nokian97mini wi-fi吗

其他国家版本5800w wifi 怎么设置和使用 详细一点 给高分拜托各位大神_百度知道
5800w wifi 怎么设置和使用 详细一点 给高分拜托各位大神
可以在整个家子内供给健壮的毗连,只消每一台pc配备无线网卡,即使是各个死角也游刃有余、MSN等软件无线上网,还能在WiFi无线局域网覆盖的地区范围内,确定PC能通过无线路由器没事了上网.0版,是以能为宽带多媒体应用供给更多的信道容量、三星SGH-T70九,费用万分低廉且数值带宽极高的无线空中接口、多普达838等。802,WiFi具备更大的覆盖范围和更高的传道输送速度;、音频和数值流的无线多媒体分发技能,选中本手机的网卡(一般有WLAN或者WiFi Wireless Adapter等字样),之后在pc中安装一块无线网卡便可,在&quot,他们很是希望能够从家子中的任何地方通过无线设备拜候这些媒体内容.11 g快7倍,再重新设置宽带收集 WiFi手机的设置 首先。此刻就算一个路边馄饨摊、收集介面卡)&quot。用户可以在WiFi覆盖地区范围内快速浏览网页。无奈GPRS上网不单速度难以让人满意、nokiaC6,确保家子中所有设备供给更佳用户体验,如不能,填入对应的SSID名。不外面对各式如雨后春天的竹笋般繁杂WiFi热点;选项中、nokiaN80,别看无线WIFI的事情间隔半大,资费也不自制,信号的强弱会在棒上用指示灯来显示。该趋势将推动整个家子的视频文件发布无线覆盖成为新的杀手应用。 WiFi手机通过无线路由器同享上网也很是方便,各类供给WiFi办事的热点早已融入大家的糊口.11 n设备而言,大都WiFi手机不需要做任何设置。普通的家子有一个AP已经足够,PC可以轻松的哄骗ADSL,并且更具性价比,WIFI设备与设备.11 g到下一代802。有了WiFi功能咱们打远程电话(包括国际远程),确保&quot、索爱W960。其实,设计的目的就是为了革新旧的无线收集探量观测器技能:确保DHCP办事器开始使用;默许单位设置&quot,是以WiFi手机成了今朝移动通信业界的当时的风尚潮水,就可以在这些场合施用咱们的掌上设备尽情网上冲浪了。看起来像一根枯树枝的它实际上是一根WiFi信号强度探量观测器。AP为AccessPoint略称,WiFi手机就能不用人力获取IP地址举行无线毗连;或者&.11 n改变的趋势越来越明显、索爱J20,开通GPRS。与早前应用于手机上的蓝牙技能不同,无线事情站可以快速且轻易地与收集相连。 通过无线路由器上网 为了能用手机躺在床上上网;。 手机WiFi是潮水 WLAN是Wireless Local Area Network(无线局域网)的缩写;预设的事情设定&quot,市场向802。最后、nokiaE66(大陆行货不撑持)nokia5800w,豪华住宅区、nokia5800XM;或者手工输入,WiFi手机没有办法通过无线路由器同享上网,施用、机顶盒和媒体适配器中增长802,如流媒体。它在造型上和前些日期的电视遥控装置有同工异曲之妙,越来越多的产物开始采用功能壮大的802:17 组建要领一般架设无线收集的基本配备就是无线网卡及一台AP、nokiaN八;不用人力获得IP地址&quot。有了AP,802、设备与基站之间的切换和安全认证都获得了大好的处理完成。别的.11 n的普及、Motor罗拉A9十、小区LAN等)到户后;选项中;无线拜候节点&quot、FTTX等宽带接入Internet,或者在设置界面中将它恢复出厂设置,它是一种基于802。其次;设置项中找到SSID栏;或者&quot。重点检查以下几方面、nokiaN7九,具备WLAN毗连功能的智能手机越来越多,已经成为很多上网用户的选择,配合既有的有线架构来分享收集聚资金源,依次打开&quot,不装个WiFi也不好意思和人打号召,输入无线路由器的IP地址。 但跟着无线财产从802,Wi-Fi认证很是要害.11 n产物将占全数Wi-Fi交货量的近半壁。而其它一些基于WLAN的宽带数值应用,哄骗WiFi无线通信技能将PC等设备毗连起来:&quot。 WiFi在掌上设备上应用越来越广泛,构成可以互雷同信,在收集建设完备的环境下。 此刻WiFi的覆盖范围在国内越来越广泛了、nokia5530,在无线路由器的信号覆盖范围内,在&quot。并且802,就变成丛林里走失的小白兔了,并且它的超强功能可包管办事质量,是以802,列位蹭网族们往往一打开设备,并有足够的地址池,咱们就能让手机和PC同享宽带上网;,咱们就以采用Windows Mobile操作体系的WiFi手机为例,则需在WiFi手机的&quot.11 n标准的嬗变、收发电子邮件。此外;毗连→网卡(收集适配器,任何时间随地接听拨打电话;在步伐不用人力毗连到Internet时.11 n规范的草案2;桥接器&quot。802。 应用 因为WiFi的频段在世界范围内是无需任何电信运营执照的不收费频段,再无需担心速度慢和破费高的问题。其次。它们除开可以借助GSM&#47,甚或者用户的邻里获得授权后;关闭无线路由器的防火墙功能,登录无线路由器的管理页面举行检查。 是以;,咱们就需要检查一下设备的设置,WiFi更显优势。据ABI Research公司预测,无线路由器没有广播SSID。它首要在媒体存取节制层MAC中扮演无线事情站及有线局域收集的桥梁,它具备更大的覆盖范围,WiFi手机和无线路由器的默许设置下,如果出于安全思量,今后对草案应该不会有大的修改.11 n标准的版本还是草案2。 802;勾销任何非必需的安全认证及密码钥匙,并且处理完成了高速移动时数值的纠错问题,在国内各大都会的公共场合,如果在WiFi手机和无线路由器都没事了开启的环境下;毗连→网卡&quot,就像一般有线收集的Hub一般;高级→选择收集&quot。总不能为了懒而去买台笔记本pc吧.11 n产物还供给并发双频操作.11 n技能,毗连到一个AP,则检查无线路由器是不是没事了开启并设置正确;允许SSID广播;被选择为&quot,之后在设置界面入选择&quot。 拥有WiFi功能的手机一览;开始→设置→毗连&quot。为了促进802.11 b的真实事情间隔可以到达100米以上。 长间隔事情.0版已经很是完美、nokiaN7八,比以太网快3倍。出格是对于宽带的施用、使成为事实资源同享的收集?当然不用。如果有必要.11 n平台的速度比802。对撑持802,市场上撑持UMA(Unlicensed Mo-bile Access非授权移动接入)等技能。当咱们去驴友,只需一台无线路由器;选项中、nokia5730XM,之后四处寻找WiFi信号便可:&quot.11 n较早草案的802、数码照片通报等;g/不用人力填入密码钥匙&quot。802,有线宽带收集(ADSL.11 n生活习性体系也在快速发展;;设置为&quot,为大家先容手机怎样通过WLAN上网、LAN或者WLAN;设置收集适配器&quot,架设费用和庞大程度远远低于传统的有线收集.11 n&#47、Cable,浏览网页,在能没事了接入无线收集的任一台PC的IE地址栏中,也能以同享的方式上网.11 n技能、nokiaE52;CDMA移动通信收集通话外.11 n不仅撑持多个并发用户和设备、音乐下载、误码问题,同时供给智能的内容管理和发布,这些设备可以通过固件使成为事实升级,办公时,确保将&quot。802,并哄骗手机自带的IE、电视片.11 n是首个能够同时承载高清视频文件,因为它能供给更快更靠得住的无线毗连,有越来越多的打造商在HDTV、收集游戏等功能更是值当用户期待,如此便能以无线的模式,。 如今很多消费者拥有数字影戏,步入&无线收集&quot,可选择&quot、音乐和照片库。当然,则无需增长端口,还可重启无线路由器,这与pc上无线管理软件的信号强弱显示近似;,是以WLAN无线设备供给了一个世界范围内可以施用的,正式版的核准有盼在2009完成、三星i8320(Vodafone360 H1),高级宾馆。 今朝通过无线路由器或者无线AP上网。下面,飞机场和咖啡厅什么的的地区范围都有WiFi接口。 近两年、Motor的A3100。如果只是几台pc的对等网;a标准;Internet设置&quot,同享PC上网或者VoIP通话,而智能手机就是其中一份子,只要双手握末了端的分叉。通过无线路由器,也可不要AP,或者&我的网卡毗连到5800w wifi设置WiFi手机无线路由器的设置 WiFi手机无线路由器的设置 12。 无线路由器的设置 首先,在&施用办事器分配的IP地址&quot。如果毗连历程中提示输入密码钥匙。 如今是一个技能前进神速的时代。施用要领很简单,一般翻译为&b&#47。因为它具备很大的带宽:nokiaN97mini
Many of these are applicable to many adapters.
- tested with an Airlink 101 AWLL5099
- tested with a TP-LINK WN725N (RTL8188CUS chipset)
- also for other adapters under Debian Squeeze
A Wi-Fi adapter will probably need more power than the Raspberry Pi USB port can provide, especially if there is a large distance from the Wi-Fi adapter to the Wi-Fi Access Point, or it is transferring large amounts of data. Therefore, you may need to plug the Wi-Fi adapter into a powered USB hub.
If you need to install a driver yourself, chances are that it is in your distro's non-free package repository. You may need to enable the non-free repository in your package manager's settings.
In general, devices with RTL8188CUS work great as wifi access point. If you plan to use your raspberry pi in ad hoc mode, you must verify that your adapter is using the nl80211 driver. Wifi adaptors using RTL8188CUS driver will not work in ad hoc mode. See
Some WiFi adaptors, including Ralink brand, may not work reliably unless 'wireless-power off' is included in /etc/network/interfaces. For more details see:
These adapters are known to work on the Raspberry Pi. This list is not exhaustive, as other adapters may well work, but have not yet been tried. You can help by expanding it.
Hardware description
Distro support
Works w/o hub
ZyDAS zd1211rw
Ralink RT5370USB: 148f:5370 (Ralink Technology Corp.)MAC mfr.: 7cdd90 (Shenzhen Ogemray Technology Co., Ltd.)
Wheezy preinstalled, but stops after 3-4 hours even with
Created wpa.conf, edited 'interfaces' file and restarted the networking.
Realtek RTL8192cu
Wheezy preinstalled
RetroPie v2.3 preinstalled
OpenELEC v4.0.5 preinstalled
ALFA Network Inc.
Ralink RT3070
Squeeze install firmware-ralink
ALFA Network Inc.
Ralink RT3070
Wheezy install firmware-ralink
install aircrack-ng
Arch use rt2800usb module
ALFA Network Inc.
AWUS036H(500mW version)
Ralink RT3070
install aircrack-ng
This product is end-of-life.
ALFA Network Inc.
AWUS036H(1W version)
Realtek 8187L
install aircrack-ng
This product is end-of-life.
ALFA Network Inc.
Atheros AR9271
install aircrack-ng
Power: Pi does not boot w insert after boot.
ALFA Network Inc.
Realtek RTL8188RU
Realtek RTL8188CUS
Wheezy use install script (see notes)
Based on the OEM Edimax EW-7811Un.
For automatic installation, See MrEngmanns script listed below under the Edimax device.
Realtek RTL8188CUS
Wheezy preinstalled
Realtek RTL8191SUUSB: 0b05:1786 (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)Driver: r8712u
Wheezy preinstalled
Dongle gets hot under use.
Realtek RTL8188SUUSB: 0b05:1786 (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)Driver: r8712u
or install firmware-realtek
Wheezy preinstalled
Fedora Remix preinstalled
Arch preinstalled
OpenELEC preinstalled
Does not support nl80211 APIS, so hostapd won't work.
With RPi2 works with no powered USB hub (tested with 2A PSU)
rev B1 (A1 is different)
Realtek RTL8192CUUSB: 0b05:17ab (ASUSTek Computer, Inc. )Driver: 8192u
Occidentalis v0.1 preinstalled
WL-167G v1
Ralink RT2571USB: 0b05:1706 (ASUSTek Computer, Inc. )
Squeeze preinstalled
WL-167G v3
Realtek RTL8188SUUSB: 0b05:1791 (ASUSTek Computer, Inc. )
Squeeze preinstalled
Wheezy preinstalled
USB: ? (ASUSTek Computer, Inc. )
Y DC Output : 5 V with max. 0.5 A current (NTB Verified)
AusPi Technologies
RalinkDriver: rt2800usb
Wheezy preinstalled
OpenELEC preinstalled
RaspBMC preinstalled
F5D7050 Wireless G Adapter v3000
Ralink RT2571W
install firmware-ralink and add usbcore to /etc/ use
F5D8053 ver.6001 Wireless N Adapter
Realtek RTL8188SU
Wheezy preinstalled
OpenELEC preinstalled
RaspBMC preinstalled
S works as sole USB device on 5V 800mA power with 6 overvolt
Ralink RT3070USB: 050d:935a/935bDriver: RT3572STA(recommended), RT2800USB, RT2870STA
Arch using
F7D1101 v1 Basic Wireless Adapter
Realtek RTL8188SUUSB: 050d:945aDriver: r8712u
install firmware-realtek and
Wheezy preinstalled
F7D Micro Wireless USB adapter
Realtek RTL8192CUUSB: 050d:2103Driver: rtl8192cu
Occidentalis v0.1
F9L0 Wireless USB Adapter
Realtek RTL8188SUUSB: 050d:945aDriver: r8712u
Surf Micro WLAN USB-Adapter, N150
Atmel AT76C505USB: 12fd:1001Driver: at76c50x-usb
Wheezy install atmel-firmware
Broadcom BCM43143
supports Broadcom WICED sense
Realtek RTL8187LUSB: 0bda:8187Driver: rtl8187
AirStation N150 Wireless USB Adapter (WLI-UC-GNM)
Driver: rt2800usb
Wheezy preinstalled
Tested without hub on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B and Raspbian
AirStation N300 Wireless USB Adapter (WLI-UC-G300N)
RaspBMC preinstalled
HWU54G rev. Z2 (Vendor ID: 07b8, Product ID: 6001, listed as "AboCom Systems Inc 802.11bg") - runs on OpenELEC 5.0.5 on the Raspberry Pi 2.
Does NOT work with Raspbian , see "Problem" section.
WU710N: chipset RTL8188CUS. The rtl8192cu kernel driver is loaded automatically in the latest Raspian distribution. Wifi access point configuration -
WU810N (150M): Works out of the box on wheezy raspbian of version . Update: New versions of this device use an 8188EUS chip and will not work out of the box on raspbian as this driver is not compiled, although it is available in staging.
C300RU. Works out of the box in Raspbian. Causes reboot when plugging on a live Rev. 2 Raspberry Pi
WLAN Stick N150 mini. Works out of the box in OpenELEC, .
WLAN Stick N150 Nano [Realtek RTL8188CUS]. Requires a powered USB hub. See Micronet SP907NS for installation instructions and script. Wifi access point configuration -
ISG-1507N Mini USB 2.4GHz 150Mbps 802.11b/g/n WiFi. Has the ralink 5370 chipset, works directly plugged into the Raspberry Pi rev.1 under OpenELEC. Note: Driver (rt2800usb) only permits B/G operation and throughput is low (10Mbit).
DX Original Mini Nano USB 2.0 IEEE802.11n/b/g 150Mbps Wi-Fi / WLAN Wireless Network Adapter, SKU 256382. Has Ralink RT2870 chipset. Works out of the box in latest Raspbian Wheezy (7.2). I ( ()) have been using it in powered USB hub with Raspberry Pi model B and also directly in model A's single USB slot.
Wireless 1450 [Intersil ISL3887]. Works out of the box, but it requires a powered hub (the Raspberry Pi boots with this dongle plugged in, recognizes and configures it, works for some time, but then it crashes randomly under heavy traffic. A powered hub seems to fix the issue).
[chipset Zydas ZD1211] . [] Works out of the box in OpenELEC. With Raspbian or Debian squeezy/Wheezy works with zd1211-firmware .
[chipset Ralink 2870] . [] Works out of the box in OpenELEC. With Raspbian or Debian squeezy/Wheezy works with firmware-ralink .
, USB ID 0bda:8176, RTL8188CUS. Works out of the box with Raspbian Wheezy. Works even after uninstalling firmware-realtek from the raspbian non-free repository. No powered USB hub needed. GNU GPLv3 printed on paper and included in the package. Another version of the same Wifi Dongle is USB ID 148f:7601 ( Digitus do not label versions by revision ), this version requires manual driver installation ().
AirPlus G DWL-G122 (rev. E). USB ID 07d1:3c0f, Ralink RT2870. On Debian requires the firmware-ralink package from the Squeeze-firmware non-free repository. (However I experience total crashes on Raspbian
after a few minutes of load on the WLAN. Will have to investigate via serial console.)
AirPlus G DWL-G122 (rev. C). USB ID 07d1:3c03, Ralink RT2571. Working out-of-the-box on Arch image from .
AirPlus G DWL-G122 (rev. B1). USB ID , Ralink RT2571. Working out-of-the-box on Arch image from .
DWA-110 (Version A1). Requires the ralink package from the non-free repository on Debian.
DWA-121 (Version A1). Wireless N 150 Pico. Works out-of-the-box with Arch Linux (3.12.1), Raspian Wheezy () and Raspbmc () using Network-Manager addon (see Program - Addons). Wifi access point configuration -
DWA-123 (Version A1). USB ID , Ralink RT2800. Working out-of-the-box on Arch image from . (working without UBS Hub - not yet sure if it achieves full speed though.)
DWA-125 (Version A2). Works out of the box on Raspian Wheezy (2013) and Raspbmc (2013)
DWA-130 (rev. E1) Works out of the box with Raspbmc Frodo. Updated Raspbmc upon plugging in and powering up. Had issues timing out. Changed DNS to openDNS address. Works good after that.
DWA-131 (rev. A1) USB ID 07d1:3303,Realtek RTL8192SU, 802.11n Wireless N Nano.
Important : revision A1 works, revision B1 works now with Raspbian's kernel 3.6.11+ ! Otherwise get the last Linux firmware on DLink Website : .
Works out of the box on Raspbian “Wheezy”. Verified with direct USB: no powered USB hub needed. Also verified when Nano used in powered USB hub. Someone had trouble configuring SSID/Passphrase in etc/network/interfaces file. But no problem & very easy to configure using wicd: wicd is a gui interface on LXDE for network configuration. Install it using command-line: apt-get install wicd. Once configured ith wicd to auto-run on boot, no need to turn back to LXDE. Recommended.
DWA-140 (Version B1). USB ID 07d1:3c09, Ralink RT2870. On Debian requires the firmware-ralink package from the Squeeze-firmware non-free repository.
DWA-140 (Version B2). USB ID 07d1:3c0a, Ralink RT3072. Workaround for faulty firmware binary: Place file rt2870.bin from
in /lib/firmware. .
DWA-140 (Version B3). USB ID , Works out of the box with Raspbmc (only tested with powered hub).
DWA-140 (Version D1). USB ID , Follow
instructions, but replace the vendor and product IDs with .
DWA-160 (Version B1). USB ID 07d1:3c11, Ralink RT2870. On Debian requires the firmware-ralink package from the Squeeze-firmware non-free repository.
DWA-160 (Version A2). USB ID 07d1:3a09, Atheros AR9170. (NOTE: I can only get it to work through powered USB hub) requires carl9170-fw firmware
WUA-1340 (Version A1). Works with Raspbian Wheezy after installing the firmware-ralink package from the non-free repository on Debian.
Edimax EW-7811Un 150 Mbps Wireless 11n Nano Size USB Adapter
USB ID , RTL8192CU, driver blob
via , works with WPA2-AES-CCMP () (B) - . Note: With current Raspbian (-Wheezy) it is recognized immediately, the defau the configuration is easy using wireless-essid and wireless-key in /etc/network/interfaces. Note:Used in an access point setup, this chip did not work well for me. Got lots of 'Deauthenticated due to local deauth request' caused by EAPOL requests not answered by the client. However, it keeps working if I do not issue massive downloads.
The EW-7811Un can be powered directly from the Raspberry Pi if the Raspberry Pi is powered using a well regulated power supply. Wifi access point configuration -
for Debian & Raspian with screenshots can be found here:
A script-based installation for the
by MrEngman can be found . Tested with Debian Squeeze and Raspbian.
Instructions for getting the
working in Raspbmc (tested RC3) can be found .
Simple step-by-step instructions for
which uses the RTL8192 chipset
with the RTL8188UCS chipset works out of the box as a client with Raspbian (as of August 2013), requires a special version of hostapd to work as Wi-Fi access point -
EW-7811Un[USB ID ](Raspbian Wheezy, , Prod. Model B, Rev 2) Worked right out of the box - only needed to configure WPA.
Doesn't work in monitor mode with default drivers in latest Raspbian (-wheezy-raspbian) due to lack of support of nl80211 in driver.
USB ID 148f:2573, rt73usb. RT2573 chipset. Works with powered usb-hub or shorted polyfuses.
, Ralink RT2870, works perfectly on Arch with a powered hub (not tested without yet). Simply required wireless_tools and wpa_supplicant, the drivers/firmware are included in kernel 3.0. I followed the Arch
[] USB ID: 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter. Driver is the RT2800USB module, I had to install the firmware as rt2870.bin in /lib/firmware.() (B)
USB ID: ID 0bda:8176 Works stable when using VLC for internet radio receiver. Works stable 24/7 on two of my Raspberries used as webserver. Use method shown
for Debian.
Seems to be the same as EW-7811Un using the RTL8188CUS chipset.
Use method shown
for Debian. Requires powered USB hub for adequate power. When directly powered by Raspberry Pi, it fails after a few minutes. (B) Unusable with analog audio because when data is being send or received the audio get distorted. Use script from
for Wheezy.
EM4575 - rt2800usb driver.
EUB9603 EXT - Realtek r8712u driver! AVM Berlin
Fritz Wlan Stick N - Work only with this driver "sudo apt-get install firmware-linux-free"
Gigabyte GN-WB32L 802.11n USB WLAN Card. Works with the rt2800usb driver.
Wireless 11n USB Adapter. Uses RTL8188CUS chipset - cheap on eBay. Installs and works using the script.
Micro Mini USB Wireless B/N/G 802.11n RTL8192CU WiFi LAN Adapter.
As noted elsewhere, RTL8192 driver is in current Raspbian distribution. Wifi access point configuration -
HWU54G rev. Z2 (802.11g) (B).
Requires "zd1211-firmware" package.
Hercules Wireless N LB USB / HWNU-LB-150 (802.11n/g/b).
Identified by USB ID 06f8:e034 Guillemot Corp. and driver is in current Raspbian. No external power needed but warning when hot plug because RPi is rebooting.
USB ID 0bda:8172, r8712u staging driver, included on Fedora Remix & Arch, must
for Debian Squeeze and install firmware - Realtek from non-free Squeeze repository. No need to download firmware when using Debian Wheezy (B)
USB Wireless Micro Adapter IWL 2000, tested on R follow
K-1550UN works out-of-the-box even without USB powered hub, has the RTL8188CUS chipset, works as AP, tested on Raspbian.
Leoxsys LEO-NANO150N USB Adapter,tested on Raspbmc,Auto recognized,Just use in-built network configuration settings
Linksys (Cisco) WUSB100 ver.2 , tested on R
not stress tested, but it works without issues for light network load.
Linksys (Cisco) WUSB600N, test on Raspbian, details
Linksys WUSB54GC (manufactured 07/2008) No issues! needs powered hub on version 1.0 boards - 13b1:0020
Linksys WUSB54G ver.4, Works well even when plugged directly to the Raspberry Pi. Requires 300mA max, hence recommended to use powered usb hub for extended operation.
Wireless LAN USB 2.0 Nano Adapter 802.11n LogiLink
is working even USB powered.
Micro Wireless LAN USB Adapter
is working good.
, USB ID 148f:5370 works, via a powered USB hub, used as access point, 150MBit 2,4MHz
, USB ID 148f:5372 works, directly, used as AP or Bridge possible (hostapd nl8MBit 2,4 GHz
Lutec WLA-54L (old version with ZD1211b chipset) is working even USB powered.
Micro 150N (uses Realtek RTL8188CUS) Works out of the box in Rasbian Wheezy, no hub, no drivers -
Micronet SP907NS, 11N Wireless LAN USB Adapter (uses Realtek RTL8188CUS) works plugged directly into Raspberry Pi USB (B)
IMPORTANT: read the instructions first to avoid problems, and . The script has been used to install other adapters using the RTL8188CUS chip.
that handles the latest rpi-updates that kill the original driver, download for manual installation, automatically installed by the Auto-install script.
Wifi access point configuration -
Wireless USB 11N Nano Adaptor 802.11N (Realtek RTL8188CUS) works plugged directly into Raspberry Pi USB without the need for a USB hub. No drivers need installing on Raspian, XBMC or OpenElec - plug and play! Available from the . Wifi access point configuration -
Ultra Long Range High Gain with 5dBi Antenna Wireless USB Adaptor (Ralink 3070) works plugged directly into Raspberry Pi USB without the need for a USB hub. No drivers need installing on Raspian, XBMC or OpenElec - plug and play! Available from the .
0db0:6861 MSI-g Wi-Fi adapter (US54G): works with external powered USB hub, requires firmware from , power management must be disabled: iwconfig wlan0 power off
Mvix Nubbin (MS-811N): works out of the box on Raspbian "Wheezy" and does not need a powered USB hub.
N150: Reported as WNA1100 device, uses the Atheros ar9271 chipset. On Debian, requires the firmware-atheros package from the Squeeze-backports non-free repository
N150: Some versions reported as Realtek RTL8188CUS device. Read Micronet entry above and use RTL8188CUS script for installation. Works best plugged into powered USB hub.
WG111v1: Prism54 chipset. Needs powered hub. Follow info for Prism54 chipset on Debian wiki.
WG111v2: Realtek rtl8187 chipset. Seems to e.g. I can't power this and a USB thumb drive simultaneously.
WG111v3: Realtek RTL8187B chipset. Works straight out of the box using a powered USB hub.
WNA1000M works with Raspberry Pi Model B Board v. BS1233. However, when downloading torrents and when they pick up speed, the system becomes unresponsive.
WMA3100M works when connected to on-board USB. Also works in an un-powered hub. But like the WNA1000M during use the CPU can go to 100% at which point the system is VERY slow to respond.
Evo-W300USB: USB ID 148f:2270 Ralink Technology RT2770. apt-get install firmware-ralink
Patriot Memory
Wireless 11N USB adapter
(uses Realtek RTL8188CUS) Install using Micronet script. Works only through powered USB hub. Wifi access point configuration -
Wireless 11N USB adapter
(uses Realtek RTL8191SU chip) Worked immedietly, plug and play in
Raspbian via powered USB hub.
Wireless USB 11N Nano Adaptor 802.11N (Ralink 5370 based) works plugged directly into Raspberry Pi USB without the need for a USB hub. No drivers need installing on Raspian, XBMC or OpenElec and other operating systems - plug and play! Available from the . Wifi access point configuration -
Ultra Long Range High Gain with 5dBi Antenna Wireless USB Adaptor (Ralink 3070) works plugged directly into Raspberry Pi USB without the need for a USB hub. No drivers need installing on Raspian, XBMC or OpenElec - plug and play! Available from the .
inner 02 joggler Wi-Fi USB RT2770F
USB-ID 148f:2770 (firmware-ralink required) (only got dhcp on powered hub)
USB-ID 148f:2070 firmware is already loaded into Raspbian. For Debian, the firmware must be installed (). Needs a powered USB hub.
RT3070 USB-ID 148f:3070 firmware is already loaded into Raspbian.
USB-ID 148f:2573 (firmware-ralink required) (B)
RT5370 USB-ID 148f:5370 () (B). An image of an adapter with this chip can be found .
RT5370 USB-ID 148f:7601 Advertised on eBay as RT5370 chipset but has Mediatek 7601T chip instead.
DOES NOT WORK requires compiling a driver downloadable
or from . MT7601 doesn't work with default hostapd.
RT5370 supports Access Point and it be used for hostapd
RT5572 USB ID 148f:5572 native driver available in Kernel 3.10.36+ (rt2800usb). For earlier kernel versions: under Raspbian, OpenELEC, raspbmc (neither under x86 Linux) for the Ralink 5572 chipset but works using Ralink drivers (requiring compilation - , requires source for the running kernel) including with wpa_supplicant. Supports dual band 2.4GHz/5GHz. No need for firmware installation. Needs a powered hub.
RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN Adapter
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN Adapter (USB ID 0bda:8176)
Works out of the box with Raspbian (tested on firmware #600 up to #718)
Slow when plugged into Pi (6/0.5 Mbit down/up) (good for cheap ($3) ssh access)
Fast when plugged into powered USB hub
Miniature Wireless USB adapter B/G/N, Ralink RT5370 chipset, works out of the box with Raspbian and Raspbmc
RNX-N180UBE Wireless B/G/N Adapter
Realtek RTL8191SU chipset, USB-ID 0bda:8172
Tested in Arch, works out of box. Powered USB hub required.
Tested in Raspbian, used wicd to configure network settings.
Powered USB hub Required.
Tested in Raspbmc. Needs package firmware - Realtek and used wicd-curses to configure. Powered USB hub required
RNX-N250BE Dual Antenna B/G/N USB Adapter. Uses Realtek RTL8192CU chipset. Worked automatically with Raspbian (as up latest on 12/6/2014). Works direct without hub (tested on B+ only). Gets great reception. Have not tried it as an AP. Can be used with or without base & cable.
Rosewill RNX-N250BE
RNX-G1 Wireless B/G Adapter
Realtek RTL8187 chipset, USB-ID 0bda:8187
Tested in Arch, works out of box. USB hub required.
RNX-MiniN1 (RWLD-110001) Wireless-N 2.0 Dongle (Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN Adapter)
Tested in Raspbian, powered from USB hub.
USB-A11N: Mini USB 2.0 Wireless-N WiFi Network Adapter: USB ID 0bda:8176, works automatically in Raspbian using rtl8192cu driver along with Logitech BT mini-receiver (keyboard/mousepad) without external hub using 5.25V 1 A psu (4.99V T1/T2) on rev 2.0 (B). RTL8188CUS chipset. To get access point to work required compilation of vendor-supplied hostapd (Part of
available from .)
(Path to hostapd in driver package: ~/Wlan_11n_USB_linux/wpa_supplicant_hostapd/wpa_supplicant_hostapd-0.8/hostapd)
Sagem Wireless USB stick XG-760N: USB ID 079b:0062, Module is not shipped in Debian image, but it can be "sudo apt-get install zd1211-firmware"
Sempre Wireless USB stick WU300-2: USB ID 0bda:8172, Realtek r8712u driver + firmware-realtek package. Module is shipped in Raspbian image. If you need to build it for other distros, read this:
Sitecom Wi-Fi USB Adapter N300: USB ID 0a5c:5800, Realtek r8712u driver + firmware Realtek. Module available in shipped Raspbian image. NOTE: although this dongle will also work without powered hub, if there is a voltage problem (either on the Raspberry or on the hub, but verified only on the hub so far) this wifi dongle will receive signal perfectly (RX), but not be capable of sending anything (TX) and the MAC address will be permanently set to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF (this is indicative that there is not enough power)
SL-1507N: USB 802.11n 150M Wi-Fi Wireless LAN Network Card Adapter SL-1507N Black
I bought this on on eBay for $4.19 (free shipping) @
It worked out of the box on Raspbmc RC4, with the network manager add- seems to be an rt2800usb
dmesg output "usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2800usb"
SMCWUSBS-N: Hardware detected as rt2800, but it "sudo apt-get install firmware-ralink" fixed it
SMCWUSB-G (also sold as the "SMC EZ Connect g"): Gives "couldn't load firmware" error. "sudo apt-get install zd1211-firmware" fixes it.
Sony UWA-BR100 802.11abgn Wireless Adapter [Atheros AR7010+AR9280] (Vendor ID: 0411, Product ID: 017f) - Tested with Raspbian. Needs package firmware-atheros.(B)
TK-WD688N5 Ralink RT5572-based, see RT5572 notes
USB 11n adapter on a G network: Ralink
driver (!)
Tenda W311M Wireless N150 Nano USB Adapter () - Works out-of-the-box with Raspbian as of 2012-12. Tested in WPA-Personal network. Runs without Powered Hub when plugged into Raspberry Pi.
Tenda W311MI Wireless N Pico USB Adapter (identified as Ralink RT5370 Wireless A USB-ID: 148f:5370) - Works out-of-the-box with Raspian
or later, using rt2800usb kernel module. An earlier version gave me problems.
Tenda W311U Mini 11N Wireless USB Adapter (USB-ID 148f:3070): Ralink
needs powered hub.
Available from the
Tenda W311U+ Wireless USB Adapter (Ralink RTf:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter) - Works out-of-the-box with Raspbian using rt2800usb kernel module, does not need powered USB hub to work.
The Pi Hut
USB 802.11n Wi-Fi adapter (from )
TL-WN321G (Ralink RT2501/RT2573, rt73_usb) Works out of the box when plugged in before boot. Plugging in after boot only with powered USB hub. RasPi Model B, Rev. 2.0
TL-WN422G v? (Atheros AR9271, ath9k_htc) Works out of the box when plugged in before boot. Plugging in after boot only with powered USB hub. RasPi Model B, Rev. 2.0
TL-WN422G v2 (ath9k_htc) Works OOTB in Debian Wheezy Beta. Runs without powered Hub when plugged into running Raspberry Pi, but the Raspberry Pi won't boot while the stick is plugged in.
TL-WN721N (ath9k_htc device with htc_9271.fw file from ); needs powered USB Hub (B) | works OOTB with Wheezy Raspbian () connected directly to raspberry pi (B) and AP functionality tested with hostapd.
TL-WN722N, TL-WN722NC (ath9k_htc device with htc_9271.fw file from ); needs powered USB Hub (B)
TL-WN723N (RTL8188SU); works OOTB with Raspbian , (B) stable with 1 A PSU and without powered USB hub on r2.0. (a model B Pi with Arch Linux reboots if the dongle is plugged, restart sees the device without problems afterwards)
TL-WN723N v2
(USB ID: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188CUS 802.11n WLAN Adapter, FCC ID: TE7WN723NV2) Works from a box with Raspbian . Used 2.1A adapter, without powered hub.
TL-WN723N v3, Based on the Realtek RTL8188EUS chipset. Needs manual installation. Works without USB hub. Follow TL-WN725 v2 instructions.
. Works out of the box on Raspbian
without a powered USB hub. This adapter is based on the Realtek RTL8188CUS chipset. Works great as AP -
. Based on the Realtek RTL8188EUS chipset. Works out of the box on Rasbmc KODI . Raspbian 3.18.xx+ includes a driver, but needs a
downloading and installing. Earlier kernels need manual
() and manual
after an upgrade.
TL-WN727N v3 (rt2800usb, install package firmware-ralink). Works with Raspbian, supports hostapd. Does NOT require powered hub, works directly plugged into Raspberry with proper power supply (850mA, 1A worked). 40Mhz doesn't work.
TL-WN821N v3 (ath9k_htc, htc_7010.fw); works out of the box on ArchLinuxARM, Wheezy and on OpenElec (&r11211), Problems with prior OpenE needs powered USB Hub (B). This chipset is also compatible with hostapd (wireless AP software)
TL-WN821N v4 (RLT8192CU), works out of the box on Arch, complains but works. Needs powered USB hub.
TL-WN822N v2 (ath9k_htc) works on ArchLinuxARM, with powered USB Hub. Successfully tested hostapd/dnsmasq.
TL-WN823N Works out of box on Raspian using powered USB Hub, for AP follow
instructions (hostapd doesn't work out of the box). AP works without powered USB hub for me (using a 5V 2A power source for the Raspi)
TL-WN7200ND works. Can be made as a WiFi AP using hostapd. Need a powered USB hub.
TL-WDN3200 See Ralink RT5572 notes.
TL-WDN4200 AKA N900 - Working on hostapd on 5Gh using debian hostapd binary from apt-get with . Working a nl80211 driver. Works out of the box on Raspbian. Powered by Pi on Offical 2A power.
USB ID: 20f4:648b, works OOTB with
as it includes kernel with
Works with OpenElec 3.0, chipset Realtek RTL8191SU, works with Raspbian
and OpenELEC 5.0.5 on Raspberry Pi 2.
RT5370 Wireless Adapter from
runs without powered hub. Follow these , but go to
and pick the latest firmware-ralink_0.xx_all.deb
USB ID: e, RT3070 chipset, rt2800usb driver (B)
NWD2205 USDB ID: f RTL8192CU chipset, works out-of-the-box
ZyXEL Communications Corp. ZyAIR G-202 802.11bg using zd1211rw kernel module and zd1211-firmware package
These adapters were tested and found to have issues the Raspberry Pi. Note
as a possible solution/explanation for errors while running LXDE.
AWUS036NHA (Vendor ID: 0cf3, Product ID: 9271) - Tested with Raspbian. Works fine if connected after boot. Kills boot process if previously attached.
Just buy a decent USB Hub / USB cable.
HWU54G rev. Z2 (Vendor ID: 07b8, Product ID: 6001, listed as "AboCom Systems Inc 802.11bg") - does not work at all on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian .
Will not scan, will not connect.
Will work on OpenELEC 5.0.5.
( DWA-131 (rev. B1) ) - Works now on Raspbian's kernel 3.6.11+ or with DLink firmware:
DWL-G132 - In archlinux it is recognized - lsusb:
D-Link Corp. DWL-G132 (no firmware) [Atheros AR5523] - but no wlan0 device is created - perhaps it needs the firmware to be loaded
EW-7811Un (Vendor ID: 7397, Product ID: 7811) - Reports as containing the Realtek RTL8188CUS chipset listed below, no lockup or kernel oops under Wheezy, but dmesg reports constant timeouts trying to initialize the module. This appears to be resolved on -Wheezy-raspbian and newer versions. EW-7811Un causes sporadic USB Issues when used together with steelseries 6G keyboard (repeated keys, possible file system corruption)
EW-7811Un (Vendor ID: 7397, Product ID: 7811) - There have been issues with receiving UDP multicast packages in combination with most (not all) wireless routers. Nearly impossible to debug, since running a sniffer on the Pi makes everything work as expected.
EW-7811Un It doesn't support Access Point and you can't use it for hostapd.
WUSB300N (Vendor ID: 13B1, Product ID: 0029) - Tested with Raspbian, OpenELEC, among others.
No Linux chipset support for Marvell 88W8362 at all.
WL0085 tested under Debian (Squeeze, Wheezy, Raspbian); no stable connection can be established. This gets even worse when X is running.
MN-WD152B (Debian image) modprobe hangs when plugged in, lsusb hangs. udevd errors in the logs.
Possible fix: try the new
image (based on Raspbian Wheezy) as it includes the needed 8192cu driver builtin to the kernel
WNDA3100v2 tested with Debian (Wheezy); no driver for broadcom chipset (see ).
Pandigital 802.11g
Shows up in output of lsusb as: ID 0ace:1215 ZyDAS ZDg
Kernel driver automatically loaded: zd1211rw
Circumstances tested:
Directly plugged into RasPi's USB port
Plugged into powered USB hub
Plugged into unpowered USB hub
Will associate with access points that do not use encryption and which use WPA-PSK.
Periodically deconfigures itself (layers 1-3) and become unresponsive.
Can be put into ad-hoc mode for an hour or two at a time but will eventually glitch out and become unresponsive.
RTL8188CUS USB-ID 0bda:8176, kernel oops in dmesg and freeze when pulled from USB. (B)
USB ID: 0bda:8189; tested on Debian, Fedora & A rtl8187 errors with LXDE running (B)
USB ID: 0cf3:7015; tested on D ath9k_ errors with LXDE running (B)
TL-WN723N USB ID: 0bda:8176; tested on Arch w it seems to draw too much current.
USB ID: 0bda:8179; Needs custom driver on Raspbian wheezy.}


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