
可可词汇课堂第208期:额滴神呀 时间: 20:31:08 来源:可可英语 编辑:tan & &[F8键暂停/播放] && 友情提示:看不懂音变的同学请听203-206期,基础知识不再啰嗦,课程加速前进 divine div-deu-dei divine [di'vain]coming from or connected with God or a god:(old-fashioned) beautifulTo foretell through or as if through the art of divinationTo know by inspiration, intuition, or reflectionTo locate (underground water or minerals) douse.adj. 神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的vi. 占卜;预言;;(凭直觉)推测使用占卜勘探矿n. 牧师;神学家 例句People used to believe in the divine right of kings. 过去人们相信君权神授。How can you divine the truth by mere guesswork? 你仅凭猜测怎么能发现真相? He claimed that he could divine the future. 他声称能预卜未来。 divinity[di'vinəti] n. 神;神性;神学 divination[divi'neiʃən] 1. the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means.2. prophecy: The divination of the high priest was fulfilled.3. per instinctive foresightn. 预测,占卜 divinatory[di'vinətəri]adj. 占卜的;直觉的洞察,直观的感知,本能的预见 deus[' 'di:əs] n. [拉丁语]神;上帝[略作D] deity['di:iti] a god or goddessThe essential nature or cond divinityn. 神;神性 耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选What are we to make of the incredible similarity of Israel's deity and cult to those of her neighbors? 我们怎么样解释以色列的神与它邻国宗教的相似性? deism['di:izəm]the belief in a single god who does not act to influence events, and whose existence has no connection with religions, religious buildings, or religious books, etc.n. 自然神论 deist['di'ist] a person who believes in deism.n. 自然神论者;自然神论信仰者 deify['di:ifai] 1 exalt to personify as a deity: to deify a beloved king.2. to adore or regard as a deity: to deify wealthvt. 把…奉若神明;把…神化;崇拜 短语to deify a beloved king神化敬爱的国王to deify wealth崇拜财富 deific[di:ˈifik] fic=fac=make factory做工的地方making deifying.adj. 予以神化的;神圣的;奉为神的 deification[,di:ifi'keiʃən] 1. the act of deifying.2. the state of being deified.3. the result of deifying: Their gods were deifications of their ancient kings.n. 神化;奉若神明;祀为神 例句For the same reason, our party abhors the deification of an individual.因为这样,我们党也厌弃对于个人的神化。 查看全部解释 [ə'dɔ:] 想一想再看 vt. 崇拜,爱慕 [pə'sepʃən] 想一想再看 n. 感知,认识,观念 [ig'zɔ:lt] 想一想再看 v. 赞扬,提升,加强 [di'viniti] 想一想再看 n. 神学,神性 Divinity: 神,上帝 n. 奶 想一想再看 adj. 神的,神圣的vt. 推断


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