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Things Places(位置)
somebooks __11__
__12__ onthechair
aball __13__
__14__ onthedresser
theclock __15__
篇一:用英语写论文 Unit 6 Unit 6. Textual Development
I. Types of Writing With the characteristics of writing, there are four kinds of writing: narrations, descriptions, expositions and argumentations.
Briefly, narrations are the articles that tell stories, giving accounts of events, e.g. the time, place, hero, what has happened and the outcomes, etc.;
Descriptions are articles that give pictures of something, e.g. a scenery, a psychological state, etc. Expositions are articles that explain what is difficult to understand, e.g. functions of machines, processes of carrying out plans, etc.;
and argumentations are articles that argue, reason, prove, infer or persuade, etc. In most cases, academic articles are descriptions and arguments though authors may make use of some other modes of writing.
II. Research description There are two basic approaches to description: objective and subjective.
1. Objective Description In most cases, when a professional author writes his research papers, he has to take an objective approach instead of a subjective one, because in his professional research,
he is portraying rather than on his personal action to it…... ……………..
…. 2. Subjective Description In contrast to objective description is subjective or impressionist description, which shows the author?s impression of or responses to what they see.
And therefore, as a rule, a subjective or impressionist description aims not only at conveying the actual record of sights and sounds, but also the author?s attitudes and bias on what he is describing. 。。。
The above passage can be used as an example to show the author?s attitude towards subjective analysis of statistical data in scientific research. Needless to say, it mirrors the author?s subjective inclinations or intentions in the topic of their discussion. Therefore, it would be uealistic to say that in science and scientific research everything should be cold and objective. Neither of the two approaches to description exists independently. Objective description is always the product of a subjective selection of details, while subjective description captures reaction to an objective reality. A skillful professional writer, however, should adjust the balance between objectivity and subjectivity to suit the topic, thesis, purpose, and audience of a paper. 3. General Requirements for Research Description When giving a research description, different researchers may have different methods or individuals. In professional research, however, freedom of individuality is somehow limited. Some general writing requirement can be customary or professional “regulations.”
(1) Presenting a picture of the object A research description is intended to present a picture of the appearance of an object or the details or process of an investigation. Thus it must include information about the factors with which the research topic is involved. Some of such factors may be visible while others may be invisible. And the emphasis is constantly oriented to the ways and manners in which the factors concerned function. (2) Illustrating the object in artificial language A research description is often accompanied by one or more figures, graphs, pictures or tables. All the information and data should be presented as figuratively and obviously as possible. Details or origins of such data and information, if necessary, may appear in the description itself or may be postponed till the end of the paper in the form of notes or references. (3) Making necessary comparison It is often possible to make the description clearer by means of comparing an object or a process, say, an experiment, with something that the reader is familiar with. For example, a telescope aninventor is intended to innovate can be made to compare with something of the existing types with similar functions. When description shapes or forms of something under discussion, some authors would customarily compare it to the shape of letters, as seen in phrases L-shaped, S-shaped, shaped like an H, somewhat resembling an inverted U, or having an Zigzag path.
(4) Sizing the object specially In describing size, an experienced professional writer usually tries to avoid such general words as “large”, “small” or “quite big”. Instead, he prefers to say 3 cm2 squared, or 10 meters? high. (5) Locating the object correctly The positions of various parts of an object or a place must be indicated with care unless the figure or picture itself already shows the position of each part clearly.
(6) Generalizing/systematizing the observation carefully A research description has also to indicate how the new observations and ideas bing advanced may require a change--- by further generalization or systematization --- in the conceptual strucutre of a given scientific field. In order for his readers and his colleagues to share his experience, a writer often explains his own understanding of the process of his discovery or invention, its significance or promising functions. Discussions of such nature are usually done in a tentative manner for the research itself is new for the author himself as well as for his colleagues.
III. Common Logic Patterns in English Argumentation Logic patterns are modes to develop ideas and to conclude conclusions. Generally speaking, there are 9 commonly used logic patterns of arguments. In academic writing: direct statement, induction, deduction, analogy, illustration, quotation, comparison, disproof , and cause and effect. 1. Direct statement Direct statement is the logic pattern by which the author develops his idea by direct stating: defining, explaining, reasoning and analyzing. The very often taken mode of direct statement is: first, second, third. In The Great Transition the author writes China is attracting enormous attention for very good reason. The reason is not just that China is big or that its economy is the only one that is been able to sustain rapid growth over the last three years. It is that China is now profoundly affecting the competitive capabilities of multinational corporations. Companies throughout the world are affected by the impact of low-cost Chinese manufacturing on worldwide pricing, for instance, whether or not they have operations there or engage in direct trade. Beneath the surface of China's enormous accomplishments is a complicated story: The country's astonishing growth and exploding domestic market promise huge opportunities. But that growth also masks systemic weaknesses. China's comparative manufacturing advantage makes it an alluring platform from which to export to the rest of the world. But that platform sits in a fast-changing and high-risk operating environment that has frustrated many firms' quests for profits effects of openness were similar than over previous decades, and openness generated substantially greater benefits for the more advanced economies than for the less developed economies. 2.
Induction Induction is the logic pattern by which the author develops his idea by obtaining general laws from particular facts or various studies. The often taken model is: previous studies.., our study.., we conclude.... Thus in academic articles the normal induction is: the problems in previous studies... our studies...we conclude... the reasons (or causes) for the differences between our study and previous studies.
The outline of the article Trade Openness: Who Benefits? is: I. subject of the paper: relationship between trade openness and growth A. the subject of this paper: relationship between openness and growth1. World Banks findings 2. different ideas about the economic results about the determinants of economic development B.
different ideas about economic results of globalization C. the content of the paper II. relationship between trade openness and economic growth found by previous studies A. theories of short- and long-term growth trade factors 1. neo-classical analysis about growth-comparative advantage theory 2. Endogenous technological change theory B. studies (described in detail) of the relationship between growth and trade openness 1. different methods to study trade openness (different measurements of trade openness) a. what is described in the following b. advantages and disadvantages of revealed openness approach c. the function and problems of policy openness approach d. advantage and limitation of 'constructed openness' approach ' 2. results of recent studies of the effects of openness on economic growth a.findings of the recent studies (effects of openness on growth found by recent studies) b.problems of the recent studies c. agreement by a few studies that suggests not all countries share equally from trade 3.problems of the new study method a.change in study b.problems of the new study method III.relationship between openness and growth found by our study A.a new model to study the relationship between openness and growth 1.our method of study 2.our model of study 3.variables in our model a.variables in growth equation b.variables in investment equation c.variables in trade equation 4.our methods to deal with the potential economic issues in our model 5.
our data B. relationship between openness and growth found by our study 1.results of growth regressions for the periods
and a. results of growth regressions for periods
b.contribution of trade to growth for different economies displayed by growth regressions 2. similar results of further tests for the post-1980 growth regression篇二:2014秋新目标英语七年级上unit1-unit9书面表达 2014年秋新目标英语七年级上册各单元书面表达 Starter Units1-3 假如你叫Cindy, 早上你遇到Bob, 互相问好,Bob指着一个橘子问你, 橘子用英语怎么说,如何拼写并且问橘子是什么颜色的。 请就此情景用英语编写一段对话。 Cindy: Good morning, Bob! Bob:
Good morning, Bob! Cindy: How are you? Bob:
I'm fine, thanks. What's this in English?Cindy: It's an orange.Bob: What color is it?Cindy: It's orange. Bob: How do you spell it?Cindy: O-R-A-N-G-E.Bob: Thank you. Unit1 假如你是艾丽斯(Alice), 图片中的女孩是你的好朋友段静。请根据下面信息卡中的提示写一篇英语短文,介绍一下她,不少于5句话。
Hello, I’ m Alice. Duan Jing is my good friend. Her first name is Jing. Her last name is Duan. Her telephone number is 936-5517 and her QQ number is . Unit2 1. 假如你是海伦(Helen),下面是你的叔叔比尔(Bill)的家庭照。请根据图示内容介绍一下他的家庭成员。不少于Mary 6句话。 BillJim
Jane I’m Helen. This is a photo of my uncle’s family. This is my uncle. His name is Bill.
This is my aunt. She is Mary. The boy’s name is Jim. The girl’s name is Jane. They are my cousins. 2. 根据图示内容,以“My Family”为题写一篇短文。词数在50词左右。 参考范文 My Family This is a photo of my family.There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. This is my father. He is thirty-six. He is a teacher. This is my mother. She is thirty-five. She is a doctor. The girl is my sister. She is a student. The boy is me. I'm a student, too. Unit3 假如你同学王芳丢失了一支钢笔,请你为她写一则寻物启事。有一位叫Tony的同学捡到一支钢笔,将它交给失物招领所,请你再写一则失物招领启事。
Unit4 1. 李雷想让他妹妹李梅帮他带些东西到学校来:地板上的笔记本;书桌上的尺子;桌底下的CD;书柜上的数学书(math book)。请你给他写一张留言条。 开头已给出。 参考范文 Dear Li Mei, Can you bring some things to school for me? I need my notebook, my ruler, my CD and the math book. The notebook is on the floor. The ruler is on the desk. The video tape is under the table. The math book is in the bookcase. Thanks, Li Lei 2.艾伦的爸爸在上班时忘了戴手表、帽子和钥匙。下面的表格是它们所在的位置。 他的妈妈让艾伦把这些东西带给爸爸。假如你是艾伦的妈妈,写一张留言条。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要求:30~40词。 Dear Alan, ______________________________________________________________________ 参考范文 Dear_Alan, Please take these things to your father.They're his keys,his watch and his hat.His keys are on the sofa.His watch is on the table.His hat is on the bed. Thanks, Mom 3.假设李梅搬进了新房,她很开心有了属于自己的房间,并想与她的美国网友Jenny一起分享这份快乐。下面是一张李梅房间的照片,请你根据照片及下面的提示词帮她写一封电子邮件,向Jenny介绍一下她的房间。 提示词:near在??附近
like喜欢 要求: 1.语句通顺,语意连贯; 2.不少于30词。
参考范文: Dear Jenny, Here is a photo of my room.There is a bed,a desk and a chair in it.My bed is near the door.Near the bed are the chair and the desk.Two books,a pen and a pencil are on the desk.My room is small but tidy.I like it. Yours, Li Mei
Unit5 假如你是Jim,你每天都做体育运动,并且喜欢收藏体育用品。请你根据下图提示,写信给你的中国朋友刘芳,介绍一下你收藏的体育用品,并说明它们所在的位置。 Dear Liu Fang, I have many sports things.Look!I have a tennis bat and a tennis ball.They are under the table.There are three basketballs on the table.I have four soccerballs.They are in the box.The box is on the chair.I have four ping-pong bats and two ping-pong balls.They are under the chair.I love sports. I play sports every day.
Unit6 1.请根据下面的图画写出你和你的朋友所喜欢和不喜欢的食物。开头已给出,要求50词左右。 My name is Kate.________________________________________ _ _____________________________________________________________ 参考范文: My_name_is_Kate.I'm a girl.I have two good friends.We like different kinds of(各种各样的) food.I like eggs,but I don't like pears. My friend Li Lei likes hamburgers and bananas.He doesn't like milk.My friend Liu Yu likes apples,but he doesn't like chicken and vegetables.
Annie is my friend. She's 13. She likes playing computer games and tennis,but she doesn't like watching TV.She likes bread,bananas,chicken and icecream,but she doesn't like carrots,strawberries or apples.She's my good friend.I like her very much. Unit71.圣诞节(Christmas Day)就要到了,假设你是Fashion Clothes Store的老板,请给你的服装店写一则广告。减价商品如图所示:
2.字数为60~80词; 3.文章开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 Welcome to Fashion Clothes Store! __________________________________________ 参考范文: Welcome_to_Fashion_Clothes_Store!We have great clothes at a good price. Do you like socks?We have socks at a good price―only $1.Do you need bags for sports?We have great bags for only $5.For girls,we have shoes for only $8.The T-shirts in all color are only $7.And you can buy pants for $10.The nice hats are for $3 each.Anybody can afford e to the Fashion Clothes Store now.
2.假如你有一家名为Super Clothes Store的服装店,请根据下面的表格信息为要求:60__________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文: Super Clothes Store Come and buy clothes at Super Clothes Store! Some clothes are on sale.They are at very good prices.We have red sweaters for only $15.Do you need sports shoes?They are white for only $12.We have shorts in blue for only $5.Yellow socks are only $3 for two pairs. Come to Super Clothes Store now! Unit8 1.假如你是李红,请根据下面的提示向大家介绍一下你自己及学校的活动。 提示: 1.How old are you? 2.When is your birthday? 3.How old are your parents? 4.When are your parents' birthdays? 5.What activities do you have this term? 要求:灵活运用本单元所学知识,60词左右,可适当发挥。篇三:Unit 4 统考英语进阶大家说英语、翻译及写作 Unit 4 大家说英语、翻译及写作
场景:请求帮助与提供帮助 1. --- Can you help me? --- _________ A. No, I don't know.
B. Sure. What is it? C. Don't mention it.
D. That's it. 2. ---My radio doesn’t work. Can you fix it for me? --- ______. A piece of cake. A. Let me thinkB. Sure thing C. I’m not sureD. I don’t think I can 3. --- Could you help me with my physics, please? --- ________. A. No, no way B. No, I couldn't C. No, I can't D. Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now 4. --- I wonder if you could give me a hand. --- _______. A. Sorry, I have no extra hand
B. Sure, I’d like to C. No, I can’t do this D. Yes, but I have to leave now 5. --- Would you mind helping me for a minute, Barbara? --- ______. What do you want me to do? A. Yes, I do
B. No, I mind C. Sorry, I have no time
D. I’d be glad to 6. --- This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. --- _______. A. You may ask for help
B. I'll give you a hand C. Please do me a favor
D. I'd come to help 7. -Can I borrow your camera for a week? -_________________. A. Sure, here you areB. Yes, you can borrow C. Yes, bring it with you
D. It doesn’t matter 8. --- Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours? --- _________ A. I'm afraid you can. B. I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon. C. Yes, I don't think so. D. I'll think about it later. 9. --- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary this weekend? --- Sorry, but _______ A. you can not have it right away.
B. I'm sure you'll like it.C. I'm going to need it myself.D. the dictionary is just there. 10. --- Could I borrow your car for a few days? --- ________________. A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey D. It doesn't matter 11. ---Could I borrow your car, please? ---________________ A. Good idea.
B. No hurry. C. With pleasure.
D. No surprise. 12. ---Will you please give the note to him? --- ______________. A. Certainly, I'll give it to him B. No, please not C. Sorry, I don't D. Yes, please do 13. --- I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? --- ___________ I'm not using it right now. A. Sure, go ahead. B. I don't know. C. It doesn't matter. D. Who cares? 14. --- May I use your bike for a moment? --- ________. A. It's wellB. It doesn't matter C. By all means
D. I have no idea 15. --- May I use your computer this afternoon? --- I’m sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today. ---___________. A. Do as you please B. It doesn’t matter C. Thank you just the same
D. Never mind 16. ---Sorry to interrupt, but can you give me another copy of the handout?
---___________. A. No, of course notB. Certainly C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. By no means, but it’s impossible 17. --- If you like I can mail this letter for you? --- _______. A. That's very kind of you
B. You are so kind C. Please give me a hand
D. You are great 18. ---Can I help you with your luggage? ---______________________. A. Thank you. I can manage it myself
B. No way. I can do it myself C. No, I don’t need your help D. You do your things, please 19. --- Let me help you carry the suitcase. --- _________ A. Put it down on the ground. B. It's not very light. C. I can help you with it.
D. It's OK. I can manage20. ---Can I get you a cup of tea? ---___________. A. That's very kind of you
B. With pleasure C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea 21. ---If you need me, jut let me know. ---I will,___________. A. that's all right B. thank you C. all right
D. not at all 英译汉 1. We must take some measures to control the pollution. 我们必须采取措施来控制污染。 2. We must take immediate measures to prevent such things from happening again. 我们必须立即采取措施防止这种事情再次发生。 3. We must arrive there on time. 我们必须准时到那儿。 4. You must always remember not to cheat in exams. 你们必须记住永远都不要在考试时作弊。 5. Either you must improve your work, or I shall dismiss you. 你必须改进工作,否则,我解雇你。 6. The school management must be improved. 学校的管理必须改进。 7. They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set. 他们认为他们的电视机准是哪里有问题了。 8. We had to stay at home, because it was raining. 因为下雨,所以我们不得不呆在家里。 9. I'll have to try using the search engines. 我得试着用这个搜索引擎。 10. You do not have to understand everything all at once. 你不必一下子就明白所有的事。 11. He had to leave early yesterday. 昨天他不得不早些离开。
1. Can Money Buy Happiness? 1) 不同的人对金钱能买来幸福持有不同观点;2) 我的观点。 Can Money Buy Happiness? The answer varies among people. Some believe that money is the source of happiness, because with money people can buy such things as food, clothes, and house, which are the basic elements of happiness. While others hold that money is the root of evils, because money may drive people to tell lies, and even murder other people. In my opinion, money is necessary but it is not almighty. With money you can buy a
you can buy you can buy medicinebut not health. It’s true that money can make our life easier, but happiness is a state of mind, not something that can be bought with money. 钱能买来幸福吗? 钱能买来幸福吗?人们对这个问题的回答是不同的。一些人相信钱是幸福之源,因为人们可以用钱购买诸如食物、衣服和房子等物,这些东西是构成幸福的基本要素。而其他人则认为,钱是万恶之源,因为钱可能会驱使人们说谎,甚至谋害他人。 我的观点是,钱是必要的,但不是万能的。有了钱,你可以购买房子但买不来温馨的家;你可以购买床铺但买不来睡眠;你可以购买药品但买不来健康。诚然,钱可以使我们生活得容易些,但幸福是一种心理状态,这可不是钱能买得到的。
2. Money Is Not Everything 1)你对“金钱不是一切”的看法;2)举例说明你的看法。 The poor cannot live a decent life since they don’t have money for daily necessities, whereas the rich seem to enjoy everything in the world. However, wise people warn that money is not everything. I strongly agree with these wise people. It is true that money is very important. Yet, there are many other important things in our life as well. For example, we need to have a warm family, some close friends, a good health, etc. More often than not, we find that some money worshipers lost their health, friendship, basic principles of morality and even freedom in order to obtain money. If a person thinks money is everything, hence focuses all his attention to money day and night, and neglects other aspects of life, he will soon be neglected by the whole world. 金钱不是一切 穷人由于没有((来自于: 唯才 教育 网:大家为他欢呼(用写))钱购买生活必需品而不能体面地生活,而富人则似乎享有世上的一切。然而智者警告说,金钱不是一切。我非常同意智者的说法。 金钱固然很重要,但我们的生活中还有很多其他重要的东西,比如,我们需要有温暖的家,密切的朋友和健康的身体等等。我们常常看到一些拜金主义者为了弄到钱而失去了健康,友谊,基本的道德原则,甚至失去了人身自由。 如果一个人认为金钱就是一切,因而朝思暮想,忽略了生活中的其他方面,那么他很快就会被整个世界所忽略。
3. Which Is More Important, Health or Wealth? // About Health and Wealth 1)介绍你对健康与财富之间关系的看法;2)简述你持有以上看法的理由。 Some people prefer wealth to health, holding that one can do nothing without money. In order to get more money they can do anything. However, other people regard health as more important, insisting that it is no use having a lot of money if health is lost. In my view, we should keep a balance between health and wealth. On the one hand, we must have enough money to keep healthy. On the other hand, we should try to keep healthy when we work hard to make money.In a word, we shouldn’t achieve wealth at the cost of health. 健康与财富那个更重要?//健康与财富 一些人认为财富重于健康,他们认为没钱寸步难行。为钱可以无所不为。然而,另一些人认为健康更为重要,他们坚称假如没有健康,拥有再多财富亦是徒然。 我认为应在健康和财富间取得平衡。一方面我们需要有足够的钱以保持健康。另一方面我们需要在辛苦工作获取金钱时尽量保持健康。 总之,我们不应该以健康为代价获取财富。}


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