寻求帮助 英文感激不尽

求帮忙改改这篇作文。。。。各个方面~~谢谢。。感激不尽,,,,,改完可以发到As a girl known as owning mathematically talented, no one would believe mathematics was the most disgusting subject for me. W_作业帮
求帮忙改改这篇作文。。。。各个方面~~谢谢。。感激不尽,,,,,改完可以发到As a girl known as owning mathematically talented, no one would believe mathematics was the most disgusting subject for me. W
求帮忙改改这篇作文。。。。各个方面~~谢谢。。感激不尽,,,,,改完可以发到As a girl known as owning mathematically talented, no one would believe mathematics was the most disgusting subject for me. When I was still a grade one girl of elementary school, my mom signed up my first math club. Only did I step into that classroom, I had realized this is the start of my nightmare. My aptitude of math was noticed soon, I was told to study harder and to be prepared taking math competitions. In the following years, what I remembered are hundreds and thousands of math problems, the proudly smile on my mom’s face, the praise from math teachers and I won’t forget the jealous faces of boys as well. However, I seemed to have everything besides the happiness of learning Math. Things were changed after I got the report card of my first year in Middle S never will I forget the score of my final math exam, which is 68. How can a girl who was the champion of national math rivalries barely passed final math exam? This made me hate math even worse. The score shocked not only me, but my math teacher as well. After knowing my attitude towards math, he was not stunned, instead of blaming me, he advised me “You should not squander your born mathematically gift, how amazing you have done implied your hard work. Nevertheless, you never do math with a you regard math as a duty. Keep you doing math in this way, math will become your burden eventually, as a result, your math grade will continue going down.” After considering his words seriously, I began to learn math with my heart. My dedication paid off. I initiated to notic the joy of solving math problems push me to try the more difficult one. Suddenly, I became conscious that I fell in love with it. Nor did I believe my attitude turns completely. Meanwhile, I took part in math contes math became part of my life. I was the top student even in my special high school class which selected talented students to be trained for competitions of math and science. No matter in China or the US, I stopped doing research of math by no means. No one could change the fact that math has been the deepest love of mine.
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jpg" esrc="http://d.baidu&/zhidao/pic/item/cefc1e178a82b08daf.hiphotos://d.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http.baidu.baidu://d./zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=60ab03bf02cd6cc2f7c7d39/cefc1e178a82b08daf;http,∴BP=.∵A:点P在以点D为圆心:(1)由条件易证△ACD≌△BCE,从而得到:如图2,∴CA=CB://www,从而可以求出∠AEB的度数.(2)仿照(1)中的解法可求出∠AEB的度数、PB.7wenta,借助于(2)中的结论即可解决问题.解,∴△ACD≌△BCE(SAS).∴AD=BE,点P是这两个圆的交点,∴∠ADC=135°.∴∠BEC=135°.∴∠AEB=∠BEC-∠CED=90°.∵/topic/9DF5B01FC867A05A68F24A54E43C83EF、P,∴∠ADC=120°.∴∠BEC=120°.∴∠AEB=∠BEC-∠CED=60°.故答案为
您激活代码(ActivationCode):BD-5BBF-D2E1\r\n \r\n能提示激活码无效重启下即\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n● 请注意软件安装文件夹名称能文否则会提示...求英文大大帮忙翻译一下。感激不尽你好,我的名字叫王明明,今年十七岁,来自美丽富饶的冠县,就读于职教中心,学习高乘职业,我喜欢运动喜欢跑步,因为运动跑步最能放松身心,平_作业帮
我的自我介绍完毕,谢谢老师\x14\x02求大神帮我翻译成英文~~~~口语时用,不用特别专业,但是不要有语法错误,谢了~~~~~~~ 问题补充:不要中国式英语!!!!!
你好,为你写出的自我介绍翻译如下(100%手工翻译,保证质量):Hello, my name is Mingming Wang. I am a seventeen-year-old boy from a beautiful and richly endowed county called Guan Xian, now learning to be an attendant on high-speed rail in a vocational education center. I am keen on sport, especially running, because running is the best way of relaxation for me. I often smile in my daliy life, since my mum told me that smiles are the best present symbolizing kindness. Keeping this in mind I decide to give this present to every passengers I meet in the future, guaranteeing anyone of them a good jounrney with my genuine smile,
enthusiastic service and positive attitude towards my work. If high-speed rail were a mighty ocean, I would like to be a drop of water and get merged into it, which means I will devote myself to the undertaking of railway.It's my pleasure to introduce myself here. Thanks for your listening!写了将近一个小时,很多地方都斟酌过了。直接用应该问题不大。有不满意的地方还可以修改。
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