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求鉴定更多苹果关闭iOS 7.1.2验证:iOS 8将无法降级|iOS|降级|签名_手机_科技时代_新浪网
苹果关闭iOS 7.1.2验证:iOS 8将无法降级
苹果停止为iOS 7.1.2提供签名 iOS 8用户将无法降级
  新浪科技讯 北京时间9月27日上午消息,在本周早些时候发布iOS 8的两个更新之后,苹果周五停止为iOS 7.1.2固件提供签名。这意味着,已经升级至新版iOS 8的用户将无法再降级回iOS 7.1.2。
  苹果正在推动兼容设备向iOS 8的全面升级,因此停止为iOS 7固件提供签名并不出人意料。兼容iOS 8的设备包括iPhone 4S及更新版本,iPad 2及更新版本,以及两款iPad mini。
  开发者史蒂芬?特鲁顿-史密斯(Steve Troughton-Smith)最先通过Twitter报告了这一消息,这一消息随后又获得了多名消息人士的确认,包括热门的第三方iOS固件数据库IPSQ Downloads。
  由于苹果不再为iOS 7进行代码签名,升级至iOS 8的用户将无法再回退至此前版本的系统。不过,使用iPhone 4或第一代iPad的用户仍可以使用旧版本系统。
  苹果于今年6月发布了iOS 7的最后一个版本7.1.2,修复了Mail、iBeacon和二维码扫描配件的一些漏洞。
  iOS 8于上周正式开放下载。iOS 8带来了多项新功能,包括应用扩展、对Continuity的支持,以及新的消息选项等。(维金)
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苹果更新IOS 8.1.2后耗电过快的原因和解决方法(谁敢来翻翻这篇神作:先上网友热评)
苹果更新IOS 8.1.2后耗电过快的原因和解决方法(谁敢来翻翻这篇神作:先上网友热评)
1楼:MoodyRiviera :
我晕~这样的文章真的是专业的编辑写的么?搞不懂?这是我见过的写的最烂的文章,你们看这句,我不相信有人能看得懂:“&Despite the fact that the this most recent update is about iOS 8.1.2, a huge part of the issues are concerned around the issues that the most recent update had cleared out.&,说的神马玩意儿!
Wow. This piece is supposedly written by a professional writer? Really? Some of the worst writing ever. Here's just one example...I defy anyone to make sense out of this sentence: &Despite the fact that the this most recent update is about iOS 8.1.2, a huge part of the issues are concerned around the issues that the most recent update had cleared out.& Huh?
2楼 MoodyRiviera :
I hate to be mean at all, but I entirely agree. I was certain while reading this article that its author was not a native English speaker.
3楼Android Classes :
Mandy needs to learn: 1. How to write. 2. to write in English!
I have confirmed that the author profile images shown on this website have been taken from other websites and they do not represent the authors on this site.
A simple reverse google image search shows that this image belongs to someone else: /in/me... and was likely just ripped/stolen for this site.
5楼Appledystopia :
iOS 8.1.2 Battery Life Drainage Problem: Cause & Cure
The new out of the box iOS 8.1.2. brings news to all of us as some profoundly required bug fixes for the iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch. The emblematic warm welcoming which typically goes hand in hand with the arrival of new iOS isn’t exactly so warm this time around.
New Bugs Arise from a Fix
The planned idea behind the new iOS 8.1.2 was to clear up a portion of the remaining bug issues in the iOS 8.0 however the issue that such a large number of individuals are having is that not only does the new framework fail to clear up those issues yet, amazingly enough, it is actually adding newly established issues’ afterward.
A figurehead of these issues is the defective battery life which has all the earmarks of being tormenting a few clients in the midst of the new release. The basic purpose behind this article is to help you to resolve these issues with a clean fix.
iOS 8.1.2. Not the Cure-all, After-all
As of late, not all that much to me following 8.1.1 update, a new update was released with aims of removing some issues that had been sicking 8.0. The most recent in the update parade is iOS 8.1.2, which is a negligible bug fix this time around and the size is around 20mb for most of the iPhone and iPad clients. A ringtone issue is the core element, which became visible with the arrival of 8.1.1.
Despite the fact that the this most recent update is about iOS 8.1.2, a huge part of the issues are concerned around the issues that the most recent update had cleared out. The issues that are getting knock to the front of the line are issues which with respect to the battery life, the Wi-Fi and generally awful performance all in all. The aforesaid battery life is the thing that has been eating at the good people the most.
How Do We Resolve the Battery Life Problem?
The aim in this segment is to get rid of the current battery issues that you are encountering with the new iOS 8.1.2. This article is a guide of sorts however it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that you already have upgraded most recent iOS in the wishes of the guaranteed fixes. So let’s give it a spin…
What App is the Source of the battery drain?
Beginning with a proactive attitude is key, if you need discover what upsets the battery and the undeniable is you might want to fix that also, the first thing on the rundown is to get a good handle on your apps. A standard issue with third party applications have a scandalous reputation to drain the life right from the batteries. At whatever time that you open and utilize an application, the battery will drain in a generally snappy style. There are particular times when the bug influences the application in going total Jeckyl and Hyde. So Which one of these is the main driver of the draining battery life?
The main thing that ought to be on your mind is configuring the battery life use with the utensil that Apple gave in the new iOS 8.1.2 update. To get the tool running, shoot over to settings-&general-&usage-&battery usage to check precisely what application has the greatest hand in the battery life drainage, by investigating the application that has emptied the most in the previous 24 hrs, also the most recent week too. When you have found the application that is destroying the battery life, then once you have that data you can withdraw from that application when the power is out at all times. This will cut off the background activity from your iPhone or iPad.
There are several other reasons of battery drainage like background App refreshes or too much auto-brightness.
Hopefully Just a Passing Hiccup
Being that this is Apple, this little hiccup ought to just be a hiccup and the issues ought to subside in a relative period of time. This article ought to have pointed you in the right course and with that, you are now operating an iPhone or an iPad that is up to snuff.
苹果更新IOS 8.1.2后电池消耗过快的原因和解决方法
正在某些人对他们的 iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch这样那样的毛病大为光火之时,苹果向大众宣布了新的IOS8.1.2更新的消息。通常每次新的IOS更新的发布总会受到瞩目但是这次人们的热情并不像之前那么高涨。
新的iOS 8.1.2 原计划是用来消除IOS8.0上一些尚未解决的缺陷,但是新的系统不但没能解决人们现有的问题,而且系统在更新之后还莫名其妙的添了新的毛病。
之前发布的旨在修复IOS8.0缺陷的 IOS 8.1.1更新对我来说并没有解决所有问题,而最近的发布的iOS 8.1.2在iPhone 和iPad 客户端中显示大小仅为20MB,仅仅是对系统做了轻微的调整,针对的是在8.1.1加入不就得手机铃声问题。
尽管iOS 8.1.2是刚刚发布的更新,问题是新系统的缺陷原本在之前的更新中已经清除。最为突出的问题包括电池消耗,Wi-Fi和系统糟糕的总体性能。而前面提到的电池消耗问题最为让人苦恼。
本段讨论的是如何解决你在更新iOS 8.1.2后遇到的电池消耗过快问题。本文只是提供一些指导意见,但是不管怎样,新的更新来就一定会让你达到预期的缺陷修复效果肯定是不切合实际的,就让我们来试试吧
你的反应就是使用苹果在新IOS 8.1.2中提供的电池用量监视应用。点击设置-通用-用量-电池用量启动应用可以精确的查看哪些应用耗电最多,具体可以查看24小时内那个程序消耗电量最多也可查看最近一周的消耗情况。当你弄清楚个程序正在消耗电量时,你就可以在你的iPhone 或者 iPad电池快没电时退出那个程序,关闭它的后台运行。
这就是苹果,这些问题也仅仅是小问题,而且在未来的某个时间都得到解决。本文旨在给您指出一个正确的方向,顺着这个方向您的iPhone 或者 iPad便可以进行正常的操作。
不用苹果系统了 坑爹 不能随意降级升级 转投小米
不用苹果系统了 坑爹 不能随意降级升级 转投小米龙腾网
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