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UID818374帖子拇指币40122 威望度21 贡献值11
软件名称:WhatsApp Messenger
软件大小:10.55 M
WhatsApp messenger版是一款支持Android、黑莓、iPhone和诺基亚使用的跨平台通讯应用程序,可以互相发送文本、图片、地点、语音、视频。
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积分2541精华0阅读权限70注册时间最后登录在线时间93 小时
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UID1651174帖子拇指币1731 威望度10 贡献值0
积分1889精华0阅读权限70注册时间最后登录在线时间129 小时
, 积分 1889, 距离下一级还需 1111 积分
UID1753123帖子拇指币1601 威望度10 贡献值0
我要下载.不错的贴 很好谢谢~~~
积分19669精华0阅读权限90注册时间最后登录在线时间862 小时
UID1099447帖子拇指币10421 威望度10 贡献值0
积分3264精华0阅读权限90注册时间最后登录在线时间230 小时
, 积分 3264, 距离下一级还需 2736 积分
UID2021089帖子拇指币1313 威望度10 贡献值0
积分69282精华0阅读权限150注册时间最后登录在线时间6958 小时
UID128690帖子拇指币73169 威望度146 贡献值150
拇指推荐 /1
Powered by如何设置 WhatsApp 推送通知?
当您不在线但在 WhatsApp 中收到新信息的时候,您的 iPhone 会立刻显示推送通知来提示您有新信息。iOS 应用程序提供以下三种通知:
WhatsApp 语音通话通知提醒
您可以为 WhatsApp 来电设置不同的通知样式:
提醒:如要在提示中接听来电,直接点击 接听 便可。点击 关闭 来忽略来电。
请检查是否在 WhatsApp 和 iPhone 设置中启用了通知设置:
前往至 WhatsApp > 设置 > 通知 并确认您已启用了信息和群组信息的 提示 选项。
iPhone 设置 > 通知 > WhatsApp ,您可以选择您喜欢的提示样式(提醒/横幅/无),标记图像或提示声。如果您想在锁定屏幕中显示提醒,请启用 在锁定屏幕上显示 的选项。
iPhone 的铃声音量控制提示声音的大小。您可以在 iPhone 设置 > 声音 里调较您喜欢的音量和提示的 震动 选项。
如果您确认 iPhone 设置和 WhatsApp 设置中的通知设置没有问题,但您仍然无法收到通知时,那问题就应该是由您的 ,iOS 或
请注意, WhatsApp 无法协助您解决推送通知问题,整个通知传输是由 Apple 的推送通知服务 (APNS) 控制的。如果您的朋友在其离线状态下发送信息给您,那信息会先被发送到 APNS,然后再被发送您的电话上。WhatsApp 是无法控制或检视这个传输过程。虽然问题可能在 WhatsApp 应用里发生,但问题源头是由 APNS 或 iOS 系统产生的。
再者,推送通知必须有一个有效的 SIM 卡和 Wi-Fi 网络或数据网络连接。
WhatsApp 支援团队
关于 WhatsApp
WhatsApp Messenger是一个跨平台的应用程序方便您发送信息而又无需支付短信费用。WhatsApp可在 iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android 和 Nokia 等平台上运行。我为大家介绍一款APP叫:whatsapp
WhatsApp Messenger是利用网络传送简讯的一种智能手机流动应用程式,能够利用智慧型手机中的联络人资讯,寻找也有使用这个软体的联络人。WhatsApp能够在多个智慧型手机平台上使用,除了传送文字外,亦可以传送图片、录音、影片、使用者的身处位置及联络人资讯。在2014年10月,WhatsApp于全球拥有超过7亿注册用户,其中包含约6亿活跃用户。
WhatsApp由库姆(Jan Koum,拥有20年经验的前雅虎早期资深员工)创办,&WhatsApp&这个名称的灵感是取英语中打招呼&What's up&的谐音。
日,Facebook宣布作价190亿美元全面收购WhatsApp,其中40亿美元为现金,约120亿美元以Facebook股票形式交易;另Facebook将向Whatsapp员工发放价值30亿美元特别股份作为分红。Whatsapp总部仍将留在加州山景城(Mountain View),继续作为独立业务,并保留自己的品牌;创办人兼首席执行长库姆(Jan Koum)加入Facebook董事会。
iOS(仅供iPhone使用,iPod及iPad需要越狱使用)。AndroidWindows PhoneBlackBerrySymbian(Nokia S60)Nokia S40Android Wear
正如您无需就发送国际电邮缴纳额外费用一样,您也无需就发送国际WhatsApp信息缴费。只要您的朋友也安装了WhatsApp Messenger,您就可以与全球各地的朋友畅聊天下,并可避免国际手机短信费用带来的烦扰。
本应用程序可利用您手机通讯录中的信息,自动实现您和您的联络人之间的连接。已经安装了WhatsApp Messenger的联络人将自动显示在&Favorites&名单下,这类似于一份好友名单。(当然,您可随时以任何方式编辑您的&Favorites&名单)
在Android、Nokia(S40、S60)和BlackBerry用户中,使用WhatsApp通常可免费试用一年,往后需付年费,每年收费0.99美元。但若同一帐户之前在iOS版已付下载及使用权费用,或是使用Windows Phone免费注册的帐户,则无需再次付费。在Windows Phone版本的WhatsApp是免费下载和注册使用的。
在iOS版本中,用户要先付0.99美元,才拥有在App Store的下载及使用权,或是在不定时会推出限时免费的优惠时段以冲高市占率,通常在受到其他通讯软体制造新闻话题时,而使Whatsapp的通讯量暴跌,便会出现免费下载的情况,例如曾于日至6月2日期间注册可免费使用。
市场研究公司On Device在2013年11月发布调查结果,WhatsApp在美国使用率有35%,不及Facebook Messenger的46%。其他高使用率国家有巴西和南非等。同年12月19日宣布其每月活跃用户数达到4亿。
参考资料:http://hk./news/art/18012 WhatsApp创办人 简单就是美 300万港人使用 先行者致胜]. 苹果日报(香港). 脸书以190亿美元收购Whatsapp 祖克伯:值得的选择 google 百度扩展阅读:/wiki/uc/86748.htm相关词条:
脸书 移动聊天工具 及时通讯
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WhatsApp has always prioritized making your data and communication as secure as possible. And today, we're proud to announce that we've completed a technological development that makes WhatsApp a leader in protecting your private communication: full end-to-end encryption. From now on when you and your contacts use the latest version of the app, every call you make, and every message, photo, video, file, and voice message you send, is end-to-end encrypted by default, including group chats.
The idea is simple: when you send a message, the only person who can read it is the person or group chat that you send that message to. No one can see inside that message. Not cybercriminals. Not hackers. Not oppressive regimes. Not even us. End-to-end encryption helps make communication via WhatsApp private – sort of like a face-to-face conversation.
If you're interested in learning more about how end-to-end encryption works, you can read about it . But all you need to know is that end-to-end encrypted messages can only be read by the recipients you intend. And if you're using the latest version of WhatsApp, you don't have to do a thing to encrypt your messages: end-to-end encryption is on by default and all the time.
We live in a world where more of our data is digitized than ever before. Every day we see stories about sensitive records being improperly accessed or stolen. And if nothing is done, more of people's digital information and communication will be vulnerable to attack in the years to come. Fortunately, end-to-end encryption protects us from these vulnerabilities.
Encryption is one of the most important tools governments, companies, and individuals have to promote safety and security in the new digital age. Recently there has been a lot of discussion about encrypted services and the work of law enforcement. While we recognize the important work of law enforcement in keeping people safe, efforts to weaken encryption risk exposing people's information to abuse from cybercriminals, hackers, and rogue states.
While WhatsApp is among the few communication platforms to build full end-to-end encryption that is on by default for everything you do, we expect that it will ultimately represent the future of personal communication.
The desire to protect people's private communication is one of the core beliefs we have at WhatsApp, and for me, it's personal. I grew up in the USSR during communist rule and the fact that people couldn't speak freely is one of the reasons my family moved to the United States.
Today more than a billion people are using WhatsApp to stay in touch with their friends and family all over the world. And now, every single one of those people can talk freely and securely on WhatsApp.
Jan and Brian
Earlier this week WhatsApp turned seven years old. It has been an amazing journey and in the coming months we're putting an even greater emphasis on security features and more ways to stay in touch with the people that you care about.
But anniversary dates are also an opportunity to look back. When we started WhatsApp in 2009, people's use of mobile devices looked very different from today. The Apple App Store was only a few months old. About 70 percent of smartphones sold at the time had operating systems offered by BlackBerry and Nokia. Mobile operating systems offered by Google, Apple and Microsoft – which account for 99.5 percent of sales today – were on less than 25 percent of mobile devices sold at the time.
As we look ahead to our next seven years, we want to focus our efforts on the mobile platforms the vast majority of people use. So, by the end of 2016, we will be ending support for WhatsApp Messenger on the following mobile platforms:
BlackBerry, including BlackBerry 10
Nokia Symbian S60
Android 2.1 and Android 2.2
Windows Phone 7.1
While these mobile devices have been an important part of our story, they don't offer the kind of capabilities we need to expand our app's features in the future.
This was a tough decision for us to make, but the right one in order to give people better ways to keep in touch with friends, family, and loved ones using WhatsApp. If you use one of these affected mobile devices, we recommend upgrading to a newer Android, iPhone, or Windows Phone before the end of 2016 to continue using WhatsApp.
As of today, one billion people are using WhatsApp.
That's nearly one in seven people on Earth who use WhatsApp each month to stay in touch with their loved ones, their friends and their family.
We are proud of this milestone, and we're humbled by the extraordinary ways all of you have used WhatsApp. Whether it's sharing vital information during
or , finding a , growing a small business, buying an , or seeking a
– we're honored to be a small part of what people are doing to make their lives and the lives of those around them better.
And yet, through all the progress we've made together over the last seven years, our mission has never changed. WhatsApp began as a simple idea: ensuring that anyone could stay in touch with family and friends anywhere on the planet, without costs or gimmicks standing in the way.
So even as we celebrate this achievement, our focus remains the same. Every day, our team continues to work to improve WhatsApp's speed, reliability, security and simplicity. We're excited to see how far we've come. But now, it's back to work – because we still have another 6 billion people to get on WhatsApp, and a long way left to go.
Nearly a billion people around the world today rely on WhatsApp to stay in touch with their friends and family. From a new dad in Indonesia sharing photos with his family, to a student in Spain checking in with her friends back home, to a doctor in Brazil keeping in touch with her patients, people rely on WhatsApp to be fast, simple and reliable.
That's why we're happy to announce that WhatsApp will no longer charge subscription fees. For many years, we've asked some people to pay a fee for using WhatsApp after their first year. As we've grown, we've found that this approach hasn't worked well. Many WhatsApp users don't have a debit or credit card number and they worried they'd lose access to their friends and family after their first year. So over the next several weeks, we'll remove fees from the different versions of our app and WhatsApp will no longer charge you for our service.
Naturally, people might wonder how we plan to keep WhatsApp running without subscription fees and if today's announcement means we're introducing third-party ads. The answer is no. Starting this year, we will test tools that allow you to use WhatsApp to communicate with businesses and organizations that you want to hear from. That could mean communicating with your bank about whether a recent transaction was fraudulent, or with an airline about a delayed flight. We all get these messages elsewhere today – through text messages and phone calls – so we want to test new tools to make this easier to do on WhatsApp, while still giving you an experience without third-party ads and spam.
We hope you enjoy what's coming to WhatsApp, and we look forward to your feedback.
Today, for the first time, millions of you will have the ability to use WhatsApp on your web browser.
Our web client is simply an extension of your phone: the web browser mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device -- this means all of your messages still live on your phone.
To connect your web browser to your WhatsApp client, simply open
in your Google Chrome browser.
You will see a QR code --- scan the code inside of WhatsApp, and you’re ready to go. You have now paired WhatsApp on your phone with the WhatsApp web client.
Your phone needs to stay connected to the internet for our web client to work, and please make sure to install the latest version of WhatsApp on your phone.
Unfortunately for now, we will not be able to provide web client to our iOS users due to Apple platform limitations.
We really hope you find web client useful in your everyday lives.
Thanks to all of you, half a billion people around the world are now regular, active WhatsApp users. In the last few months, we've grown fastest in countries like Brazil, India, Mexico, and Russia, and our users are also sharing more than 700 million photos and 100 million videos every single day. We could go on, but for now, it’s more important that we get back to work – because here at WhatsApp, we’re just getting started.
Since announcing our upcoming partnership with Facebook, we’ve been truly humbled by how much attention our story has received.
As a company, we’re excited to continue focusing on offering as many people as possible the chance to stay connected with friends and loved ones, no matter who they are or where they live.
Unfortunately, there has also been a lot of inaccurate and careless information circulating about what our future partnership would mean for WhatsApp users’ data and privacy.
I’d like to set the record straight.
Above all else, I want to make sure you understand how deeply I value the principle of private communication.
For me, this is very personal.
I was born in Ukraine, and grew up in the USSR during the 1980s. One of my strongest memories from that time is a phrase I’d frequently hear when my mother was talking on the phone: “This is not
I’ll tell you in person.”
The fact that we couldn’t speak freely without the fear that our communications would be monitored by KGB is in part why we moved to the United States when I was a teenager.
Respect for your privacy is coded into our DNA, and we built WhatsApp around the goal of knowing as little about you as possible:
You don't have to give us your name and we don't ask for your email address.
We don’t know your birthday.
We don’t know your home address.
We don’t know where you work.
We don’t know your likes, what you search for on the internet or collect your GPS location.
None of that data has ever been collected and stored by WhatsApp, and we really have no plans to change that.
If partnering with Facebook meant that we had to change our values, we wouldn’t have done it.
Instead, we are forming a partnership that would allow us to continue operating independently and autonomously.
Our fundamental values and beliefs will not change.
Our principles will not change.
Everything that has made WhatsApp the leader in personal messaging will still be in place.
Speculation to the contrary isn’t just baseless and unfounded, it’s irresponsible.
It has the effect of scaring people into thinking we’re suddenly collecting all kinds of new data.
That’s just not true, and it’s important to us that you know that.
Make no mistake: our future partnership with Facebook will not compromise the vision that brought us to this point.
Our focus remains on delivering the promise of WhatsApp far and wide, so that people around the world have the freedom to speak their mind without fear.
Almost five years ago we started WhatsApp with a simple mission: building a cool product used globally by everybody.
Nothing else mattered to us.
Today we are announcing a partnership with Facebook that will allow us to continue on that simple mission.
Doing this will give WhatsApp the flexibility to grow and expand, while giving me, Brian, and the rest of our team more time to focus on building a communications service that’s as fast, affordable and personal as possible.
Here’s what will change for you, our users: nothing.
WhatsApp will remain autonomous and operate independently. You can continue to enjoy the service for a nominal fee. You can continue to use WhatsApp no matter where in the world you are, or what smartphone you’re using. And you can still count on absolutely no ads interrupting your communication.
There would have been no partnership between our two companies if we had to compromise on the core principles that will always define our company, our vision and our product.
On a personal note, Brian and I couldn’t be more proud to be part of a small team of people who, in just under five years, built a communication service that now supports over 450 million monthly active users worldwide and over 320 million daily active users. They have helped re-define and revolutionize communication for the 21st century, and we couldn’t be more grateful.
Our team has always believed that neither cost and distance should ever prevent people from connecting with their friends and loved ones, and won’t rest until everyone, everywhere is empowered with that opportunity. We want to thank all of our users and everybody in our lives for making this next chapter possible, and for joining us as we continue on this very special journey.
A few short years ago, my friend Brian and I set out to build a messaging service with a single focus: best possible user experience.
We bet that if our team of engineers could make messaging fast, simple, and personal, we could charge people directly for the service without having to rely on annoying banner ads, game promotions, or all those other distracting “features” that come with many messaging apps.
Today, we’re proud to announce that because of you, WhatsApp has reached a milestone that no other mobile messaging service has achieved:
400 million monthly active users, with 100 million active users added in the last four months alone.
This isn’t a count of people who just registered for WhatsApp - it’s the number of people who are actively using the service every single month.
When we say that you made this possible, we mean it.
WhatsApp has just 50 employees, and most of us are engineers.
We’ve arrived at this point without spending a dollar on targeted ads or big marketing campaigns.
We’re here because of all the people who share their WhatsApp stories with co-workers, friends, and loved ones - stories we love to hear.
There was the woman from New Zealand who moved to South Africa to complete her PhD.
The week before she left to go back home, she met the man of her dreams.
Despite living thousands of miles apart, she told us that WhatsApp has allowed them to feel closer than ever.
We also heard from a British woman who runs a charity in Uganda.
She told us that her team on the ground uses WhatsApp to send daily reports, photos, and videos of the children they’re helping, which she shares to build support for her organization all over the world.
are using WhatsApp to instantly send electrocardiogram pictures of patients who’ve suffered heart attacks, saving valuable time and potentially lives.
, rescuers used WhatsApp to locate and save lost hikers.
And today, as I follow the unfolding political crisis in Ukraine, the place where I was born and lived until the age of sixteen, I can’t help but hope that the next great WhatsApp story will be about people using the service to speak their mind and stand up for their basic rights.
Our goal in creating WhatsApp was to empower people through technology and communication, no matter who they are, or where they live.
We wanted to improve people’s lives in some small way.
So thank you for making that possible.
Thank you for sharing your stories, and please, keep them coming - we can’t wait to hear what you’ll use WhatsApp for next.
We spend a lot of time at WhatsApp thinking how we can make keeping in touch easier, and we know there’s no substitute for hearing the sound of a friend or family member’s voice.
So today we are introducing a new feature we are truly excited about: Voice Messages.
We are releasing Voice Messages on all of our platforms simultaneously.
We worked very hard to make sure that iPhone and Android devices have perfectly working Voice Messages functionality, and we put extra effort into making sure that BlackBerry, Nokia and Windows Phone users can enjoy the same rich and powerful Voice Messaging experience.
To learn more about Voice Message and how it works, take a look at this video we made:
You can also read our FAQ entry if you want to learn more about Voice Messages for your specific phone:
We hope you will enjoy Voice Messages as much as we enjoyed building it.
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About WhatsApp
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android and Nokia.}


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