Bode bugle beads是什么刊物

[kɔ:l]vt.呼叫, 打电话, 把 ...称为 n.打电话, 访问, 召唤, 呼叫, 把 ... 看作 vi.呼叫, (短暂的)拜访
I'll call again later.
The President made a call for national unity.
The library called in all overdue books.
How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend?
Tomorrow I'll pay a call on him.
Please call me at six tomorrow morning.
I'll call you back.
His behavior called forth sharp criticism.
英英解释:名词 call:
a telephone connection
a special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course
often in protest or opposition
a demand especially in the phrase "the call of duty"
the characteristic sound produced by a bird
a brief social visit
a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
a demand for a show of hands in a card game
an instruction that interrupts the program being executed
a visit in an official or professional capacity
(sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee
the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
动词 call:
assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
order, request, or command to come
utter a sudden loud cry
pay a brief visit
invite or command to meet
order or request or give a command for
order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role
indicate a decision in regard to
stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather
read aloud to check for omissions or absentees
send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message
declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee
utter a characteristic note or cry
utter in a loud voice or announce
mak tell in advance
challenge (somebody) to make charge with or censure for an offense
consider or regard as being
demand payment of (a loan)
give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance
greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name
make a stop in a harbour
make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
require the presentation of for redemption before maturation
lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal
challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of
rouse somebody from sleep with a call
callcallD.J.:[k&#596:l]K.K.:[k&#596l]vt. & vi.1.■叫, 喊Why doesn't the servant come when I call?当我叫的时候, 为何仆人没来?She called and called but no one came to her assistance.她叫了又叫, 但没有人来帮忙。Would you call me a taxi?请给我叫一辆计程车好吗?Not far away in the woods, a bird called.在不远的林子里有一只鸟在叫。2.■通电话She promised to call at noon.她答应中午来电话。The office called to find out where you were.办公室打电话来了解你在什么地方。3.■认为; 估计Are you calling me a liar?你认为我是一个不诚实的人吗?Nothing can be called unknowable.没有什么事物可认为是不可知的。They called it silly to do so.他们认为这样做很傻。vt.1.■命名, 取名The father called the baby John.父亲给这个婴孩取名约翰。She had a daughter last year.They call this one Catherine.去年她生了个女孩, 他们叫她凯瑟琳。2.■召唤, 号召, 召开The sirens are calling the men to assemble.警报声在召令士兵集合。vi.1.■拜访, 访问Did any one call when I was out?我不在的时候有人来过吗?I called to see Mr. Green.我拜访了格林先生。n.1.■呼喊声, 叫声; 鸟鸣声I heard a call for help.我听到呼救声。2.■打电话3.■拜访; 小歇
call 在牛津词典中的解释
callverb[with obj.]cry out to (someone) in order to summon them or attract their attention呼喊(某人);喊,叫she heard Terry calling her.她听到特里在叫她。she called the children in from the meadow.她把孩子们从草地那边喊回来。[no obj.]I distinctly heard you call.我清楚地听到你的喊叫。■cry out (a word or words)大声说(单词,话)he heard an insistent voice calling his name.他听到一个声音不停地叫着他的名字。Meredith was already calling out a greeting.梅雷迪思已经在大声地打着招呼。■shout out or chant (the steps and figures) to people performing a square dance or country dance向跳方形舞(或乡村舞)的人喊出(舞步)■[no obj](of an animal, especially a bird) make its characteristic cry(动物,尤指鸟)叫,鸣,啼■telephone (a person or telephone number)打电话给;拨(电话号码)could I call you back?.我可以给你回个电话吗?。■summon (something, especially an emergency service or a taxi) by telephone用电话召唤(某事物,尤指紧急服务或出租车)if you are suspicious, call the police.如果你觉得可疑,就打电话叫警察。■bring (a witness) into court to give evidence传唤(证人)■[with obj. and infinitive](archaic)inspire or urge (someone) to do something(古)感召;敦促I am called to preach the Gospel.我受感召来传播福音。■fix a date or time for (a meeting, strike, or election)(为会议、罢工或选举)定(时间)■(Bridge)make (a particular bid) during the auction(桥牌)叫(牌)her partner called 6?.她的搭档叫六黑桃。■[no obj.]guess the outcome of tossing a coin猜掷币结果‘You call,’ he said. ‘Heads or tails?’.“你猜,”他说,“是正面还是反面?”。■predict the result of (a future event, especially an election or a vote)预测(未来事件,尤指选举或投票的)结果in the Midlands the race remains too close to call.在英格兰中部地区,竞选仍是势均力敌,胜负难料。■(Cricket)(of an umpire) no-ball (a bowler) for throwing(板球)(裁判员)判(投球手)犯规投球■(Computing)cause the execution of (a subroutine)(计算机)调用,引入(子程序)[no obj., with adverbial of place](of a person) pay a brief visit(人)短暂拜访I've got to call at the bank to get some cash.我得去趟银行取些现金。he had promised Celia he would call in at the clinic.他答应过西莉亚去趟诊所。■(call for)stop to collect (someone) at the place where they are living or working在某人住处(或工作单位)接(某人)I'll call for you around seven.我大约7点钟来接你。■(call at)(of a train or coach) stop at (a specified station or stations) on a particular route(火车,长途汽车)停靠the 8.15 service to Paddington, calling at Reading.中途停靠雷丁的8:15去帕丁顿的车。[with obj. and complement]give (an infant or animal) a specified name给(婴儿,动物)取名they called their daughter Hannah.他们给女儿取名为汉娜。■address or refer to (someone) by a specified name, title, endearment, or term of abuse(用具体名字、头衔、昵称或虐称)称呼,指称;谈到(某人)please call me Lucy.请叫我露西。■refer to, consider, or describe (someone or something) as being把…称作;认为…是;把…算作;把…描述成he's the only person I would call a friend.他是惟一我称之为朋友的人。■(of an umpire or other official in a game) pronounce (a ball, stroke, or other action) to be the thing specified(比赛中裁判等)判定the linesman called the ball wide.巡边员判球出界。nouna cry made as a summons or to attract someone's attention(召唤或吸引人注意的)喊声in response to the call, a figure appeared.一个身影应声而出。■the characteristic cry of a bird or other animal(鸟或其他动物的)叫声■[with modifier]a series of notes sounded on a brass instrument as a signal to do something(做某事的)号声a bugle call to rise at 8.30.8:30所吹的起床号。■a telephone communication or conversation电话联系,电话交谈,通话I'll give you a call at around five.我5点左右会给你打电话。■(a call for)an appeal or demand for请求;要求the call for action was welcomed.对行动的呼吁受到欢迎。■a summons召唤a messenger arrived bringing news of his call to the throne.信使给他带来王上召见的消息。■[in sing., with infinitive]a vocation感召;神召his call to be a disciple.要他成为信徒的感召。■[in sing.]a powerful force of attraction吸引力,魅力walkers can't resist the call of the Cairngorms.徒步者难以抵挡凯恩戈姆山脉的魅力。■[usu. with negative](a call for)a demand or need for (goods or services)(对货物或服务的)需求,需要there is little call for antique furniture.对古式家具的需求几乎没有。■a shout by an official in a game indicating that the ball has gone out of play or that a ru the decision or ruling so made(比赛中的)判球出界;判犯规;判决■(Bridge)a bid, response, or double(桥牌)叫花色;吊牌;应叫;叫加倍■a direction in a square dance given by the caller(方形舞的)舞步指示■a demand for payment of lent or unpaid capital(借款或未付款的)催交■(Stock Exchange). short for call option(股票)。 call option 的简称a brief visit短暂拜访we paid a call on an elderly Spaniard.我们短暂拜访了一位上了年纪的西班牙人。■a visit or journey made in response to an emergency appeal for help(应紧急求助)拜访the doctor was out on a call.医生应召出诊去了。常用词组at callanother way of saying on call (sense 2)同 on call (义项2)call attention tocause people to notice引起人们注意he is seeking to call attention to himself by his crimes.他想用犯罪的方法来使自己受到关注。call someone's bluff见 bluffcall collect(N. Amer.)make a telephone call reversing the charges(北美)打由受话人付款的电话call something into playcause or require something to start working so that one can make use of it使(或要求)…开始运作,启用our active participation as spectators is called into play. .我们作为观众的积极参与发挥了作用。call something into (或 in) questioncast doubt on something怀疑these findings call into question the legitimacy of the proceedings.这些调查结果使该做法的合法性受到置疑。call it a day见 daycall someone names见 namecall of nature见 naturecall the shots (或 tune)take the initiative in deciding how something should be done指挥,操纵,做决定call a spade a spade见 spadecall someone to account见 accountcall someone/thing to mindcause one to think of someone or something, especially through similarity(尤指通过类似性)使想起the still lifes call to mind certain of Cézanne's works.这些静物画令人想起塞尚的作品。■[with negative]remember someone or something想起[with clause]I cannot call to mind where I have seen you.我想不起来在哪里见过你。call someone/thing to orderask those present at a meeting to be silent so that business may proceed要求…安静don't call us, we'll call you(informal)used as a dismissive way of saying that someone has not been successful in an audition or a job application(非正式)请勿来电,我们会通知你(用来拒绝面试或求职失败者)good call (或 bad call)(informal)used to express approval (or criticism) of a person's decision or suggestion(非正式)[用于表示对决定或建议的赞成或批评]中,行(或不中、不行)on call(of a person) able to be contacted in order to provide a professional service if necessary, but not formally on duty(人)待命的;随时听命的,随时应召的your local GP may be on call round the clock.你们当地的全科医生可以24小时应召出诊。(of money lent) repayable on demand(借出的钱)要求即还的to call one's ownused to describe something that one can genuinely feel belongs to one称…为自己所有I had not an item to call my own.没有一款可被我称为属于自己的。within callnear enough to be summoned by calling在可被呼叫传唤的范围之内;在附近she moved into the guest room, within call of her father's room.她搬到她父亲房间附近的客房去了。语源late Old English ceallian, from Old Norse kalla 'summon loudly'继承用法call formake necessary使必要,需要desperate times call for desperate measures.危时需峻法。■draw attention to the need for吸引注意the report calls for an audit of endangered species.该报告呼吁对濒危物种进行查核。call something forthelicit a response引起反应few things call forth more compassion.没什么可以激起更大的同情。call someone/thing downcause or provoke someone or something to appear or occur使…出现,引发nothing called down the wrath of Nemesis quicker.没什么能更快地激起复仇女神的愤怒了。(dated)reprimand someone(旧)申斥call someone inenlist someone's aid or services谋求帮助(或服务)call something inrequire payment of a loan or promise of money要求付清贷款(或所允诺的钱)call someone/thing offorder a person or dog to stop attacking someone命令(人,狗)停止攻击call something offcancel an event or agreement取消call onpay a visit to (someone)拜访he's planning to call on Katherine today.他打算今天拜访凯瑟琳。have recourse to求援,求助we are able to call on academic staff with a wide variety of expertise.我们可向有广博专业知识的学者求助。■[with infinitive]demand that (someone) do something要求he called on the government to hold a plebiscite.他要求政府举行公民投票。call someone outsummon someone, especially to deal with an emergency or to do repairs(尤指为处理紧急事件或做修理而)召唤某人order or advise workers to strike命令(或建议)工人罢工(archaic)challenge someone to a duel(古)向…挑战要求进行决斗call something over(dated)read out a list of names to determine those present(旧)点名call someone up(informal)telephone someone(非正式)给…打电话summon someone to serve in the army征召…服兵役they have called up more than 20,000 reservists.他们已经征召了2万多名预备役军人。■select someone to play in a team选…入队比赛he was called up for the international against Turkey.他入选了对土耳其队的国际比赛。call something upsummon for use something that is stored or kept available征用icons which allow you to call up a graphic.允许你调出图形的图符。■(figurative)evoke something(喻)使人想起the imaginative intensity with which he called up the Devon landscape.他想起德文郡风景时的想象激情。
call 在给力大辞典中的解释
callvt.1. (大声)叫喊, 呼叫[(+out)]"Come on, " she called out."快, "她喊道。2. 呼唤; 召唤; 召集[O1][O2]He called the waitress over.他将服务员小姐叫了过去。Shall I call you a taxi?我给你叫辆出租车好吗?I will go and call him.我去叫他。3. 打电话给[(+up)]Call me at the office this afternoon.午后打电话到我办公室来。4. (宣布)召开, 下令举行(罢工等)They called a meeting immediately.他们立即召开了一个会议。5. 把……叫做, 称呼[O9]She called him Joe.她称他乔。6. 把……视为, 认为[O9][O8]I call it silly.我认为这是一件蠢事。7. 叫醒(人)Please call me at eight.请在八点叫醒我。8. (纸牌)叫(牌)9. 【棒】停止(比赛); (裁判)判定vi.1. (大声)叫喊, 呼叫He called to me from the other side of the street.他从街对面喊我。2. 打电话Did anyone call today?今天有人打过电话来吗?3. 顺便到……, 拜访[(+at/in/on)]I promised to call on her after the examination.我答应考试后去看望她。4. (车、船等)停靠[(+at)]5. (动物)鸣, 啼6. (纸牌)叫牌7. 要求n.[C]1. 呼叫, 喊叫; 鸣, 啼We heard a call for help.我们听到呼救的声音。2. 要求, 请求[(+for)]There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution.人们不断要求地方政府取缔卖淫。3. (一次)电话, 通话She made a long-distance call to Hong Kong.她打长途电话到香港。4. (短暂的)访问[(+on/at)]; (车、船等的)停靠[(+at)]The ship will make calls at several ports.该船将在数个港口停靠。5. 必要, 需要[(+for/on)][+to-v]You have no call to do that.你没有必要那样做。6. (纸牌)叫牌7. (比赛时裁判的)判定, 判决8. (模仿鸟兽叫声的)哨子
短语词组:call after1. 追在……的后面叫喊That student called after the departing teacher.那位学生对着离去的老师叫喊。2. 以……的名字……命名The mother called the baby Sam after his grandfather.母亲以婴孩的祖父的名字山姆来给他取名。call at1. 到……作短暂访问They called at my house yesterday.昨天他们到我家。2. 停靠This train calls at the chief stations only.这班列车只停靠大站。call away1. 叫走Two doctors have just been called away to an emergency case.两位医生刚被叫去急诊。2. 把(思想、注意力)转移开Nothing can call away his attention from the project he is now working at.没有什么能使他从研究项目上分心。call back1. 收回I think we'd better call back the statement.我认为我们最好取消声明。2. 回电Tell Tom to call me back this evening.告诉汤姆今天晚上给我回电。call for1. 需要This is a problem that calls for immediate solution.这是个迫切需要解决的问题。2. 接(人)We will call for her early tomorrow morning.我们明天一早就去接她。call forth1. 唤起A difficult situation can call forth a person's best qualities.困境能唤起一个人最好的品格。call off1. 取消Why was the football match called off?足球赛为什么取消?2. 喊走Call off your dog, will you?把你的狗喊走, 好吗?call on1. 拜访I shall call on you next week.我下星期去看你。2. 号召; 请求You'd better call on your friends to help you.你最好请朋友来帮你。
词义辨析:同义:vt.叫喊, 呼叫cryshoutyellvt.呼唤; 打电话speakaskcommandinvitetelephone同义参见:termhallotag1hail1summonstylespecifyshriekalarmchristenrequirementqualifyentitlephonedub1dialjudgmentinvitationhoot
call 在现代词典中的解释
callcall[k&#596:l]vt.1.■喊, 叫, 大声念[说]2.■叫来, 召唤; 召集; 唤醒; 号召3.■称呼, 把...叫做, 取名为...4.■以为, 看做, 认为, 估计为5.■命令, 任命, 招 聘6.■打电话给...7.■请求, 要求, 催促8.■点名9.■[俗]责备, 非难10.■引起注意11.■(打牌)要求摊牌12.■【体】判定停止(比赛), 裁定13.■要求偿还贷款, 收兑债券14.■模仿鸟、兽的叫声以引诱call the roll点名call a halt喝令停止call a doctor请医生call a meeting召集会议Please call me at 6 tomorrow morning.请在明晨六点叫醒我。His name is Richard but we all call him Dich.他的名字叫理查德, 但是我们都称他狄克。Shall we call it five dollars?我们就算它是五块钱好吗?My brother called me from Shanghai last night.我的兄弟昨晚从上海打电话给我。I call that a shame.我认为那是一种耻辱。The bank called my loan.银行催我偿还贷款。词性变化callvi.1.■高声说话, 喊叫2.■拜访, 访问(on, at)3.■要求, 命令4.■(鸟兽的)鸣, 啼5.■打电话, 在电话中呼叫6.■(打牌)叫牌, 叫对方摊牌7.■(车, 船等)停靠(at)She called to her father for help.她向她父亲喊叫求救。I called at Mr. Green's house.我曾到格林先生家中拜访。calln.1.■叫声, 呼声, 鸣声2.■召唤, 邀请, 号召, 号令, 召集3.■拜访, 访问, (车, 船的)停靠4.■(一次)电话, 通话5.■付款要求, 请求6.■(电讯中的)信号7.■需要, 必要8.■吸引力9.■天职, 义务10.■叫牌, 所叫的牌11.■运动比赛中的裁决12.■(神的)感召13.■点名14.■(商业)催收股款15.■股票的限价买进16.■【计】调入, 引入give sb. a call给某人打电话make a formal call进行一次正式访问have no call for more money不需要更多的钱继承用法call-backn.1.■(美俚)召回, 收回, 加班call-belln.1.■电[警、信号、呼叫]铃call-boardn.1.■(车站等处的)公告[揭示]板call-boxn.1.■电话室, 公用电话亭callboy[&#712k&#596:lb&#596&#618]n.1.■侍从2.■唤演员按时上台的人call-in[&#712k&#596:l&#618n]n.1.■外界来电节目(把听众或观众的电话提问内容直接由电台或电视台转播出的电台或电视节目)call-minuten.1.■通话使用分钟数call-signaln.1.■【无】呼号call-upn.1.■召集令; 召集人数call-wiren.1.■联络[通知]线callable[&#712k&#596:l&#601bl]adj.1.■召唤的2.■要求即付的(如贷款); 要求即兑的(如公债)callee[k&#596:&#712li:]n.1.■[美]被呼唤人, 受访问者, 电话受话人习惯用语a duty call1.■礼节上的拜访As the call, so the echo .1.■[谚]发什么声音, 有什么回声(善有善报, 恶有恶报)。at call1.■即期交付; 随叫随到on call1.■即期交付; 随叫随到be called at sb.'s back1.■完全听命于某人be called away1.■死去be called for1.■(邮件)存局待领be called on1.■被迫而...; 义不容辞...clarion call1.■战斗的号召; 强有力的召唤close call1.■幸免; 死里逃生, 危险关头get the call1.■当选; 被雇用have a call to1.■做...是天职have a call upon1.■对...有优先权have the call of the market1.■市面繁荣, 供需旺盛house of call1.■客栈; 酒馆make a call1.■访问; 到pay a call1.■访问; 到money on call1.■[美]随要随付; 随时待命; 承索即付place of call1.■停泊处; 所到地receive a call1.■接见, 接待return a call1.■回拜; 答访roll call1.■点名(时间)there is no call for1.■(或to)不需要...; 没有...的必要take a call1.■谢幕the call for duty1.■责任感the call of nature1.■大小便within call1.■附近call after1.■依...名字而命名; 追呼其后call at1.■访问; 拜访; 停泊call away1.■请到别的地方; 分心; 改变思想等call back1.■召回; 收回; 取消; 撤销; 回想, 回忆; 回电话call by1.■[口]顺便到...去一下; 顺路访问call down1.■[俗]斥责; 导致; 求降call for1.■取; 接; 需求; 要求call forth1.■唤起; 振起; 引起; 招致call in1.■收集; 收回(货币)不再流通; 邀请call of more1.■【商】再买进的权利call of the House1.■国会内查明出席或缺席的点名call off1.■取消; 叫走; 使转移call on1.■拜访; 要求, 请求, 招致; 指名call upon1.■拜访; 要求, 请求, 招致; 指名call out1.■大声喊叫; 召集; 命令(工人)罢工; 使跃出; 向...挑战; 要求和...决斗call out at1.■对某人高声叫喊call over1.■点名call over to1.■[美]打电话给call round1.■拜访call up1.■提醒; 使忆起; 传人到法庭; 召集; 应征入伍; 打电话; 使起立发言; 要求股东出资特殊用法advance call1.■预约呼叫appointment call1.■定人定时呼叫audible call1.■音响呼叫automatic call1.■自动呼唤[振铃]automatic trunk call1.■自动中继呼叫bell call1.■振铃呼叫broadcasting call1.■广播电话buzzer call1.■蜂音呼叫cell call1.■单元调用code call1.■编码呼叫, 选码振铃collect call1.■受话人付费电话commercial call1.■商用通话compiler call1.■编译程序调入complete call1.■完成呼叫conference call1.■会议电话cross call1.■相互调用cum call1.■附催缴款项通知单day call1.■日拆delayed call1.■延迟呼叫direct call1.■直接呼叫[调用]distress call1.■求救[遇险]呼号effective call1.■有效呼叫emergency call1.■紧急呼叫equated call1.■等值通话exchange call1.■市内呼叫extension bell call1.■分铃呼叫final call1.■最后催缴股款first call1.■第一次缴付fixed time call1.■定时呼叫[通话]function call1.■函数引用[调用]general call1.■全呼international call1.■国际通话[呼叫]inward call1.■来报交换junction call1.■郊区[区间]通话, 中继呼唤lamp call1.■灯光呼叫local call1.■市内呼叫long haul call1.■长途通话long-distance call1.■长途电话loss call1.■未接通的呼叫magneto call1.■手摇[磁石]发电机呼叫manual call1.■手摇呼叫margin call1.■补充保证金通知, 增收保证金, 征收保证金的要求mating call1.■交配鸣叫[唤叫]messenger call1.■传呼电话monitor call1.■监督程序调用no-charge call1.■免费通话official call1.■公务通话ordinary call1.■普通呼叫overflow call1.■溢呼, 全忙呼叫paid call1.■自费电话preference call1.■优先呼叫press call1.■新闻电话private call1.■私务电话radio call1.■无线电呼叫return call1.■回答呼号roll call1.■点名routine call1.■程序调入selective call with dual voice frequency1.■双音频选叫sequence call1.■顺序呼叫service call1.■业务通话short haul call1.■短距离通话, 近程通话subroutine call1.■子程序调用, 子例(行)程(序)调用subscription call1.■特约通话supervisor call1.■请求[访问]管理程序, “进管”system call1.■系统调用[调入]telephone call1.■电话呼叫through call1.■直接通话toll call1.■长途电话费touch call1.■接触叫号trunk call1.■长途呼叫; [英]长途电话unit call1.■通话单位unscheduled call1.■意外停靠[停泊]urgent call1.■加急电话, 紧急呼叫virtual call1.■虚拟调用[呼叫]will call1.■(大商店的)预订售货部wireless call1.■无线电通话[呼叫]wrong number call1.■错号呼叫参考词汇都含“召唤”、“邀请”的意思。1.■call系常用词, 意思是“叫唤某人”,“请...来”, 如:He called the waiter over.他召唤侍者过来。2.■summon属正式用语, 指“来自权威人士的召集或传唤”,尤指用于正式的集会或职务方面, 如:The judge summoned me to give evidence.法官传我(出庭)作证。3.■invite 指“有礼貌地邀请”, 如:We invited her to our dinner party.我们邀请她赴宴。
call 在21世纪词典中的解释
call[k&#596:l]vt.1.■喊;叫;大声说出:I heard someone calling my name.我听见有人喊我的名字。2.■召唤,呼唤;邀请:I will go and call him.我去叫他。He is ill, please call a doctor.他病了,请你请一位医生来。3.■召;征;令服役;招聘:They were called to arms at the age of eighteen.他们18岁时应征服兵役。4.■召集(会议等);(宣布)召开:They will call a press conference as soon as the results are known.结果一见分晓,他们将立即举行记者招待会。Her case will be called in court next week.她的案子将在下星期开庭。5.■把…叫做,称之为;称呼;命名:What is this flower called?这种花叫什么?They called her “iron girl.”他们称她为“铁姑娘”。6.■认为,以为;估计为;视作;把…说成:They called him a good liar.他们把他说成是一个高明的撒谎者。He called himself old at fifty.他认为他50岁就老了。7.■叫醒,唤醒:Please call me at six o'clock.请在六点钟叫醒我。8.■与…通电话;用电话告知;打电话给…;(在广播或电信中)呼叫:I'll call you long distance tomorrow morning.明天早晨我给你打长途电话。The air-liner was calling the control tower at the airport.这架大型客机正在向机场的指挥塔台呼叫。9.■下令举行(罢工等);命令:Their purpose was to call a general strike.他们的目的是要举行一次总罢工。The captain called the men to assemble.队长命令部队集合。10.■[美国英语]【体育】(裁判员)宣布停止比赛,使(棒球比赛等)停止:The referee was forced to call the game at half time owing to the rain.裁判员在上半场结束后被迫宣布比赛因雨停止。11.■要求偿还(贷款等);收兑(债券等);催付;催缴:The bank called his loan.银行催他还款。The company will call its bonds next month.公司将于下月偿付债券。12.■为(四对男女跳的方形舞)呼叫跳舞步法口令13.■[美国英语]模仿(鸟或兽)的叫声以引诱(鸟或兽):to call a cock学鸡叫引诱公鸡14.■(事前)正确地描述;预言;预测:The stock market called every depression and recovery since 1930.自从1930年以来,股票市场预示了每次的经济萧条和复元。15.■[美国英语]【扑克牌戏】叫(对方)摊牌;叫牌;吊牌:Did you call spades?你刚才叫的是黑桃吗?16.■[美国英语]【体育】(裁判员)判定;裁定;判定或记录(棒球赛)甲的好球或坏球;对(运动员或运动队)实行处罚:The referee called the goal illegal.裁判员判定该进球无效。The umpire called the pitch a strike.(棒球)裁判判该球为好球。17.■【体育】(通过发指令和信号)组织(进攻等)18.■【计算机】调用(传送指令以控制计算机的闭型例行子程序)19.■[古语]责备;申斥:She called him on his haughtiness.她责备他傲慢无礼。20.■吸引;引起(注意):Mary tried not to call attention to herself.玛丽设法不引起别人注意她。21.■(神等)感召;召…升天:He was called to the ministry.他(被召唤)成为牧师。vi.1.■嚷,喊,叫,大声说:He called and called but no one came to his assistance.他一再呼喊,但没有人来帮助他。2.■(鸟、兽等)鸣,叫;啼;吼:The magpies call all day long.喜鹊整天在喳喳叫。3.■访问;拜访:Did anyone call when I was out?我外出时有人找过我吗?4.■要求;召唤:He called on us to help him.他要求我们援助他。As a new recruit you must obey when duty calls.作为一名新战士,需要履行职责时必须服从。5.■打电话,通电话;(广播、电信中)呼唤:Please call if you require assistance.如果需要帮忙,请打电话。He said he would call again later.他说他以后再来电话。6.■[美国英语]【扑克牌戏】叫对方摊牌;叫牌;吊牌:It's her turn to call.该她叫牌了。n.1.■喊叫;呼喊2.■呼声;叫声3.■(鸟、兽的)鸣叫声;啼声;(为引诱动物而)模仿鸟兽的叫声;模仿鸟兽鸣叫声的装置(如哨子)4.■【军事】号声,喇叭声;鼓声;笛声5.■(会议等的)召集;(演员排练的)召唤;排演布告6.■号召;召唤;征召(服役)7.■要求;请求8.■聘请9.■(短暂的)访问;(尤指)正式的或事务性访问;拜访10.■吸引力,诱惑力11.■需要;必要;理由[多用于疑问或否定句]12.■电话,通话13.■付款要求;付款通知;催交14.■(车、船等的)停靠,停留15.■(神的)感召16.■排演通知17.■股票购买权,买方选择权(按一定价格买进一定数量股票的权利)18.■点名(=roll call)19.■(跳方形舞时)步法的呼叫口令20.■【桥牌】叫牌;吊牌;叫对方摊牌21.■【体育】判定,裁决22.■(网球比赛中的)得分记录23.■【计算机】(例行子程序)调用近义词summonconvokeconveneinvitea call to arms【军事】入伍的命令;战斗的号令a call to quarters[美国英语]【军事】(熄灯号前的)就寝号;回营号a close call[口语]侥幸脱险a duty call礼节性拜访at call待命的;随时听命的;随叫随到的【财政学】随时可以支取(或收回)的[亦作 on call]at someone's back and call见 back?call a spade a spade见 spade?call in sick打电话请病假call into question认为有问题,对…表示怀疑;对…表示异议;非难call of nature[委婉语]要大便(或小便)的感觉call of the House(议院投票前)查明出席人数call of the wild大自然的召唤;荒野的强烈魅力call somebody everything but说某人…,只是没有这个形容词call time【体育】(裁判员)宣布暂停clarion call嘹亮的号角声;强有力的召唤give me a call (或 bell, ring)尽快给我打电话联系have (或 get) a call upon有优先得到…的机会,对…有优先权have no call for (或 to)不需要…,用不着…;没有必要…,没有理由…have the call处于主要地位;需要量非常大,需求量最大;最受欢迎make a call访问,(较正式的)拜会morning call(英国)午前的正式访问on a call target(将受到进攻的特定的)核目标on call随叫随到的;随时可供使用的【军事】待命的随时可支付的,即期支付的pay a call= make a calltake a
(或 one's) call(演员)谢幕接电话(the) call to the bar (或 Bar)律师资格的取得there is no call for (或 to)不需要…,没有…的必要within call (of)在附近;在声音可听到的范围内随时待命的,随叫随到的;服从,顺从


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