
What did you buy in the supermarket just now?
at the left hand of the yellow ca
The line is bad,there are lots of people in the super market.
The supermarket is always crowded on weekends.
on the left,
on the right/left
Excuse me,is there a library around here?yep,walk along the street,and turn right.it's at the left of Daqiao Street,opposite the post office.
/>I usually sort out my e-mails on Sunday.2、The meeting will begin in an hour and &in the meantime&we can go out for a coffee.3、On seeing the police,t
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My world will not stop turning without you,the next intersection,I can find a better.我的世界不会因为没有你而停止转动,下个十字路口,我可以遇到更好的.Do what I want to do.做我想做的事.
本来是 in the morning但是morning 前边加了修饰词,就要用 on了,这么记,比较好记一些on a beautiful morning
我的家乡是在一个小村庄 My hometown is in a small village
She was born in a full of artistic breath of the family
My two friends and I went to the supermarket to do some shopping.
There is a large supermarket near the restaurant.否定:There isn't a large supermaket near the restaurant.疑问:Is there a large supermarket near the restaurant?
You will see a bookstore on your left.
turn right on the first cross
购物袋 1.(Am.美式) (Br.英式) a carrier bag
You will see in the supermarket opposite have a garden
不知道你是用在哪里,一般情况下,像“人人道”这种纯中文的名字是不需要翻译的,直接译为Renrendao Supermarket即可,如果需要解释名称的含义,可以在后面放一个小小的说明~如果需要一个英文的词来匹配“人人道”,这个名字的真正含义、出现的背景等有一个更详细的介绍就更好了出国后逛超市买东西很多名字都叫不上来,所以赶紧学一下。
hero league 或 hero alliance
答: 是的。thinking
答: In this paper, staff education and training start with the concept, through staf...
答: 福建省教育厅,福建省科学技术学会
Education Department of the Fuj...
答: 问题一样,成人高等教育学位英语考试,在读期间,学校每年组织一次的考试,毕业了就不能再考。但不影响毕业,只是没有学位罢了。学校里的英语老师没有跟你们说吗?
Copyright &
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相关问答:123456789101112131415相框里有他和他爱人的照片. 翻译
相框里有他和他爱人的照片. 翻译
There is the photo of he and his lover in the frame
与《相框里有他和他爱人的照片. 翻译》相关的作业问题
frameColor chromo pape
my beloveddo not be afraid do not speak stay as you are i'm here at your side do you feel me?when i touch you for the first time you will feel the warmthbut you
前者就是把鼠标放在想查的单词上 自动出现翻译后者需要点鼠标左键将单词涂黑 然后翻译出现
His books are 30% more than mine.倍数的表示法表示三以上的倍数用times,但表示两倍(汉语中的一倍实际上也指两倍)时则用twice,double,duple,twofold,as…again as表示.译为“翻一番”或“为…的两倍”.3倍常用three times,triple,thr
Room 101 Building One of XilinxiliSiming DistrictXiamen CityFujian ProvinceChina外国的地址都是从小往大写的西林西里是小区名字吧 直接翻译
You can choose anything you like in the supermarket.
what do you usually do when it's snowing?everyone was having fun Judy always talk with her friends with phone who are you waiting for?
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go. 路易路易,喔宝贝,我得走了. Yi-yi-yi-yi-yi 噫—— Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go. 路易路易,喔宝贝,我得走了. A fine girl, who waited for me. 一个好女孩等待着我.
Unit One P6 3a 十年后,我想我会成为一名记者.我将住在上海因为去年我去了上海,立即爱上了这座城市.上海真的是座优美的城市.作为一名记者,我想我会遇到很多有趣的人.我想我会和自己最好的朋友住在一套公寓里,因为我不愿意独居.我会养宠物,因为我妈妈讨厌宠物,况且公寓太小;所以我现在一个宠物也没有.十年后,我会拥
太太可以是Sergreya医生是Diliks 再问: 法文里,太太和医生是偶不同的写法吗?我看下面那位朋友的和你的不一样。 再答: 我的意思是名字翻译,句子是和下面的一样的一般敬称叫法都是 女士:madame 小姐mademoiselle (包括太太这类只要是女的都这么叫(亲人列外)) 男士:monsieur医生的叫法
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寒假英语作文-旅游见闻Last winter holiday,I went to Harbin with my mother.It's very cold in winter.There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world.You
Just because you are in the picture,I keep it in my heart.
信封是人们用来装信件的纸袋Envelope is a paper pocket,which people put their letter in it 首先我们要写一封信 然后把它装到信封里 最后把它放进邮筒邮递出去First I am going to write a letter,and then put it i
昨天的实践活动,我们(隆重举行 )了”琢木鸟行动”计划.这是什么新名词?你也许有些(前所未闻 ).告诉你吧,咱们的”琢木鸟行动”就是在大街上找错别字.当时,同学们分成六组,(三五成群 )地走上大街,(一个一个)地查看着每一块广告牌.不出半天,我们就”满载而归”.望着眼前的”战利品”,大家陷入了(丰收喜悦),看来,规范社“收货部”翻译成英语是什么?
收货部 :receiving department ...英汉会计学辞汇 ...receiver's certificate 清算人借款证receiving department 收货部receiving department expense 收货部费用 ...
Please provide Hong Kong delivery address
Iran Highway Department
automatized information department
The warehouse will stop taking in any goods from Jan.15.
ten portion 再答: ten section再问: decade什么意思? 再答: 十年期再问: 十部有类似的单词吗? 再答: 什么十部 再答: 十个部分吗再问: 比如说十部小说 再答: 可以直接说 ten novels 呀 再答: 量词在英文里不一定要翻译出来的 再答: 比如两个苹果 two apples
comprehensive department
Could we arrange volume production without making samples in the first place?
有几种说法:在国内送货,一般说 delivery address如果涉及外贸,shipping address单据上多数是用 consignee address
Through the eyes of a little boy,the entire film showed us.From the point of view of a little boy,.Through the perspective of a little boy.From the vision of a
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明天我要去医院看病~你知道去医院看病的部骤吗I'll be going to the hospital tomorrow.Do you know the procedure for seeing a doctor at the hospital?I'll be going to the hospital tomorro
广东省揭阳市东山区八号街卢前新区a11栋211-212卢婕纯收 522031 Attn:Lu Jiechun Room 211-212,Building a11,Luqianxin Residential Zone,8th Street,Dongshan District,Jieyang City 522031,Gua
译法多多,不一而足,仅举以下几例供参考:&I am a belly-god 我是贪吃的人I am a epicure 我是讲究饮食的人I am a picurean (或gastrologist / gastrology / gastronomist / gastrologer).我是个美食家I enjoy
Should this1x40'H container goods issue one or two bill of lading separate.
性相近也,习相远也:人的原始天性是相似的,只是在后天不同的环境中受到不同的影响后才会产生区别,最终形成千差万别的个性.试着翻译一下:man's nature is born in resemblance,while diversifies distinctly thereafter染于苍则苍,染于黄则黄:直接翻译出来是
Yesterday evening I didn't go to sleep until I finished my homework.
Liaison Officer for Sports Ministers of International Protocol Department for the Beijing Olympic Games
The shipment of A order will be delayed to the 3rd and the B/L will be available after its shipment.The B/L for B order will be provided tomorrow.
She has not seen the new movie yet.他们全体瞪大眼睛看我的那种样子,翻译成英语,以IN开头
In mass或In a body,they watched the way I was with their eyes open.
I enjoy your smile expression
after years
我讨厌你伤心的样子英语;I hate the way you sad意大利;Odio il modo in cui sei triste我喜欢你微笑的样子 英语;I like the way you smile意大利;Mi piace il tuo modo di sorridere
What's your future life?What do you want to be?How is your life structure looks like?
Why have I changed to what I am now?
taxi fee for overtime work during the Spring Festivala month's meal fee for all the staff
We'll think about it
What will be like in the future?
채소용 cea so young
You don't see that the Yellow River's water comes from the sky .It rushes to the sea and will never return .You don't see the person is sad when he sees his gra
按你的要求,其实很难的,因为严格地说,英语里这两个音节都没有,更不要说现成的名字了.所以只能从最接近的谐音女性英文名字来复合你的名字:玉红.请参考:Ydel 译音:玉儿(连读成一个音,第二个尾音要发的很轻) 含义:赞扬 来源:希伯来语Honna 译音:红娜含义:女性名字专用,无特别含义来源:希腊语所以整个Ydel-Ho
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have you bought the air ticket already?/ have you bought the air ticket yet?is the date the thirtieth?is it on the thirtieth?when/what time will/can I reach?
are you just alike what i thought?are you the one i am expecting to come across?
- -要是一个词就好了...一个词我会使用nostalgia / 怀念以前的美好..但是一整句的话,我会使用这样的past is the past, but the good ones still echo in my mind.虽说有点不一样.但是差不多了- -过去的已经过去了,但美好的仍然在心中回响.
have a look at my room,it looks beautiful}


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