
1949年新中国成立以来,从国家与社会关系的视角看,中国国家治理模式大致经历一个由传统国家治理模式向现代国家治理模式转向变迁的过程。这一划分以2013年党的十八届三中全会为时间点。其中,在传统国家治理模式发展阶段又历经了由国家统治模式向国家管理模式变迁的历程。国家统治模式与国家管理模式属于传统国家治理模式,与现代国家治理模式相对应。传统国家治理模式体现了一种以“权力”为核心的等级秩序、臣民秩序的治理与“维护”,而现代国家治理模式体现了一种以“权利”为核心的平等秩序、公民秩序的治理与“构建”。在社会转型与现代化建设进程中,传统国家治理模式日益需要向现代国家治理模式转向变迁。  国家治理模式的现代转向是经济社会不断变革发展的结果。它是一个随着经济社会的发展而不断调整完善的过程,深刻体现了我们党推进“统治”转向“管理”,再由“管理”转向“治理”的转变轨迹。具体而言,国家治理模式的转型变迁肇始于计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨。市场经济的建立与深入发展促使统治模式向管理模式再向现代治理模式转型变迁,这体现了中国国家治理模式现代转向的逻辑进路。市场经济的发展使得政府、市场、公民社会三元并立的局面逐步形成,公民精神、权利意识逐步增强,多元主体日益要求参与到与自身权益相关的治理活动中来。在这一点上,无论是统治模式,还是管理模式,都难以适应社会发展需要,也难以回应民众诉求。它们是一种从权力出发的政府单向治理行为方式,体现了权治的特性。随着权利社会的到来与公民秩序的建构,社会多元分化、抗争升级,这种单一从权力出发而忽视社会权利诉求的政府主导治理模式,日益不适应经济社会发展的需要,甚至陷入了维稳与维权的僵局。进一步说,这种以“权力强控”来实现秩序治理的政府单向主导途径,必然要向以“权利回应”促进社会和谐的多元共治途径转变。这一转变体现了一种由统治型治理向管理型治理再向回应型治理的发展历程。回应型治理体现了政府市场社会“多元共治”精神,它注重权力与权利之间的融合发展,能有效化解社会矛盾与冲突,维护治理秩序。这是因为与统治模式、管理模式相比,回应型治理模式强调人本位而非权本位,强调法治而非人治,强调多元共治而非政府单向主导,强调和谐治理而非运动式治理。它们是现代国家治理模式建构的重要内容,在实践过程中要立足于这些方面,不断提升治理能力与水平。  在实践路径上,推进国家治理模式现代转向,要从注重人的权利发展、依法治理、多元共治以及“和谐”治理等方面入手,尤其是立足中国政治体制背景来建构一个党领导下的“多元共治”模式,不断提升治理能力现代化水平,切实有效回应社会诉求。具体看来,首先,坚持党的统一领导,提升党科学执政、民主执政与依法执政水平,引领国家治理现代化方向,这是关键。其次,推进政府治理现代化,增强政府治国理政能力,超越政府全能主导,更好发挥政府作用。再次,推进市场治理现代化,完善市场经济体制,发挥市场资源配置决定性作用。又次,推进社会治理现代化,积极建设公民社会,培育社会自治能力。最后,建构和谐治理机制,有效推进多元主体协同共治,在参与治理中达成治理共识、化解利益冲突。这几者相辅相成、辩证统一,是治国理政架构体系的重要组织部分。尤其是要在制度化建设下促进政府的归政府、市场的归市场、社会的归社会,在协同共治中推进国家与社会良性互动、共同发展。  总之,转向现代国家治理模式是在探索一条具有中国特色的治国理政之道,经由统治型治理到管理型治理再到回应型治理,是一个国家治理模式不断优化调整的过程。解决中国社会转型中面临的治理问题,不能盲目照搬照抄世界上一些发达国家与一些转型国家的做法,而是立足中国实际推进治理现代化进程,不断提升治理能力与水平,切实保障人民权利、促进社会进步。收起
&&8:00-11:30,13:00-17:00(工作日)原文地址:The Chinese government has lifted more people out of poverty faster than any other government in the world. Their government is extremely stable and relatively resistant to corruption at higher levels.中国政府已经尽可能的帮助更多的人摆脱贫困,这个速度比世界上任何一个政府都要快。他们的政府是非常稳定,打击腐败力度相对其他国家要强一些。==================外国网民讨论:==================【五毛网】Robin Daverman World travelerAnswered May 12 · Upvoted by Xinchun Li lives in ChinaThis is actually a pretty funny question because China has always been extremely resistant to the very idea of “exporting its style of government”. In fact all these fancy terms describing China were coined by Western scholars. For example “meritocracy” was coined by the English sociologist Michael Young in 1958 “Beijing Consensus” was coined by American political economist Joshua Cooper Ramo in 2004 and the term “China model” started appearing in Western scholarly publications in the 90’s. The China Model这是一个有趣的问题,因为中国一直以来都非常反对“输出中国式政府”的观点。实际上,所有那些描述中国的花哨词汇都是西方学着创造的。比如“精英政治”是英国社会学家Michael Young1958年创造的。“北京共识”是美国政治经济学家Joshua Cooper Ramo在2004年创造的。而“中国模式”最早出现在90年代的西方学术刊物。But from the Chinese side Deng Xiaoping himself carefully warned the President of Ghana Jerry Rawlings in September 1985: &Please don't copy our model. If there is any experience on our part it is to formulate policies in light of one's own national conditions.& The allure of the Chinese model Repeated inquiries from other developing nations only brought on renewed disclaimers from the Chinese ambassador that other countries should not follow the China model.但是中国方面,邓小平自己在1985年9月认真的警告加纳总统Jerry Rawlings:请不要照搬我们的模式。如果我们这边有什么经验的话,那就是根据一个国家自己的条件去制定政策。 中国模式的吸引力导致很多发展中国家的问询,却只得到中国大使的否定答复,即其他国家不应该照搬中国模式。Attempts to copy the Chinese model in Africa are “doomed to fail” he says. “We know that each country’s model has to be unique with its own traditions and cultures and ways of living. It can only solve its only problems its own way. If you only try to copy the Chinese model you will not be successful.”他说非洲照搬中国模式注定要失败。“我们知道每个国家都应该根据自己的条件,文化和生活方式来制定模式。只能根据自己的方式来解决自己的问题。如果只是想照搬中国模式,注定不会成功。”Africa Should Not Follow China's Model Beijing's Ambassador Says北京大使称非洲不应该照搬中国模式Kaiser Kuo made this comment about the Chinese Exceptionalism: “China has its own exceptionalism sure but it’s quite the opposite of its American counterpart. Where American exceptionalism tends to see the values and institutions of the U.S. as universal and appropriate ultimately for all of humanity China tends to view its own values and institutions as unique and only really applicable to China. The two forms of exceptionalism may be equally arrogant. But there is no “Beijing Consensus” that the PRC is keen to push out into the world.” New Potus Brief: Getting US-China Relations RightKaiser Kuo谈及“中国例外论”:“中国有自己的例外主义,但是和美国的刚好相反。美国的例外主义视美国价值观和制度为普世的、适合所有人类的,而中国视自己的价值观和制度为独特的、只适用于中国的。这两种形式的例外主义或许都同样的傲慢,但是中国没有所谓的“北京共识”需要向外界推广。”The very concept of a country should tell another one how to manage themselves is just utterly bizarre to the Chinese almost on the scale of “you gotta go blow yourself up so you get 72 virgins after you are dead”. You can’t out-source thinking to another country and you shouldn’t out-source your very own social conscience to another culture. And what is a political model exactly but the interaction of a country’s own thinking with its own social conscience? Plus the way the Chinese government does things will most likely not work for any other country because you are not Chinese. Duh! - says the Chinese.去教另外一个国家如何管理他们自己的国家这一想法对中国人来说是非常奇怪的,几乎等同于“你必须炸飞你自己,以便你死后可以得到72个童女”。 你不能外包思想给一个国家,也不可以外包社会良知给另一个文化。 而政治模式究竟是不是一个国家自身思想与社会良知的相互作用呢?此外中国治理模式套在任何其他国家身上都很可能不起作用,而中国人会说:废话!因为你不是中国人啊。【五毛网】Joseph Wang studied at Ph.D Astronomy UT Austin Physics MITAnswered Mon R26; Upvoted by Robin DavermanBecause China happens to believe that each country has its own history and traditions and that each country has to figure out how best to govern itself. Unlike Americans who used to believe that Americans can run most countries better than the locals (until they actually tried to run a country) the Chinese government and Chinese people happen to believe that Mexicans can run Mexico and Australians can run Australia better than Chinese can.Now if someone wants to copy China that’s fine. If they don’t want to copy China that’s also fine.The other thing is that the Chinese government happens to believe that historical situation might make it a good idea to have very different government structures within China. In Hong Kong for example.因为中国恰恰相信每个国家都有自己的历史和传统,每个国家都不得不弄清楚自己如何最好地治理自己。不同于美国人,过去常常认为自己可以比当地人更好的管理他们的国家(直到他们真正试图管理一个国家),中国政府和中国人民恰恰认为墨西哥人可以管理好墨西哥,澳大利亚人可以比中国人更好地管理好澳大利亚。现在如果有人想复制中国模式,没问题。如果他们不想复制中国模式,这也没问题。另一方面,中国政府相信建立不同的政府结构来解决历史状况问题是一个不错的办法,例如香港。Paul Denlinger Have lived in China Taiwan and Hong K fluent in Mandarin (written spoken)Answered May 11 R26; Upvoted by Robin DavermanBecause other countries don’t have a Chinese Communist Party which controls the levers of government and society and this is unique to CPromoting the Chinese form of government for other countries would be interfering in th they need to choose their own government based on their own internal conditions and should not have it imposed by outsiders even if theThe only claim the Chinese government can make is that this is the best form of government for China and that this has been the overwhelming consensus of most Chinese but each society and nation has its own unique conditions which should not be imposed upon by outsiders including China.因为其他国家没有控制着政府和社会的杠杆的中国共产党,这是中国特有的。向其他国家推广中国治理模式会干扰到他们的内政;他们需要根据自己的内部条件选择自己的政府,不应该由外人强加,即使外界的意图是好的;中国政府唯一可以做的声明是,这是中国政府的最佳形式,也是大多数中国人的共识,但每个社会和民族都有自己独特的条件,不应被外界(包括中国)强加模式套用。【五毛网】
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Powered by为什么中国不向其他国家推广自己的治理模式?
The Chinese government has lifted more people out of poverty faster than any other government in the world. Their government is extremely stable and relatively resistant to corruption at higher levels.
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Robin Daverman World traveler
Answered May 12 ? Upvoted by Xinchun Li lives in China
This is actually a pretty funny question because China has always been extremely resistant to the very idea of “exporting its style of government”. In fact all these fancy terms describing China were coined by Western scholars. For example “meritocracy” was coined by the English sociologist Michael Young in 1958 “Beijing Consensus” was coined by American political economist Joshua Cooper Ramo in 2004 and the term “China model” started appearing in Western scholarly publications in the 90’s. The China Model
这是一个有趣的问题,因为中国一直以来都非常反对“输出中国式政府”的观点。实际上,所有那些描述中国的花哨词汇都是西方学着创造的。比如“精英政治”是英国社会学家Michael Young1958年创造的。“北京共识”是美国政治经济学家Joshua Cooper Ramo在2004年创造的。而“中国模式”最早出现在90年代的西方学术刊物。
But from the Chinese side Deng Xiaoping himself carefully warned the President of Ghana Jerry Rawlings in September 1985: "Please don't copy our model. If there is any experience on our part it is to formulate policies in light of one's own national conditions." The allure of the Chinese model Repeated inquiries from other developing nations only brought on renewed disclaimers from the Chinese ambassador that other countries should not follow the China model.
但是中国方面,邓小平自己在1985年9月认真的警告加纳总统Jerry Rawlings:请不要照搬我们的模式。如果我们这边有什么经验的话,那就是根据一个国家自己的条件去制定政策。 中国模式的吸引力导致很多发展中国家的问询,却只得到中国大使的否定答复,即其他国家不应该照搬中国模式。
Attempts to copy the Chinese model in Africa are “doomed to fail” he says. “We know that each country’s model has to be unique with its own traditions and cultures and ways of living. It can only solve its only problems its own way. If you only try to copy the Chinese model you will not be successful.”
Africa Should Not Follow China's Model Beijing's Ambassador Says
Kaiser Kuo made this comment about the Chinese Exceptionalism: “China has its own exceptionalism sure but it’s quite the opposite of its American counterpart. Where American exceptionalism tends to see the values and institutions of the U.S. as universal and appropriate ultimately for all of humanity China tends to view its own values and institutions as unique and only really applicable to China. The two forms of exceptionalism may be equally arrogant. But there is no “Beijing Consensus” that the PRC is keen to push out into the world.” New Potus Brief: Getting US-China Relations Right
Kaiser Kuo谈及“中国例外论”:“中国有自己的例外主义,但是和美国的刚好相反。美国的例外主义视美国价值观和制度为普世的、适合所有人类的,而中国视自己的价值观和制度为独特的、只适用于中国的。这两种形式的例外主义或许都同样的傲慢,但是中国没有所谓的“北京共识”需要向外界推广。”
[copy]The very concept of a country should tell another one how to manage themselves is just utterly bizarre to the Chinese almost on the scale of “you gotta go blow yourself up so you get 72 virgins after you are dead”. You can’t out-source thinking to another country and you shouldn’t out-source your very own social conscience to another culture. And what is a political model exactly but the interaction of a country’s own thinking with its own social conscience? Plus the way the Chinese government does things will most likely not work for any other country because you are not Chinese. Duh! - says the Chinese.
去教另外一个国家如何管理他们自己的国家这一想法对中国人来说是非常奇怪的,几乎等同于“你必须炸飞你自己,以便你死后可以得到72个童女”。 你不能外包思想给一个国家,也不可以外包社会良知给另一个文化。 而政治模式究竟是不是一个国家自身思想与社会良知的相互作用呢?此外中国治理模式套在任何其他国家身上都很可能不起作用,而中国人会说:废话!因为你不是中国人啊。
Joseph Wang studied at Ph.D Astronomy UT Austin Physics MIT
Answered Mon R26; Upvoted by Robin Daverman
Because China happens to believe that each country has its own history and traditions and that each country has to figure out how best to govern itself. Unlike Americans who used to believe that Americans can run most countries better than the locals (until they actually tried to run a country) the Chinese government and Chinese people happen to believe that Mexicans can run Mexico and Australians can run Australia better than Chinese can.
Now if someone wants to copy China that’s fine. If they don’t want to copy China that’s also fine.
The other thing is that the Chinese government happens to believe that historical situation might make it a good idea to have very different government structures within China. In Hong Kong for example.
Paul Denlinger Have lived in China Taiwan and Hong K fluent in Mandarin (written spoken)
Answered May 11 R26; Upvoted by Robin Daverman
Because other countries don’t have a Chinese Communist Party which controls the levers of government and society and this is unique to C
Promoting the Chinese form of government for other countries would be interfering in th they need to choose their own government based on their own internal conditions and should not have it imposed by outsiders even if the
The only claim the Chinese government can make is that this is the best form of government for China and that this has been the overwhelming consensus of most Chinese but each society and nation has its own unique conditions which should not be imposed upon by outsiders including China.
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其次,你必须有勤劳努力又有点自私胆小的民众,这样既有 ...第一、如果保证政策延续几十年就叫专制的话,那恐怕世界上没有不专制的,所谓专制就是个伪命题。
ljkx-02 22:19:07
17-06-02 23:38:23
qbj-02 20:09:17


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