
自重启已有百日了!mmm有了飞跃的发展,同时在寻找活跃的领导人。请确认您“领导”身份,成为伟大的领袖。 ”
学校毕业之后,你会得到所有的优势和机会 ,如果你想要得到领导人身份的认证,请马上行动,为了在MMM社区尽快取得成功。
你将开始得到高级领导奖金, +7%, +5%, +3%, 1%, 0,5%, 0,3%, 0,1%, 0,05%,
0,03%, 0,01%(无限代0.01%,奖金是多层次的,其数量是无限的。)
常见问题点此链接 -&
7. 请恢复7天打10%的预付款机制。不打款是不可能提供帮助的。
在正义的现代世界,善良和诚实不再是神话或幻想 — MMM使它们变得现实!加入我们 —
祝好, MMM管理处。
Hello, dear MMM China leaders and participants
Today we are publishing MMM China official news. We will tell you
how the Community is progressing and answer your questions.
Official news texts are approved by Sergey Mavrodi personally. Be
sure that here you will get only official news and truthful answers
to your questions.
So, let’s begin!
Everything is super in MMM!
What’s the news? Actually there’s nothing in particular. MMM keeps
actively evolving and working steadily. Participants provide and
get help, attract new members, build their own structures. There’s,
surely, nothing new in it, since everyone has already got used to
our stability, however, it’s always pleasant to mention about
something good, isn’t it? :-))
We are very glad about leaders activity who have chosen to pass
Guider’s Status Confirmation. It’s evident that they are happy to
observe how MMM develops — their enthusiasm can be visible at once:
their eyes are shining, they all heartedly want to work for the
benefit of our Community.
Upon that old Mavro are getting released actively, and we are
pleased with its pace: the average release amount grows weekly. As
promised we keep publishing 1,000 random payments -
Look for yourself and make sure that the old Mavro releasing
process is very active. And don’t forget that it is just 1,000
random payments, their real number is far greater!
Today after answers to the questions, we will again delight you
with several letters and videos with the participants’ gratitude,
who we helped out in their difficult circumstances. They got their
old Mavro fully released.
Thanks to MMM they got money for treatment and could stay alive.
It’s highly important. That gift of life was granted by you —
ordinary MMM participants! We do good and move in the right
If you are a guider, take Guider’s Status
Our mutual aid Community is actively growing and constantly
improving. Now we are moving to a new level of development. Be
reminded that beginning with October 8, we started Guider’s Status
Confirmation. We are looking for loyal, honest, initiative, and
responsible leaders who are striving to move only forward and want
to build big structures!
If you have a guider’s status (you have completed training in MMM
Leaders School), and you are prepared for an active and
professional work for the good of the MMM Community participants,
fill in the following form on the site:
We will provide you with all necessary tools, and you will have a
unique opportunity to create your super team and become an expert
leader in China or even in the whole Community. Don’t miss your
We have spread SMS among all system’s guiders!
We sent our current guiders the following SMS text message: “It’s
been over 100 days after the restart. MMM is developing drastically
and tries to find active leaders! Undergo Guider’s Status
Confirmation and become expert leaders. ”. Lest you
should doubt, we declare officially that, indeed, the SMS has been
sent by us. It could happen that anyone might think it was a kind
of fraudster :-)).
So, this text message has been received by several tens of
thousands of people. We, in turn, are awaiting that everyone will
react to it!
Applications for Guider’s Status Confirmation are taken
until November 8, if you don’t confirm your status — you will be
deprived of bonuses!
We set our high hopes on this Guider’s Status Confirmation. We are
sure that its results are going to be super efficient and bring
great benefit to the system. Keep in mind that submission deadline
for Guider’s Status Confirmation is November 8, therefore hurry up!
MMM should have only responsible and honest leaders.
Leaders who will fail to pass Guider’s Status Confirmation will be
deprived of advanced leader bonuses and guider’s status. It is but
fair! Why should they be accrued with bonuses if they don’t fulfill
their own obligations? From now on all the bonuses will be accrued
on equity basis only!
Don’t fill in the form repeatedly.
Several tens of thousands of leaders have already sent applications
for Guider’s Status Confirmation. The activity is, surely, strong,
but bear in mind that November 8 is just a date until which your
applications will be taken. Then, during November we will contact
all of you and you will be getting further instructions.
There’s no need to fill in the form for several times. If you have
already sent an application, you won’t lose the bonuses and
guider’s status, thus, don’t worry. That’s enough to fill the form
once only :-)). When you send the same applications, we are getting
confused, and the preparation work for the status confirmation goes
more slowly. Therefore let’s not slow down such marvelous
development of the system!:-))
Enroll in the MMM School and become expert
If you want to answer a call on Guider’s Status Confirmation, and
actively help in the Community’s development, but you don’t have
the guider’s status — it means you haven’t graduated the MMM
School. Now it’s the best time to do training, therefore make haste
to be enrolled in the School.
After graduating the School you will get all advantages and
opportunities the same as leaders who is going to undergo Guider’s
Status Confirmation now. Hurry, in order to succeed in the MMM
Community as quickly as possible!
About advantages of the MMM School in brief:
You will start to get advanced leader bonuses +7%, +5%, +3%,
1%, 0,5%, 0,3%, 0,1%, 0,05%, 0,03%, 0,01% (all the lower levels
also have a rate of 0,01%). Bonuses are multilevel and their number
is unlimited.
You will find out more about the MMM Community, its ideology
and principles of work.
You will meet expert leaders of MMM China and get the
opportunity to learn their strategies.
You will learn various types of work in social networks and
about methods to interact with other people.
You will learn how to resolve difficult situations which you
may encounter on your path.
You will find out how to create your own Youtube channel and
duly promote it.
You will learn to record your own effective videos.
You will understand how to create your own website.
You will learn to think strategically and make long-term
You will learn to work in a team.
And the main thing: you will come to know how to become a real
The MMM School is free of charge and available for everyone.
Training takes place online and lasts for 11 days. Pass the
training and become excellent guiders!
Enroll in the MMM School —&
Other projects continue to deceive the participants and
Do you remember, last week, we again talked about that all other
projects are frauds? And we disproved the information about
supposed reappearing of the Republic of Bitcoin (MMM Global)? So,
we have been reported that a number of online projects were closed,
including the fake MMM Global scheme.
What did we say? :-)). As you can see, our words proved true once
again. All other projects, except MMM, are fraudulent, oriented
only to cheating depositors and stealing their money. The projects
don’t have any ideology, and they are created merely to scam
We alone are safe. Remain part of MMM China — the biggest, most
powerful and stable Community in the world! Only here you won’t be
deceived, and will get your money with interest.
In any other project you will be cheated without blinking an eye.
It has been tried and tested for many times. Some people, now, have
learned this lesson once again, unfortunately, from their own
You should also remember that scam projects often try to hide
behind the name of Sergey Mavrodi, therefore believe only trusted
sources — MMM official website and PO. This is the only trustworthy
source of information. If you are advised any so-called news which
cannot be found on the official site or PO — then, it’s lying!
Bitcoin expands MMM and helps build a fair
Bitcoin cryptocurrency and the MMM Community have similar ideology
— together, we create a just financial system, in order that
everyone live happily. It’s more profitable and safe to provide
help with bitcoins rather than traditional money. Upon that PH and
GH orders come faster.
The number of participants willing to provide and get help via
cryptocurrency grows every day. Please be reminded that specially
for our participants we made a video in which we told about the
cryptocurrency. We emphasized on basic Bitcoin advantages, and
explained why it is profitable to use it in MMM.
Remember that you get a&3% bonus when
providing help using Bitcoin. In addition, it is more
secure to use cryptocurrency as any payment can easily be checked
and tracked.
In case you don’t know how to operate with the cryptocurrency —
specially for you we elaborated a perfect guideline on
participating in MMM using Bitcoins. From our FAQ you will learn
how to create a Bitcoin wallet, and also to buy / sell
FAQ can be found here —&
Together with that Bitcoin does no harm to the system and its
stability! Moreover, last week, we introduced a 15-day limitation
on keeping confirmed Mavro if you provided help using Bitcoin (then
Mavro growth stops, and a participant has to cash-in them.) As for
providing help via banks, the period of keeping this Mavro remains
30 the 15-day limitation is applied only to
Thus we completely protected the stability of the system from all
possible threats on the part of Bitcoin. In fact, we didn’t have
any threats at all, but for security it’s better to play it safe,
to be sure for 100%! :-)).
The participants providing and getting help via the cryptocurrency
only accelerate our development. Actually, it doesn’t play a role
for the System which method of payment you use: bank or Bitcoin.
Thus Bitcoin cannot influence its stability in any way. It’s a
different matter that the participants themselves find it
convenient. Therefore we support it.
The participants providing help via Bitcoin, indeed, can normally
transfer Mavro to their wallet faster. As everything is more simply
and dynamic with Bitcoin.
Don’t forget that absolutely any MMM China participant may create a
PH order with Bitcoins. Let us repeat that all instructions
regarding its use are on our site.
It is nothing complicated in creating a Bitcoin wallet, and
providing help via the cryptocurrency is easy as well. Upon that
you don’t need to wait for long lasting order issuance. Moreover
our CRO staff can instantly and without statements check whether
the payment was made. In general, the chance to encounter frauds
while using Bitcoin is considerably lower.
Be reminded once more about the tutorial on how to participate in
MMM using Bitcoin
Study and try it. In reality it’s quite easy :-))
MMM China is still looking for the Call-Center
MMM is developing very quickly, so we continue the recruitment of
staff for the MMM Call Center. We have already hired many active
and skilled members who are very happy with the new job for the
good of the Community. However, we need more people, so don''t miss
your chance to become our staff member.
If you want to work in our Call Center, fill in the form and submit
We will evaluate your professional communication skills and ensure
effective studying for their improvement!
Help us develop the Community. We will change the world
Before we move on to the letters of gratitude, we will
answer your questions:
1. Is Mr. Mavrodi very busy now? We have not seen his video
messages for a long time. It would be good for the community
development, if he records a new video. We will be very pleased if
he shows some interesting video. Thank you.
It is not because of his busyness. Of course, Sergey Mavrodi is
busy and is constantly working on the Community development,
however, it doesn’t prevent him from recording a new video.
Unfortunately, the leader of MMM doesn’t record messages anymore
because of the law on financial pyramids in Russia.
Of course, MMM is not a Ponzi scheme and doesn’t fall under
this law, but the situation in Russia is that it is better not to
take risks. :-)) Moreover, this law was adopted specially against
Sergey M it was called in all Russian media and in the State
Duma — "Mavrodi Law".
Therefore, for the sake of MMM stability and prosperity it is
better not to risk and not to record a new video. This is the only
reason why Sergey Mavrodi does not post new messages.
2. The system should make an announcement as soon as possible.
Participants helping with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency should first
focus on helping the other person instead of their own benefit. One
needs to give the other party the amount corresponding to market
Why should we make an announcement about it? Participants
should act according to the ideology either helping with the
Bitcoin or a Bank. It''s obvious, everyone followы it.
Moreover, self-interest does not contradict our ideology at the
moment. After all, you help others unselfishly and receive 30% per
month from this amount. That means everyone is happy, and you get
income. :-))
According to the system rules, participants transfer the exact
amount to the second party in Bitcoins, specified in the generated
order. If you get a smaller amount (or bigger:-)), write to the
Support and we will investigate the situation.
Don''t worry, in the end you will get the correct amount in
accordance with the system rules.
3. If a participant transfers bitcoins and does not completely
follow the rules of participation, it harms the recipient. The
recipient should refuse to accept this amount, and CRO should ban
the bitcoin account of the second party, if he got less bitcoins
than he expected. Sometimes the sender gives less bitcoins than it
was indicated.
Again we repeat that it should not be so. According to the
system rules, when helping with the cryptocurrency participants are
required to transfer the exact amount in bitcoins (not in yuan),
which is specified in the order.
In other words if you received an order to transfer 0.7694256
BTC, you need to transfer this very amount, regardless of the
current rate.
If you transferred a smaller amount, write about it to the
Support Department and we will find a fair solution to this issue!
Don''t worry :-))
4. Dear Mr. Mavrodi and CRO! We are optimistic loyal members of the
system. We think that the waiting period is too long, sometimes
participants cannot receive a full GH amount for months. They lose
faith in the system and its ideology. We need to make sure that
each participant receives help during 30 days, i.e. a month. During
this period the getting help cycle must be fully completed. It will
raise the level of participants’ activity and their faith in the
At this point the system has an optimal pace. This applies to
everything: time for paying orders, old Mavro release and deadlines
for getting help. Usually the period of creating orders takes from
30 days to 3 months. But three months is a very rare case, it''s
usually faster :-))
Do not forget that all this time Mavro grow by 30% per month,
and when they are confirmed, you will receive the money along with
all the percentage accrued during all this period. Also we are
never tired of repeating that none of banks, exchanges and projects
will pay such percent.
As we said, now MMM’s priority is stability. If we change this
pace, the stability may be ruined, and we mustn’t let it happen.
However, the order speed is constantly increasing. Now the pace is
much higher than even 2 months ago. Remember that MMM is moving
forward, and therefore in the future the process of
providing/giving help will be even faster :-))
5. We offer after PH or GH to save all the data of both parties. If
a participant wants, he could write to the Support Department and
to get full information about the whole GH procedure with dates,
numbers and names. This is needed to ensure that the recipient who
had not received help from the second party could hire a lawyer and
sue the dodger (the first side). So he will have strong evidence.
If participants learn about this kind of innovation, they will be
afraid of cheating. You need to prevent panic among the
No use in going to the court&:-))
Firstly, we are not a legal company, we are the Community of mutual
help. According to the ideology, participants help each other
VOLUNTARILY and no one owes anyone anything. The court won''t even
consider your case, so forget it. :-)) We''ll figure it
If you didn’t get the money (which happens very rarely), you
will be matched with another party that will transfer the necessary
amount. There is nothing wrong if you wait for a couple of extra
days, because in MMM you get as much as 30% per month.
Do not forget that no Bank in the world or financial
institution pays such percent. For comparison, in the Bank you will
get such interest only for a several years deposit (if you will get
)). In MMM you get such percent in just a MONTH. So
actually is is worth waiting a couple of days.
Those who create a request, but refuse to transfer money, will
be punished — fined by the system! Participants, who create a PH
request, but do not transfer money, will have their account locked.
However, after being unlocked, all MAVRO in PO will be recalculated
into the initial payment according to the formula “the amount of
provided help minus the received amount”.
These participants will be able to withdraw their money but
will not get accrued percent. All bonuses will be cancelled:
referral, leadership, and so on. Only old Mavro remain.
The fine will be cancelled only in the case of extremely
justifiable reasons, if the participant provided valid arguments: a
certificate from the hospital, a statement from the court, and so
on. It is a tough but fair punishment. As you can see, we can deal
with unfair participants without the court! :-))
As for the panic, there is no need to prevent it, because there
is no panic and nothing shows there will be:-)). Participants do
not panic, but calmly provide and get help. Now the system is
stable as never before! Problems are out of the question.
6. Dear administration! Now the system is relatively stable, but
there are some problems.
Firstly, the problem associated with the use of CNY and Bitcoin
in MMM China leads to the problem of imbalance. We need to
stabilize the use of bitcoin, it is gaining popularity too
Secondly, many participants have problems with renewal payments
for the holidays. The offer didn’t work for everyone and accounts
were locked. Also here you can add the problem of working days in
China. Is it possible to make a standard payment period of 72
hours, that is three days? Sometimes this period falls on a weekend
and a participant simply has no way to pay as companies do not
Thirdly, participants now prefer to provide help in bitcoins,
because it''s much faster. There is no need to wait long, you get
help very quickly. You need to settle a number of transactions with
bitcoin and yuan. Bitcoin also must undergo a full cycle of 30
days. You need to make the mechanism of payment in 7 days.
You are right about our stable work. We are really working
stably, and the problems you mentioned are actually not problems at
Bitcoin does not lead to imbalance in any way. We see the
total internal statistics, which confirms the very positive impact
of cryptocurrency on the development of MMM. No problems and no
disbalance are in sight. It is gaining popularity fast because it
is really convenient for our members. :-))
99% of participants did not have problems with orders
extension during the holidays. In other cases, there might have
been some technical errors. Write to the Support and we''ll unlock
your account — if it turns out that the extension period didn’t
work for your account, you will not be fined.
Sometimes the payment period of 48 hours falls on a weekend. In
this case, we recommend you to use Internet banking, ATMs/terminals
or Bitcoin (in this case, payments are made instantly). Or if you
have a third option — write to the recipient and ask him to extend
the order for another 24 hours.
If the second party does not respond long, write about it to
the tech support and then they will prolong your order. Changing a
standard mechanism from 48-to 72-hours is not necessary — it will
only slow down the dynamics of our development.
Bitcoin orders come as often as the Bank ones. The
mechanism for providing and getting help is really fast, but what
is the point to slow it deliberately? To hurt the system
development? :-)) We do not need it.
Using cryptocurrency is really faster, cheaper and more
convenient. That’s why many members prefer it. And again, Bitcoin
does not harm and does not threaten the system :-)) . To learn how
to participate in MMM with cryptocurrency, please check out our
7. Please return the mechanism of 10% 7-day prepayment. It is
impossible to provide help without prepayment.
At the moment, an optimal mechanism for providing/getting help
has been chosen, that promotes the highest quality and quick
development of our Community of mutual help. And the so-called
“prepayment” did not disappear :-))
Now providing help is made by three stages:
The first control payment (10% of contribution).
The second control payment (approximately 50% of
The entire remaining amount of the request.
If you have “something went wrong”, write to the Support
Department and we will resolve your issue individually.
8. Dear administration, my second party has already confirmed the
payment, but in general I cannot get the money during a week. I
propose to reduce the waiting time to 24 hours. 72 hours are too
much, and many disloyal participants use it.
Well, some propose to increase, others — to decrease:-)) Please
try to understand that 48 hours with the possibility of extension
for another 24 is the optimal time for providing help. It has
already been tested and chosen in many countries. (By the way, why
are you writing about 72 hours? Now the waiting time is 48
If the system would be better with another time, we would have
changed it. The current waiting time is convenient for participants
and at the same time does not harm the system stability. For MMM it
would be better not to change the time for orders. The current
variant is optimal.
9. Many participants lost confidence in the system because of the
restarts. They went to other projects or create a new accounts in
MMM, instead of using the old one. We have not so many new members,
just old members create new accounts. The old active loyal members
must be gathered in a list and be first to get back their old
Mavro. If we live a year = 365 days without a restart, then the
system will live forever. I provided help of 50,000 yuan after the
latest restart, but I''m afraid that I just can''t bring back all
my money and a new restart will come.
We are successfully returning the confidence of participants by
our stable and efficient work. That is exactly how our system is
working now. All those who left it for other projects, eventually
will be left with nothing, because these projects are collapsing
one by one and stealing money.
The system has many new members! Every day a huge number of
newcomers join us. You say there are not new people, but the old
members with new accounts, but it''s not true. First, we regularly
catch members, creating multi-accounts. Such participants are found
very quickly and appropriately punished, because creating multiple
accounts is prohibited.
Secondly, our internal statistics shows that it is beginners
who have not previously participated in the system. Thirdly, even
if they really were only the old participants, we would still be in
the black:-)) After all, these old members create new accounts and
begin to actively participate, as you say. If they did nothing
before, and now they are beginning to help, it means the system
still wins. So your fears were groundless, even twice.
As for the old Mavro, now we have selected the best pace for
their release. In general, they are released 2-3 times faster for
active participants. In the end, they will be released for all
participants without exception.
And again about your worries. Do not worry, the system has
already been stable for 4 months. Of course, it is not very long
period, but nevertheless. :-)) The pace now is great, so we are
confident that we will work consistently very long. Now everything
is just beginning in MMM :-)) Nothing bodes new restarts . We are
working steadily and efficiently!
Do not consider restarts like something unavoidable and natural
for us. (Besides, mass media is actively imposing this point of
view.) Actually all previous restarts were connected with different
mistakes, which we will never repeat again. They didn’t happen
because of the System nature.
Do you want evidence?No problems! Do you remember when everyone
were saying that we wouldn’t exist even a month after all our
restarts? That we will be ruining and facing other restarts? Also
that they will happen even more often? That the System has died and
so on. Many things were said!
And what is now? The fifth month has passed since that moment,
but we are continuously gaining momentum. We are growing. In spite
of all bad predictions. Why? We have learned lessons and become
even stronger. The System has reached a new level. Moreover, we
suppose that we will not have any restarts again. (But it is only
our point of view! No guarantees and promises! :-))
Now, letters of gratitude from our
As we promised, we are posting some videos of thanks from our
participants, for whom we have fully released the old Mavro! Thanks
MMM, these participants were able to pay for treatment of expensive
operations without which they would not be able to continue to
Participant 1. Account&
“Dear Mr. Mavrodi, good day to you. I''m a member of the system MMM
China. My name is Jiahua. I joined the system in July 2015. I have
long suffered from a serious disease, and recently I had a relapse
— the cancer started to progress again. I had to spend about 10
million on treatment and also had to ask for help from the system.
Last night when we learned that our old Mavro had been released,
the whole family started crying with happiness. In total, the
system released 112,670 for us.
Now I have the money for treatment. I am really very grateful. Once
again, I want to thank Mr. Mavrodi. I appreciate the value and
goodness of MMM. Thank you Mr. Mavrodi for creating such a good
system. The system changes people''s lives and helps all those in
need in difficult situations. Thanks a lot to those participants
who have given me support. Thank you for helping me absolutely for
free! Thank you! Thank you!”
Participant 2. Account&
“Good day to all members of the Community MMM China! I am a
participant from Hebei province, my name is Wen Jiao. I am very
glad to be a part of the system. In July of this year my mom was
diagnosed with cancer, and doctors advised to undergo chemotherapy
and other complementary treatments to combat the disease. This
treatment is very expensive. So I asked the system to help me and
provided all the evidence for releasing my old Mavro.
Thank you for your active help! Now I have the means to help my
mother. All my old Mavro are released. Thanks to Mr. Mavrodi,
special thanks to the employees of the system. You helped me in the
most difficult times. MMM really breaks the financial injustice.
Let''s continue to work together for mutual aid and continue to
develop the system.”
Participant 3. Account
“Dear members of the MMM family, hello! I am the leader of the
system. I came from Shandong province, my name''s Wan Fang. I was
diagnosed with breast cancer. I experienced 3 restarts. My life is
completely system-dependent. October, 1 the system released 54,800
yuan for my treatment. All my money was released.
I am grateful to all participants for help. I am very grateful to
the staff for help. In general, due to MMM my children could go to
school. The system helped me to cope with my financial
difficulties. I will sincerely spread the ideology among the common
I want people to discover MMM. We have love, we will help the needy
in difficult times to get the required help. Sometimes I really
don''t know what to say. I thank everyone who helped me. I will
actively invite members to participate in MMM.
Let''s work together to change the world, this idea cannot be
ignored. Let''s use all available funds for participation in the
system. We will develop the system and MMM will live forever. Thank
you very much for help for such a huge number of people in need.
Thanks to our teacher, Mr. Mavrodi. Thanks to everyone who helped
Participant 4. Account&
“Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Ungci, I am a member of the
system MMM from Fujian province, Zhangzhou city. The other morning
I had a heart attack. I had to go to hospital of Xiamen. I have
endured 2 heart surgeries. Now my treatment is very expensive and I
need a lot of medication. My family has already spent all the
I was in a difficult life situation and I had to provide proof of
my illness. And the system helped me to get back my old Mavro. I
got a call from the staff of the volunteer centre and was asked to
describe the whole situation, to show proof. I gave a detailed
Then I had to wait a bit and the system approved the release of my
money. On 4 October I got back my old Mavro. Total amount is
142,619 yuan. I''m just happy that I was helped in this stressful
situation. I found hope and was relieved from the heart.
I understood the system ideology. This idea is full of life. All in
need will receive help. Mr. Mavrodi gave us a system where everyone
can come and can get some help. I wish the system prosperity and
stability, an increasing number of helped people.
At the moment I got all my Mavro. I''m very touched and thankful to
all participants of the system, its employees and its leaders.
Special thanks to Mr. Mavrodi. Thank you for your wisdom, and
accept my respect for creating such a wonderful system. Thanks to
Mr. Mavrodi the world will be better!”
Participant 5. Account&
“Dear Mr. Mavrodi, employees and participants, good afternoon
I am an ordinary member of Sichuan and today I am very excited. I
was seriously ill and I had no money for treatment, but the system
released all my old Mavro. All the money was sent to the hospital
for treatment. I am extremely grateful to the system for the fact
that today I have received all my money.
At this point I fully realized the philosophy and concept of the
system. This is really justice, and the desire to break down
financial inequality. Each will be rewarded.
I will make every effort to spread information about the system and
attract new members. I''m sure the system will continue getting
better and better, more stable, it will have even more
participants. Thanks again Mr. Nik, Mr. Mavrodi, the MMM family.
Your help is invaluable! Thank you!”
Why don’t the government, banks and social insurance help these
people? Because no one cares. Because this is the way the current
financial system exists. In a difficult moment, everyone turns
away, except MMM.
Kindness and helping people is the basis of our ideology! We don''t
leave anyone behind and build a fair world in which everyone will
live happily and have no needs, especially in money for
And finally...
MMM continues to develop actively. Every day a huge number of new
members join us, wishing to fight against financial injustice.
Participants of MMM increasingly provide help and attract
newcomers. Our pace of development at the moment is gorgeous, and
in the future will be even better!
We are constantly moving forward and will achieve everything! We
are the largest community in the world, which has real tools to
change the world. According to our ideology, everyone will live
happily ever after. And we are confident that it will be so!
Continue to actively participate in the Community and develop the
system. Provide help and attract newcomers, build large structures.
Receive 30% per month of the provided help and get excellent
referral and leadership bonuses! Together we will change the
If you have any questions about how MMM operates or any suggestions
on the system development, you can send them to us. They all will
be considered and forwarded to Sergey Mavrodi. And next week you
will get answers to them. Thank you for your contribution into the
Community development!
And don''t forget that we are recruiting staff for the Call Center.
If you want to join our team, fill out the form on the website and
create a request on this page&&.
We are waiting for you!:-))
In the modern world justice, kindness and honesty are not a
myth or a fantasy anymore — MMM has made them real! Join our forces
— TOGETHER we can change the world!!! Long Live MMM! Long Live
Sergey Mavrodi!!!
See you next week!
Best regards,
MMM Administration


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