iphone6 a1586Model A1586 (GSM) UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

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国行iPhone6/iPhone6 Plus评测
  不过区别于6Plus,4.7英寸的iPhone6并没有加入光学防抖系统,仍旧采用的是与iPhone5s相同的自动图像防抖,也就是通过快速连拍四张照片,将其智能融合成一张,从而减少机身抖动以及移动物体的模糊。所以,这相比采用物理光学防抖系统的iPhone6Plus自然略有不足,后者是协同处理器、陀螺仪和M8运动协处理器调整镜头移动反向补偿手抖的物理位移保持图像稳定。  在iPhone6和6Plus上,对于人脸识别也进行了优化,可以更快速的识别多张人脸,同时在连续自拍模式下优化对眨眼和笑脸的识别,自动拍摄最佳照片。在iPhone拍照的传统强项“全景模式”上,也升级到了4300万像素,并且拍照过程中可以自动调节曝光,让全景照片效果更好。  摄像方面,iPhone6和6Plus可以支持60帧的1080P以及240帧的慢动作视频,并加入了拍摄视频时的连续对焦功能,提高了视频的效果。同时还新增了将多张照片组合成短视频的“延时摄影”功能,电视节目上常见的云朵从空中飞过的镜头就是通过延时摄影拍出的。同时,两款机型都支持基于ISP的视频防抖功能(6Plus额外支持光学防抖)。  前置的FaceTime像素仍为120万,更换了全新的传感器,相比于5s的2.4光圈也增加到了2.2,同时新增加了视频自动HDR功能。在FaceTime编码模式上除了原有的H.264,增加了H.265,可以有效降低蜂窝数据下FaceTime的数据量。  此外,值得一提的是,iOS8支持第三方App通过API对摄像头的对焦、曝光、白平衡和硬件解码器进行调节,可以让开发者利用iPhone6/6Plus的摄像头打造独特的拍照应用。  行货iPhone拍照样张图集:  iOS8新功能:  今年6月份的WWDC上推出的iOS8的正式版基本上和iPhone6同时推出,其亮点功能如下:  1.支持通知中心的第三方插件  2.信息功能支持语音,并能在对话里分享照片和位置信息  3输入  4.加入健康App,可以显示M8运动协处理器和第三方配件的数据  5.终于支持了第三方输入法  6.新的照片A  7.加入智能照片编辑工具和照片滤镜,并可以直接调用第三方滤镜  8.家人共享可以简单的与家人共享购买的项目  9.连续互通可以让iOS设备和OSXYosemite协同工作,甚至是用iPad和Mac接听iPhone的电话  目前,在AppStore里有iOS8专属应用推荐区,包括图片编辑和滤镜、第三方输入法、通知中心小工具、分享方式、自定义功能、和游戏等。  ▲区别与iOS7的特殊应用  由于时间关系,本文就不在就iOS8的细节功能进行扩展而专注在iPhone的硬件功能部分。  4G网络和性能:  iPhone6和6Plus这两款手机除了屏幕和电池外,处理器、RAM等主要硬件配置相同,均为最新的64位1.4GHz双核A8处理器、M8运动协处理器和1GBRAM,但性能相比A7处理器并未有大幅提升。  ▲iPhone6和6Plus机身背部标识  使用GeekBench测试iPhone6和6Plus,其单核性能得分分别是,多核分别是,相比于iPhone5s的得分提升大约在15%-18%。  ▲iPhone6和6Plus在GeekBench软件上的跑分结果  此次评测的国行版iPhone6和6Plus都是苹果零售店出售的公开版本A1586和A1524“全网通”,借助于高通MDM9625的支持,可以兼容中国大陆三个运营商的所有2G、3G和4G制式。  详细制式和频段如下:  CDMAEV-DORev(800、、MHz);  UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA(850、900、、MHz);  TD-SCDMA1900(F)、2000(A)  GSM/EDGE(850、900、MHz)  FDD-LTE(频段1、2、3、4、5、7、8、13、17、18、19、20、25、26、28、29)  TD-LTE(频段38、39、40、41)  可以看到在4G方面iPhone6支持20个频段,而iPhone5s是13个。不过目前国际运营商间的4G漫游并未开始大规模开始,比如带着行货iPhone6来美国的话在国内移动号码虽然能用4G,但在美是漫游到AT&T的3G网络的。下面是我们对移动4G和联通4G在北京进行的两次随机速度测试:  ▲在北京用移动4G(左)和联通4G(右)的网速  这代iPhone也终于支持了802.11ac无线功能,为4.0标准。此外,苹果通过NFC近场通信芯片实现了ApplePay支付功能,付款是只需轻触TouchID并把手机靠近收款终端即可一气呵成。ApplePay10月份会在美国正式推出,中国和其他国家或地区就需要耐心等待了。  电池表现:  iPhone6使用了1810毫安时的电池,在中高度使用时,基本是多半天时间,和之前的iPhone5s区别不大,需要在办公室时插在电源上或者是携带充电宝。  而iPhone6Plus电池为2915毫安时,虽然几乎达到了iPhone5s1560毫安时的一倍,但6Plus的屏幕也是相对耗电量更大的,中高度使用可以到一天。  但两机标配的都是5V1A的,同样为6和6Plus充电后者会慢一些。有条件的话可以使用iPad的5V2.1A充电器对iPhone6Plus充电,可以获得更快的充电速度。  评测总结:  苹果iPhone走过七年头后,已经没有人再质疑它是世界上最好的智能手机,iPhone4的外观设计在今天还是很多厂商首选的模板,iOS的功能乃至扁平化也是很多厂商的追逐对象。  苹果也不断在挑战自己之前的成功,由于手机外观设计已经全面进入瓶颈期,iPhone6和6Plus在屏幕终于变大的同时外观上有了不小的争议,尤其集中在背部凸起的摄像头和略宽的天线带,但还影响不到苹果品牌、iOS8与生态系统的光芒。全球上市前三天销量突破1000万台已经说明了一切。  iPhone6和6Plus的行货开放版本支持中国移动、联通和电信三家运营商的2G、3G和4G网络,终于做到了全网通,让消费者省心不少。  那么问题来了,到底选择iPhone6还是iPhone6Plus?  购买指南:  其实就像当时推出时很多人纠结于选择iPad还是mini一样,在本人微博和新浪手机的文章评论上,绝大多数网友的问题集中在选择iPhone6还是iPhone6Plus上,因为每人对5.5英寸屏幕手机的接受程度不同,这个问题直接回答是很难的,但的确,iPhone6适合大多数人,对于大屏幕有特别喜好比如之前就用5.5英寸安卓大屏幕手机的网友可以选择6Plus。  相对于4寸屏幕的iPhone5s,iPhone6的4.7英寸已经增大了38%的显示区域,考虑到在屏幕上“一贯小气”的苹果,这个尺寸已经能让不少老用户满意了,不论是携带还是单手操作的难度都不大,在用iPhone6时,你会发现很少需要使用到双击TouchID的便捷访问功能。iPhone6价格还更便宜一些。  在使用iPhone6Plus的数天内,除了它的“大”,同时还需要关注的是它的“重”,5.5英寸的大屏幕和172克的重量可以说是一个不小的负担,双手拿着会更轻松一些。至于6Plus比6多的光学防抖,在手机拍照上的作用并非很大。  但1080P的屏幕吸引力可就不小,虽然安卓旗舰的屏幕已经达到2K级别,1080P的iPhone6Plus还是很让人向往的,在前文中也提到过,只是目前几乎所有第三方Apps并没有为Plus做出优化而是简单的放大显示,假以时日Plus的1080P屏幕的优势会显现出来。  此外,相比于iPhone6和iPhone5s差不多的电池表现,iPhone6Plus的电池可以撑满满一天,对电池需要较高又不想老是把手机插着充电器的网友来说,值得考虑。  说到最后,如果你不甘心直接买iPhone6的话,就去AppleStore或者朋友那亲手感受一下两款机型,再做决定,应该是最好的办法。  容量方面,首先推荐的是64GB,苹果取消32GB后,64GB和原先的32GB处在一个价格档,性价比不错,128GB也比之前多了64GB看起来更不错,但其实16GB的足够对手机要求不太高的消费者使用了。不过不要奇怪你买的64GB比别人的16GB预装的程序不同,苹果会在32GB以及以上的iOS8设备上预装iMovie、Pages、Keynote、Numbers、iTunesU和GarageBand。  而在颜色部分,由于iPhone6和6Plus的金色比之前5s更深,因此背面上下用来遮挡天线的带状区域显得特别突兀,“土豪金”成为了最不推荐购买的颜色,相比之下深空灰的背面显得最和谐,银白色的相对也不错。  由于此次中国内地是后续上市,所以目前货源还比较充足,大家可以选择从苹果在线商店或零售店预约取货,以及其它线上和线下渠道、运营商乃至虚拟运营商处购买。分享给小伙伴们:  本文标签:国行iPhone6,iPhone6,iPhone6Plus,iPhone6评测,苹果6相关文章国行iPhone6/iPhone6Plus开箱图集10.15  国行iPhone6/6Plus预约自提时间遭到推迟10.15  苹果官网摇号预订iPhone6依然火爆10.15  国行iPhone6今日再预约,17日店内摇号取货10.14  移动iPhone6合约曝光:每月赠送套餐费25%10.13  软媒旗下网站:IT之家之家论坛(Win10/WP8/Win7论坛)|6655网址之家10之家8之家7之家之家软媒旗下软件:软媒魔方|软媒时间|酷点桌面|闪游浏览器7优化大师8优化大师|软媒手机APP应用关于IT之家|关于软媒|联系我们|加入软媒版|网站地图|刺客团队IT之家,软媒旗下,国内顶级IT科技门户网站。Copyright(C)RuanMei,AllRightsReserved.软媒公司版权所有鲁ICP备号Silver, Gold, Space Gray
Silver, Gold, Space Gray
5.44 inches (138.1 mm)
2.64 inches (67.0 mm)
0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Weight: 4.55 ounces (129 grams)
iPhone 6 Plus
6.22 inches (158.1 mm)
3.06 inches (77.8 mm)
0.28 inch (7.1 mm)
Weight: 6.07 ounces (172 grams)
5.44 inches (138.1 mm)
2.64 inches (67.0 mm)
0.27 inch (6.9 mm)
Weight: 4.55 ounces (129 grams)
6.22 inches (158.1 mm)
3.06 inches (77.8 mm)
0.28 inch (7.1 mm)
Weight: 6.07 ounces (172 grams)
Retina HD display
Retina HD display
4.7-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display with IPS technology
1334-by-750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi
1400:1 contrast ratio (typical)
Retina HD display
Retina HD display
5.5-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display with IPS technology
1920-by-1080-pixel resolution at 401 ppi
1300:1 contrast ratio (typical)
Both models:
500 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)
Full sRGB standard
Dual-domain pixels for wider viewing angles
Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating on front
Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously
Display Zoom
A8 chip with 64-bit architecture
M8 motion coprocessor
New 8-megapixel iSight camera with 1.5u pixels
Autofocus with Focus Pixels
?/2.2 aperture
Optical image stabilization (iPhone 6 Plus only)
True Tone flash
Five-element lens
Hybrid IR filter
Backside illumination sensor
Sapphire crystal lens cover
Auto image stabilization
Auto HDR for photos
Improved face detection
Exposure control
Panorama (up to 43 megapixels)
Burst mode
Tap to focus
Photo geotagging
Timer mode
1080p HD video recording (30 fps or 60 fps)
True Tone flash
Slo-mo video (120 fps or 240 fps)
Time-lapse video
Cinematic video stabilization
Continuous autofocus video
Take still photos while recording video
Improved face detection
Video geotagging
Fingerprint identity sensor built into the Home button
Pay with your iPhone using Touch ID in stores and in apps
Model A1549 (GSM)*
Model A1522 (GSM)*
UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, ,
GSM/EDGE (850, 900,
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)
Model A1549 (CDMA)*
Model A1522 (CDMA)*
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, ,
UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, ,
GSM/EDGE (850, 900,
LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)
Model A1586*
Model A1524*
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, ,
UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, ,
TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A)
GSM/EDGE (850, 900,
FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)
TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41)
All models
802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi
Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology
Assisted GPS and GLONASS
Digital compass
iBeacon microlocation
FaceTime video
Initiate video calls over Wi-Fi or cellular to any FaceTime-enabled device
FaceTime over cellular uses H.264/H.265
FaceTime audio
iPhone 6 to any FaceTime audio-enabled device over Wi-Fi or cellular
Voice over LTE (VoLTE)4
Wi-Fi calling4
Audio formats supported: AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), HE-AAC, MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV
User-configurable maximum volume limit
AirPlay Mirroring, photos, audio, and video out to Apple TV (2nd generation or later)
Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold separately)
Video formats supported: H.264 video up to 1080p, 60 frames per second, High Profile level 4.2 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and . MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and . Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format
Siri — Use your voice to send messages, set reminders, and more
Use hands-free
Listen and identify songs
Home/Touch ID sensor
Volume up/down
Lightning connector
Built-in speaker
Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery
Charging via USB to computer system or power adapter
Talk time: Up to 14 hours on 3G
Internet use: Up to 10 hours on 3G, up to 10 hours on LTE, up to 11 hours on Wi-Fi
HD Video Playback: Up to 11 hours
Audio playback: Up to 50 hours
Standby time: Up to 10 days (250 hours)
Talk time: Up to 24 hours on 3G
Internet use: Up to 12 hours on 3G, up to 12 hours on LTE, up to 12 hours on Wi-Fi
HD Video Playback: Up to 14 hours
Audio playback: Up to 80 hours
Standby time: Up to 16 days (384 hours)
Three-axis gyro
Proximity sensor
Ambient light sensor
With amazing new capabilities and updates to features you use every day, iOS 8 is the biggest iOS release ever.
iOS 8 includes:
Family Sharing
Notification Center
iCloud Drive
QuickType keyboard
iTunes Radio
Control Center
Spotlight Search
iTunes Store
Game Center
Voice Memos
Apple Store
Find My iPhone
Find My Friends
iPhone 6 is not compatible with existing micro-SIM cards.
iPhone 6 (Model A1549, A1586): M3, T4
iPhone 6 Plus (Model A1522, A1524): M3, T4
Viewable document types
.jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (rich text format); .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel); . .ics
Apple ID (required for some features)
Internet access8
Syncing with iTunes on a Mac or PC requires:
Mac: OS X v10.6.8 or later
Windows 8; Windows 7; Windows V or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 3 or later
iTunes 11.4 or later (free download from )
Operating ambient temperature: 32° to 95° F (0° to 35° C)
Nonoperating temperature: -4° to 113° F (-20° to 45° C)
Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing
Operating altitude: tested up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)
Language support
English (Australia, Canada, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional Hong Kong), French (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
QuickType keyboard support
English (Australia, Canada, India, UK, U.S.), Chinese - Simplified (Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke), Chinese - Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Greek, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese
QuickType keyboard support with predictive input9
English (Australia, Canada, India, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Thai
Siri languages
English (Australia, Canada, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Mexico, Spain, U.S.), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Mainland China, Taiwan), Cantonese (Hong Kong)
Dictation languages
English (Australia, Canada, India, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Mexico, Spain, U.S.), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Mainland China, Taiwan), Cantonese (Hong Kong), Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Swedish, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Definition dictionary support
English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Thai, Turkish
Bilingual dictionary support
Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
Spell check
English (Australia, Canada, UK, U.S.), French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Russian, Swedish, Turkish
iPhone with iOS 8
Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
iPhone and the Environment
Apple takes a complete product life cycle approach to determining our environmental impact.
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus embody Apple’s continuing environmental progress. They are designed with the following features to reduce environmental impact:
Mercury-free LED-backlit display
Arsenic-free display glass
Brominated flame retardant-free
Recyclable aluminum enclosure
Power adapter outperforms strictest global energy efficiency standards
Speaker enclosure with 30 percent post-consumer recycled plastic
Apple and the Environment
about Apple’s dedication to reducing the environmental impact of our products and process. Or read our
for detailed information on the environmental performance of every Apple product.
Apple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization.
iPhone 5s Tech Specs
iPhone 5c Tech Specs
Call Apple.
Get answers about iPhone and rate plans before you buy. Talk with a knowledgeable Specialist.
*To identify your iPhone model number, see . For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see .
1GB = 1 actual formatted capacity less. Requires a plan (which may include restrictions on switching service providers and roaming, even after contract expiration); sold separately to qualified customers. C must be 18 or older. Wireless service is provided by and is the sole responsibility of your wireless service provider. Some capabilities are not available in all areas and depend on your wireless plan and service provider network. Service may not be available in all areas or at the signal strength, rates, speeds, or bandwidth as demonstrated.
Some features may require added fees. Contact your wireless service provider for more details. Customers who want to upgrade from another phone or replace a previous-generation iPhone should check with their wireless service provider for pricing options. For those who are not qualified customers, are not eligible for an early upgrade, are purchasing an unlocked iPhone, or wish to buy an iPhone as a gift, see your carrier, an Apple Retail Store Specialist, the Apple Online Store, or an Apple Authorized Reseller for pricing. In CA and RI, sales tax is collected on the unbundled price of iPhone. Wi-Fi Internet access requir fees may apply. Use constitutes acceptance of Apple’s software license agreement. Warranty information is also available at . Unauthorized modification of your iPhone software violates the software license agreement. Inability to use an iPhone due to unauthorized modifications is not covered under your warranty.
Size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.
FaceTime calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends data charges may apply.
LTE, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput and vary based on site conditions. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see
Siri may not be available in all languages or in all areas, and features may vary by area. Internet access required. Cellular data charges may apply.
All battery claims depend on network configuration an actual results will vary. Battery has limited recharge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced by Apple service provider. Battery life and charge cycles vary by use and settings. See
for more information.
iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are free on the App Store for qualifying iOS 8 compatible devices with initial activation on or after September 1, 2013. See
for iOS 8 compatible devices. Downloading apps requires an Apple ID.
Wireless b fees may apply.
Customized suggestions based on recipient and app are not available for Chinese (Simplified, Traditional) and Japanese.
Some features may not be available for all countries or all areas.
Application and service availability and pricing are subject to change.兑换值406 努力11 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间55 小时
正式会员, 积分 437, 距离下一级还需 63 积分
发表于: 16:43:22
运营商内部人士向腾讯科技透露,中国大陆未进入iPhone6首发国家名单,原因在于尚未通过工信部的审查。“苹果对于手机入网的规则和流程非常清楚,材料早已提交,现在问题主要出在产品制式的开放上,不排除中移动版iPhone 6阉割CDMA 2000和FDD-LTE,而工信部需要时间来权衡各家运营商的发展利益。”
据运营商内部人士分析,苹果并不想iPhone 6在国内出现多个版本,而是想做到全网通,用以缓解多个版本出现供货不足的问题。
从iPhone 6的具体参数看,其支持GSM/EDGE、WCDMA/HSPA+、CDMA EV-DO以及LTE(默认是FDD-LTE),由于目前还没有得到工信部的认可,还无法确定是否支持TD-LTE以及是否屏蔽FDD-LTE,不过从中移动各方准备来看,必然支持TD-LTE,FDD-LTE则很难说。
兑换值406 努力11 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间55 小时
正式会员, 积分 437, 距离下一级还需 63 积分
发表于: 16:50:52
我们的大牛现在是被卡死在这了。。用TD LTE申请牌照入的网现在死活不给用电信4g哎。。。。
兑换值881 努力326 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间98 小时
中级会员, 积分 1363, 距离下一级还需 637 积分
发表于: 16:57:27
兑换值171 努力18 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间16 小时
正式会员, 积分 235, 距离下一级还需 265 积分
发表于: 21:58:04
兑换值512 努力27 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间50 小时
中级会员, 积分 599, 距离下一级还需 1401 积分
发表于: 21:59:55
本帖最后由 侃侃而谈 于
22:01 编辑
兑换值263 努力34 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间38 小时
正式会员, 积分 371, 距离下一级还需 129 积分
发表于: 22:07:12
兑换值331 努力10 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间51 小时
正式会员, 积分 471, 距离下一级还需 29 积分
发表于: 22:27:51
型號 A1549 (GSM)*
型號 A1522 (GSM)*
UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850、900、、 MHz)
GSM/EDGE (850、900、 MHz)
4G LTE (頻段 1、2、3、4、5、7、8、13、17、18、19、20、25、26、28、29)
型號 A1549 (CDMA)*
型號 A1522 (CDMA)*
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A 及 Rev. B (800、、 MHz)
UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850、900、、 MHz)
GSM/EDGE (850、900、 MHz)
4G LTE (頻段 1、2、3、4、5、7、8、13、17、18、19、20、25、26、28、29)
型號 A1586*
型號 A1524*
CDMA EV-DO Rev. A 及 Rev. B (800、、 MHz)
UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850、900、、 MHz)
TD-SCDMA 1900 (F)、2000 (A)
GSM/EDGE (850、900、 MHz)
FDD-LTE (頻段 1、2、3、4、5、7、8、13、17、18、19、20、25、26、28、29)
TD-LTE (頻段 38、39、40、41)
802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi
藍牙 4.0 無線技術
兑换值241 努力23 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间21 小时
发表于: 22:30:51
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
兑换值1246 努力32 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间33 小时
中级会员, 积分 1328, 距离下一级还需 672 积分
发表于: 22:58:16
兑换值301 努力61 精华0牛币1 主题帖子在线时间1 小时
中级会员, 积分 520, 距离下一级还需 1480 积分
发表于: 20:11:12
周一到周日 8:30-20:30 (全年无休)}


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