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HDR标准详解:HDR10、Dolby Vision、HDR10+哪家强?
  导读:HDR10、Dolby Vision、HDR10+等主要标准的市场竞争现状。  近两年来,市场上涌现了不少各具特色的HDR标准。HDR10依靠先发优势,目前占据着领军地位,同时也面临着较大的竞争压力。FierceCable刊文梳理了HDR10、Dolby Vision、HDR10+等主要标准的市场竞争现状。全文选编如下:  概述  在市场上众多HDR标准中,HDR10在内容和消费产品上均抢得了先机。但2017年,Dolby Vision开始普及,三星的HDR10+成为了另一个有力竞争者。混合对数伽马(HLG)和Technicolor/飞利浦 SL-HDR1同样有所进展。  高级电视系统委员会(ATSC)在美国ATSC 3.0数字电视标准中采用了HLG和HDR10作为可选项。该组织还将SL-HDR1和基于Dolby Vision的SMPTE 2049-10提升为候选标准,也可能被ATSC 3.0采纳。此外,据ATSC主席Mark Richer透露,HDR10+(也称为SMPTE 2094-40)现在也“在讨论范围之中”。  HDR标准的竞争还涉及其他方面。超高清蓝光格式可能会增加新的HDR选项。目前三星和Technicolor/飞利浦已要求蓝光光碟协会(BDA)考虑将其标准作为可选项。  与此同时,内容分发商也在权衡抉择之中。例如,Dish在两款机顶盒中集成了HDR10,但目前尚未提供HDR节目。其发言人表示,公司“正密切关注行业中其他格式的演进情况”。  一些分发商可能会在2018年初宣布自己的决定。2017年末,DirecTV就推出了一些通过卫星和OTT传输的HDR内容。  市场将如何作出决定?  据Parks Associates高级研究主管Brett Sappington介绍,内容分发商的决策过程通常是这样的:  “由于害怕错失最终胜出的‘正确’格式,设备制造商通常会支持多种格式。因此,(电视)制造商是排除最不受欢迎格式的第一道关卡。”  之后是内容分发商。“由于传输中格式修改的成本和工作量问题,他们会支持一小部分格式。”“但和消费设备制造商一样,他们不希望在不受欢迎的格式上投资,因此分发商会和内容制作商共同确定支持哪些格式。”  在这一阶段,内容制作商“不想制作分发商不支持、或者无法在观影平台上播放的内容,因此,他们会评估市场渗透率,并与分发商讨论确定支持哪些格式。”  对于直接为用户提供OTT服务或蓝光光碟的制片厂和节目制作方而言,他们的决定可以跳过内容分发商这一中间人。  下面是市场领导者HDR10和其他竞争标准的市场发展情况。  HDR 10  作为超高清蓝光格式的指定HDR技术,HDR10这一免费开放标准在一开始就得到了助力。  蓝光光碟协会还规定了三个可选标准,其中就包括Dolby Vision。其他两个(飞利浦HDR和Technicolor CRI)尚未出现在播放器中,现在也已不再进行市场推广了。  HDR10还主宰了HDR流媒体服务。除了Vudu外,所有的HDR流媒体服务都使用HDR10,而Vudu则独家使用Dolby Vision。亚马逊和Netflix则同时支持HDR10和Dolby Vision。  2017年,HDR10进一步扩张,攻占越来越多的电视机、超高清蓝光碟和播放器。美国顶尖的电视供应商(三星、LG、索尼和Vizio)都销售采用HDR10的电视,此外还有至少4个其他品牌有售。  截止去年9月底,七大主流制片厂共制作了逾150个超高清蓝光资源,全部采用HDR10格式。同期,四家制片厂推出了Dolby Vision格式的蓝光资源,共9部。  在OTT流媒体设备上,HDR10也处于领先位置,几乎所有设备都只支持HDR10。  Dolby Vision  Dolby Vision通过增加动态元数据提升了表现,在2017年取得了较大的发展。  越来越多的电视机采用了这一格式,首台支持Dolby Vision的超高清蓝光播放器和影碟也已面市。去年9月发布的首台HDR Apple TV同时支持Dolby Vision和HDR10。  ABI资深分析师Mike Inouye表示:“2016年的CES展会上,Dolby Vision看起来势单力薄”,但2017年的CES上这一格式的支持阵营有了“巨大的提升”。  此外,ATSC还将基于Dolby Vision的SMPTE 2094-10提升为候选标准,考虑作为ATSC 3.0的一个可选项。采用2049-10标准传输的视频可以显示在Dolby Vision电视上,与未来的ATSC 3.0网关或转换机顶盒相连接(如果网关支持2049-10的话)。  2017年,制造Dolby Vision电视的厂商也越来越多,包括海信、飞利浦、TCL和索尼。而加盟Vizio和LG提供Dolby Vision电视的公司也支持HDR10。  HDR10+  三星的HDR10+同样采用了动态元数据,是Dolby Vision之外的另一个选择。该格式通过免专利费的方式鼓励电视机采用,尤其是低价位的市场。  获得福克斯背书的HDR10+是一个有力的竞争者。亚马逊在2017年底推出了业内首个HDR10+内容,该标准又出现在三星2017款超高清电视中。三星在全球电视市场中拥有最大的份额,这将说服制片厂、内容分发商甚至其他电视制造商紧随其后。松下已经加入了HDR10+的阵营。  为了加速市场拓展,三星已采用类似杜比的方式,在其生态系统的所有环节积极推广HDR10+。  HDR10+的关键优势在于,它能兼容集成HDR10解码器的电视和其他设备。  索尼影业娱乐CTO Don Eklund则对HDR10+是否完全免费表示怀疑,他认为:“是否没有专利费是一个狡猾的问题。可能是会有地雷的。”  HLG  在成为ATSC 3.0广播标准的免费选项后,这一标准的重要性也有所增加。混合对数伽马(HLG)同样获得了电视制造商的青睐。  三星和索尼在2017款4K电视中加入了HLG,LG则在去年秋天对2017款机型的更新中加入了这一标准。LG方面表示,未来,电视将通过付费电视机顶盒和ATSC 3.0网关显示HLG内容。  HLG的异军突起有多方面原因。首先,这一标准不使用元数据,免去了在制作和直播中实时增加元数据的复杂性。因此,BBC研发部沉浸式和互动内容首席工程师Tim Borer表示:“你可以使用和常规电视同样的工作流来制作HLG HDR内容。”  其次,HLG的电光转换函数(EOTF)与标准动态范围(SDR)电视兼容,同样的内容无需再分别传输SDR和HDR两个版本。  长远来看,由于基于IP的新广播架构支持元数据,因此广播团体最终还是会接受元数据。但这可能需要几年的时间来过渡。  飞利浦/Technicolor SL-HDR1  这两家公司的端到端SDR和多标准HDR分发解决方案是Technicolor Advanced HDR技术的一部分。后者可以在机顶盒或头端将SDR视频实时转换到HDR。  据飞利浦知识产权商务拓展主管Fredric Guillanneuf介绍,美国和其他地区的广播商正对这一专利技术进行测试。  LG已经计划将SL-HDR1加入2017款4K电视,作为Advanced HDR固件更新的一部分,具体时间尚未透露。  作为超高清蓝光的提议选项之一,SL-HDR1将使用动态元数据调整内容,适应HDR电视的显示性能,并以内容所有方同意的方式将光碟中的HDR10内容转成SDR。拒绝访问 | www.chiphell.com | 百度云加速
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  自9月去日本东京参加索尼BRAVIA电视活动后,我在心中就有一个疑问。为何每次的技术革新都会引发不同标准间的格式之争,比如当年的VHS与Betamax,蓝光与HD DVD,再如TD-LTE与LTE-FDD。人们总是乐于创造互相无法兼容的标准,然后交给市场去检验,而作为消费者的我们却往往不会从中得到任何好处。
  目前HDR共有四种标准,Dolby Vision、HDR10、HLG和SL-HDR1,其中前三个讨论最为激烈。电影和流媒体运营商大多支持Dolby Vision与HDR10,而以BBC、NHK为代表的电视台则选择站在HLG这边。有趣的是,同属一个技术原理的Dolby Vision与HDR10也开始出现嫌隙,电视厂商的站队更是乱作一团。有Dolby Vision、HDR10全支持的,也有仅支持HDR10而明确表示不支持Dolby Vision的,一场好戏正在上演。但这回我们消费者完全可以作壁上观,不站任何的队,所谓的格式战根本不存在。我们唯一想要弄清的是究竟为何会有如此多的HDR标准,这些HDR标准各自又有什么特点?
  如果你觉得《干货满满 索尼东京电视部门大本营内的三小时》这篇文章里对HDR的讲解还不够全面,那么这次就来更深入地来了解HDR吧。
  真正的HDR要等到日才算诞生,那一天美国消费者技术协会(Consumer Technology Association)公布了HDR10标准,提供17.6档的动态范围。今天,所有的HDR电视均支持这一标准。长久以来,电视技术大幅超前于内容标准的怪象终于得以改善,也意味着对CRT时代的彻底告别。
  虽然HDR10是第一个达到普世目的的HDR标准,但它却不是第一个HDR标准,Dolby Vision才是。有趣的是,Dolby Vision与HDR10基于同一套HDR机制,结果却“分道扬镳”走了完全不同的两条路。
  Perceptual Quantizer感知量化,是由杜比设立的HDR转换方式。其本质是将亮度等级以绝对的数值进行记录,用杜比实验室多屏视频副总裁Roland Vlaicu的话来说“这能体现内容创作者的创作意图”。与Perceptual Quantizer相对应的是HLG,我待会会说。
  我们都知道HDR10相当于Dolby Vision的低配版,但很多人并不知道为什么会存在高配版与低配版这样的“分裂”。Roland Vlaicu告诉爱活,Perceptual Quantizer(也叫SMTPE ST2084)是由杜比开发的,包括随后的HDR标准也由杜比参与制定。但最后我们看到的HDR10标准在规格上低于Dolby Vision,这有两点好处:
  2。若有需要,Dolby Vision所提供的调色母版可以很轻易地生成包括HDR10在内的其他格式。
  言下之意,Dolby Vision与HDR10之间更像是标准版与低配版的关系。从HDR10版本中无法生成Dolby Vision版本,反过来却可以。HDR10显然是标准制定者们为了满足大部分设备的平均性能而做出的妥协产物,它是免费的,但却是最低限度的免费。而代价是HDR10不兼容SDR,色深仅有10bit;使用静态元数据,对不同设备性能间的映射能力不足。在舍弃了这些后,HDR10于是便成为免费授权的通用HDR标准。
  但这个通用HDR标准是存在明显短板的,无法兼容SDR使得HDR10内容无法在非HDR电视上播放。虽然4K蓝光播放机会提供HDR转SDR的功能,但这显然有损于画质,且最终效果视厂商的调教能力而有所不同。原因很简单,PQ属于“绝对”的转换系统,它的每一份信息都有一个对应的、绝对的值,因此会产生与SDR电视在信号匹配上的问题。Dolby Vision为了解决这一问题,因此采用了双层编码技术,即我不需要各自准备一份HDR内容和一份SDR内容,而是在SDR内容的基本层上再增加支持HDR的增强层,从而达到兼容SDR的目的。
Dolby Vision使用基本层+增强层来实现向下的兼容性
  同时为了确保HDR内容能够在不同的显示设备上都有着一致的画面精度,Dolby Vision使用动态元数据来描述所有的场景。一方面,这确保Dolby Vision内容回放在任何支持Dolby Vision的设备上都能有着最佳的画面准确度,而不会因为厂商的不同调教出现巨大的画面差异。另一方面,正如上面所说的,Dolby Vision可以很轻易地输出其他标准的画面,比如HDR10、SDR或是Rec.709色域的内容,简化对多格式内容制作的流程。
  我们可以这样认为,HDR10是Dolby Vision的一个子集,后者在前者的基础上提供了更多的功能,因此Dolby Vision是付费授权的。目前已经有包括Vizio、LG、TCL、创维等在内的一些电视厂商表示支持Dolby Vision,而像三星、索尼这样的大厂则依然坚持HDR10。尽管很多媒体都添油加醋,称这是一场HDR的格式大战,但我认为这纯粹是听风就是雨。杜比已明确表示,所有支持Dolby Vision的设备均同时支持HDR10,不存在多HDR格式之间的兼容性问题,格式战的言论可以休矣。
Dolby Vision实拍画面
  对于我们消费者来说,需要考虑的就只有“你是否愿意为HDR买单”这一个问题而已。无论Dolby Vision,还是HDR10,都是时代发展的产物,它们均肩负起了未来HDR内容的推广责任。目前Dolby Vision的内容主要流通于电影和流媒体领域,杜比声称搭载Dolby Vision内容的4K蓝光盘有望在2017年上市。在此我不想主观评价Dolby Vision与HDR10的优劣,就目前而言也不具备太大的意义。
  “他们展示了非常震撼的画面……但这(指Dolby Vision)需要为SDR和HDR制作两套复杂的编码系统以及两种单独的色彩等级。我们不明白该如何向我们的观众提供这种技术,电视台的预算有限,而且无法在同一信号上提供两种色彩等级。”
  (原话:“They showed spectacular TV pictures…but it would have required a complicated encoding system to deliver to both standard dynamic range [today’s TVs] as well as HDR displays。 And it would have needed two separate color grades [for each version]。 We just couldn’t see how we could deliver that type of experience to our audiences。 TV is run on a shoestring budget and can’t afford two color grades。”)
  当BBC的R&D广播和连接系统部首席技术专家Andrew Cotton在2013年观看了Dolby Vision的技术演示后,他发表了上述的言论。
  众所周知,不同于PQ系统,BBC与NHK合作开发了另一项HDR技术HLG(Hybrid Log-Gamma),并认为这是针对电视广播信号的最佳HDR技术。HLG的推出基于一个非常简单的目的,就是简化HDR的制作流程。它与PQ系统的不同之处在于,HLG可以在摄像机内直接完成HDR的编码,这被称为“场景参考”;而PQ需要在之后对信号进行处理,以适配监视器的亮度等级,这叫“显示参考”。通常,场景参考不包含创作意图,显示参考则包含创作意图。这也很容易理解,在HLG系统中摄像机基于传感器的响应曲线对不同的曝光环境进行信息采集,那么最终呈现出来的画面亮度变化是取决于曝光水平,而非制作者的想法。但在PQ系统中制作者直接参与内容的处理,以监视器的亮度等级作为参考来对内容进行编码与调色,最终反映出来的就是制作者所想表达的创作意图,最简单的例子就是电影拍摄后的后期处理。
  (原话:“Also I can not see how you can realistically use PQ for TV workflows where you have to have a continuous output。”)
  (原话:“Dolby has shown demos of PQ … but they don’t fully represent the complexity of TV’s challenges。”)
  道理是相通的,Dolby Vision的内容只能在支持Dolby Vision的设备上播放,它依然没有解决如何为全球绝大多数电视实现广泛兼容性的问题。而HLG则不同,除了可以在拍摄阶段直接完成HDR的编码,它所采用的“相对”亮度等级可以适配所有不同性能的电视。HLG并不像PQ系统那样有明确标识的亮度范围,而是采用弹性的百分比,它所提供的动态范围为1200%。正因为是具有弹性的动态范围,所以它可以在任何电视的动态范围内实现这一弹性,这使其无论在旧电视还是新电视,SDR电视还是HDR电视,都有着绝佳的兼容性。可以说,兼容性是HLG的一大利器。相比之下,HDR10不兼容SDR,而Dolby Vision兼容SDR,却要求专用的芯片支持。HLG是完全免费授权的,可以通过固件升级的方式加以支持。
  不同于Dolby Vision与HDR10,HLG并不是4K蓝光标准的一部分,未来它可能只会使用在电视广播信号上,而不是电影、电视剧或是流媒体领域。另外,HLG虽然能兼容所有电视,但是否都能拥有高质量的画面效果也尚未可知,毕竟亮度信号的拉升也可能造成渲染质量的下降。但作为标准的制定者,NHK已经在测试8K HLG信号广播的实用化,一些电视厂商也表态将来会支持HLG技术。未来HLG被纳入4K蓝光标准,也只是时间问题吧。
  看到这里相信你能明白,为什么说不存在所谓的HDR格式战了,Dolby Vision、HDR10、HLG都有各自的使命。HDR10是目前流通最广的HDR标准,Dolby Vision则在电影、电视剧领域大放异彩,使用Dolby Vision技术的Dolby Cinema更是向IMAX发起挑战。HLG相信会成为未来HDR电视广播信号的主流格式,在直播、UCG领域得到广泛采用。因此,你能评价哪种HDR格式更好吗?不能,因为它们都有各自擅长的领域。依不同的使用场景,有各自的优点。我也很期待由意法半导体、飞利浦主导的SL-HDR1,目前这个市场不存在敌人,大家都只是用不同的方式来实现不同的目的而已。愿那你死我活的格式战,再也不会发生。
当人工智能衍生出的性爱机器人悄然来到我们身旁的时候……HDR10 vs Dolby Vision: Which is better?
HDR10 vs Dolby Vision
Which is better?
There are two main HDR formats,&HDR10 and Dolby Vision (DV), and they have different approaches to HDR (). Here are the different ways these formats deal with the key aspects of HDR.
What it is: Open standard for HDR.
Dolby Vision
What it is: Proprietary&standard for HDR made by Dolby.
Dolby Vision
Peak brightness
Tone Mapping
Varies per Manufacturer
Static, for now
TV Support
Content Availability
Average, but growing fast&
1.07 billion colors
Dolby Vision
68.7 billion colors
Bit depth describes the amount of graduations of colors in an image. SDR content is typically mastered at 8-bit which allows for 16.7 million colors, in the world of HDR this is changing. For more information, have a look at&.
Dolby Vision content allows for up to 12 HDR10 is only 10 bit. It might not sound like a lot of difference, but you have to remember that the difference of 2 bits here is the difference between 1.07 billion colors and 68.7 billion. This means much smoother graduations between colors and no color banding in skies.
12 bit is simply better than 10. With that said, though, don't think bit depth makes content displayed more colorful. Its importance is when displaying different tones of the same color in a gradient. The higher the bit depth, the smoother it will be.
Winner:&Dolby Vision.&However, even if Dolby Vision is capable of 12 bit, today's TV panels are a maximum of 10 bit. You would be hard-pressed to see a difference in current TVs. HDR10 will probably be updated to 12 bit by the time a TV that supports it appears.
Peak Brightness
Mastered from 1000 to 4000 cd/m2
Dolby Vision
Always mastered at 4000 cd/m2
Brightness and black level are the most important things to a good image because good contrast (the difference between them) is the most important part of a high-quality picture.
DV content is mastered at 4000 cd/m2; HDR10 content is mastered at a variety of levels from 1000 to 4000 cd/m2 depending on the title.
Both standards cater for images of up to 10,000 cd/m2, although no display can currently reach that level. Therefore there is no real difference between the formats as they both top out at 4000 cd/m2.
Winner:&Dolby Vision.&It wins by a small margin. Dolby Vision content will have more consistent mastering since HDR10 isn't as specific in its requirements. Keep in mind, though, few 2016 TVs even go above 1000 cd/m2, so it doesn't matter for now.
Tone Mapping
Tones that extend past the TV's range are mapped using the PQ transfer function.
Dolby Vision
Tones that extend past the TV's range are mapped by a Dolby chip using the PQ transfer function.
It is crucial how TVs with a relatively low peak brightness deals with a film that has been mastered on much higher level display. If you have a TV with a maximum brightness of 1400 cd/m2 how does it deal with highlights on a film of 4000?
The easiest way is clipping. In our example of a 1400 cd/m2 TV, everything from 1400 to 4000 would be clipped. What does this mean? It means that there would be no detail seen in that range of brightness and there would be no discernible colors in this region. This is simply because the TV cannot reproduce details in areas this bright as it is above its maximum output. At this point in time, some manufacturers clip highlights which are above their maximum brightness.
The alternative is tone mapping. On a 1400 cd/m2 TV, the highlights from 1400 to 4000 are remapped to fall below 1400 cd/m2. In practice, this means that there is some gentle roll off of color in the highlights starting around 1000 cd/m2.
This would mean that a TV that uses tone mapping would appear slightly dimmer than the same TV which employs clipping. While this is inevitable, a&tone-mapped picture would show a lot more detail in the highlights than one which is clipped.
With DV, there is a Dolby chip that checks the TV's model and applies tone mapping using the TV's limitations as a reference. With HDR10, tone mapping entirely the manufacturer's choice, which can lead to inconsistency.
Winner: Dolby Vision.
Metadata is used to describe various f it is contained alongside the series or film and helps the display deal with the content in the most effective way.
The way the two formats differ is in their use of dynamic metadata. HDR10 only asks for static metadata. Dolby, on the other hand, has dynamic metadata which allows it to give information on a frame by frame basis. What does this change? Well, with static metadata, the boundaries in brightness are set for the entirety of the movie.
For example: If you set the boundary as 0 to 1000 cd/m2, the moment you enter a very dark scene where none of the colors&reach above 50 cd/m2, only 5% of the bit depth will be available for use since the 1.07B colors are spread&over 1000 cd/m2.
With dynamic metadata, the boundary can be adapted to the scene. In the same scenario, the dark scene would have the full 10 bit distributed in the much smaller amount it needs. To put it into perspective, the HDR10 scene would use just over 50M colors, which while being much better than SDR, is a lot less than the 1.07B the Dolby Vision would have.
Winner: Dolby Vision. It's better at adapting to scenes that have very different lighting. This is probably short-lived, though, since TV manufacturers will presumably add their own dynamic metadata very soon.
Available Content & Playback Hardware
UHD Blu-Ray
Planned for 2017
Amazon Video
PS4/PS4 Pro
Xbox One S
Samsung UBD-K8500
Panasonic DMP-UB900
Philips BDP-7501
Nvidia Shield
Chromecast Ultra
Nvidia GTX 900 Series and up
AMD Radeon RX and up
Dolby Vision content is only available via streaming services at the time of writing, both Netflix and Amazon have several films and series encoded with DV. Vudu also has a limited amount of content for Vizio owners. If you want to watch Dolby Vision content via a streaming service you either need a TV that supports it or you have to buy a Chromecast Ultra. There is currently no other external device that supports it. It's important to note however that if the TV itself doesn't support Dolby Vision, using an external source won't make a difference.&
For HDR10 on the other hand, virtually every platform that supports Dolby Vision also supports it. In addition to that, a slew of Blu-Ray discs and players are readily available. Find out where to find HDR content .
Winner: HDR 10.
Supported TVs
In the US, only a handful of TV's from Vizio and LG support Dolby Vision. All the Dolby Vision TVs also support HDR10, in addition to many TVs from all the other major manufacturers.
You shouldn't expect the cheaper HDR TVs to make use of all the extra capabilities of the formats. For most of them, you won't even be able to see a difference. Only&high-end TVs can&take advantage of it.
Winner: HDR 10.
Further Developments
Samsung has shown an enhancement to HDR10 which can make use of dynamic metadata by upgrading the TV's firmware. This development addresses one of the fundamental differences between DV and HDR10 although it is not currently implemented in any TVs.
There is also HLG or hybrid log gamma. This has been developed by the BBC and NHK for live broadcasts. LG have shown an E6 OLED TV running custom firmware able to decode the HLG stream. Since it doesn't make use of metadata, every TV that supports HDR today should be able to support it via a simple software update on the TV.
Dolby Vision can be considered the more advanced HDR format, but the lack of content and supported TVs is holding it back at the moment. HDR10 has the distinct advantage of having more content available and being supported on TVs with a higher peak brightness, effectively giving a better result in the end.
Ultimately, the difference between the two formats isn't that important. The quality of the TV itself has a much bigger impact on HDR . It&s still quite early days for HDR. Both formats have the ability to produce much more dynamic images than we are seeing on the best TVs today. The limitation is down to both the TV technology and the way the titles are mastered. We can&t yet reach the 10,000 cd/m2 maximum peak brightness and the expanded 12 bit color range.
Let us know what is wrong in this question or in the answer.
Questions & Answers
I would love to grab a Sony x900E however I am afraid I will regret not grabbing a TV with Dolby Vision. Is this something I should be worried about? If I am watching something that is Dolby Vision will it still take advantage of HDR capabilities?
We still don't consider Dobly Vision to offer a significant advantage over the standard HDR10 presentation. Yes, a Dolby Vision source will simply fall back to a standard HDR10 signal if connected to a non-compatible TV.
Thanks for all the reviews!
I have been considering the Samsung
or the Vizio P.
I understand that the KS8000 is a better TV for the same price however I am really concerned that it does not support Dolby Vision (I don't want a useless TV in 2 years).
I have heard different stories, mostly that the Samsung KS8000 actually has the chip for Dolby Vision and can be supported via a firmware update.
Is this true? And what would you recommend considering this?
Both HDR10 and Dolby Vision currently exceed the capabilities of today's TVs, so you won't get worse picture quality by using HDR10. For future proofing, it's extremely unlikely that any content will be made for Dolby Vision but not HDR10, so you should be able to play all HDR content for the foreseeable future.
is better than the Vizio P in a bright room due to its higher peak brightness and amazing handling of reflections, but the Vizio P is better in a dark room due to its great local dimming. It is also better for gaming due to its low input lag and it can be better as a PC monitor because it can receive a 120 Hz input.
So a 10 bit panel using HDR10 will only get you 1.07 billion colors, but a 10 bit panel using Dolby Vision will not get you more colors? I can understand not getting 68.7 billion colors because it is not 12 bit, but I don't understand how it could not be more colors on 10 bit with Dolby Vision. Especially if it is a software update.
A native 10 bit panel can only produce 1.07 billion colors (2^(3*10)), no matter the hardware or software running it. Each subpixel can only become one of 2^10=1024 different shades. Actually many TVs have 8 bit panels but use techniques like dithering and FRC to give the appearance of a 10 bit panel, and are virtually indistinguishable from native 10 bit panels. No TV we've ever tested has been able to display more than 10 bit color depth, though theoretically a native 10 bit panel with FRC could display 12 bit color depth.
I have the
OLED. If I purchase an external streaming device that supports Dolby Vision, will the TV recognize the format?
No. A specific piece of hardware is needed in the TV to decode the Dolby Vision format.
Novice here - are HDR and HDR10 the same? And do I need an AV receiver that says it supports HDR10 or that it simply supports HDR?
There are a few different HDR video formats. HDR10 is the most popular format, but there is also Dolby Vision, HLG and a few others. To be qualified as "HDR Compatible" a device needs to support at least HDR10.
If a TV supports Dolby Vision, does it by default also support HDR10? In other words, is there a TV that only supports Dolby Vision but not HDR10?
It's technically possible for a TV to support Dolby Vision but not HDR10, however it's unlikely any TV on the market does this. After a manufacturer has put in the work to support Dolby Vision, adding HDR10 support isn't much more work.
You should be able to update your supported TVs table as the top 4 Sony TV models are getting an update to support Dolby Vision sometime later this month.
Thank you for contacting us. We still have all of our 2017 TVs and do continue to update the reviews with firmware updates. Once the Dolby Vision update for Sony comes out we will test it and update the reviews, however we only post things that we have tested ourselves - for example if the update is significantly delayed then we don't want to mislead readers.
I am just starting to wonder if there is any value in considering HDR10 vs Dobly Vision - TODAY, Nov 2017. I wonder because if the TV sets are unable to display the differences, why is there a debate going on? Does this mean that Dolby vision is "that much better than HDR10" because of its better metadata handling? Or will someone have to be used to seeing the picture differences between two comparable $50,000 projector systems in order to distinguish the better one?
It is starting to seem like logo separation. My device has a Dolby HDR logo on it and yours doesnt, but the pictures look the same to most viewers.
Until higher bit panels become available, is the discussion of HDR(x) vs HDR(y) more a tech talk that includes numbers, or is there a viewable difference?
As the new HDMI interface (2.1) includes support for 12 bit HDR and per-frame metadata, the differences between the two technologies are insignificant. Currently, we don't recommend spending more on TV over your main choice only for Dolby Vision as there isn't doesn't offer an important advantage in picture quality (most differences tend te be due to mastering and not the actual performance).
Why is 4k in quotation marks when referring to the LG TV sets?
Many low end LG TVs use RGBW panels, where only half the pixels can show color information (they have RGB subpixels) while the other pixels can only show brightness information (they only have a white subpixel). This means that color detail won't be as sharp on these TVs as on other 4k TVs, but this isn't too noticeable in most cases.
Do you know if the LG
incorporates tone mapping or clipping for hdr10?
uses tone mapping up to a certain point, but after that it clips. Nearly all TVs have this behaviour.
Your HDR10 vs DV comparison shows that Nvidia cards support HDR10 but not Dolby Vision, but with a recent Driver update Nvidia does indeed support Dolby Vision!
Thank you for the heads up! The article has been updated.
Hey, I just ordered an LG OLED 65 inch and I'm just wondering what are the maximum peak brightness levels of HDR or Dolby Vision content currently available on Netflix and Amazon Video? I understand OLEDs are known for their dimmer peak brightness but I'd imagine this shouldn't be an issue since I (and most people) only really watch TV or game at night, but if the LG
only has a peak brightness of around 650 cd/m2, then how bright do the brightest scenes in Netflix and Amazon Video even get?
Most HDR content is mastered for either 1000 cd/m2 or 4000 cd/m2 peak brightness, so the 2016 OLEDs will not be able to get bright enough for the really bright highlights in HDR content. This is an issue even in dark rooms because HDR content is intended to be shown at maximum brightness on the TV, even in a dark room (though you can turn it down if you find it too bright).
However in practice the 2016 OLEDs are some of the best TVs for producing bright highlights in HDR content. Our HDR Real Scene test is a good measure of how well a TV will be able to brighten highlights in HDR, and only one 2016 TV scored better than the OLEDs, the Sony . Few TVs can beat the OLEDs because even though many LED TVs advertise very high peak brightness, they can only reach that brightness in very ideal cases, such as our 2% and 10% white window tests, and not when watching most HDR content.
If I am correct Dolby Vision will not be up to it full potential until we get 12bit panels and HDMI 2.1(since current HDMI 2.0b standards do not support dynamic metadata) Please someone correct me and explain if I am wrong. I am trying to learn.
12-bit screens will give a slight advantage to Dolby Vision when they do appear, but according to Dolby's own research, 10 bits is sufficient in most use cases to cover most use cases without having banding appear. We expect that open HDR formats will be updated to 12-bit when TVs that support it do appear. Samsung has also released HDR10+ which implements dynamic metadata through current HDMI connections. As such, it is not necessary to wait for HDMI 2.1 equipped devices to make use of HDR dynamic metadata.
Is there any way to tell which HDR format your TV is using? For example, I have an LG OLEDB7A, it says HDR when viewing videos, but how do I know if it's Dolby Vision or HDR10?
Hi and thanks for contacting us. When watching an HDR movie (or any other HDR content), just check in which picture mode setting the TV is on. If it is in Dolby Vision HDR, the TV will list the available picture modes under 'Dolby Vision Picture Mode'. If it is in HDR10 HDR, it will simply list the available picture modes under 'HDR Picture Mode'.
The 2016 OLED B6P are not 12 bit panels?
Very unlikely, as 12 bit panels (or 10 bit panels with FRC or dithering) are usually only found in professional monitors. And though the 's
was very good for a TV, it wasn't as good as most 10 bit monitors like the LG 27UD68P-B, which has a .
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