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Blackmagic Design: Cinema Cameras
Blackmagic Cinema Cameras
The professional digital film cameras you canhold in your hand!
Introducing the world’s smallest digital film cameras with an incredibly strong design. Blackmagic Cinema Cameras feature wide dynamic range for shooting true digital film combined with precision PL, EF and MFT mount optics and high quality RAW and ProRes file recording. The built in touchscreen lets you monitor, change settings, display audio and exposure metering and enter metadata directly on the camera! You can choose from models with two different types of cinematic image sensors and three different types of lens mounts such as PL, EF or MFT, depending on your needs.
Shoot Digital Film!
Only digital film cameras give you amazing cinematic images
The reason the latest and most amazing television commercials, music videos and feature films look so good is because they’ve been shot with a digital film camera and then color corrected using DaVinci Resolve. Video cameras, even high end broadcast video cameras, always just look like sharper home movies because they’re limited to a regular video sensor. Blackmagic Cinema Cameras are true wide dynamic range digital film cameras designed to shoot with cinematic quality. Imagine adding the style and quality of digital film to your latest TV commercial, feature film, music video or even documentary, weddings or corporate videos!
Super 35mm Size Sensor
Get richer colors and a more creative depth of field
If you need higher resolution, global shutter and a more creative depth of field then the Blackmagic Production Camera 4K models feature a large Super 35 size sensor and professional PL or EF lens mounts, so is the perfect choice. You get incredible Ultra HD images with 12 stops of dynamic range for feature film quality shooting. The minimal crop factor lets you shoot with super wide angle lenses so you get images that are big and beautiful, plus have the dynamic range to capture highlight and shadow details far beyond that of any traditional video camera.
Use PL, EF or MFT Lenses
No other camera gives you more choice in lenses
You can choose between models with PL, EF or MFT lens mounts so you can use the world’s best and most technically sophisticated lenses. The PL models allow you to use, or even rent, professional cinema lenses from companies such as Panavision(TM), ARRI(TM) or Zeiss(TM). You can even use vintage PL cinema lenses when you’re shooting period work where you want to recreate the look of that time by using the actual lens they used back in those days! The EF models let you use high resolution Canon(TM) photographic lenses for amazing quality, while the passive MFT model allows super small lenses and the flexibility to adapt to other lens mounts.
Passive MFT Mount
Wide Dynamic Range
Working with wide dynamic range is creatively addictive!
Video cameras clip highlights and shadows giving you images that look like video. Some cameras use multiple exposures or “HDR mode” to simulate wide dynamic range but that doesn’t work well with motion video where you have movement. Blackmagic Cinema Cameras shoot each frame with wide dynamic range so you get brighter highlights without clipping and rich detail and shadows. The ultra wide dynamic range 2.5K sensor has so much range that you can even shoot indoors with correct exposure and still get full detail through windows outside! This is the secret that allows feature film imagery when color grading with DaVinci&Resolve.
Typical dSLR Frame
Cinema Camera Frame
Super Small, Super Tough!
A true digital film camera,
shrunk down to a handheld size
The Blackmagic Cinema Cameras have been precision engineered from machined metal and miniaturized using the latest advanced electronics to deliver a rugged digital film camera that has the strength to be rigged even when supporting a heavy PL mount lens. Unlike most cameras that use plastic, the machined metal design of the Blackmagic Cinema Cameras can be hand held, rigged on cranes, used on Steadycam(TM) and more. The super small design still includes an SSD recorder capable of recording RAW, touchscreen LCD, internal active cooling for the cinematic sensor and standard SDI, audio and Thunderbolt(TM) connections.
High Resolution
Get the resolution to allow reframing your shots
With the choice of two high resolution sensors, at 2.5K ultra wide dynamic range or 4K wide dynamic range, you get enough resolution to reframe shots, eliminate bayer loss for full resolution color and to shoot in native Ultra HD. With the latest incredibly large screen TV’s available to consumers the demand for Ultra HD content has never been greater. The Blackmagic Production Camera 4K model is the perfect choice for Ultra HD production and you can shoot native RAW to get every single bit of data direct from the sensor or you can shoot in ProRes for high quality video files that are as easy to use as HD files. That means you can shoot in Ultra HD with the same workflow as HD.
Ultra HD 3840 x 2160
HD 1920 x 1080
Shoot high quality images in native RAW or ProRes for amazing resolution, perfect for reframing shots in HD.
Direct Metadata Entry
Touchscreen allows metadata entry direct on the camera!
The built in high resolution 5” LCD touchscreen can be used for entering metadata directly into the camera by simply typing on the soft keyboard, so it’s as easy to use as any smartphone. Shot number can automatically increment, so you don’t have to enter it for each shot! Entering metadata directly into the camera means every time you record the shot information is recorded into the media file so editing software such as DaVinci Resolve 11 or Final Cut Pro X can quickly identify and locate the shot you need when you are in post production saving editing time and eliminating manual logging.
Super Fast SSD
Move shots from camera to edit instantly!
Most professional digital film cameras use proprietary media only available from the manufacturer which increases the cost of using the camera. The Blackmagic Cinema Cameras eliminate this “usage tax” by using off the shelf computer solid state disks, or SSDs, so you can buy high performance storage media at much lower cost as well as getting higher speeds and capacity by taking advantage of the latest generation SSDs the moment they are available. SSDs can be mounted on your Mac or Windows machine using adapter cables or a Blackmagic MultiDock and because the speeds are so high you can edit directly off the SSD without time wasting file copying.
Open Standard File Formats
Edit and color correct without converting files!
Blackmagic Cinema Cameras record directly to files that are compatible with all major post applications. That means there’s no time wasted converting files before you start editing and color correction in post production. Blackmagic Cinema Cameras record ProRes so are very easy to use and even high resolution 4K ProRes files will play back from laptop computers. When recording RAW, files are still open format and use the open standard CinemaDNG RAW format so you get all the data off the sensor stored in a file that’s compatible with many software applications as well as the included DaVinci Resolve editing and color correction software.
Industry Standard Connections
Never get caught out on-set without a custom cable!
When you’re on-set the last thing you need is to hold up dozens of very expensive people while you look around for a custom camera cable! The Blackmagic Cinema Cameras use standard connectors so you can simply use regular video, audio and power cables plus you save money because you don’t need to purchase custom accessories. You get 3G-SDI or 6G-SDI on the Blackmagic Production Camera 4K model for monitoring,
1/4 ” mic/line audio inputs and a Thunderbolt(TM) connection for live streaming from the camera and scopes when using the included UltraScope software. When you want external camera and lens control a LANC port is included.
Use Your Favorite Software
The files you record on Blackmagic Cinema Cameras are compatible with virtually every video software tool available on every computer platform available. Simply plug the SSD into your computer and drop the files straight into the software you want to use. Now you can use powerful editing, color correction, visual effects, audio post production tools such as DaVinci Resolve, Fusion, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer, Premiere Pro, ProTools and many more!
DaVinci Resolve 11 Included!
Every Blackmagic Cinema Camera includes a full copy of DaVinci Resolve 11 so you can immediately begin editing and color grading the RAW files without purchasing any additional software. That means you get a complete solution for managing and backing up your media, editing, color correction and authoring final video and film master files for distribution. The full copy of DaVinci Resolve included with the camera includes support for multi user timelines, temporal noise reduction, 3D tools and much more.
Cinema Cameras《BMD俱乐部》BMPCC口袋电影机免费试用活动 第一期 | Cgangs 创动力 | CG应用,感悟创新}


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