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Secretary of the city article information and do the original Zhang Huiguang was expelled from
The case according to Chen Shuiyu, Zheng Mulan interrogation record and penalty told record, to confirm the defendant Chen Shuiyu, Zheng Mulan respectively for the time is on November 7, 2015, ran up to pray, 0:47 up to 1. The punishments for Chen Shuiyu told time is when I completely.
In 1993, wenchang Zhu Mingguo began, leave wenchang until 1998. Now from the helm Zhu Mingguo wenchang has nearly 20 years of history, and the same most of the time he has been retired, but Zhu Mingguo did in wenchang some of the past is still some old people in dinner conversation.
This project is the main task of the workshop: in-depth study to grasp the party's spirit of the fifth plenary session of the 18th, especially in-depth study to grasp the innovation, the coordination, the development of green, open, sharing ideas, to better implement the party's eighteen big eighteen class 3, 4, and fifth plenary session of the spirit, promote "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" period, China's economic and social sustainable and healthy development, to ensure timely implementation aims to build a well-off society in an all-round way.
In hainan officialdom, youthful Zhu Mingguo was a political "tomorrow star".
When it comes to private investment problem, often mention that used to be a "glass door", "clicks" and "revolving door", is now a "no way". "Door" refers to the investment access issues, "clicks" refers to the private enterprises out of the question, "revolving door" refers to the private project transferred out of "door". Prime minister once said that private investment by constraints is still large. "If the so-called 'clicks' removing, smash" glass door ", the investment potential is huge."安全检查中...
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