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Microsoft Office 2013 (x86/x64)简体中文完整版
Microsoft Office 2013官方版包括Word、PowerPoint、Excel、Outlook、OneNote、Access、Publisher和Lync等等。它将是一个集移动办公、云同步、流线型视觉界面、无处不在的新OFFICE!不过Office 2013 只支持 Windows8和Win7。
Microsoft Office 2013的介绍:
Office 对触控的支持如键盘和鼠标的支持一样自然。在屏幕上可轻扫手指,或通过手指缩放,来阅读您的文件或演示文稿;或通过手指触控来撰写新内容并使用各项功能。
新的 Windows 8 应用
OneNote 和 Lync 是首批使用 Windows 8 风格的应用软件,如此设计是为了在平板电脑上提供触控优先的体验。OneNote 中新的辐射风格菜单让您通过手指就能轻松使用各项功能。
将内置于 Windows RT
包含全新Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 OneNote 应用程序的 Office 家庭学生 2013RT 版将内置于 ARM 架构的 Windows 8 设备中,其中包括微软 Surface 平板电脑。
Office 在云中
Office 将文件默认保存到 SkyDrive 中,以便用户的内容始终能在自己的平板电脑、PC 和手机上使用。用户的文件可以脱机使用,并在重新连接网络后进行同步。
一旦登录 Office,您的个性化设置&&其中包括最近使用的文件、模板,甚至您的自定义词典&&都将与您一起在所有设备上进行同步漫游。 Office 甚至会记得您上次离开时所编辑的位置,只需单击一下就能回到当时的位置。
通过订阅,用户可以通过流部署模式将全功能的Office应用程序部署到任何一台连网的 Windows PC。新的订阅服务。新版 Office 提供云订阅服务。订阅用户可以自动获得未来升级,同时还自动享受包括 Skype 全球通话时间和额外 SkyDrive 存储在内的畅销服务。订阅服务用户可为家中多个成员及在多个设备上进行多次安装。
Office 集社交化于一体
Yammer 为企业提供安全、私有的社交网络。用户可免费注册并立即开始使用社交网络。Yammer 为 SharePoint 和 Dynamics 提供集成服务。
关注 SharePoint 中的人、团队、文件和站点。在您的活动资讯中查看并嵌入图片、视频和 Office 内容,以随时了解并通知同事当前的最新状态。
在 Office 中的任何地方都有联系人的集成视图。联系人卡片包含联系人的完整状态信息,包括图片、状态更新、联系人信息以及来自Facebook和LinkedIn的账户活动聚合。
新版 Office 带有 Skype。如果是订阅用户,那么每月将自动获得 60 分钟的全球通话时间。同时,可以将 Skype 联系人集成到 Lync 中, 从而呼叫或者发送即时消息。
Office 开启新的使用场景
通过 OneNote,在云中并在各种设备上得心应手地记笔记。使用自己感觉最自然的方式记笔记&&通过触控、数字笔或键盘,或一起使用这些工具,并轻松地来回切换。
Word 中的阅读模式提供现代化、易于导航的阅读体验,可根据屏幕大小而自动调整。放大或缩小内容、传输文件中的视频、查看修订标记并利用触控功能来翻页。
PowerPoint 最新的 Presenter View(演讲者视图),可以一目了然(而且隐密地)显示发言人正在播放和即将播放的幻灯片、演示时间,以及演讲人注释。演示时可以通过触控和手写笔,缩放、标记并切换幻灯片。Lync 包括多方高清视频,并带有演示稿、共享的 OneNote 笔记本和虚拟白板,以便大家集思广益。
通过这些支持多点触控和手写笔的Perceptive Pixel显示屏,无论是面对面还是虚拟会议,都可进行更具互动性的会议、演示和学习。尽管全系列产品和定价方案将在秋季公布,鲍尔默还是介绍了三项新的 Office 365 订阅服务。发售时,每款新订阅产品将包含新的 2013 版 Office 应用程序&&Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote、Outlook、Publisher 和 Access。此外,用户将获得未来版本升级的权限以及每个产品最多在 5 台 PC 或 Mac 机和移动设备上使用的权限。以下就是三个新版本:
Office 365 家庭高级版
专为家庭和消费者设计。该服务还包含额外 20GB 的 SkyDrive 存储和每月 60 分钟 Skype 全球通话时间。
Office 365 小型企业高级版
Office 365 ProPlus (专业增强版)
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OneNote 2013
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OneNote wasn&t the most popular application until recently, having more of a cult following than being known as a go-to app. Resources for OneNote 2013 are not many at this point, and some of those that
One of the simpler methods of sharing a note with OneNote 2013 is by sending it as a file to an e-mail recipient or even to Microsoft Word or your blog. To send the current note as a file, follow these
OneNote 2013 distances itself from the whole concept of manually saving files in favor of syncing them. You can sync files automatically or manually. This gives you some freedom when managing your files
The command known as Save As in most other apps is called export in OneNote 2013. This command allows you to save a file under a different name or location.
If you use OneNote 2013 to take notes that you want to keep private, securing individual notes is as simple as password-protecting sections. Oddly, you cannot password-protect entire notebooks, but securing
OneNote 2013 allows you to record on the fly and add audio and video clips to your notes right from the OneNote Ribbon. You can also embed prerecorded clips by using the Ribbon&s Insert tab.
Among the cooler features of OneNote 2013 are its ink technologies that enable you to use a stylus or even your finger to literally write notes on the screen. If you want to include these notes in a report
Templates are essentially notes that are preformatted in OneNote 2013 so that you can basically fill in blanks to create a professional-looking note. There are a variety of options for templates to make
You can insert Office documents into OneNote 2013 easily, and you have three major options available to you to do so: as a printout, as an attachment, or manually as raw data.
OneNote 2013 lets you add entire spreadsheets to notes, and you can also choose from charts or tables within the spreadsheet to add to your note individually. As long as you don&t insert the data as a
You can insert Visio diagrams into OneNote 2013 and retain the ability to edit it as long as you don&t insert the diagram as a printout, which effectively creates a static image of the diagram.
Screen captures, or clippings, are useful for OneNote 2013 in all sorts of cases, from showing someone your favorite desktop background to creating documentation that shows things that may be hard for
Quick notes allow you to jot something down quickly without haggling with the organizational structure of OneNote 2013. Later, you can go back to the unfiled quick note and figure out where to put it.
The Windows 8&style SkyDrive app is installed by default as a tile on the Start screen of OneNote 2013. The first time you access the tile, you may have to log in with your Microsoft account. After you
SkyDrive is cloud-accessible, even if you don&t have a SkyDrive app installed on the device. This makes it easy to manage OneNote 2013 notebooks from any device that has internet access.
There are a lot of cool tips for things you can do with OneNote 2013. The app can be very useful in simplifying even the smallest tasks in your life.
The process of formatting notes in OneNote for Windows 8 is a little different than it is in OneNote 2013 & okay, it&s way different. Here&s how to perform the major formatting tasks in OneNote for Windows
As with other mobile versions of OneNote, such as the iOS and web App versions, the Android version of OneNote allows you to access and edit notes with a minimal feature set in comparison to desktop versions
OneNote allows you to add existing pictures to your note or snap an image for the note as long as your Android has a camera & as most devices do. You have two choices when adding a picture to a note:
Writing notes is easy in OneNote for iOS devices. Many functions are available, although the web App version of OneNote and the full OneNote 2013 app have much more functionality.
OneNote for iOS doesn&t have a lot of settings you can actually change. Tap the Settings button at the top of the Home screen to quickly summon the Settings window.
OneNote web App is the catch-all “if you can&t do it in the mobile version, do it here” solution for mobile OneNote users who don&t own or currently have access to the desktop version of the app, which
You can invite multiple people to edit the same note at the same time with OneNote 2013, such as during a meeting, by housing the file on SkyDrive and sharing it. You will need to set up a notebook for
Viewing versions of pages and authors can help you keep track of changes to OneNote documents as well as to who did what. OneNote 2013 and OneNote web App allow you to view these things, but the controls
As with permissions for essentially any type of digital file or location, with OneNote 2013, there are also two types: view permissions and edit permissions.
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