佳能50 1.2怎么样Av1怎么样

我喜欢M模式 全手动还是好玩些 光圈 拍景就8-11人像自然是你镜头的最大光圈
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a [host]:_为了答谢长期以来陪我聊天的好友,凡是和我聊过的、说话的都有机会获得: 一等奖:路虎一辆,《真车》 二等奖:120平米房一套(自选) 三等奖:现金10万元,《人民币》 纪念奖:手机一部,《苹果6》 鼓励奖:一百元 请用硬币或小刀刮开屏幕黑色验证码获取奖品!《请用力刮》
登录百度帐号推荐应用Canon AV-1 Camera - Index Page
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Canon AV-1 Camera - Index Page
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Canon SLRs are synonymous with shutter
speed priority automation in exposure control and it is kind of odd to discuss an
aperture priority AE camera. But the AV-1 was a conventional looking, aperture priority
automatic exposure (AE), single-lens reflex (SLR) camera just like most SLRs available
during the late '70s and mid '80s. All you have to do is:
1) Mount the lens
2) Load and check the battery
3) Select an aperture (the f-number on your lens, which relates to diaphragm opening)
best suit your needs on
and snap, that's all.
Depite the fact that most manual focus SLR camera is quite easy to operate, but to
avoid wasting good film, it is a good idea to play with the camera a little before
loading your first roll. Operate the shutter release button and the film advance
lever and practice holding the camera properly until you have mastered all the controls.
The AV-1 nearly became the choice as my first ever 35mm SLR camera. Initially, I
thought it was the only Canon SLR around until I came upon an advertisement in the
local papers during the summer of 1982 - at the height of that year's World Cup '82
soccer championship held at Spain. That advertisement (Canon was the official 35mm
camera) showed the whole line-up of the A-series models and the New F-1 pro camera.
From there, I was hooked on to the Canon AE-1 simply because it was touted as the
world's best selling 35mm SLR camera, totally ignored the its replacement model,
the AE-1 PROGRAM and the more advanced Canon A-1 model. Price differences between
the AE-1 and its successor (which was cheaper) ended with me buying the latter. Years
later in 1987, I had a chance to test the Canon AV-1 which belonged to a ..... actually,
I can't remember whose camera it was but nevertheless, the camera performed superbly
in my hands -- the professional photography course I took in New York from
paid off handsomely by enabling me to operate any camera and gets excellent results
even when they have their limitations.& &- &-
Although Canon has highlighted the point where it is important to have the appropriate
shutter speed to achieve a sharp picture and prevents blurred pictures that will
be created due to unsteady camera movements, the Aperture priority AE mode still
has its place in Canon's stable. In fact, other than Canon and Minolta which offered
both Shutter-priority and Aperture-priority AE in one of their respective models
(See Minolta's
in within the MIR site), the other major camera manufacturers only have aperture
priority AE as the prime automation for exposure control for their models until the
mid-80s. Any
AV-1 user can guess what the initials stands for - Aperture Value, which were also
used by Canon to signify the Aperture-priority AE mode in all its cameras having
this mode, including the models in the EOS System.
Even though there were more technicalities involved, the other way around should
be more logical - because with electronically-controlled shutter, stepless shutter
speeds like 1/189 sec or 1/25 sec can be made possible while mechanical aperture
value control can never be made stepless or to such refined values as the shutter
speed (However,
made it possible to do so). Well, that was a fussy remark because
most of the time, other than the usage of less tolerance slide film, the printer
in any of the numerous one-hour color lab can create more damage to your final print
than the little exposure variation we are talking about.
Just in case, if you don't know much
of what this camera can do, reading the following will give you a quick idea. The
& It can use with Canon
& with older Canon FL
& With Canon accessories for getting closer
& You can handle darkness just as broad day
& Even with light behind your subject in daylight
All you need to do is turn the
aperture ring on the lens to set an aperture, focus and press the shutter button.
The camera does all the rest - provided the main control dial has been set to the
&A& mark.. When shooting your subject under backlighting condition, you
only need to push an extra switch to compensation for the exposure (Add more light
to a backlit scene to make sure the eventual photograph won't turn out too dark).
The AV-1 uses
Centre-weighted Average as its metering option. For excessive backlit situations,
using the backlit compensation button may not be enough to provide the adjustment
needed to ensure a correct exposure. In this case, move in closer to the subject
until it fills up the frame (or when the brightly-lit area is hidden), press the
backlit button, lock in the setting by maintaining finger pressure on the shutter
button halfway, move back, recompose and shoot. Alternatively, if you are shooting
with a zoom lens, just zoom in and get a close-up meter reading, lock it and zoom
back to the focal length where you want to shoot the subject at.
It has a range of dedicated speedlites for you to cover the dark:
- With Canon Speedlite 133A
- With Canon Speedlite 155A
- With Canon Speedlite 177A
- With Canon Speedlite 199A
Just slip one of these flashes onto the AV-1, set an aperture on the flash, and set
that same aperture on the lens. The flash would give out just the right amount of
light to your subject. You can also shoot continuously at 2 fps (frames-per-second)
wiith the Canon Power Winder A or even the newer Power Winder A2.You can use many
of the other system accessories within the huge Canon FD photographic system. The
AV-1 was one of the few Canon bodies that offered Aperture Priority AE mode instead
of the more familiar Shutter Priority AE, an autoexposure feature that the camera
manufacturer is very popular with. For those enjoys wuch simplicity of operation,
the AV-1 camera is good enough to be used for most of the common photographic applications.
I believe the Canon AV-1 is an extremely well made SLR camera and it offered a good
performance for its price, but if you are looking for a used SLR body to start your
photographic journey, please note that the manual focus Canon FD-mount system has
been replaced with the autofocus, fully electronic-type of lens mount in the EOS
System. The two system are not compatible with each other. You have to be alert on
this if you are putting the AV-1 as one of your primarily consideration when looking
for a used SLR camera. I like to ensure that any of the visitors to my site will
be well informed on most facts pertaining to the discontinued Canon manual focus
There are some strength and weaknesses in the camera design as well, the most noticeable
is still the use of the outdated
fabric shutter curtain design (Contax,
Nikon and Yashica have already used vertically-traveled metal-type of focal-plane
shutters then), since its usage can affects other specifications such as the maximum
sync speed that could be offered. Anyway, if you already bought an AV-1 camera, this
site may be helpful for you to understand this camera better (or an orientation for
some who doesn't know that the camera they have is the Canon AV-1 all these years..)
- don't let what I have mentioned earlier to put you off, either. Sometimes, you
tend to use 'modern standard' to measure an old faithful, which is not fair at times,
despite my earlier remarks - given the price (below US$120 for a used unit), I would
still rate the AV-1 as a very attractive option for entry-level photo enthusiasts.
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& Main Reference Map:
Main Index Page of Canon A & T Series SLR camera Models
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T- Series:
FL | Canon
suggestive useful external links/resources
created by Mr.Christian
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about this
- Photography in Malaysia
Copyright & 2000.
&. MIR Web Development .
Carraway & Dr Strangelove;
for his image
on the Data Memory Back.
Foo, my nephew, who
has spent quite a number of nights converting the original manual in HTML format.
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