fastboot下刷recovery mode-no boot or recovery img怎么办

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I am trying to load a customized kernel on my NVIDIA test git.
I typed fastboot boot myImage after which which I get:
&Waiting for device&
I think this is a problem with a driver on fastboot mode on my device.
But I don't know how to install the driver on linux.
Do you guys know how to install the driver?
The short version of the page linked by D Shu (and without the horrible popover ads) is that this "waiting for device" problem happens when the USB device node is not accessible to your current user.
The USB id is different in fastboot mode, so you can easily have permission to it in adb but not in fastboot.
To fix it (on U other systems may be slightly different):
Run lsusb -v | less and find the relevant section which will look something like this:
Bus 001 Device 027: ID 18d1:4e30 Google Inc.
Couldn't open device, some information will be missing
Device Descriptor:
0x18d1 Google Inc.
sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/11-android.rules
it's ok if that fil create it with a line like this, inserting your own username and vendor id:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0640", OWNER="mbp"
sudo service udev restart
then verify the device node permissions have changed:
ls -Rl /dev/bus/usb
The even shorter cheesy version is to just run fastboot as root.
Just use sudo, fast boot needs Root Permission
To use the fastboot command you first need to put your device in fastboot mode:
$ adb reboot bootloader
Once the device is in fastboot mode, you can boot it with your own kernel, for example:
$ fastboot boot myboot.img
The above will only boot your kernel once and the old kernel will be used again when you reboot the device.
To replace the kernel on the device, you will need to flash it to the device:
$ fastboot flash boot myboot.img
Hope that helps.
The sortest answer is first run the fastboot command (in my ubuntu case i.e. ./fastboot-linux oem unlock) (here i'm using ubuntu 12.04 and rooting nexus4)
then on your device in fastboot mode (in nexus 4 by pressing vol-down-key and power button)
Here you go....
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Hey Buddy!, I found this information for you: "How to Boot Android Devices in various modes (Fastboot/Recovery/Download)". Here is the website link: /how-to-boot-android-devices-in-fastboot-download-bootloader-or-recovery-mode/. Thank you.大神F1刷recovery 工具时,手机显示fastboot mode是什么意思?应该怎么办???_百度知道
大神F1刷recovery 工具时,手机显示fastboot mode是什么意思?应该怎么办???
fastboot mode快速启动模式


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