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Topic: Custom Maid 3D &(Read 31019 times)
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on: February 02, :09 AM »
I have no idea what this is but it's going on my PC.
« Reply #1 on: February 02, :45 AM »
Make sure to create a walkthrough documentary again.Last time was hilarious.
« Reply #2 on: February 02, :56 AM »
I love those clicking sounds.Makes me want to be sexually sadistic to indentured servants.
« Reply #3 on: February 02, :45 AM »
As long as you can actually make the boobs small. You know, unlike 3D custom girl.What? I'm not a lolicon, don't look at me like that.
« Reply #4 on: February 02, :19 AM »
What? I'm not a lolicon, don't look at me like that.Suuuureeee.And I'm not a psychopath.
« Reply #5 on: February 02, :06 AM »
As long as you can actually make the boobs small.I'm pretty sure you can. &Flat is needed for size comparison. &Everyone with the same measurements would be boring.
« Reply #6 on: February 02, :53 AM »
Suuuureeee.And I'm not a psychopath.You're not. So I'm not a lolicon, mmkay?I'm pretty sure you can.& Flat is needed for size comparison.& Everyone with the same measurements would be boring.But in 3D custom...ehh well I wouldn't know till I try. SOLD! \o/Krystal, you have issues.Shut up! You're one to talk
« Reply #7 on: February 02, :15 AM »
I have no idea what this is but it's going on my PC.Do want. I so must have this.Make sure to create a walkthrough documentary again.Last time was hilarious.Lol, the Artificial Girl thread?I think that is how I FOUND this site. And joined. Only to find the thread was a month or two dead. But damn it WAS funny.In fact, I think many people might have found this place through it. I recall at least ONE member a while ago who did.As long as you can actually make the boobs small. You know, unlike 3D custom girl.Flat chests can very much be as delicious as big ones
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.
« Reply #8 on: February 02, :21 PM »
It's not worth reviewing this one.& There's nothing that silly or amusing about it, aside from being able to gain experience points and level up sex skills.& I think you can slap the girls around a little, but I'd feel too bad about that.& The game looks nice, and the customization is cool, but everything else kind of sucks.& Way too much text, stiff animations.& Artificial Girl 3 was better.
« Reply #9 on: February 02, :39 PM »
It's not worth reviewing this one.& There's nothing that silly or amusing about it, aside from being able to gain experience points and level up sex skills.& I think you can slap the girls around a little, but I'd feel too bad about that.& The game looks nice, and the customization is cool, but everything else kind of sucks.& Way too much text, stiff animations.& Artificial Girl 3 was better.
« Reply #10 on: February 02, :46 PM »
...Ok since when do we have a boob count system?
« Reply #11 on: February 02, :16 PM »
At least it's an even number.
« Reply #12 on: February 02, :44 PM »
Well..two boobs are the ideal case
« Reply #13 on: February 03, :01 AM »
You can score more than 2 boobs? oAo
« Reply #14 on: February 03, :00 AM »
You obviously haven't seen an alien triple breasted whore.
« Reply #15 on: February 03, :32 AM »
3D custom girl.3D Custom Girl
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 00[|||||]: . :
(c) Sky Child~& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
« Reply #16 on: February 03, :03 AM »
How does 3D Custom Girl compare to this? &I could never get that game running on my old PC.& It looks like it had bigger... options.
« Reply #17 on: February 03, :02 AM »
Oh um, 3DCG was kinda like this too, you used sliders to change different parts of the body, and size too. I guess CM3D has a lot of text, but 3DCG goes right to the action. It's been some years since I touched 3DCG tho. 3DCG lets you pick more variety of outfits and accessories, while CM3D is more focused on Maid/Servant type of outfits. ^^;;I didn't feel like playing the game anymore, I'm more interested in trying out outfits and accessories when it comes to these type of games.
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 00[|||||]: . :
(c) Sky Child~& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
« Reply #18 on: February 03, :02 AM »
3D Custom Girl
&u&oo///Q///oAh, I mean... (&. &≡& .&);;Y-you look cute Ms Vixy! ^^;;;
« Reply #19 on: February 04, :51 PM »
Awesome Vixy!Gawd... Nosebleed to the extreme! BRUUUUAAARRRGGHHHHHHHH!
Eat, or be eaten...
« Reply #20 on: February 04, :57 PM »
You guys get flustered easily, don't you...
« Reply #21 on: February 04, :38 PM »
« Last Edit: February 09, :58 AM by Night »
« Reply #22 on: February 07, :39 PM »
The demo sure was, interesting.
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保存至快速回贴3D定制女仆VR版|3D定制女仆2(Custom Maid 3D 2)1.4 VR网盘版【附补丁】-东坡下载
→ 3D定制女仆2(Custom Maid 3D 2) 1.4 VR网盘版【附补丁】
近年来越来越多厂商将虚拟现实与游戏相结合,给玩家更极致的体验,东坡此次带来的是非常有名的美女少动作游戏――3D定制女仆(Custom Maid 3D)VR版,你只需要一个vr眼睛就能体验非常过瘾的游戏了,这里还有3D定制女仆vr补丁,将给你带来超爽的体验!3D定制女仆2(Custom Maid 3D)怎么玩使用说明玩家可以依自己喜好,在系统允许的范围内决定女仆的样貌,举含身高、三围、肩宽、足长、身材比例、衣着、饰物、除了体重是由系统本身经演算后获得,并且为其命名。资料片ビジュアルパック新增了对于头型的修改能力与一种眼型选择。3D定制女仆2(Custom Maid 3D)女仆类型介绍爱撒娇型御苑生メイ典型的妹妹风格的爱撒娇型。一旦喜欢上,言行里就会全心全意地灌注自己的爱情。不理会她的话就会马上闹别扭,抚摸她的头又会「嘿嘿」地高兴笑起来等,有着很单纯的一面。另外对并没有好意的人也会表现得很讨好,有时也会让对方误以为她对自己有意,在第三者看来可有够危险的。纯真型御苑生メイ不懂世事,纯真无垢的大家闺秀。说话用敬语,温柔的口调,举止文静。可能是成长坏境的关系,完全不懂得怀疑他人,以她的性格即使是小小的幸福也会当作为人生最高的喜悦。因为不懂世故,像「好喜欢主人喔」之类,「我要当主人的新娘子」等的让人脸红的话更是能毫无保留地说出口。也不知道自己是说多么不好意思的话,让对方是不知所措。冰山美人型御苑生メイ总是很冷漠,但内心隐藏着的爱情是比其他人更多一倍的专一感情。会话的思路有条理,总能保持沉着冷静。能够客观地分析对方的感情甚至连自己的感情也是。因为很少表达自身的感情,所以有时在其他人看来是完全不知道她是在想什么的。不过,其实她的内心是有着比人多一倍的专一感情,是会为对方尽心尽力的类型,一旦撒起娇来是比谁都要厉害傲娇型御苑生メイ典型的缠绵不离的傲娇型。不知为什么只对主人公强势,每件事都要挑剔。不知道如何对待喜欢的人,没法顺利地表现出自己的好意。而且内心有脆弱的一面,怕寂寞。你为她做些什么的话就会面红耳赤,为掩饰自己害羞就会边大声骂边否认,之后又会因为自我厌恶而情绪低落。外柔内刚型御苑生メイ总是面露笑容的坚强女孩,品性率直的性格再加上她对主人公一往情深,因此通常主人公说什么她都会接受。偶尔发现错误的时候也会和主人公说道理。基本上认为主人公的交往对象只有自己一个,当这一立场受到威胁时,性格就会完全改变过来,以平静的音调给人一种有些可怕的威压感......小恶魔S型御苑生メイ喜欢让主人公露出难堪的样子,有着掌握住主人公某些弱点来玩弄的S气质性格的女孩。虽然说是S气质,但是却不会让人觉得粗暴,举手投足之间经常会让自身的优势体现出来并且摆出大姐姐般绰绰有余的态度。不过,当事情没有像预想方向进展的时候,从她突然变得很孩子气或者消沉的这点来看,也有可爱的一面。3D定制女仆VR版相关介绍近日,拥有着深厚“美少女动作游戏”开发功底的Kiss社推出了旗下重头游戏《3D定制女仆 2》的Oculus Rift DK2试玩版。一时间,网友们沸腾了,呼喊着“换电脑”的玩家数不胜数。本来,Oculus公司还打算通过自家旗下的技术,在观光、电影、医药、建筑、空间探索以及战场等领域上大展手脚。然而万万没想到,《3D定制女仆 2》试玩版的横空出世彻底把Oculus推向了“万丈深渊”。如果说《3D定制女仆 2》体验版是针对二次元生物进行的一番轰炸,那么,此前一家叫做Veiviev的小型工作室推出的基于Oculus Rift的“羞羞”级Demo演示作品则是把“魔爪”伸向了大众。据了解,通过这款演示作品,玩家可以把自己代入到虚拟现实场景之中,从而和妹子们进行一些“负”距离的接触。由于画面过于和谐,在这里我们就不放出来给大家看了。
3D定制女仆2(Custom Maid 3D 2)截图
中文 / 57.2M最新的火爆虚拟现实游戏―女神星
中文 / 90.1M第六计划VR是一款恐怖的射击类游
中文 / 68.0M时空穿梭2VR是一款3D制休闲类游戏
中文 / 38.0M行星竞速是一款有趣竞速类游戏,
中文 / 39.1M孤寂VR是一款恐怖内解密游戏~游戏
中文 / 13.9M神秘岛屿这个题材很多类型游戏都
3D定制女仆2(Custom Maid 3D 2) 1.4 VR网盘版
485KB / 02-04 / 1.0 绿色版
4.0M / 02-04 / 1.0 绿色版
3.3M / 01-26 / 1.3 绿色版
3.3M / 12-31 / v16两项修改器[MrAntiFun]
345KB / 06-30 / 1.2 单文件免费版


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