关于定格动画 软件dragonframe mac安装过程

1、【生肉】Dragonframe Basics基础
2、Dragonframe 4 新功能
3、101- Animation Overview, 动画工作区概览
4、102- Timeline, 时间线
5、103- X-Sheet, X工作表
6、104- Guide Layers, 向导层
7、105- Live View Magnification, 实时查看放大
8、201- Cinematography Overview, 摄影工作区概览
【定格动画CN】 定格动画教程分享,定格动画作品,定格动画幕后揭秘。
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定格动画捕捉系统 DZED Dragonframe 3.6.5 中英文 PC版 送教程
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&PPT转Flash工具 iSpring Suite¥30.00Agisoft PhotoScan Pro 1.2¥30.00建筑模拟软件 DesignBuilder v4.5¥30.00客源神器精准加人软件微商加粉推广神器激活码精准客源¥100.00Lumerical Suite 2016 FDTD¥50.00PipeFlow Expert ¥50.00Acronis True Image Home 2¥30.00PhotoModeler Scanner 2013¥30.00本商品网络传输,方便快捷,拍下支付后联系客服或留下常用邮箱(最好是QQ邮箱),会即时发送。32位软件,支持XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8&32位与64位系统.&&5星带字好评后送精品教程资料,超值额! Dragonframe(原名&'Dragon Stop Motion& )是定格动画解决方案 。强大的定格动画制作工具集成,下一代图像采集系统。新功能包括可视化时间轴编辑,集成的口形同步,先进的DMX灯光,运动控制等。动画工具通过实时的视频预览,软件给动画师展示了已经拍摄的帧和正在准备拍摄的帧之间的对比关系。使用洋葱皮功能,动画师可以通过每次前进一帧的方式对比每一帧。高质量的图像扑捉工具无论你在使用高清DV或者单反数码相机拍摄,软件都能捕捉最高质量的图像。这些高清晰的帧一般不同于实时预览的图像。软件可以迅速地将图像采集并储存。当从照相机捕捉图像,软件并不加以任何处理。软件直接从相机存储RAW高清文件到你的电脑,甚至不隐藏它们。如果你用HD或者 SD拍摄,图像将被从系列拍色的结果中差值得出,以减少图像的噪点。电影拍摄工具电影拍摄区将是首次拍摄时候调整相机的工具集合。同时可以设置遮罩和安全区。软件试用histograms和densitometer去衡量图像质量和不同镜头的连贯性。Dragonframe (formerly 'Dragon Stop Motion') is a stop-motion solution created by professional animators - for professional animators. It's designed to complement how the pros animate. The next generation image capture system for stop motion animation. New features Dragonframe 3 include a visual timeline editor, integrated lip-sync, advanced DMX lighting, motion control and much more.New Features Dragonframe 3? Tabbed Workspaces. Navigate through multiple Dragonframe workspaces within one window, or detach a workspace for dual monitor support.? Docked X-Sheet. Dock the highly configurable X-Sheet within the Animation workspace for easy viewing.? Vector-Based Drawing Tools. Draw lines, ticks, shapes and free form. Then select drawing objects to scale or rotate them. Use the increment editor to visualize movement along a path over time.? Lipsync. Import a face set library and create a perfect track reading in our revamped audio workspace.? Visual Timeline. View thumbnails and edit your sequence directly in the new timeline, which is part of the Animation workspace. You can quickly pull holds to adjust timing for pop-through tests.? DMX. Improved keyframe editing and visualization in Dragonframe 3. Create custom lighting programs per exposure.? Arc Motion Control. Set up multiples axes, jog motors, set keyframes and run move tests. Currently interfaces with the IOTA Controller and Arduino boards.? Video Assist Levels. Adjust video assist levels to compensate for low-light situations.? Portrait Image Orientation. Switch to portrait orientation for still photography.? Floating License Server. For schools and large organizations, configure Dragonframe to use a floating license server.? Linked Exposures. Link two or more exposures together so their settings stay in sync.? Template Scene. Configure a template scene to base all new scenes on. Useful for large productions with lots of common settings on every project.What`s new in v3.0.2:- Major DMX workspace speed improvements.- Fix trigger input for DDMX-S2/IOTA on Windows.- Fix for Nikon D5100 on Windows.System Requirements- Windows XP (32 bit only)/Windows Vista (32 or 64 bit)/Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit)- QuickTime 7.2 or newer- 1.33 GHz CPU- 1 GB RAM&&¥25¥25¥25
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