
中文数据库检索;周文琦;信息检索教研室; 内容提要;常用的专业数据库类型;典型中文数据库平台; 专业数据库的重要性;?专业数据库作为面向学术服务的数字化资源,它能确;?帮助用户进行了知识鉴别和精选,用户可以直接将专;?这也是专业数据库和目前网络中大量免费资源以及大; 常用的专业数据库类型(按照文种划分);12;中文数据库;外文数据库; 常
内容提要常用的专业数据库类型典型中文数据库平台 专业数据库的重要性? 专业数据库作为面向学术服务的数字化资源 ,它能确保所提供知识的专业性、准确性、 可借鉴性和实用性;? 帮助用户进行了知识鉴别和精选,用户可以 直接将专业数据库的知识拿过来为我所用;? 这也是专业数据库和目前网络中大量免费资 源以及大部分搜索引擎所提供知识的最大最 本质的区别。 常用的专业数据库类型(按照文种划分)1 2中文 数据库外文 数据库 常用的专业数据库类型(按加工深度划分)1 2文摘 数据库全文 数据库 常用的专业数据库类型(按照文献类型划分)1 2 34电子期刊 数据库电子图书 数据库会议论文 数据库学位论文 数据库 常用的专业数据库类型(按照文献类型划分)电子期刊数据库? 我们经常用的中文电子期刊数据库有CNKI中国 期刊全文数据库、维普中文科技期刊数据库和 万方的中国数字化期刊群,外文电子期刊数据 库有EI、SCI及Elsevier等。 常用的专业数据库类型(按照文献类型划分)电子图书数据库 ? 我们经常用的中文电子图书数据库有书生、 Apabi 、超星和读秀,外文电子图书数据库有ASME。 常用的专业数据库类型(按照文献类型划分)会议论文数据库? 我们经常用的中文会议论文数据库有CNKI中国重要会议论文全文数据库、万方的中国学术会议论文数据库。外文会议论文数据库ISTP、IEEE、ASME。 常用的专业数据库类型(按照文献类型划分)学位论文数据库 ? 我们经常用的中文学位论文数据库有CNKI中国博士、硕士学位论文全文数据库、万方的中国学位论文全文数据库。外文学位论文数据库有PQDT。 典型中文数据库平台CNKI中国知网 维普资讯 万方数据资源系统帮助您在信 息海洋中聚 焦专业学术 瑰宝 CNKI中国知网CNKI概述一二检索方法与技巧 一、 概述? 由清华同方知网(北京)技术有限公司 发行。 ? 国家知识基础设施(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI) 1999年6月,由清华大学、清华同方发 起,以实现全社会知识资源传播共享与 增值利用为目标的信息化建设项目。 ? ki.net13 CNKI知识网络服务平台与知识获取的关系一个数字化学习和 研究的平台一个提供知识 服务的智能化 知识库一个权威的 全文文献检 索工具CNKI
CNKI中国知网优秀 硕士 会议博士期刊报纸年鉴 中国期刊全文数据库简 介:目前世界上最大的连续动态更新的中国学术期 刊全文数据库, 收录国内7400种重要学术类期刊包含各类专业文献、生活休闲娱乐、幼儿教育、小学教育、中学教育、应用写作文书、专业论文、文学作品欣赏、90中文数据库检索2H工程硕士等内容。
  中文数据库检索实验报告(含检索步骤、著录方法等)_管理学_高等教育_教育专区。...20. 数字图书馆文献信息服务的十大趋势[EB/OL].[]. 实验结果分析...  检索实习报告一、在中文科技期刊数据库、中国期刊数据...工程设计 2、检索工具:国家科技文献信息,...硕士;【授予年】:;【研究专业】:电子...   中文数据库检索-万方_其它_高等教育_教育专区。...全文数据库”检索张洪才发表在《计算机工程》杂志上...修复” ,发表日期输入 “” ,点检索即可...  的使用 3、实习题目: ①在“学位论文全文数据库”中检索“网络工程”专业、题名中含有“移动通信”的、不是东北大 学授予的、在
年发表的硕士论文有...  工程索引》是供查阅工程技术领域文献的综合性情报检索...利勇[J]. 读者欣赏(理论版),2012,(Z2). 多选...(对) 正确 59.维普中文科技期刊数据库提供的期刊...   信息检索与利用实习报告(工程硕士2014)刀勇_研究生...Social science computer review ) (E-...中文学位论文数据库(10%) 检索式 检索 检索 检中...  工程硕士信息检索作业作业要求: 1. 结合自己专业自主选题,一人一题。 2.根据...中文期刊论文的检索: (5 分) 任选 1 个中文期刊数据库,检索中文期刊论文。 ...   实验一中文数据库信息检索(最终)_物理_自然科学_...网络工程见附表达二),完成以下模拟检索过程: 8 ...(6) 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库(CNKI) (7...   《中文数据库检索与利用》上机实习_计算机软件及应用_IT/计算机_专业资料。利用...其中:2011 年 1 篇会议论文,2012 年 1 篇硕士论文,2013 年 1 篇期刊论文...&& 查看话题
Elsevier 公布旗下期刊2008年影响因子情况
阿姆斯特丹,日讯——近日,全球最大的科学技术及医学信息产品及服务提供商Elsevier公布了2008年旗下期刊的影响因子表现情况。从2007年到2008年,75%的Elsevier期刊影响因子都获得了提升。根据汤姆森·路透公司发布的2008年《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports),在涵盖了自然科学和社会科学的所有229个学科分类中,Elsevier期刊在51个学科中的排名第一。
除此之外,30种Elsevier 期刊在2008年第一次拥有了自己的影响因子。这些期刊中有的取得了非常显著的成绩,它包括两种Cell出版社的期刊:《细胞——干细胞》(Cell Stem Cell (/cell-stem-cell/home,影响因子是16.826)在“细胞生物学类别”的157种期刊中排名第6,而《细胞——宿主与微生物》(Cell Host & Microbe ,/cell-stem-cell/home,影响因子是7.436)在“微生物类”的91中期刊中排名第10。另一个第一年入选JCR就取得好成绩的期刊是《今日材料》(Materials Today ,/,影响因子是12.929), 它在“多学科类别——材料科学”中的191种期刊中排名第4.
182种Elsevier 期刊的影响因子比2007年提高了50%多。《柳叶刀》旗下的三种专业期刊的影响因子全部提高。《柳叶刀——传染病》(Lancet Infectious Diseases,/journals/laninf/issue/current)的影响因子提高至13.165,在“传染病”类别中拔得头筹。《柳叶刀——肿瘤》(Lancet Oncology,/journals/lanonc/issue/current)的影响因子提高至13.283,,比2007年的数值整整提高了1点多。最后,《柳叶刀——神经病学》(Lancet Neurology,/journals/laneur/issue/current)的影响因子提高了40%,达到了14.270,从而连续5年蝉联了“临床神经病学”类中的第一名。
其他Elsevier期刊的影响因子也是逐年递增,尤其是《生物材料》(Biomaterials,/locate/biomaterials),此刊的影响因子自2003年以来不断提升。《过敏及临床免疫学杂志》(The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,/locate/jaci)在过去五年里影响因子持续增长。
Elsevier负责美国医学期刊的高级副总裁Glen Campbell说,“每一年度公布的影响因子都证明了我们在医学期刊出版方面的领先地位和卓越表现。今年,如此多期刊的优异表现更是见证了我们与期刊编委、各类学会的密切合作,影响因子的增长是我们辛勤工作、通力合作、注重质量的结果。”
& &“这一事实不仅说明Elsevier是这个行业中整体业绩最好的一个,同时也证实了过去三年间我们一直对期刊质量的重视。影响因子的提高也证明了我们期刊上发表的是最高质量的研究成果。”Elsevier 科技期刊出版执行董事Martin Tanke说道,“我们要感谢与我们通力合作的那些能干的编辑们,是他们每天与我们一起耕耘这些杂志,使之成为同领域中最好的期刊。”
Elsevier旗下的食品类SCI期刊好多都下降了啊。 Elsevier 公布旗下期刊有不是SCI的吗? Originally posted by iufrank2930 at
Elsevier 公布旗下期刊有不是SCI的吗? 当然有啊。很多在国内期刊在Elsevier上出版的。 Elsevier主要是工程方面的吧 爱思唯尔
希望我能发个高的 Elsevier旗下的信号处理SCI期刊好多都上升了啊。 Elsevier旗下的能源类SCI期刊好多都下降了啊 elsevior经营有方,每年从中国勒索多少钱啊Originally posted by springimu at
阿姆斯特丹,日讯——近日,全球最大的科学技术及医学信息产品及服务提供商Elsevier公布了2008年旗下期刊的影响因子表现情况。从2007年到2008年 ...
我们对为这个Elsevior 的巨大收入做了很多工作............... 好多是不收版面费的吧? 国外的期刊收版面费的还真不多。
不过现在SCI把ISTP检索也纳入计量,因为国内造会议论文造得多的是对检索有补贴的二流学校,这些学校一般买不起elsiver的数据库,应该elsiver系列刊物的影响因子在新的评价体系中会慢慢落后。除非他降低数据库资费,扩大旗下期刊的可见度。 是啊 每年要从中国勒索多少钱啊
:mad: Originally posted by foodwuwei at
Elsevier旗下的食品类SCI期刊好多都下降了啊。 楼上也是食品的啊?FOOD CHEMISTRY都下降了好多,本来想投一篇的,后来改了,投AB啦,真郁闷啊,ACA也降了一点点,刚中了2篇 我觉得有道理 elsevier,确实很专业啊。 今年的因子几乎是去年基础上加
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出 版 社:&
& 本书前言、目录均已译成
&&& 本书在原版Encyclopedia Toxicology(2nd edn)的基础上对词条进行了分类重
&&& &&&相比其他同领域图书来讲,本书提供了更全面、更广泛的毒理学知识&&
&&& &&-Jourrtal of Toxicology:Clinical Toxicology
&&& &&&对于科学研究、工业安全管理及临床管理来说,都是极好的参考资料一&
&&& &&Amemcan Reference Books Annuaf(1 999)
&&& &Wexler博士不但毒理学知识非常丰富,而且对新知识的理解应用、毒理学与其
&&& &&周平坤
Aberrations of Chromosomes(染色体畸变,染色体异常)see Chromosome AberratiOIlS
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1
&Absorption(吸收)JuIes Brodeur and Robert Taraif& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&1
&Acceptable Daily Intake(ADI)(每日允许摄人量)Jaya ChiIakapati and Har-hara M
& MehendaIe&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.6
&Aggregate Exposures(累积照射)Jeffrey H Driver&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8
&Ames Test(埃姆斯试验)Robin C Guy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11
Analytical Toxic010gy(分析毒理学)Shayne C Gad& &&&&&&&&&&&&&15
Aneuploidy(非整倍性)David A Eastmond& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&19
Animal Models(动物模型)Shayne C Gad& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&22
&Aquat]c Ecotoxic010gy(水域生态毒理学、水域生态毒物学)see Ecotoxicology,
& Aquatic& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&24
&Aquat]c Toxicity Testing(水生毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing,Aquatic& &&&&24
AVian Ecotoxic010gy(鸟类生态毒理学)see Ecotoxicology,Avian&&&&&&&24
BehaVioral T0xicity Testing(行为中毒试验、行为毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing,
& Behavioral&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&25
Behavioral Toxicology(行为毒理学)Deborah A Cory-SIechta& &&&&&&&&&25
Benchmark Dose(基准剂量)Q.yu Jay Zhao&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&49
Biological Exposure Index(生物照射)AIan J Weinriich& &&&&&&&&&&&&52
&Biomarkers,Environmental(环境生物标记)Lee R Shugart&&&&&&&&&&54
&Biomarkers,Human Health(人类健康生物标记)Rogene F Henderson&&&&&57
&Biotransformation(生物转化)Tanya C McOarthy and Christopher J SinaI& &&&&62
Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Formation and DNA Repair(致癌原一DNA加合物形成与
& DNA修复)Ainsley weston andMiriam C Poirier& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&76
Carcinogenesis(致癌作用)David E MaIarkey and Roberr R Maronpot& &&&&&&8 1
Carcinogenicity Toxicity Testing(致癌毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing,Carcinog&
& enesis&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&102
Chemicai&Specific Adjustment Factor(CSAF)(化学特异性调节因子)Bette Meek
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&103
Chromosome AberratiOIlS(染色体畸变、染色体异常)Antone L Brooks&&&&&106
Combustion Toxicology(燃烧毒理学)Barbara C Levin and Erica D Ku&gowski& &108
Common Mechanism of Toxicity(主要毒性机理)Beth M&eson&&&&&&&&122
Computational Toxic010gy(计算机毒理学)S Satheesh Anand and Har&1ara M Meh&
& endale& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&124
CumulatiVe Risk Assessment(累积危险评价)Jeffrey H Driver& &&&&&&&&128
Deoxyribonucleic Acid(脱氧核糖核酸)see Aneuploidy;Carcinogen-DNA Adduct
Formation and DNA Repair;Chromosome Aberrations;DNA Phosphoramidites;
&&& Genetic Toxicology;Genomics,Toxicogenomics& &&&&&&&&&&&&&130
& Dermal Toxicity Testing(皮肤毒性试验)see T0xicity Testing,Dermal& &&&&130
& Development Toxicity Testing(发育毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing,Developmental
&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&130
& Developmental Toxicology(发育毒理学)CaIyin C Willhite and Philip E Mirkes&&1 30
& DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)see Aneuploidy;Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Formation and
&&& DNA Repair;Chromosome Aberrations;DNA Phosphoramidites;Genetic To&
&&& xicology;Genomics,Toxicogenomics;Molecularlr Toxicology&Recombinant DNA
&&& Technology;Toxicity Testing,Mutagenicity&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&168
& DNA Adduct(DNA加合物)see CarcinogemDNA Adduct Formation and DNA
& Repair& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&168
& DNA Phosphoramidites(DNA亚磷酰胺)Sang-Tae Kim& &&&&&&&&&&&168
& DNA Repair(DNA修复)see Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Formation and DNA Repair
&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&169
& Dominant Lethal Tests(显性致死试验)Samantha E Gad&&&&&&&&&&&170
& Dose-Response Relationship(剂量效应关系)Samantha E Gad& &&&&&&&&172
& Ecotoxic010gy(生态毒理学、生态毒物学)Chris Theodorakis& &&&&&&&&&176
& Ecotoxicology,Aquatic(水域生态毒理学)Yuan Zha0 and Michael C Newman&&180
& Ecotoxioology,Avian(鸟类生态毒理学)Pierre Mineau& &&&&&&&&&&&181
& Ecotoxicology,Genetic(遗传生态毒理学)Wendy L Rose and Susan L Anderson
&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&186
&Ecotoxicology,Invertebrate(无脊椎动物生态毒理学)PaweI J MiguIa&&&&&193
&Ecotoxicology,Terrestrial(陆地生物生态毒理学)Anne Fairbrother and Bruoe Hope
&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&198
&Ecotoxicology,Wildlife(野生动植物生态毒理学)Richard S HaIbr00k&&&&&203
&Environmental Hormone Disruptors(环境激素破坏剂)Lorenz Rhomberg and Mara
& Seeley& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&207
& Environmental Toxicology(环境毒理学)CMs Theodorakis&&&&&&&&&&211
& Exposure(暴露)Gary Whitmyre and Sam Kaoew&&&&&&&&&&&&&&214
& Exposure Assessment[(危害)暴露评估]Gary Whitmyre and Jeffrey H Drivet&&217
& Exposure Citeria(暴露标准)Andrew Maier&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&220
& Eye Irritancy Testing(眼球刺激试验)Samantha E Gad& &&&&&&&&&&&225
& Food Safety and Toxicology(食品安全与毒理学)Michael BoIger and Clark D Carr&
&&& ingtOn&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&233
& Foreign Body Response(异物反应)Shayne C Gad& &&&&&&&&&&&&&239
& Forensic Toxicology(法医毒理学)FeIix K Adatsi&&&&&&&&&&&&&&241
& Genetic Ecotoxicology(遗传生态毒理学)see Ecotoxic010gy,Genetic& &&&&&247
& Genetic Toxicology(遗传毒理学)Joseph R Landolph& &&&&&&&&&&&&248
Genomics,Toxicogenomics(基因组、毒物基因组)Kartik Shankar and Harihara M
& MehendaIe&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&259
Good Clinical Practice(GCP)(药物临床试验管理规范)Sharmilee P Sawant and
& Harihara M Mehendale&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&261
G00d I。aboratory Practices(GLP)(良好实验室管理规范)Robin C Guy&&&&&264
Hormesis(毒物刺激作用)Elyisha A HannIman and Christopher J Sinal& &&&&&268
Hormone Disruptors(激素破坏剂)see Environmental Hormone Disruptors& &&271
Host-Mediated Assay(宿主问介试验)David A Eastmond& &&&&&&&&&&271
Hypersensitivity,Delayed Type(迟发型超敏反应)Leigh Ann Burns-Naas& &&&273
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health(IDLH)Values(即刻性损伤或致死浓度)
& AIan J Weinrich&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&276
Inhalation Testing(吸人试验)see Toxicity Testing,Inhalation& &&&&&&&278
Interactions(相互作用)see Interactive Toxicity& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&278
Interactive Toxicity(相互作用毒性)S Satheesh Anand and Harihara M MehendaIe
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&278
Irritation Testing(刺激试验)see Toxicity Testing,Irritation& &&&&&&&&283
LDs0/IC50(Lethal Dosage 50/Lethal Concentration 50)(半数致死剂量)Shayne C
& Gad& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&284
Lethal,Dosage or Concentration(致死剂量/浓度)see LD50/LC50(Lethal Dosage
& 50/Lethal Coneentration 50)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&288
Levels of Effect in Toxicological Assessment(毒物效应评价水平)MichaeI Dourson
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&288
Lowest&Observed&Adverse-Effeet Level(观察到副作用的最小剂量)see Levels of
& Effect in Toxic010gical Assessment& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&290
Lowest-Observed&Effect Level(观察到作用的最小剂量,最低作用水平)see Leve&
& ls of Effect in Toxic010gical AssessmeIlt&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&290
Margin of Exposure(MOE)(暴露界限)Udayan M Apte and Har&1ara M MehendaIe
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&290
Maximum A110wable Coneentration(MAC)(最高容许浓度)Shayne C Gad&&&291
Maximum Tolerated Dose(MTD)(最大耐受剂量)Shayne C Gad&&&&&&&292
Mechanisms of Toxicity(毒性机制)Sanjay Chanda and Har&1ara M MehendaIe& &293
Mode 0f ActiOn(作用方式)Lynne Haber& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&297
M0dels(模型)see Animal Models&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&298
Modifying Factors of Toxicity(毒性修饰因子)Frank C Lu and Sam Kacew&&&299
Molecular Toxicolog广Recombinant DNA Technology(分子毒理学一重组DNA技术)
Evan A Thackaberry&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&306
Mouse Lymphoma Assay(小鼠淋巴瘤测定)Robin C Guy& &&&&&&&&&&314
Neoplasia(瘤形成)see Carcinogenesis& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&316
Neurotoxicity(神经毒性)Peter S Spencer and Pamela J Lein& &&&&&&&&316
&Nonionizing Radiation(非电离辐射)see Radiation Toxicology,Ionizing and Non&
& ionizing_&&&-&&&&&&&-&&&&&&-&&&..&&&&&..&&..&&&.328
&No-Observed&Adverse Effect Level(未观察到的副作用水平)see Levels of Effect
& in Toxicological Assessment&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&328
&No-Observed&Effect Level(未观察到的效应水平)see Levels of Effect in Toxic01-
& ogical Assessment&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&328
&Occupational Exposure Limits(职业性暴露极限)Andrew Maier&&&&&&&&329
&Occupational Toxicology(职业毒理学)Elizabeth V Wattenberg&&&&&&&&331
&Ototoxicity(耳毒性)Michael J SuIlivan&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&339
&Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics(药物代谢动力学/毒物代谢动力学)Robert Tardif
& and Jules Brodeur&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&343
&Pharmacology and Safety(安全药理学)see Safety Pharmac010gy(拓展卷)&&&350
&Radiation Toxicology,Ionizing and Nonionizing(电离辐射与非电离辐射毒理学)
& Bobby R Scott and Raymond A Guilmette&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&351
&Recombinant DNA(重组DNA)see Molecular Toxicology-Recombinant DNA Tec-
& hnology&&&&&&&&&&&&&&二&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..365
&safety Testing,clinical Studies(临床研究安全试验)Alessandra Pagnoni&&&&366
&Sensitivity Analysis(灵敏度分析)Virginia Lau&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&368
&Sensitization Testing(敏感试验、致敏试验)see Toxicity Testing,Sensitization
& &&&。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&369
&Short-Term Exposure Limit(短期暴露限度)see Occupational Exposure Limits
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&。&&&&&&&&&&&-&&&&&369
&Subchronic Toxicity(亚慢性毒性)see Toxicity,Subchronic&&&&&&&&&369
Terat010gy(畸形学)see Developmental Toxicology&&&&&&&&&&&&&369
&Teratology Testing(致畸实验)see Toxicity Testing,Developmental&&&&&369
Terrestrial Ecotoxicology(陆地生态毒理学)see Ecotoxicology,Terrestrial& &&369
Threshold Limit Value(阈限值)see Occupational Exposure Limits&&&&&&369
Toxicity Testing,Alternatives(选择性毒性试验)Shayne C Gad&&&&&&&370
Toxicity Testing,Aquatic(水域毒性试验)Shayne C Gad&&&&&&&&&&375
Toxicity Testing,Behavioral(行为毒性试验)Samantha E Gad&&&&&&&&382
Toxicity Testing,Carcinogenesis(致癌毒性试验)Shayne C Gad&&&&&&&389
Toxicity Testing,Dermal(皮肤毒性试验)Samantha E Gad and Shayne C Gad&394
Toxicity Testing,Developmental(发育毒性试验)Rochelle w Tyl&&&&&&&404
Toxicity Testing,Inhalation(吸人毒性试验)Samantha E Gad and Shayne C Gad
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&418
Toxicity Testing,Irritation(刺激毒性试验)Perttl J Hakkinen& &&&&&&&&428
Toxicity Testing,Modeling(模型化毒性试验)Charles A Pittinger,Andrew Worth。
Joanna Jaworska and Joanne Shatkin&&&&&&-&&&.&&&&&&...&&.430
Toxicity Testing,Mutagenicity(致突变毒性试验)Robin C C-oy&&&&&&&&435
Toxicity Testing,&Read Across Analysis&[识读交叉分析(毒性试验)]Pertti J
& Hakkinen& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&440
Toxicity Testing,Reproductive(生殖毒性试验)R0che&e W TyI& &&&&&&&44 1
T0xicity Tesi:ing,SensitizatiOn(致敏毒性试验)Robin C Guy&&&&&&&&&451
Toxicity Testing,Validation(毒性试验验证)Leon H Bruner,G J Oarr,M Chamb.
& erIain and R D Curren& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&457
Toxicity,Acute-(急性毒性)DonaId J Ecobichon& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&474
T0xicity,Chronic(长期毒性)Donald J Ecobichon&&&&&&&&&&&&&&480
Toxicity,Subchronic(亚慢性毒性)Donald J Ecobichon& &&&&&&&&&&&485
Toxicokinetics(毒物代谢动力学)see Pharmacokinetics/T0xicokinetlcs& &&&&489
Toxicology(毒理学)GabrieI L Plaa&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&489
Toxic010gy,Intuitive(直觉毒理学)Pertti J Hakkihen&&&&&&&&&&&&492
Uncertainty Analysis(不确定检验)Virginia Lau& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&494
Uncertainty Factors(不确定系数)Michael Dourson&&&&&&&&&&&&&496
Validation of T0xicity Testing(毒性试验验证)see Toxicity Testing,Validation
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&501
Veterinary T0xic010gy(兽医毒理学)W&son K Rumbe&1a and Frederick W Oehme
& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&502
Virtually Safe Dose(VSD)(实际安全剂量)Stephen M Dizio&&&&&&&&&516
&&& 很荣幸有机会再次向广大读者介绍这本毒理学百科全书。第二版百科全书在第一版
&&& 自第一版百科全书出版以后,毒理学的发展又发生了显著的变化,而且现在这种变化
&&& 从那时起,分子生物学技术在毒理学的各个方面发挥了越来越重要的作用,如毒性机
&&& 始终不变的是毒理学科技文献服务于广大专家的需求。考虑到毒理学方法基础和实
&&& 总之,此书是对毒理学科学的巨大贡献,是热衷于毒理学的科学家和服务于毒理学家
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Ernest Hodgson
&&&&&&&& William Neal Reynolds Professor
Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
&&&&&&&&&& North Carolina State University
(周平坤& 译)
&&& 时光流逝,人们对毒理学的理解和认识的追求仍在持续。我们一直希望能够结束贫
&&& 第一版毒理学百科全书发表后的7年中,毒理学学科的发展迈出了很大的一步。
复杂联系。美国国家毒物基因组中心(The US National Center for Toxicogenomics)建立
&&& 现在越来越多的消费者(特别是在西方国家)更倾向于接受药补和替代医学疗法,人
&&& 化学战、生物战和核战争历来就是社会关注的热点,它们有时是作为现实事件,更多
&&& 随着现代科技的发展,制造业、加工过程以及化学物和其他产品的使用使我们获益,
包括5 000万台电脑和13 000万部手机。据国际电子产品回收协会统计,到2010年这种
&&& 动物实验的替代实验正在逐渐渗透到毒理学研究领域中。虽然整体动物实验还不会
&&& 对化学物暴露(包括实际的和预计的)的深入研究,有助于我们更好地了解化学物对
&&& 在全球范围内,对化学物的控制和管理已经取得了很大的发展。里约热内卢地球峰
&&& 日,保护人类健康和环境免受持续性有机污染物(POPs)危害的斯德
&&& 美国拥有活跃的、不断壮大的毒理学专业队伍,他们进行着开创性的毒理学研究工
&&& 全球范围的毒理学资料和信息的协调和联络工作也在积极地开展。用于化学物分类
&&& 最后,毒物在个人和政治谋杀或仇杀中的作用:它可能在博尔吉亚家族(Borgias)统
&&& 第二版百科全书汇集了392作者提供的1057条目录,而第一版只包括200名作者提
Philip Wexler
(周平坤& 译)
&&& 现在有许多关于毒理学方面的普通或专业的单行本著作,其中大多数都针对于毒理
& 学家和毒理专业的学生,少部分适用于非专业人员。这本毒理学百科全书的出版不是为
& 了取代这些著作,而是希望能满足更广大读者和新的读者群对毒理学信息和知识的需求。
& 所以在编写上采取了一种新的组织形式,减少了入门级知识和专业论文的数据资料元素,
& 使本书定格于中级水平。
&&& 本百科全书尽管不求详尽无遗,但其内容仍然非常宽广。我们的想法是应考虑到
& 毒理学方面基础的、关键的甚至有争议的要素,因为这些内容要素是理解毒理学学科
& 基础及派生的社会影响所必需的。因此,这本百科全书不仅必须包括一些重要概念,
& 如剂量效应、作用机制、试验程序、终点反应、靶位等,还应包含单个的化学物及其分
& 类。尽管本书的重点在化学物上,我们也搜集了其他一些概念如辐射和噪音,并介绍
& 了毒理学相关的历史、法律、条例、教育、组织和数据库。本书还需考虑到环境和生态
& 毒理学,以便在某种程度上平衡那些侧重于实验动物和人类的知识点,因为最终需要
& 将所有的联系深入。
&&& 在化学物选择方面,编者们根据所掌握的知识,选取了那些具有相对较高的毒性、暴
& 露量、产量、争议性、受关注度或在其他方面引起人们兴趣的化学物。这些化学物并不代
& 表一个化学物条规清单或数据库组合,而是我们认为毒理学必须关注的化学物质。本书
& 没打算成为一本大规模的有毒化学物的一览表(这种一览表现在已经有好几本)。
&&& 依照许多传统的科学或其他百科全书的标准,本书完全按字母顺序排列。除了一些
& 有用的小字典外,此编排方式在毒理学上还没采用过。这种编排,再加上详细的索引和广
& 泛的交叉参照,应该使读者能够快速地查阅到所需要的信息。
&&& 尽管本书对毒理学家会相当有用,但更适用于其他人员,包括普通科学工作人员、医
& 生、法律和条例专业人员和有科学基础的非专业人员。在他们工作、学习的过程中,或者
& 有兴趣的时候,如果需要了解毒理学方面的知识,就可在此全书中获取。毒理学家在需要
& 温习或者快速浏览一下非本专业的内容时,也可以从中查阅;但要寻求深入的处理方案
& 时,就有必要去查阅专题论著或者专业期刊文献。
&&& 本百科全书的目的在于对那些有时很复杂的项目进行简要的概述。书中没有正式的
& 参考文献和脚注,因为这些与百科全书的目的相关性不大。它只有简单的目录引导读者
& 到相关的特别条目下去阅读更详细的信息。如信息资源的条目可以引导读者了解毒理学
& 方面的电子信息。
&&& 首先,我要感谢副主编们和所有撰稿人,他们的努力成就了本百科全书。感谢原策划
& 编辑Yale Altman和Linda Marshall,他们所做的铺垫性工作对本书的编辑出版有很大
& 的帮助;感谢来自Academic Press的现策划编辑Tari Paschall和高级制作编辑Monique
& Larson,他们的学识、专长和高效率工作使本书得以顺利完成;原稿的组织和格式审定工
& 作由Mary Hall、Christen Bosh和Jennifer Brewster完成,他们进行了非常技巧性的、耐
& 心和细致的工作。
&&& 我以个人的名义而不是政府职员的身份参加本百科全书的工作。书中的观点仅代表
Philip Wexler
LD5o/LC5o (Lethal Dosage 50/Lethal Concentration 50)
Shayne C Gad
~ 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The 50% lethal dose (LD50 or LD50) is the statis-
tically calculated dose (or concentration) of a mate-
rial (generally expressed as the amount of material
per unit of body weight) that would be expected to
cause the death of half the members of the target
species receiving it. The 50% lethal concentration
(LC.so) is the equivalent statistical projection for in-
halation. Until the mid-1980s, these figures were
considered perhaps the basic component of a toxicity
profile for any chemical or drug. However, after
many years of controversy and debate on a number
of fronts, including objections from animal rights
advocates, three alternative animal tests have been
developed to replace the LD50. They are the fixed-
dose procedure, the acute toxic class method and the
up and down (or 'up/down') method, and their use
has led to significant improvements in animal wel-
fare. These new tests have undergone revision and
refinement to improve their scientific performance
and to increase their regulatory acceptance. Further,
research into replacements for test animals, such as
cellular cultures, organs harvested from slaughter-
houses, in silico (computer) modeling, and physical/
chemical systems, has been extensive. While these
approaches will not be able to completely replace the
use of animals in the foreseeable future, they have a
bright future.
&& The in vitro cytotoxicity tests that have been
developed can already help reduce the number of an-
imals used in acute oral toxicity testing. For example,
cytotoxicity data are being used to determine the
starting dose for in vivo testing by applying a stand-
ard regression between cytoxicity and acute oral
LD50 values. A database of correlations between
cytotoxic responses and the acute oral LD50 of rats or
mice has been determined for hundreds of chemicals.
Using this approach, it has been proposed that a
tiered in vitro/in vivo testing process will reduce an-
imal use in the up/down method. For example, the in
vitro cytotoxicity of a new chemical is determined as
the first step, and the LDs0 value (mgkg -1) is pre-
dicted from the cytotoxicity data. The predicted LD50
dose is then used as the starting dose in the up/down
& In silico models (or 'expert systems') have also
been developed. These are computer software-based
structure-activity relationship and quantitative struc-
ture-activity relationship analyses of data libraries of
acute toxicity data developed for use in evaluating
and predicting the acute oral and inhalation toxicity
potential of a chemical or drug.
& While most of the focus has been on the potential
for oral toxicity, in vitro testing and computer mod-
eling for the evaluation and prediction of respiratory
toxicity are also being developed. For example, one
strategy consists of checking the existing data avail-
able for the test material itself, or on related sub-
stances, followed by acquiring knowledge on the
physicochemical properties of the test material. These
steps are followed by the use of computer modeling
techniques to try to predict the likely toxic effects and
target sites. In vitro tests could then follow to identify
likely target cells and evaluate the specific effects on
the cells (e.g., morphology could be determined and
assessments of the cellular energy status). A further
phase of in vitro tests could then be conducted on the
basis of results obtained in the first phase of in vitro
testing, choosing from tests using various types of
respiratory tract cells.
& When did modern Western society become con-
cerned with lethality testing? For what reasons were
protocols developed for describing lethality in ani-
mals in quantitative terms for the purposes of
making scientific, regulatory, or marketing decisions?
Interestingly, in this age of genetic engineering, few
people realize that biologically derived materials
were the subject of regulations well before the
passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in the Unit-
ed States in 1906. In 1901, a diphtheria epidemic
broke out in St. Louis, MO, because of improperly
manufactured antidiphtheria toxin. In response to
the resulting public outcry, the US Congress passed
the Virus Act of 1902. It regulated all viruses, se-
rums, toxins, antitoxins, and other such products
sold for the prevention or cure of disease in man.
Among other things, the bill eventually established
consistent potency criteria. In fact, by World War II
the US FDA was requiring batch-to-batch certifica-
tion and release for biologicals, a policy that remains
in effect for certain drugs. Hence, the earliest lethal-
ity testing was for the purpose of establishing con-
sistent potencies of biologicals, such as diphtheria
toxin, and not for evaluating synthetic chemicals.
&& One of the earliest publications discussing lethality
testing was an investigation into the lethality of
diphtheria toxin in guinea pigs. The publication de-
scribed lethality empirically in terms of percentage of
dead animals at each dosage because methods for
calculating lethality curves and the median lethal
dosage had not yet been developed. The authors re-
ported that lethal response to a given dosage of toxin
varied with the time of the year. Hence, years before
the term LDs0 came into parlance, supposedly as an
exact indicator of toxicity, data had been published
attesting to the volatility and imprecision of this cal-
culated parameter.
& Because the first use of lethality testing was in
describing the potency of biologicals, it only makes
sense that the same methods were soon applied to
extracted botanicals. (Note: There is no doubt that
both the Germans and the English tested in animals
the various poison gases employed during World War
I. Little of this work, however, appears to have been
published in the open scientific literature, although
portions of it have recently been made public.} In
1926, de Lind van Wijngaarden published on the le-
thality of digitalis extracts. Interestingly, he did not
plot his data as mortality versus dose. He delivered
his extracts intravenously and titrated the dosage
until he achieved complete heart stoppage. He was
thus able to determine the precise lethal dosage for
each animal and noted that these followed a bell-
shaped or Gaussian distribution. His experiments
took 5 years and used more than 500 cats, an effort
that would have been excessive and expensive by to-
day's standards. However, he did conclude that no
more than nine cats would normally be required to
'calibrate' an extract of digitalis. Trevan, in a pivotal
paper (1927), described the lethality of strophanthin,
cocaine, and insulin. Modern reviews have focused a
great deal of attention on the large number of frogs
used by Trevan. Most of the data he discussed,
however, were derived from experiments in mice
using cocaine or insulin. Perhaps so little attention
was given to this aspect of Trevan's paper, even
though it comprised the major portions of his work
(which ran to 31 pages and contained 11 figures and
six tables of data), because it has never been repli-
cated. For some of the lethality curves reported by
Trevan, well over 900 mice were dosed. Again, such
efforts would be excessive and expensive by today's
standards but were necessitated, in part, by the less
rigorous method of deriving lethality curves and ca-
lculating the median lethal dosage (LDs0). Modern
methods of data transformation and statistical anal-
ysis were, at that time, still in their infancy. He also
recognized that it was not necessary to describe an
entire dosage-response curve to calculate an LD50.
He, in fact, recommended that lethality determina-
tions start with small groups of two or three animals
each and that larger groups be used for confirmatory
& Behren confirmed the observations of both de Lind
van Wijngaarden and Trevan. It is clear from his ar-
ticle that the use of animals for standardizing digita-
lis extracts was accepted to the point of being
incorporated into the German and Dutch pharma-
copoeias. The objective of his paper was to compare
the cat and frog methods and develop a basis for
using fewer animals. He concluded that the frog
method was superior and that no more than 44 frogs
needed to be used, which was considerably less than
the 100-200 frogs prescribed in the German phar-
macopoeia of that period. Interestingly, these early
papers are often criticized with regard to the num-
bers of animals used, but the objectives and conclu-
sions are often ignored.
& Both Trevan and Behrens noted that when the
percentage of animals that died at specific dosages
was plotted against the logarithm of the dosage, the
resulting curve (the lethal dosage curve) had a sigmo-
idal shape slope and range that was 'characteristic'
for the species and the test substance. Shackell (1925)
first pointed out that such curves are integrated or
cumulative frequency curves (or ogives) and coined
the term 'dose-response ogive' (curve). Trevan noted
that these curves owe their shape to the fact that
different individual animals require different quanti-
ties of poison for death to occur. It was also Trevan
who identified the midpoint on this curve as being
the dosage that would kill 50% of the animals ex-
posed. He designed that point as the median lethal
dose, or LD50, and, thus, is widely credited with
having developed the classical LD50. Trevan and
Behrans essentially read the LD50 directly from their
mortality dose-response curves.
& Lethality testing of biologicals and botanicals was
essentially a response to governmental regulation. It
was only natural that similar methods would be
applied to synthetic chemicals. Major chemical com-
panies started establishing toxicity or industrial
health laboratories during the 1930s; the lethality
testing of synthetic chemicals was established by the
1930s. However, there were no regulatory require-
ments for such tests. In fact, there was no premarke-
ting toxicity testing of synthetic chemicals required at
all. In 1937, an elixir or sulfanilamide dissolved in
ethylene glycol was introduced into the market. Over
100 people died as a result of ethylene glycol toxicity.
The public response to this tragedy helped prompt
the US Congress to pass the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act of 1938. It was this law that mandated
the premarket testing of drugs for safety in experi-
mental animals. By the mid-1940s, most chemical
and pharmaceutical companies were routinely testing
new chemicals for lethality. In fact, until the 1960s,
preclinical or premarketing toxicity data packages
normally consisted of little more than acute lethality
data. Recently, new laws, increased scientific sophis-
tication, and greater societal concern over sublethal
chronic toxicity has led to more extensive and ex-
pensive preclinical or premarketing toxicity testing
packages, where acute lethality is a small, but still
real, concern.
&& The protocols used to assess lethality have changed
considerably since the 1920s. While the principles
originally described by Trevan have never been ques-
tioned, the methods for calculating the LDs0 have
become more sophisticated and the need for a high
degree of precision has been questioned. The prac-
tical result is that by using modern protocols, re-
latively few animals are species (generally rats and
mice) are employed and only two routes of admin-
istration are used. At least one route must be the
intended or the most probable human exposure
route. Hence, such protocols generally result in the
generation of eight lethal dosage curves (one/route/
sex/species). In the drug industry (where this ap-
proach is common), the two routes are generally oral
and intraperitoneal for an oral drug and oral and
intravenous for an intravenous drug.
Protocol Design Considerations
Whatever type of experimental protocol one chooses
to use in a lethality test, there are certain principles
and criteria that should be universally applied. The
principles are especially relevant in studies in which
small numbers of animals are used.
&& First, a wide variety of intrinsic and extrinsic fac-
tors can influence the outcome of a lethality test.
These include species, strain or substrain, age, weight,
an husbandry practices (e.g., type
of bedding and cage population}; environmental con-
volume and vehicles of test substance delivery. The
point to be made here is that the criteria for all these
factors should be specified in detail in the protocol
and strict adherence to the protocol observed. Oth-
erwise, intrastudy comparisons are invalid. Small
differences in protocols can cause large differences
in the LDs0 and are probably the major cause of
the considerable laboratory-to-laboratory variation
in the LDs0s.
& Second, because the animals will generally receive
a single exposure, great care must be given to the
preparation and delivery of the test articles. In a
chronic study, occasional miscalculations or mis-
delivery of the dosage would not generally greatly
affect the study outcome but would clearly have a
greater effect on the conclusions of a lethality screen.
One should always include appropriate safeguards.
&& Third, one must make sure that all animals are
successfully dosed and that accidental deaths are
identified as such. In acute rodent studies, we rou-
tinely assign spare animals to a dosing group. Per-
manent numbers are not assigned until we are certain
that the dose has been successfully delivered (e.g.,
Was the supposedly intraperitoneal dose accidentally
delivered intravenously? Was there reflux from the
site?). Spare animals not dosed are returned to the
pool of animals available for the study. Animals
found dead should be examined for evidence of ac-
cidental trauma. For example, it is not uncommon
for a rat to suddenly move while being gavaged. This
may result in a torn esophagus that may take 1 or
2 days to become evident. Depending on the admin-
istration route, one must pay close attention to do-
sing techniques and the volume limitations imposed
by these techniques. For example, 20 mi kg- 1 is the
maximum volume that should be given orally to a
rodent. Deaths that are clearly accidental should not
be considered in the final conclusions.
&& Fourth, lethality protocols, by the nature of the
question they address, do not specify all dosages.
This can sometimes result in a study in which ab-
surdly high dosages are administered. Hence, all
protocols should clearly state what the ceiling or
limit dosage will be and the reasons for selection.
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