destiny of humanistic mentality. A charismatic man only can rely on his wisdom and disposition to appeal others, in that any material things all cannot stand the erosion of time elapsing, while the intrinsic spirit cannot extinguish with the ascendance of ages, only altered with human's own intellectual quality. From the skit of &Hypocritical gentleman& we clearly learns that even if how perfect a man dissembles himself and how much approbation he at first win over from the public, ultimately falsehood will be penetrated and he still can go back nowhere but the initiative himself. Thereby, the lasting attractiveness stems from the unique face veiled under the cover of the superficial mask.
  Overall, despite the beautiful appearance always can gamble the first-eyed excellent impression, either for things or for humans, no better ideas to be taken than to consider more about the decorum and quality of itself, only through this can we make out the real value needed for enamor and evaluation, which teaches us the virtue of sticking to truth, the most important things for ever. (577 words)
  I support enthusiastically the idea that in contemporary society &creating an appealing image& is much more important than the reality or truth behind it. What I stick to this preference for is based on large amount of personal experiences and reported statistics.
  From the childhood we are encouraged to study industriously as to find a well-paid occupation, and to attain this hankering, endless sweats and bloods have been exhausted from our revere parents. When the day finally comes for graduation, we really have been ready to welcome a new life. But, do you ever think of this question, &Are you actually shape yourself as what you intend to be during the long-range learning life?& Obviously, until your first earned single penny arriving at your hands nothing can be illustrated. Similarly, an elaborate product equipped with most advanced technology after tens of years' research, could be approbated by public, no words might be more convincing if it is enabled to be successfully pushed to the top sales in the commercial market.
  Then, the problem is be disinterred from the surface of reality, what is functioning as the major role in the &sale&, either the commodity is &yourself& or some &product&. A recent survey reported on an official journal reveals that this year almost 50% of the graduates cannot find favorable job, among which more than half of them even have relatively wonderful resume and education background. How can they fail to sell themselves out at an ideal price? In the process of survey, the surveyor also surprisingly found that many famous companies would rather like to pick up the interviewers whose image is fashionable and characteristic than those who are deprived of this disposition, in spite of their diplomas are much brilliant than the former ones. The survey does evoke my deepest thoughts in my mind.
  Why those companies who are famous for their practical strategies have established such standards to choose their recruits? Well, finally, according to my field research, the answer is too obvious to believe. In the employing market, what you can do is to display yourself like a piece of artwork and then wait for your connoisseur. Then how can you expect your ideal employer will exclaim to you, &I'll take this!, absolutely!& ? Instead of examining your practical capability to fit in the particular work of his apartment, which in fact is not qualified to the real conditions at that moment, he merely justifies your ability through the image appeared in front of him, as the principles tightly held for him that an appealing image is a crucial reflection of the actual substance. Till now, you can easily distinguish the importance of the image, and the reality or truth, before being uncovered under the sun,
it's his destiny. As to the commodity, more facile understanding can be digested in that a taking skin outside the material body is a good propaganda and appealing incentive to lure people's desire for acquisition.
  Hence, it is for quite a simple reason that such appealing image has been becoming more and more momentous: without it, no matter how perfect the reality or truth behind it, no opportunity can they be rendered as their real value escaping the tragedy criticized as zero, just as the end of the survey report saying, many interviewers sadly curses themselves with tears to prefer to never have it. (568 words)
[ 本帖最后由 zhangheng1020 于
18:43 编辑 ]
作者: zhangheng1020& & 时间:
17:03:39 & & 标题: 四、GRE作文的结构性(第二性)
  ISSUE是种开放性话题,涉及的题材多样及覆盖面广是GRE作文的一个特色,而正是这点使得整体的“万能套路”往往穿戴得极其勉强,于是我们可以分类处之。分类流行的有两种,一种是按题材分,可以分为11大类(作者主张“飞跃”分类):学习,科技,历史,传媒,文化,国际,教育,社会,政治,行为,艺术。这种分类旨在让你按照题材去阅读背诵相应的文章或资料来扩充论据,严密论证过程,但是就这里要谈的套路结构而言,没有任何实质性的帮助。于是我推崇第二种分类,话题拟制类型分类,可以分为极其简单粗糙的3类:should, which one, single。我着重要分析入手的就是这三类题型的写作“套路”。在这之前,首先提出两个前提:第一,本文完全赞成“五段式”作文,即正文保持“3段”,故模式也是“3段论法”;第二,开头结尾统一自由化。开头的作用就是点题和正确回应,是告诉阅卷人切题的宣言,所以保险的开头往往比较固定,有三种常见模式:
(1) SHOULD类:题干中明确出示标志词“should”或意为“应该”如何如何的话题。比如:
  214.&Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped.&
  There are some children do indeed have some gift perhaps cannot be made sense properly by scientists and educators aggregating around ourselves and needing some special care especially for their cultivation regarding the education process. Some experts ever declared against separating the talented children from the ordinary group after quite a substantial cogitation involving the impact of such seclusion, the influence exerted on their germinal heart, and the probable arrogance may it produce lacerate their later lives. However, weighing the benefits of the special care, I am apt to support the idea of providing special education to those who embrace great potentials on some subjects like arts, music, and natural science, in moral principles.
  What impels and shocks me most onto such suggestion is the great waste reported thousands of times on journals and television media, which almost every time took place under the background of the innate special children performing exceptionally the first year staying with the ordinary packs but when came the graduation ceremony as far as the rear of the arrangement of transcripts he may stands, who, somebody ultimately scorned as, was a“mediocre”man. That should be, in my thought, the greatest blasphemy to these gifted children, who ought to be showed adequate respect and attention far different from other scanty of these brilliance. Most of them would surely be aggrieved just in that they step by step follow what the teacher told and instructed they lost the precious self-probity opportunities and make themselves awash under the surface of the ordinary and the banal. On the contrary, another report recently seen from yesterday's evening paper now come into my memory is an elated story about a poor boy who was imbued with the supernal talent of playing violin was disinterred from the poor district by an experienced professor and then he was taken to the college for free and given the special face-to-face personally instruction from the best maestro group. With the auspicious chance, finally he now has grown up as a shining star above the music territory. All of these, albeit may still not enough to make any authoritative assertion, can to some extent reflect the fresh fact that the potential covered under the soul stone of our cherubic talented children are somewhat like the natural fuel source, once exhumed in the sun, it can produce astounding power but while keeping it dormant, no good but a dead wish of the god.
  Taken some experiment schools adopting such children for instance, the splendid records elucidate nothing but the beneficial recommendation. In China, the famous“teenage class”constituted inside the eminent Chinese Scientific Technology University founded in Anhui province have cultivated hundreds of prodigies to be the pundits of what they excel in. As well known to the world, most of the gold medals of the Mathematic Olympic Games and other similar scientific tournaments are obtained by our Chinese teenage prodigies derived from this class. Also, quit a few top academician of the national scientific institution are the graduates of it, the immense function can be evinced from this academician's speech,”I gained what I am looking for and the priceless courage of fumbling in the dark here, the tribute complemented to my talent and the honor paid off back to my gift refinery.”
  Meanwhile, we should take care of the well-rounded education towards those gifted children avoiding the formation of the ill and biased personality. Special educations do mean some extent to distinguish from the ordinary routine but do not necessarily cut down the communication with the ordinary world we confront with every breath. Even the best technicians should also be the good civilian of the community, no exclusive person can survive longer and normally no matter how intelligent he or she is, the reason is so simple that once deprived of the opportunity of communication no exchange of emotional feels and academic ideas will consequently take place, which is essential for the sense of alive. Hence, possibly more important to appeal people's approbation, the normal channel for communication should not be barricaded by human's deliberately benevolent actions.
  In sum, the phenomenon of the treatments to these gifted children is such a controversial one that certainly some of us, of course, might still cast some doubt on my analysis, but at least what I discussed above to some degree shake the adamantly held reverse belief, which is one of my main purposes writing such a frank issue. The other one is something na&ve that I hope more and more experts should excise to discern the talented ones and emancipate them out of the tragic drop, just because every one should share the same sense that they are no doubt the unique resources the God bestowed to us and once missed no measure can be compensated for the huge loss, left only silent cries. (809 words)
(2) WHICH ONE类:题干中明确要求考生做“二选一”的选择,比如:
  99.&In any realm of life—whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options.&
  As one of the famous philosophers ever writes,“the dream leads our sights toward the future, and the practice make our sense recognize how far away we still have to strive for.”During the recent decades, experts gradually have been divided into two opposite cults respectively holds their own belief of idealism and empiricism, and through thousands of fervid controversies the latter seems having dominated the optimal status after showing the corroborative evidence stems from the practical exemplar in the process of society constructions. But, in my point of view, in this practical and competitive world, being practical is essential to one's survival, yet ideals give us a direction in our pursuit of success.
  We can with no difficulty to find out the obvious fact that any human undertaking irrespective of the hard facts and rules of reality is destined to failure. Under the nib of Cervantes,the well known Spanish fiction writer, we clearly see the antic portrait of an eccentric man named Don Quixote equipped with mid-aged sword and lance just like a cavalier following by his allegiant servant. Severe fantasy of warfare separated from the bucolic reality drives him to the desirous aspiration to shape himself to be a hero, which ultimately catalyzes his ingenuous thoughts into the abysmal hallucination that cannot be dispelled by anything directly results in his tragedy. The similar case also can be found in the early time of last century, when the efficient use of energy has been evolved to the most popular issue and its immense profits prospect incites thousands of top scientists devoted their life-long research into the study of“permanent mobile machine”, something that once being given even a minor ignorable energy can it operate eternally to produce endless energy as feedback, which at last after a long-range frustrated trials scientists find immediately contradicts the energy-permanence law, the natural principles applied to any existence in the world. Having realized the source of the failure, more attention should be threw onto the disciplines of action that focus on the conditional reality.
  However, ideals give us hope and enthusiasm, lifting us to new heights and helping us to overcome self-imposed limitations. Today, most of the nations who embrace the world's most sophisticated scientific technology ought to, in a sense, thank for the scientifically idealistic writers' sharing their affluent wisdom and imagination with the vast populace. The super-acoustic airplanes, the man-seated spaceship, and the artificial intelligence now all steps out of the exotic episodes of fictions into our everyday life, in that inspirations themselves cannot automatically drop off from the empyrean but be quarried from the deep soul of everyone, not just only the scientists because that's the common obligation for all members of community who are equal to them at this point of exploration. Scientists' contribution lies with the gift that using those descriptive originally materials in their efforts in trying to put them into actuality. Without the idealistic raw materials given by our writers or even ordinary citizens, I believe that even though we had much more experienced scientists no break-neck innovations would be worked out abruptly change every facets of human life.
  Since the both paths surely in certain directions overlap, the theory castle filled with a person or a nation can be both idealistic and pragmatic at the same time is thus surrounded by the untenable fosse. As a student, as soon as the beginning day of the semester my tutor always inculcate the pedagogy to me that any successful student should establish a further progress goal according to his or her own actual situation then you will know where you are intended to go and how much you have to go through for this attainment, as a typical case in point.
  In sum, idealism and pragmatism cannot be arbitrarily secluded as absolute contrary but indeed the seemly explicit boundary between them is somewhat flexible rather than unutterably rigid. The most effective measure we should take in our practical action is then taking the former as the fundamental blueprint while the latter as the conditional base on which the former design can fulfill. (685 words)
& && &(3) SINGLE类:单一结论类,或者顶多后面附加背景或原因,让考生自己定夺的话题。这类是ISSUE最多最难的题,而且在这里没有上述那么简单可行的模式可以“僵硬”的套用,可以说这类文章才是考验你思辩能力的东西。那么,是不是对于这种类型就无计可施,只能死背提纲?不绝对是,笔者自己潜心领悟练笔及与参详诸“前辈”的真经,发现尽管到了最高境界,是“无招胜有招”,但是容易上手的潜在规律还是有的,总结下来,有以下三种:
  4.&No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.&
  Nowadays quite a lot colleges and universities have designed some humanistic curriculum providing as something compulsory to the scientific major students while to the literary major also a modest quantity of scientific courses have been given in order to balance the proportion of both knowledge ken. It certainly symbols a sign that different academic disciplines are gradually coming to across and the billow of the information currents is now blushing the explicit boundaries separating the major confluence, making them more and more ambiguous and impel them into the position of interrelated in that the knowledge of one field can sometimes shed beams of twilight on the studies of other fields.
  As what is now more popular and acceptable by many successful entrepreneurs, the fresh idea of borrowing the dealing methods from mathematics to compensate the drawbacks of the traditional evaluation approaches used in the field of economy is displaying a unique glamorous charisma. For instance, ancient merchants nearly always had the headache to cope with the data treatment, which can help them to make clearly the trend of the offer-need relationship instructing them to adjust the weight of this relationship into approximately balanced avoiding the loss of the largely instilled investment. Obviously primitive arithmetical approaches like simple counting, enumerating, or assorted fundamental calculation including the plus, minus, multiply and divide must be far not enough, they were eager to conduce to a new convenient weapon specially trenchant to tamp this gap, so the quantitative methods accordingly born to dislodge the stranded commercial ship owing to generations of endless trials. Today's shrewd businessmen can easily deal with these problems just constitute a data repository in their own computers installed with the powerful exploited quantitative procedure software, no sooner do they enter the fluctuated data into the storehouse than a mobile accurate diagram immediately folded out in front of your sight, transforming with the change pace of the economy heart, surely the glamour of the collaboration of the two fields is.
  If literary critics intend to put up a bulletin filled with some abstruse theory with their own unique clairvoyance, the principles of philosophy accumulated through several centuries are the best things they should consider to resort to further their study domain. As a famous American literary critic ever wrote in his latest book“Literature against Philosophy”, that both the subjects here concerned acts the roles of the brothers share in some common like the features of genes and attitudes towards outer evaluations, yet fight each other for the predominance of his own thinking rules in that the existence of the common and concordance mentioned above. Many literary works inevitable dips into the field of philosophy in the form of further exploring the deep ground of the hero or heroine's heart by depicting the countenance or the behavior deriving from his or her natural revelation, one of the eminent examples is the Mary Shelley's appealing fiction &Frankenstein&, the adept almost near the surface of perfect description and metaphorical expression fixed thousands of reader's eyes and souls onto the monster's fate and the hero's imminent manic psyche, the philosophical analysis told us how it produces so hallucinating effect and weird atmosphere.
  By the way, when biology and chemistry met, biochemistry came into being as a strong hybrid of the two independent parents. One of my best friends happens to be an excellent graduates major in bio-pharmacology, who once told me before entering the total systematic study of this newborn popular course, he must prepare the rationales of chemistry indispensable and necessary in later research assignments. After the collection of the blood samples, we should certainly not directly put them under the micro-instruments to observe and then make out the papers about analysis of the results, as a prerequisite our researchers have to import some chemical reagents as an additive instilling into the specimens to function with the blood ingredients, only after the process can we take them into analysis. Without the chemistry, biology is just a pond of backwater and vice versa, any bio-chemical scholar ought to taste the exceptional favor.
  So much have been discussed in details covering three particular domains, in a sense, illustrates the interrelationship is the guarantee of the breakthrough of some certain academic topics, possibly in some special circumstances can also be generalized to a more broaden range. No field after all, I believe, can survive well surrounded by the asphyxiati the only escape is breaking it from outside. (744 words)


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