
里面还有成龙和元彪. 奇谋妙计五福星 福星高照 最佳福星 夏日福星 运财五福星 福星闯江湖 五福星撞鬼 这些我都看了 也都不是的.罗密欧与朱丽叶.然后又个阻击手来暗杀他们只记得他们几个去演一个剧本
出门在外也不愁General point:1.Sandy has a good taste for beautiful music2.music with a clear rhythm3.music that has a message 4.beautiful lyrics(写一篇作文,论述这4点,最好加上自己的观点,不求字数,只求写的深刻!)好的话我会加分的,不_百度作业帮
General point:1.Sandy has a good taste for beautiful music2.music with a clear rhythm3.music that has a message 4.beautiful lyrics(写一篇作文,论述这4点,最好加上自己的观点,不求字数,只求写的深刻!)好的话我会加分的,不
General point:1.Sandy has a good taste for beautiful music2.music with a clear rhythm3.music that has a message 4.beautiful lyrics(写一篇作文,论述这4点,最好加上自己的观点,不求字数,只求写的深刻!)好的话我会加分的,不要翻译器!最好扩充下,不要简单翻译.深刻一点的AC.
Music, from the ancient days to our nowadays,seems that it has already become involved in our lives- an inseparable component of our lives. What we need is not only a piece of music, but also a means to taste our lives. It maybe a little abstract. Let's take my friend as an instance to show you the meaning of this kind of music. Sandy really has a good taste for beautiful music. One day, when I asked him what is a beautifu music? To my surprise, he just smiled and then told me it was really an easy question that everyone knows. However the key point is if you can put your heart into it. The first one he showed me is the clear rhythm. Of course, it is vital to music. When you are alone, close your eyes and make yourself feel that you are sailing on the ocean facing the setting sun. The breeze is touching your face, looking in the sky that has been redden by the sunshine. The feeling of fresh is what the clear rhythm can bring us. Moreover, message is also crucial. Music is alive. It's not only a thing. It exists in our life. Every piece of music contains the affection of the composer. The message is the soul of the music. It's the feeling that the composer want to tell us. When we listen to the music, we should try to acknowledge this feeling. That is the reason music exist for such a long time and seems that will not distinct until human disappear. Everyone knows that Beethoven became blind in his old years, nevertheless, he never gave up his career. In his autobiography, he metioned that only one spirit support me till today is the love to music and I really want to put my love into evey piece of my music. If people can read my love, I think my life is worthy exist once. The last aspect will be the beautiful lyrics. lyrics are the flowing poems in the sky accompanied by the wind like rtythm. Like the paint, like the peaceful pstorale.
In a word, what is the true beautiful music? The answer is there is no standard. From my perspective, put your heart into it, to feel it, to taste it, to acknowlege the composer's affection, you will find every piece is more beautiful than you can imagine.本人不才,只能先写成这样了,如果你有什么想法提出来,我会修改. 我写的较多,方便你的删改.希望可以帮到你.
Music can be considered as a form of language, and we are able to communicate with other people through music, because different musics always have different massages.I have a
sister whose name is
Sandy has a good taste for beautiful music I have a friend named Sandy ,who has a good taste for beautiful music .Do you know why ?It's really
true that he told me the answer.I can summarize the reas...求下载(ANND-040) Anna 団地妻レズビアン No2种子的网址感谢哈
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