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Manhunt Daily - Manhunt Daily Wood: Kirill Dowidoff Strips Nude For Two New Shoots
Kirill Dowidoff is related to one of the sexiest men on the planet. His cousin, , acted as the official model for the
in Barcelona, and our
of the sexiest men, he spent a
on top of the charts before passing the torch to our current champion .
Last year,
actually spent
on the countdown himself, and on our first list of the ““, he finished in fourth place behind ,
model . If you do your research, you’ll see that he’s a little less shy than his cousin Roman when it comes to showing off his hindquarters, and that’s especially apparent in his two latest shoots with Amer Mohamad and Serge Lee.
There were actually moments in the Mohamad spread where Kirill’s
poses made me do a double take and wonder whether I was looking at stills from the latest
shoot. Maybe he should team up with
and make a gay porn crossover. They wouldn’t even have to touch one another. I’d pay good money just to watch them hump beds next to one another.
– Dewitt
Check out pics from Kirill Dowidoff’s two recent shoots below:
by Amer Mohamad:
by Serge Lee:
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